高一英语Unit2 English around the world教案高一英语Unit2 English around the world教案高一英语Unit2 English around the world教案


高一英语Unit2 English around the world教案

高一英语unit2 english around the world教案  自助式复习板块 知识搜索a. 单词 1.发音           (v.)_____________ 2.宽的             (adj.)______________ 3.毛巾             (n.)____________ 4.多数             (n.)_____________ 5.本国的            (adj.)_______________ 6.舌头             (n.)____________ 7.相等的            (adj.)_______________ 8.政府             (n.)____________ 9.国际的            (adj.)_______________ 10.情景             (n.)____________ 11.表情             (n.)_____________ 12.组织              (n.)_____________ 13.全球的            (adj.)________________ 14.交际            (v.)__________________ 15.服务             (n.)______________ 16.信号             (n.)______________ 17.司令官            (n.)______________ 18.独立自主的     &nbs(各种工作总结、计划、报告、作文模板,尽在一路高升范文网)p;     (adj.)_________________ 19.比较            (v.)___________________ 20.出版            (v.)___________________ 答案:1.pronounce 2.broad 3.towel4.majority5.native 6.tongue  7.equal8.government9.international 10.situation 11.expression 12.organization  13.global 14.communicate 15.service16.signal17.commander 18.independent  19.compare 20.publishb. 短语 21.在这种情景下________ ________ ________ 22.与某人交流_______ ________ ________  23.引进,赢利________ _________ 24.发生_______ ________ 25.很多_______ ________ ________ 26.熬夜_______ ________ 27.大多数_________ _________ _________ 28.别客气_______ _________ _________ _________ 29.以……告终_______ ________ _______  30.一个欧洲国家______ _______ ________ 31.母语,本族语______ ________ 32.全球变暖________ ________ 33.对……有很好的了解________ ________ ________ _________ ________ 34.多多少少,或多或少________ ________ ________ 35.做……有困难________ ________ _________ _________ 36.说英语的国家________ ________ 37.总共________ _________ 38.国际组织________ __________ 39.交换服务________ ________ 40.在过去的几个世纪里________ ________ ________ 答案:21.in this situation 22.communicate with somebody 23.bring in  24.come about 25.a great many 26.stay up 27.the majority of 28.make oneself at  home 29 end up with 30 an european country 31.mother tongue/native language  32.global warming 33.have a good knowledge of 34.more or less 35.have difficulty  (in )doing 36.englishspeaking countries 37.in total 38.internationalorganization  39.exchange services 40.over the centuriesc. 句型 41.在那个男孩的帮助下,我们没费多大的劲就找到了那个村庄。 with the boy_______ (lead) the way, we had no much difficulty_______ (find) the village. 42.我们班的人数是50,其中很多人是本地人。   _______ ________ of the students in our class is 50 and_______ _______of them______  native. 43.as time goes by, he has a worse and worse temper(脾气). →with time_______ _______ , he has a worse and worse temper. 答案:41.leading,finding 42.the number, a great many, are 43.going byd. 语法 44. the young father said to his children: “stand still, please!”→  the young father told ____________. 45. mother told me not to leave the door open after midnight.→  mother said to me:“______________.” 答案:44. his children to stand still 45. don’t leave the door open after midnight, please. 重难聚焦 重点单词 要点1 while 【例题】(经典回放)she thought i was talking about her daughter, ______,in fact, i was talking about my daughter. a. whom     b. where    c. which     d. while 解析:此句意思是“她当时认为我在谈论她的女儿,但实际上我在谈论我的女儿”,表转折。whom, where, which在此引导定语从句,不妥。  答案:d归纳与迁移 (1)(用以表示对比或相反的情况)  而;然而 i drink black coffee while he prefers it with cream. 我喜欢喝黑咖啡,而他喜欢带冰激凌的咖啡。 (2)= although虽然 while i admit that there are problems, i don’t agree that they can’t be solved.  虽然我承认有问题,但我不认为不能解决。  (3)=during the time that, when当……时 he fell asleep while doing homework. 他做作业时睡着了。 要点2 difficulty 【例题】did you have trouble ______the post office? a. to have found    b. with founding c. to find      d. in finding 解析:“表示做某事有(无)困难”用 have (no) difficulty (in)doing something,其中difficulty是不可数名词,也可以用trouble,表示“在某方面有(无)困难”则用 have(no)difficulty with something。 答案:d归纳与迁移 (1)[u] 困难,艰难,难度 have some/much/no difficulty (in) doing something做某事有困难/费了很大的劲/没有费劲 i had the greatest difficulty in persuading her to give up smoking. 我费了很大的劲劝他戒烟。 类似词组:have some/much/no trouble (in)doing something (2)[c] [种种]困难,难事 she met with many difficulties when traveling. 她旅游时遇到了很多困难。 要点3 majority 【例题】the ______of children in our class have black eyes; only three have blue eyes. a. most   b. majority   c. minority   d. mostly 解析:句意为“我们班大多数孩子是黑眼睛(各种工作总结、计划、报告、作文模板,尽在一路高升范文网),只有三个是蓝眼睛”。用a项应把the去掉;minority指“少数”;mostly是副词。 答案:b归纳与迁移 (1)n. 大多数(谓语用单动或复动) the majority of people prefer peace to war. 大多数人喜欢和平不喜欢战争。 the majority were/was in favor of the plan. 大多数人都支持这个计划。 (2)by a bare majority以勉强的多数票 要点4 except 【例题】i know nothing about the young girl_______ she is an actress.  a. except   b. except for   c. except that   d. besides 解析:a、d两项后面不直接跟句子,可跟名词、代词、介词短语等,except for 后接名词,except后面接that或when引导的从句。 答案:c归纳与迁移 (1) besides 作介词时,意思是“除了……还有(包括在内)”,作副词意思是“而且,更何况”,相当于“what’s more”或者“in addition”。 it was too late to see the film, and besides/what’s more, i was tired.   看电影看的太晚了,而且我也很累。 do you have other friends besides tom? 除了汤姆你还有其他朋友吗? (2)except 除去……,除了……之外(不包括在内,除去的属于同一类事物) we all went to see the film except tom. 除了汤姆我们都去看电影了。 (3)except for 除去……(除去的不属于同一类事物或者整体中除去一部分) your composition is well written except for your handwriting. 除书写外,你的作文写得也不错。 重点短语   要点1 find out 【例题】have you _______when my train leaves? a. turned out  b. come out  c. given out  d. found out 解析:turn out结果是;come out生产,出版;give out发出,放出;find out找出。 答案:d归纳与迁移   (1)find+宾语(名词或代词) at last he found that book.他最后找到了书。 (2)find+宾语和宾补(形容词、副词、分词、介词短语、不定式) did you find life hard in the country? 你认为在乡村生活难吗? you will find it a difficult book. 你一定认为它是很难的一本书。 we found him already in the care of a doctor. 我们已经发现有一位大夫照看他了。 (3)find +that clause(此种宾语从句可以转换为复合结构) we found that he was a good teacher./we found him a good teacher. 我们认为他是个好老师。 find out 表示经过打听、询问、调查之后才“搞清楚,弄明白,发现”(常指发现无形的隐藏)。 have you found out when the flight arrives? 你搞明白了飞机何时能到达吗? 要点2 more or less 【例题】i hope my explanation will prove_______ helpful. a. more and less   b. more or less c. more than less   d. more to less 解析:“我希望我的解释多少能有所帮助。” 答案:b归纳与迁移 (1)差不多,几乎 i have more or less finished reading the book. 我差不多看完这本书了。 (2)大致;大约;或多或少 it took more or less a whole day to paint the ceiling. 漆天花板花了我大约一整天的时间。 要点3 a great many 【例题】 our class is made of 45 students, ______are boys. a. many of them   b. a great deal c. most of them   d. a great many of whom 解析:a great deal 只修饰不可数名词,所以先排除b。如果a、c项答案前加and,a、c可选。 答案:d归纳与迁移 (1)a great many =very many很多,修饰可数名词。  a great many students have finished their task. 很多学生完成任务了。  a great many of the students have finished their task.  学生中的大多数已经完成任务了。 (2)相似的词组有: a large/great number of, many a, etc.   many a student has had a better knowledge of this physics law. 很多学生对这个物理定律已经掌握得很好了。 (3)只修饰不可数名词的有: a great deal of, a large amount of, etc.   a large amount of coal is shipped to all over the world from here every year. 大量的煤每年从这儿装船运往世界各地。  he has drunk a great deal of water. 他喝了很多水。 (4)既可以修饰可数名词,又可以修饰不可数名词的有: a lot of, lots of, a large quantity of, quantities of, etc.  (但large quantities of 修饰的名词,不管是可数还是不可数,谓语动词用复数) 必背句型   要点1 with...独立结构 【例题】(经典回放)______production up by 60 percent, the company has had another excellent year. a. as  b. for  c. with  d. through 解析:本题是考查介词的复合结构。a、b、d 三项都不能带复合结构,只能带宾语,而介词with可以带复合结构。 答案:c归纳与迁移 with+宾语+宾语补足语有以下几种情况: with +宾语(代词/名词)+过去分词/现在分词/形容词/副词或副词短语/不定式 he usually worked in his study with the door locked.  他一般是锁着门在书房里工作。 i can’t fix my mind on my work with the children playing so noisily outside my window. 因为孩子们在窗户外吵闹,我无法专心工作。 she used to sleep with the windows open. 她过去常常敞着窗子睡觉。 she came to a small river with green grass and red flowers on both sides. 她来到了一条花草丛生的小河边。 he went out with his head down. 他低着头出去了。 with some much work to do, he will go to that school this weekend.  因有许多工 作要做,本周末他要去那所学校。 要点2 it is (was)...that...强调句型 【例题】(湖北,24)it was______ back home after the experiment. a. not until midnight did he go b. until midnight that he didn’t go c. not until midnight that he went d. until midnight when he didn’t go 解析:在强调句型中,not until不能分开,放在“it is...that”中间,且引导的从句不倒装。 答案:c归纳与迁移 (1)强调句型的结构是“it is...that (who)...” 或者“it was...that (who)...”如果强调的是人,可用that也可用who,意思是“正是……;是……”。  it was tom who took you to hospital yesterday. 正是汤姆昨天带你去的医院。  it was liu xiang that won the 110metre hurdle race.  是刘翔赢得了110米栏冠军。 (2)如果强调的是物或其他的成分(谓语、定语外)只可以用“it is...that...” 或者“it was...that...”。 it was during world war ⅱthat he died.  正是在二战中他死的。 is it for this reason that he will not come here? 就是这个理由他将不到这里来吗?


高一英语Unit2 English around the world教案
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