Frightening nature教案Frightening nature教案Frightening nature教案


Frightening nature教案

unit 10 学案fill in the blanks according to the first letters.1、the u.s.a u________ iraq to give up i _________2、the terrible sight made her hair stand on e________. 3、he was t________ at the terrible accident yesterday.4、he b_______ himself in the country.5、mother are b______ the baby.6、s________ is a kind ship which is driven by steam.7、a ______is powders(粉末)that after something has burnt.8、f_________ means running or hurrying away from some place.9、i always keep a dictionary at h________. 10、i left the station she went on b________ the train. 答案:1 urged\ immediately 2 end 3 terrified 4 buried 5 bathing 6 steamship 7 ash 8 flee 9 hand 10 board

warming up1  observe  v  (1) she observed his actions with interest.(2) his neighbor observed a thief climbing out of the of his house.(3) the thief was observed to enter the bank.(4) he observed that it had suddenly grown much cold.2 danger n 抽象名词表示具体化事物,surprise  cold pleasure pity failure worry success honor beauty wonder interest  knowledge.a busy street is a danger to children.comparison  ① he is in danger ② he is one way to understand thousands of new words is to gain _______ good knowledge of basic word formation.      a. /     b. the    c. a   d. one       3 threat  n  carry out a threat to sb 扬言要做某事        be a threat to sb’s life threaten   vt  threaten (not) to do sth             threaten sb (not) to do sth           threaten sb with death (1) there was the__________ of typhoon.(2) american actions _________ world peace. (3) the thief _______him not to cry for help.(4) he threatened me with a gun.(5) they threatened that they would make it public.4 reduce  v (1) the company has reduced the price by 10 percent.i bought this shirt because it was reduced from﹩20to﹩10 .n: reduction: at a reduction of 10 percent   make a reduction

listening 5  hit  ① the area used to be hit by flood.        ② a powerful earthquake hit the small city.        ③ the death of his son hit the old man hard.        ④ john hit his head on\against the door.        ⑤ tom hit him on the nose.         ⑥ he hit john in the face.6 if rain is expected ,write “yes”. if not ,write “no”.这是一个省略句 完整的句子应为:if rain is expected ,write “yes”. if  rain is not expected , write “no”.speaking 7 know about  know of   know① i happened to know about him.② who knows about it but me.③ i don’t know mr. smith but i know of him.④ he is known _______a fair judge.⑤ hangzhou is known _______the west lake.⑥ her name is known ______everyone now .8 be scared\frightened to death  ① are you scared of snakes? ② she was scared to fly in a plane.9 frightening v-ing 用作形容词译为 “令人…”              v-ed 用作形容词译为  “某人感到…”eg: exciting interesting disappointing puzzling surprising astonishing shocking moving encouragingboring delighting inspiring pleasing worrying 写出这些词相对应的过去分词型形容词: eg : mr. smith,_____ of the_____ speech, stared to read a novel.a tired boring   b tiring bored c tired bored    d tiring boring  10 destroy vt  damage ruin  ① the fire destroyed the whole forest.② all my hopes were destroyed by his letter of refusal.③ the whole city was destroyed in the earthquake. ④ the bus was badly damaged when it hit the wall.⑤ haven smoking ruined his health. 11 go up ①everything seems to be going up these days.② new buildings are going up every where.12 on end ①the terrible sight made her hair stand on end.② he sat there for hours on end.

练习:1. the teacher _______some of the students reading novels in class,  a. looked  b. stared c. observed d. listened2. oh, john.________ you give us. a. how a pleasant surprise  b. how pleasant surprise  c. what a pleasant surprise  d. what pleasant surprise3. the driver reduced the speed ____ 20mph because of the dog. a.  for  b. by     c. to    d. at 4. the typhoon will _____ the east coast of our country soon .  a. beat    b. knock  c. hit   d. land5.  i ______it ,but i don’t ______it .   a. know; know of     b. know ;know     c. know about ;know   d. know of ;know about6. traveling is _____,but we often feel ____ when we are back from travels.    a. interesting ;tiring b. interesting; tiring  c. interesting ;tired d. interested ;tired 7 the film was so _____that all of us were ____tears.   a. moved moving       b. moving; moving  c. moving; moved      d. moved ;moved 8. modern industrial development has almost ____ the natural environment in some way ,which the human must rely on.   a. damaged   b. lost    c. destroyed  d. harmed 9.the boy _____at the terrible sight . a. scared  b. frightened  c. was scared  d. was afraid 10.when he heard the story of the hero ,mary was moved ____tears .   a. at       b.   by   c.   to     d. with 11 in that country ,because of failure of crops the price of wheat is _____ daily.   a. going down     b. going under     c. going up       d. going over 12. can you make an egg stand ______?   a. to the end b. in end c. on end d. at the end答案: 1—12 ccccccccccccreading 1 south  southern  southward(s)  southerly(1)south africa        southern africa east china        eastern part of china (2)the house faces the ________.(3) the window faces ________.(4) the southerly air stream will bring rain. the south pole 2 draw / catch / attract / call one’s attention (to sth)call one’s attention to sth   give / pay attention to sth .devote one’s attention to         with attentionbring sth to one’s attention 使某人注意某事。(1) her shouts drew the attention of people (2) i will call his attention to this matter. (3) the rising unemployment drew his attention.(4) he waved his hand to catch our attention. 3、 rise  v   raise  vt    (1) he pressed the button and the blackboard ______.  (2) he ______the blackboard so that everyone could see it.  (3) the food prices _______ last month.  (4) the owner _____the food prices (5) farmers are raising wheat in the fields. (6) he has to raise his family.(7) he raised a question which puzzled all of us.(8)they tried to raise some money for the disable .4  at a distance   (1) dogs that bark at a distance never bite.  (2) the pyramids are visible at a distance of several kilometers    from a distance  in the distance  keep one’s distance 保持距离;不接近by distance 按里程 5 such/so…(that) 用来引导结果状语从句,“如此...以至于”①such +a/an + (adj.)+单数可数名词+that-clause ②such +(adj.) + 复数可数名词+that-clause ③such +(adj.) + 不可数名词+that-clause ④so + adj./adv. + that-clause ⑤so + adj. + 单数可数名词+ that-clause ⑥so many/few + 复数可数名词+ that-clause ⑦so much /little + 不可数名词+ that-clause (1)jim shut the window with such force that the glass broke . (2) there was such a big rain that we couldn’t drive. (3) he ran so quickly that we couldn’t keep up with him。(4)i’ve had so many falls that i’m black and blue all over .(5) there was so little water left that only small children and patients were given some.(6)his idea was such a good one , we all agree to use it.(7)there were so a lot of people in the street that we couldn’t move on .6  in  在… 身上(体现的品质) ① you can feel helpfulness and care even in the these small children.② you will always have a good friend in me .③ in her i see a future leader.7 at hand ① fortunately there was someone at hand ,so we asked him to deliver the message at once.② the final examinations are at hand.③ she always keeps a dictionary at hand while writing.翻译:我的书不再手头上,以后再给你看吧。  ____________________________________________.    他们住在附近。________________________________.秋收即将到来。________________________________.hand 构成的介词短语:①hand in hand ______② from hand to hand ______③on (the) one hand ,on the other hand ___________.④at sb’s hand(s) 或at the hands of sb _________. 8 except      besides      except   for ① he reads nothing except comic magazine .②we all succeeded except tom. _________________.③we all succeeded besides tom ._______________,④jane can do everything except cook.⑤the article is a good except that it is too long.⑥the article is a good except for being too long.⑦he is a good man except for hot temper. eg   i know nothing about the young lady ______ she is from beijing a. except b. except for c. except that d besides 9 flee  fled  fled ① the family fled (from)the burning house.② mists flee before the rising sun.他从那国家逃跑了。he fled away from that country .he flew away (from) that country.he escaped from that country. he ran away from that country.10 the more ... the more  越……越…… 前者为从句,后者为主句。①the more you study ,the more you know . ② the more he eats the fatter he gets.③the more haste ,the less speed.④ the busier the old man is ,the happier he feels.⑤ it becomes colder ,the higher we go up in the air. 翻译:越多越好___________ 越快越好 _____________我越了解他,就越喜欢他 as far as i am  concerned, education is about learning and the more you learn ,________ a. the more for life are you equipped. b. the more equipped for life you are. c. the more life you are equipped for. d. you are equipped the more for life.10 pause vt / n  ① i had to pause for breath.② he paused and looked about.③the teacher played the tape with a pause after each sentence.11 urge vt/n  urge sb to do/into doing sth      urge sb (should)do (虚拟语气) ①he urged that we (should) take action ②he urged me to go there, but i refused.③he urged on us the necessity of patience. ④she felt an urge to fit him.12 on/upon +名词or 动名词 可在句中作状语,“一 ……就”相当于as soon as 引导的让步状语从句。① on/upon his return from beijing, he beganhis research work ② the students stood up on the entrance of the headmaster ③on hearing the news ,the woman cried out.翻译:他一到机场就被警察抓住了(arrest)________________________________________________.“一 ……就”的表达法: (1) the (very)moment(instant minute second,…)      the moment she saw the snake ,she turned pale.(2) as soon as   as soon as he heard the news, she burst into tears.(3) no sooner … than ,hardly   when / before    i had hardly got into the car when/before a man call my name.   no sooner had i got home than it began to rain. (4) instantly immediately directly     the young lady had rushed into the room immediately she heard a noise.(5) at/with +名词性词组with the first appearance of the sun the birds begin to sing  eg —did you remember to give mary the money you owed him.   —yes, i have gave it to her ____ i saw her .a. while  b. the moment c. suddenly d. once.  13 light up ①the candle on the christmas tree lit up the room.②the room suddenly ;it up.③he stopped and lit (up) the cigarette.④a smile lit up on her face.⑤her face lit up with pleasure.14 rain of 雨点般的    a rain of arrows/questions   a rain of bullets/bombs 15 more... than...①he was more frightened than angry.②she is more than laziness than stupid.16 pick out ① he picked out his sister in the crowed. ② he picked out a tie to match with the shirt.③ pick out the book you are interested in .pick and choose 挑三拣四 pick up 拾起 拣起(用车)接某人 收听  pick off 摘下来 pick a hole(holes)in 挑毛病练习:1、crowd of people moved in an _____ direction.   a east  b eastern  c easterly  d eastward 2 the exciting performances attracted the passers-by’s _____.a notice   b attention   c. patience d. taste 3 —the two pairs of shoes are _____ the same size.  -- but they are different ____ color.  a of ;from  b of; in c in; from d in;in 4 it looks quite nice ____,but when you get close you can see that it’s pretty awful.a in the distance b from the distance c at a distance   d within a distance 5 you can (请记得收藏本站-一路高升范文网,以获取更多新鲜内容)feel helpfulness and care even ____these children.     a on       b at    c with     d in   6 are your socks knitted_____ or machine-made?     a at hand  b by hand c in hand d to hand   7 it’s no use going there now,______, it’s too dark outside.    a however   b therefore c besides d then   8 the suit fitted him well _____ the color was a little brighter.    a except for b except that c except when d besides  9 the little girl was frightened _____ the sight of the dog.    a with     b of         c at        d over  10 will you wait ___? i will be back in ______.a a little moment; a short moment b for the moment ;moment c some moments little moment d a moment ;a few moments 11 he ___ me to go ,but irefused.  a persuaded b made c urged  d suggested12 although there were so many people in the square,   i could _____ my friend   a pick up b pick out c make up d set out 短文改错 (1) the students union decided to organize a music 1 _______ week .it will be held on the first week of may. 2 _______          the activities include singing pop songs and play 3________ classical and folk music. take your own       4________     musical instruments,please.a music contest  will be included.the students take part in the   5________contest will listen to the part of a song or a piece of 6______ music,and then guesses where it comes from.  7 _______if you'd like to take part in a music week,      8_______please come and sign up to it before april 20th.  9_______the place for the activities will be announced later.10______      (2)  dear jim,i'd like to tell you something more about our school  1____sports meet. it was holding on oct.6, which was a   2_____     fine day. there were over 1,000 students and teachers 3____   attend it. wang lin, a student from my class won the 4_____   100-meter race. he finish the race in 12.6 seconds   5____     and broke in the school record. the sports meet     6____      was really success. that was because we were     7_____       all trying to do my best.                       8_____           although i was not one of the winner, i          9______    was proud of that we had done.                10_____          looking forward to receiving your letter.                          yours,li ping答案 1-5 dbbcd   6-10 bcbcd  11c  12b (1) 1 decided前加has 2.on—in—playing 4.take—bring 5.take—taking 6to后去the 7.guesses—guess 8  a—the 9 to—for 10.√(2) 1、去掉more 2、holding改held 3、正确4、attend改attending 5、finish改finished 、去掉in 7、success前加a 8、my改our9、winner改winners 10、that改what


Frightening nature教案
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