高考英语单元知识点复习Unit 12高考英语单元知识点复习Unit 12高考英语单元知识点复习Unit 12


高考英语单元知识点复习Unit 12

unit 12理解:要点诠释单词1.strict讲:adj. 严格的;严厉的常用结构:be strict with sb. 对某人要求严格be strict in sth. 对某事要求严格例:she left strict instructions that she was not to be disturbed.她严格指示务必不要打扰她。her strict parents are very strict with her.她严格的父母亲对她要求很严。they were always very strict with their children.他们对子女一向十分严格。we must all be strict in our work.工作必须严格要求。练:—he is patient but strict_________ his students.—that is why he is popular_________ the students.a.for;for              b.to;to            c.with;for             d.with;with提示:考查短语be strict with sb.“对某人严格要求”和be popular with sb.“受某人的欢迎”。答案:d2.select v.& adj.讲:动词select表示“选择;挑选;选拔(尤指最好的或最合适的)”,;“精选的”。动词select表示selection n. 选拔、挑选,为不可数名词,表示“挑选出的事项或人”时,为可数名词。例:she was selected as the parliamentary candidate for bath.她被选为巴斯地区的议员候选人。six theatre companies have been selected to take part in this year’s festival.已选定六个剧团参加今年的戏剧节。the woman selected a vegetable dish from the menu.那位女士从菜单中选了一个素菜。the final team selection will be made tomorrow.明天将确定队伍的最后人选。i looked at the books in the library and made a selection of a mystery story.我看了图书馆的书,然后选了一本侦探小说。练:—who has been_________ to take part in the project?—we all believe jack is the most suitable person.a.selected                                  b.suggestedc.managed                                 d.engaged提示:根据后面所提供的语境进行选择,最合适的人选是经过精选出来的。答案:a3.suit讲:suit作动词时,主要义项有“对(某人)方便;满足(某人)需要;合(某人)心意;(服装、颜色等)相配;合身;套装;一套衣服;讼案;诉讼;官司”。短语:be suited to/for适合于be suited to do适合做例:if we met at 2,would that suit you?我们两点见面,你方便吗?if you want to go by bus,that suits me fine.如果你想坐公共汽车走,那对我也合适。it suits me to start work at a later time. 对我来说,最好晚一点再开始工作。i don’t think this coat really suits me.我觉得这件大衣不大适合我穿。everyone wore his or her best suit to the company’s annual meeting.每个人都穿着最好的衣服参加公司的年会。his suit against the phone company is not likely to succeed.他和电话公司的这场官司打赢的可能性不大。he is suited to/for teaching.他适合教书。链接•提示    注意比较suit用作动词表示“合适”时和fit的区别,动词fit一般指尺寸大小适合某人穿戴。练:(苏南八校三模) in china,many young people end up in a job_______they are not suited.a.which              b.to which           c.in which            d.at which提示:本题考查定语从句引导词的用法。从定语从句的谓语动词suit的搭配be suited to...得出答案。答案:b短语result in讲:该动词短语的意思为“造成……结果;引起”。例:the accident resulted in the death of 2 passengers.这起事故造成两名乘客死亡。his attempt resulted in failure.他的尝试终于失败了。his careless speech resulted in much argument.他的发言过于草率,因而引来很多争议。练:(湖北黄冈调研) a love marriage,however,does not necessarily_________ much sharing of interest and responsibilities.a.take over              b.result in               c.hold on               d.set about提示:本题考查短语动词的辨析。根据短语和句子的意思得出答案,result in意为“造成……的结果”。答案:b句型1.it/that depends讲:请观察下面教材原句:the success of a country in bringing education to all also depends on the economy.一个国家全民教育的成功与否也取决于它的经济。注意由动词depend构成的句型结构:depend on+n.取决于;depend on+n.+for+n.;that depends./it all depends.例:the price depends on the quality.价格取决于质量。today,there are few industries and commercial organizations that do not depend on computers.如今,几乎所有的企业和商业组织都依赖电脑。the flooded areas depended on the government for relief.洪水受灾地区依靠政府的救济。you may depend on them to arrive early.他们早到是会靠得住的。—shall we go climbing tomorrow?明天去登山吧?—it all depends on the weather.看天气情况再说。练:(湖北八校联考) —do you think living in the city has advantages?—_________.a.yes,perfectly                                 b.yes,it is c.nothing at all                                 d.well,that depends提示:本题考查情景交际用语。从语境分析,此处用d项,表示“要看情况而定”。答案:d2.it作形式宾语的句型结构讲:请观察下面教材原句:they do not like to sit still for long periods of time and sometimes find it hard to concentrate when reading or listening.他们不喜欢长时间地静坐,在阅读或听课时,他们发现有时会很难集中精力。however,restrictions of time,space and resources often make it impossible for teachers to provide the best exercises for all learners.然而,由于时间、空间和资源上的限制常常使教师无法给所有学生提供最好的训练。这两句话中都有一个共同的句型结构,即it作形式宾语,代替后面真正的宾语——动词不定式短语。例:i found it difficult to explain(请记得收藏本站-一路高升范文网,以获取更多新鲜内容) to him what happened.我觉得向他解释发生了什么事很困难。he thought it no use going over the subject again.他认为再讨论这个问题没有用了。they kept it quiet that he was dead.他们对他的死保密。we must make it clear to the public that something should be done to stop pollution.我们必须使公众明白应该采取措施制止污染。链接•提示    能够用于该句型的动词有make,find,feel,think,consider等。另外,真正的宾语还可以是从句。练:(湖北黄冈中学二模) i’ve heard_________said that elizabeth is a tough businesswoman.a.it                      b.her             c.what                d.that提示:本题考查代词的用法。it作形式宾语,that引导的宾语从句为真正的宾语。答案:a(2)(北京朝阳测试) i feel it great honor_________ to give a speech to you.a.invited                                  b.to invitec.having invited                            d.to have been invited提示:本题考查非谓语动词用法。it作形式宾语,to do作真正的宾语。根据句意确定时态属于过去且是被动,故用不定式的完成被动形式。答案:d辨析select,choose,electselect精选;指在同种的许多东西中,仔细审慎地加以“选择”,标准较严格,即在精选之中有所淘汰。 choose选择、抉择;用途较广,指一般的“选择”;指抉择时侧重意志和判断。elect选举(指通过正式手续);后接人及所任的职务。即时练习:(1)there are plenty of restaurants to ________from.(2)she became the first black woman to be________ to the senate.(3)all our hotels have been carefully ________for the excellent value they provide.(4)they were________ from among many applicants.答案:(1)choose  (2)elected  (3)selected  (4)selected诱思:实例点拨【例1】(广东模拟) john is very lazy.he falls________ behind in his studies.a.very                  b.more               c.far              d.still提示:fall behind表示“落后于”,表达程度时要用far修饰。答案:c讲评:此处考查程度副词far的用法,“远远地”。【例2】(江苏模拟) unlike watching tv,reading is highly active process(过程) ________it requires attention as well as memory and imagination.a.until                    b.but               c.unless               d.for提示:“a highly active process”与“it requires attention as well as memory and imagination”之间有一定的因果关系,所以应该用for。答案:d讲评:此处考查for用作连词表示原因的用法。


高考英语单元知识点复习Unit 12
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