Great Women教案1Great Women教案1Great Women教案1


Great Women教案1

人教版高一英语(下)教案unit 17 great women(reading )understanding of the teaching material(语篇分析)pre- reading:该部分是reading的前奏曲。针对去南极探险展开提问.问题涉及探险用具,极圈附近地理环境,生态及动物等。reading:该部分描述了一位60岁helen thayer女士独立探险南极的记述,刻画了一位勇于冒险,探索自然,不怕困难,冷静处事,意志坚强的女性形象。该文从helen的日记中改编截取而来,共8段三个部分。第一段写开始探险,第二段到第七段说探险过程,第八段结束--由于身体缘故,helen冷静分析后放弃的心理描写。   post-reading: 该部分分为两部分。第一部分对于课文的理解。第二部分要求描述helen的品质及由此展开对女性品质的称赞。tips:掌握正确方式描写人物checkpoints:对主谓一致掌握及总结集体性名词本单元课时安排:the 1st period: warming up and listeningthe 2nd period: speakingthe 3rd period: readingthe 4th period: readingthe 5th period: language studythe 6th period: integrating skills teaching objectives:一.learning objectives:  ability objects: 1.foster  the ss’ ability of  comprehending  passages ,especially their ability of analyzing the structure of such kind of articles. help the ss learn how to scan the text and get detailed information2.offer the ss chances of self-culture by working in groups and seeking information about helen thayer’s of traveling alone to the  antarctica . 3.enable the students to conclude helen thayer’s qualities by reading the  context and find the suitable words to describe her .4.learn to describe people5. learn to write an essay about peopleknowledge objects: the ss further understand the passage and finish the relevant tasks correctly. and enable the ss to master the  grammar   of subject-verb agreement .2.learn the usages of the following words and phrases: inspire, admire ,increase , value  ,optimistic   adj. 乐观的,generous  adj. 慷概的;大方的be about to do.  即将,正要做某事,around the corner. 很近struggle through. 艰难地渡过find…doing. 发现---处于(状态)increase to.增加到come to terms with 甘心忍受(不愉快的处境)rise to fame 出名lead…to… 通向,导致etc. 3..and help the ss talk about the reason why they admire helen thayer .let them have strong wills and determination .二. emotional goals:1.学习克服困难的毅力2.表达自己的价值观文化意识1.了解妇女的伟大2.加强女性价值观3.初步了解女性,黑人女性历史teaching approaches:1.&nbsp(请记得收藏本站-一路高升范文网,以获取更多新鲜内容);task----based teaching method to finish the teaching assignment.                    2. activity---based teaching  class work                          individual work                          group work 3 .fast reading to find out some general information .4.careful reading to find the details in  the passage. 5.questions  and answers for inducing.6.inductive method to make the ss understand the text better.teaching difficult points:1. . help the ss talk about the reason why they admire helen thayer .let them have strong wills and determination 2.know helen thayer’s qualify and describe her in the ss’ own words . learn agreement teaching aids(略)。teaching procedures: period   3 & 4readingstep 1 : warming up                        a) daily report  b) brief introduction of poles. show the picture of the worldthis part is just used as a curtain that appears ahead of the scene . (or teacher  hangs a map of the world on the bb .) it helps the ss learn sth. about antarctica .  

t :today ,we are going to learn unit 17 (reading ) alone in antarctica. first of all , please have a look at the pictures above and who can tell us where antarctica is located . how much do you know about antarctica?t :i’m glad that you’ve had thought actively and had such a heat discussion .well,  please have a look at my answer .show the answer on the screen :  antarctica is the most  southerly continent located  about the geographic south pole, the southern point of the earth’s  rotational axis. antarctica is  a large land mass buried under a vase ice cap and surrounded by land. t :in most people’s  eyes antarctica is a beautiful snow-white world ,but when one really goes there ,he /she will realize what an extreme place it is ! he /she will meet some unexpected difficulties .  do you agree with me ? in this class ,we are going learn the text alone in antarctica and we’ll learn sth.    about this mysterious land as well as  a great woman’s expedition to the land  next t ,let’s come to pre-reading .step2.  pre-reading t : look at the picture .what are the animals ?good .penguins .t: where are they ?on the north pole or on the south pole ?  quite right , on the south pole .t :listen! here is a brainstorm :why polar bears never  eat penguins ?  correct .there are no polar bears in antarctica. as we all know, polar bears live on the north pole .t: please discuss in pairs the rest qs in pre-reading . then i’ll ask some of you to report your answers .t: are you ready ? who’ d like to answer the first q ? volunteer !step 3. presentation t:    it is freezing cold in the south pole .few people ,in the world have ever been there .however ,there was a brave woman who had traveled alone to the north pole and the south pole .do you know who she was ? right , helen thayer .she was the first woman who traveled alone there .today we are going to read about the great woman , helen thayer. t:  at the first sight of the tile ,i can’t help wondering why she decided to  go there and how could a person be alone in antarctica .how could she  manage to do that ? what difficulty would she come across ? how could she survive in such a  freezing cold place ? what’s your impression as you see the title ?t:   but helen thayer managed. do you want to know about helen thayer and her experience alone in antarctica ? ok ,let’s come to the text . step4.reading task1 . skimming 1. :make a decision whether the statement true or false t: this time i’ll play the tape for you to listen and follow .after listening,you are asked to decide whether the following statements are true or false .show the following  on the screen :  (f)1) she spent her 50th and 60th birthday in antarctica.                              (f)2) during her expedition in antarctica ,the weather was very good though the wind                                                 was very icy . (t)3) every november there was bright sunshine 24 hours a day.              (f)4) her birthday fall on the 22th day when her began her journey to the south pole . (t)5) she had got self-rescue training before the expedition .                    (t) 6) she will never forget the solo travel in the south the answer task 2.scanning : 1.more questions about text comprehension.t:  please read the text and try  to find the  answers to  the following questions .1) what about the weather in the south pole ?2) how did she celebrate her birthday ?3) how did she self-rescue after she had fallen into a hole ?4) what was her biggest trouble she had met at last ?5) did she continue the journey at last?6) what kind of journey did she describe it ?7) why did helen want to want to travel the south pole?8) what kind of woman is helen? 2 . analyses  the journey : 1)  ask the students to divide the text into several partst: i’ll play the tape for you to listen and follow .after listening,please divide the text into certain  parts .beginning ; paragraph 1process: paragraph2-7ending: paragraph 82) give the time and ask the students to finish the events t: please read the text again then try to complete the following chart according to the text ,and then discuss in pairs  the qs given .title alone  in  antarcticapar outline detail1 the journey of challenge and danger began 1.what did she do at 50?2.what would she do at 60?3.when did she begin her journey?2 the first days of the journey 1.what was the weather like? was the wind later? many hours did she travel when the winds increased? 3 her birthday in antarctica 1.when was it? did she spend her birthday?4 self rescue 1.what happened when she was moving forward over a slope? did she rescue herself?5 a bad accident did she hurt herself?2.what’s the result of the accident?6 making a decision  how did she make a decision?3) can you tell about the feeling of her at last ?step5.careful  reading t: please read the text para. by para. and get as many details as you can to answer the following questions.para.1 the journey of challenge and danger began1. how did helen thayer celebrate her 50’s birthday?2. how did she want to celebrate her  60’s birthday?3. what does dog team mean , and what  was it used  for?4. how do you understand the sentence  “another journey of challenge and danger  was about to begin”?para.2&3 the first days of the journeyread through this para. and finish the t /f  questions .t: please  read through this para. and finish the t /f  questions .( t) 1.during her first days in the expedition , the weather was very good though the wind was icy. ( f )2. every november there was bright sunshine 24 hours a day.    ( f )3.she have to put her tent up after the winds     became too strong. (t )4.although the winds were getting  stronger and stronger, her tent was not blown away. para. 4 celebrate her birthday in antarctica1.when was her birthday?2.what was the weather like on her birthday?3.what did she do to celebrate her birthday?para.5 self rescue1.what happened when she was moving forward over a slope?2.who helped her  get out? para. 6&7 a bad accident1. what was her plan for the 22nd day of expedition?2. what happened on the 22nd day of the expedition?3. how was her hurt ?4. how did she rescue herself this time ?para. 8 making a decisiont:  please read this paragraph quickly and choose the best answer. what decision did helen make after the accident?   a. she spent a whole day in her tent.   b.  she waited till she got better  and continued her journey.    c. she gave up and went back home.   d. she was thankful for all the  training she had –readingt: as we have finished reading the text ,please accomplish the post –reading questions . q1 .what kind of woman is helen thayer? please describe helen thayer in a few sentences .q2. what should we learn from helen thayer? and do you admire her ? why ?t: please finish off ex1 post –reading questions . answer to the questions:  1  b. 2. b 3. b  4.  d  5. cdiscussion:t: next let’s have a discussion .i’ll divide the whole class into two groups and discuss the following topic . each group should give the opposite opinion .are you clear ? show the following on the screen . in a conference , some people just gave a proposal: in the 21th century , let women return to the families. how do you think of it step 7.consolidition task1 . (need to think )the process

time   weather what happened to her?the first days good,  icy wind, bright sunshine began her almost 400-mile journey

the 3rd-11th day  stormy weather, strong wind  spent a whole day in her tent

november 12th the storm died down  celebrated her birthday

a few days later not mentioned fall into a hole

the 21st day not mentioned she decided to increase the workday

the next morning cold wind had a bad accident with the sled and hurt her leg

task2 .close test    the first  daysthe first  days the weather was good. the wind was  icy  but not very strong  and there was bright sunshine  24 hours a day. but changes were just _around the corner.the 3rd dayon the 3rd day i was struggling through stormy weather  and during the next week the wind grew stronger   and i found myself spending _a whole day in my tent.      howling stormthe winds increased so much that i had to put my tent up before the winds became  too strong. within a few minutes the winds increased to a howling storm that threatened to blowme and my tent world dropped out   from under my skis. i had fallen into a hole and was hanging on the ropes tied to the sled, i used to practise self rescue  many times ,i was thankful for  all the training i had had.a bad accidenton the 22nd  day i had a bad accident with the sled and hurt my  leg . i couldn’t ____stand on my left leg and my head was __woozy  from hitting the ground. i struggle to my knees, wii have to put my tent up   for shelter.step 8.summary .t: today we’ve have a heat discussion about the text and have learned a lot from helen thayer ,especially her attitude towards difficulties  and her wisdom in making a correct decision as a  result of objective analysis of all the facts .the following is the main idea of the text :    this reading passage mainly gives us the description of the bad weather ,the way helen thayer deals with her accidents ,and also her good decision to stop the travel and risk her life after the accident .all of these show us a brave ,unusual ,strong ,honest and responsible helen thayer .we’ve learnt a lot from her , for example ,  “where there is a will there is a way; nothing is impossible to a willing heart .”   no matter man or woman ,young or  old ,all of us can achieve the goals we set by working  hard with strong will .try to  be(请记得收藏本站-一路高升范文网,以获取更多新鲜内容) wise .it’s very important to wake a good decision when to go on and where to stop .unselfishness is a valuable quality .it can make people wise and benefit other people .step 9.homework group work: role-play ---family together. now helen is just at home from the journey .helen’s mama ,helen’s husband and the children are around her .make a short dialogue among them .

the forth period reading (ii)teaching procedure : step 1.leading in .1). revision task1.check the homework . role-play ---family together. get some ss to act out their dialogue .task2. discussion :1. what do you think when you that helen thayer decided to celebrate her 60th birthday by traveling alone to antarctica ?2. what did she do on nov. 12th ?  what does this show us about her character ?3. besides her good training , what do you think was the most important thing in her self rescue ?4. did she finish her travel  ?  why ? 5. if you were helen thayer , what decision would you make ? why ?  step 2. language point: 1)play the tape for the  ss to repeat and follow .ask them to pay attention to the tongues and intonations of longer sentences and find out any difficult structures .then deal with the language   points . 1.what else, but a journey at the opposite end of the world, antarctica?除了去世界另一头南极洲旅行,还会干什么呢?①这是一句省略句,完整的结构是:what else would i do but a journey at the opposite end of the world, antarctica?句中的but是介词,意为“除了……”,相当于except,常与不定代词、疑问代词等连用。例如:in winter, bears can do nothing but lie down and sleep.在冬天,熊只能躺下睡觉。②else是个形容词,意为“其他的,别的”,不作前置定语,只能用在疑问词where, what, which, who等或不定代词something, anything等后,表示追加说明。如:is there anything else you want to say? 你还有什么要说的话吗?where else did you go besides beijing?除了北京,你还到过哪? else的所有格是else’s, 如:who else’s advice do you want to take? 你想听谁的劝告?i’ll have to borrow someone else’s car. 我得借别人的车。2.another journey of challenge and danger was about to begin.又一次具有危险和挑战的旅行即将开始。①介词短语作定语时,句子的谓语动词应根据被其修饰的前面的中心词来决定。②be about to do即将发生的动作或动作刚要开始。如:the teacher is about to write down the new words.注意:be about to do 不与表示时间的副词或其他时间状语连用,但可以用在be about to do when…结构中,如:i was about to leave when the telephone began to ring.but changes were just around the corner.天气即将要变了。just around the corner意为“likely to happen soon(即将来临)”,再如:victory was just around the corner. 胜利即将在眼前。a big storm was just around the corner. 一场大风暴即将来临。3.on the third day i was struggling through stormy weather and during the next week the wind grew stronger and i found myself spending a day in my tent.第三天我在风暴中挣扎,。第二周风刮得更猛了我发现自己终日在帐蓬里。①struggle在这里为“挣扎”的意思。如:seeing a girl struggling in the river, he jumped into the water to save her.看到一个女孩在河挣扎,他跳进水中去救她。②find oneself ……的意思是“发现自己(处于某种状态);不知不觉地…”例如:when day broke, we found ourselves in a village at the foot of the mountain.天亮时,我们发现自己来到了那座山脚下的一个村子里。suddenly i found myself at the water’s edge.我忽然发现自己站在水边了。then i found myself surrounded by half a dozen boys.然后我突然发现六个男孩围着自己。4.i had traveled only two hours one day when the winds increased so much that i had to put my tent up before the wind became too strong.一天,我刚走了两个小时,突然狂风大作,我只好趁风力还不算太大之前,支起帐蓬。①when 表示过早发生某事(常可译为“还没(刚刚)……就”)。例如:i had hardly opened the door when the dog barked.我还没把门打开,狗就叫了起来。the students hadn’t played football long when the bell rang.学生们足球没踢一会儿,铃就响了。when还表示突然发生某事(常译为“……正在……忽然”)。例如:a few days later, i was moving forward over a slope that seemed safe when suddenly without warning my world dropped out from under my skis.几天以后,我正在一个似乎安全的斜坡上前行,突然,毫不预兆,滑雪板下的大地陷下去了。from常与另一个介词短语连用。如:the moon appeared from behind the clouds. 月亮从云层后面露出了脸。a rat ran out from under the bed. 一只老鼠从床底下跑了出来。he swam from across the river. 他从河那边游了过来。②put up 作“举起,抬起,搭起盖房子”讲。例如:they are putting up several new houses on our street.我们这条街上正在盖几栋新房子。put up your hands if you have any questions.有问题请举手。③…before … (1)  趁……; 没来得及……就……;还未……就……;不到……就……;……才……;e. g. 1)please write it down before you forget it .  趁 你还没忘把它记下来。2)she wanted to watch it .however ,before she could think twice ,the water was upon her .她想看水的动静,但 还没有 回过神来,洪水便 逼近了她。( book1. unit4. reading para. 1 )3)before they reached the house ,a new great wave came ,sweeping down trees ,and sweeping them down too .他们 还没到 屋子,第二个大浪冲到,推倒了树木,也冲倒了他俩。( para3.)4)we had sailed four days and four nights before we saw land . 我们航行了四天四夜 才 看到陆地。  5)  we hadn’t run a mile before he felt tired .  我们跑了还 不到 一英里他 就 累了。(2)  宁愿…… ,也不……e. g.  he will die of hunger before he will steal .他 宁愿 饿死,也决不 行窃。注意:before 从句中谓语不用否定式。e. g. before they reached the station ,the train had gone .他们(还没)到火车前,火车已开走了。choose the best answers :(北京,30)he made a mistake ,but then he corrected the situation ______ it got worse .a. until  b. when   c.  since  d. before句意:他犯了一个错误,但还没等 形势恶化他 就 扭转了局面。(福建,31)scientists say it may be five or six years __ c ___ it is possible to test this medicine on human patients .a.  since  b.   after   c. before    d.   when 句意:科学家说 在五六年之后才 有可能在人类患者的身体试验这种药。(XX年四川卷)35. —why didn't you tell him about the meeting ? — he rushed out of the room ____a_____  i could say a word. a. before           b. until            c. when       d. after句意:我还没来得及 说话他 便 冲出了房间。( 3 )  固定句式   it was +时间段+before …  过了多久才……   &nbs(请记得收藏本站-一路高升范文网,以获取更多新鲜内容)p;        it was not  long before …   不久就……            it will (not ) be +时间段 + before …  要过……才……e. g. it was not long before he sensed the danger of the position .不久他就意识到他的处境很危险。    it was three days before he came back .三天后他就回来了。    it will be half a year before you graduate from this school . 再过半年你就毕业了。 5.i had fallen into a hole and was hanging on the ropes tied to the sled. 我掉进了洞,挂在绑着雪撬的绳子上。①hang作“悬挂着,吊着”,强调某一地点存在某一状态时(用进行时描写的情景更生动),为不及物动词,一般用主动语态。例句:—is this raincoat yours?      —no, mine — there behind the door.a. is hanging   b. has hung    c. hangs   d. hung分析:由问句可知,强调“在门后挂着呢”现在这一暂时的情景,而非长期的状态,用现在进行时比一般现在时更有色彩、生动,故选a②the ropes tied to the sled= the ropes which were tied to the sled.6. i was in good health and all of my equipment was working well. 我身体很好,而且我所有的设备工作正常。①be in good health是个有用短语,意为“身体状况良好”  be in bad/poor health身体状况不好。②equipment为不可数名词,如:this is a factory with modern equipment.这是一家装备有现代化设备的工厂。7.i thawed a frozen cake over my fire, placed a candle on the top , lit it and sany “happy birthday to me” at the top of my voice.我在火上融了一个冻蛋糕,顶上插上一支蜡烛,点燃并大声高唱“祝我生日快乐”。①thaw意为“融化、解冻”如:he made a fire to thaw out the frozen earth.他生起了火去融化冻土。the ground has thawed out.地面解冻了。②light 作为及物动词,意为“点燃”,如:he stopped to light a cigar. 他停下来去点一支烟。注意:light的过去式和过去分词形式有两种lighted和lit,只有lighted可以作形容词,意为“点燃的”,如:she put a lighted candle on the top of the cake.她在蛋糕上插上了一支点燃的蜡烛。③at the top of one’s voice高声喊叫,大声地8.wait to get better or give up?我该等着身体好起来还是放弃?完整的句子应该是should i wait to get better or should i give up?①get better是get well的比较级形式,表示身体状况有所好转。②give up作及物动词时可接动名词,作宾语意为“放弃”如:we’ll try to persuade him into giving up smoking.我们要设法说服他戒烟。the young man gave up his seat to an old man.那年青人将座位让给一位老大爷。9.i couldn’t stand on my left leg and my head was woozy from hitting the ground.我的左腿不能站,我头撞到地上,脑昏眼花。①stand on的意思是“用……站立”。例如:stand on one’s head 倒立stand on one leg like a cock金鸡独立②from可以表示原因,作“因为……;由于……;成为的结果”解。例如they do something from necessity, not from a sense of duty.他们因需要而做某事,并非出于责任感。’s an experience i shall never forget and shall value for the rest of my life.这是一种我永远铭记在我的余生中将倍加珍惜的经历。①experience 作“经历”讲为可数名词;作“经验”时,为不可(请记得收藏本站-一路高升范文网,以获取更多新鲜内容)数名词。have you had an unforgettable experience?experience is the best teacher. 经验是最好的老师。②value作名词时,为“价值,重要性”,作动词时,为“重视,估计”。例如:the students have always valued their teachers.学生向来敬重他们的老师。the house is valued at $100.000.这房子估价十万美金step3. consolidationdivide the ss into two groups , get them to read the text alternatively and compete which group does better.  step4. summary t:in this class ,we mainly learned some useful language points we also had a deep understanding of what kind of woman helen thayer is  .  step5. homework1. lecture : my idol women 2.find some famous women in the 20th century in the internet .3. finish word study and vocabulary on p 97 and 98 and preview language study.


Great Women教案1
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