Making a difference(The Fifth Period)Making a difference(The Fifth Period)Making a difference(The Fifth Period)


Making a difference(The Fifth Period)

the fifth periodthe infinitiveteaching aims:summarize the usages of the infinitive.teaching important points:1. let the students master the verbs followed directly by the infinitive and the verbs followed by the object and the infinitive as the object complement without “to”.2. let the students master the infinitive as adverbial3. let the students master the infinitive as attribute.teaching difficult points:1. help the students master the following sentence patterns:   it is+adj./n. +for sb./of sb. to do sth.   sub. +v. +it+adj./n. +to do sth.2. the perfect infinitive and the passive infinitive.3. the negative form of the infinitive.teaching, explanation and inductive methodsteaching aids:1. a slide projector    2. the blackboardteaching procedures:step i greetingsgreet the whole class as usual. step ⅱ revisiont: today we'll review the infinitive. (bb: the infinitive) first let's do an exercise. fill in the blanks with the best answer.    (show the exercise on the screen.)choose the best answers.  1. we agreed           here but so far she hasn't turned up get.       a. having meet            b. meeting       c. to meet                d. to have met  2. the boy wanted to ride his bicycle in the street, but his mother told him       a. not to                b. not to do       c. not do it              d. do not to  3. when i handed the report to john, he said that george was the person       a. to send              b. for sending it       c. to sent it to           d. for sending it to   t: now look at the screen. i'll ask three of you to tell the answers one by one. any volunteers?  s1: the first answer is c.  s2: the second answer is a. s3: the third answer is c.  t: well done! sit down please. who can tell me the function of each infinitive in the three sentences?   s4: i can.…  suggested answers: 1. object 2. object complement 3. attributestep ⅲ explanation and summary t: as we all know, the infinitive is used as the object of the verb “agree” in the first sentence. now can you think of any other verbs followed by the infinitive as their objects? ss: afford, arrange, ask, beg, choose, decide, expect, fail, hope, manage, offer, pretend, promise, refuse, want, wish and so on.   (write them on the blackboard.)   t: very good. there are some verbs followed by either the infinitive or the v.-ing form. do you know what they are.'?   ss: like, begin, continue, forget, regret, remember, start, stop, try'”   t: right. but attention please. the verbs “begin, continue, like, love, start” can be followed by either the infinitive or the v. -ing form. (bb: begin, continue, like, love, start)and they have the     same meaning. while the verbs “for get, regret, remember, stop, try” can also be followed by the infinitive or the v. -ing form. (bb~ forget, regret, remember, stop, try) there are some differences between them. now look at the examples on the screen.     (show the screen.)1. i like playing football, but i don’t like to play it now.2. i remember seeing her once somewhere.3. i must remember to take my notebooks with me.t: from the first sentence, we know the v.-ing form is an(请记得收藏本站-一路高升范文网,以获取更多新鲜内容) action in general while the infinitive is an action on a certain occasion. in the second and the third sentences, the v.-ing form is used for a past event while the infinitive is used for a future action. are you clear?ss.. yes.t: please translate the sentences into chinese. one student , one sentence. s4:我喜欢踢足球,但现在不愿意。s5:我记得在哪里见过她。s6:我必须记住带上笔记本。t: good. when the infinitive is used as object and is followed by object complement, we often use this structure. s. + v. + it + adj. in. + infinitive. (write it on the blackboard.)now please make some sentences with the structure.s7: i thought it unnecessary to argue with him about it.s8: he considers it his duty to help others. t: very good. which verbs do you think can be followed by the infinitive as object complement? ss: advise, allow, ask, want, wish, order, tell, have, let, make, feel, hear, watch, see…t: yes. some verbs, like “advise, allow, ask, want, wish…” must be followed by the infinitive with “to”, while the verbs “ have, let, make, feel, hear, watch, see…” must be followed by the   infinitive without "to". (bb: advise, allow, ask, want, wish, order,… have, let, make, feel, hear, watch…) but you mustn't forget “to” in the passive voice. look at the examples on the screen.      (show the screen.)1. we often hear her sing the folk song.= she is often heard to sing the folk song.2. the girl wanted to go dancing, but her mother told her not tot: in the second sentence, “not” is put before the infinitive. (b(请记得收藏本站-一路高升范文网,以获取更多新鲜内容)b: not to do sth. ) to avoid repetition, the verb after the sign "to" is often omitted. but “to” can't be left out. this is done after such verbs as,, want, wish, like, love, hope, plan, try, hate etc. now look at the examples on the screen.(show the screen.)1.-would you like to come to a party? -i’d love to.2.-have you listened-no, but i plan to.3. you don't have to eat it if you don't want to.t: when the infinitive phrase is used as subject, the formal subject “it” is often used, that is, “it's+n./adj. + infinitive”. if we need to tell who performs the action of the infinitive, we can put "for sb./for sb. " before the infinitive. (bb: it's + adj. / n. + for/of sb. + infinitive.)some adjectives, such as, kind, good, wise, stupid, foolish, careless, clever…, must be followed by “of sb. to do sth. ” in this case, the sentence emphasizes “per- son”. if we use “for sb. to do sth.” it emphasizes “thing”. please look at the sentences on the screen and compare them, then fill in the blanks with “of” or “for”.(show the exercise on the screen.)1. it is silly        us to believe her.2. it is impossible the task so soon.3. it is nice        you to help me.4. it is necessary        us to take exercise.(teacher asks four answers.)suggested answers:1. of   2. for   3. of   4.fort:  now look at the sentences on the screen. pay attention to the forms of the infinitive in the sentences. 1. she asked to be sent to work in tibet.2. i am glad to have seen your mother, 3. we didn't expect you to be waiting for us here. t: in the first sentence, the passive infinitive is used, which expresses a passive action. in the second sentence, we use the perfect infinitive. when do you think the perfect infinitive is used? ss: when the action expressed by the infinitive happens before the predicate, the perfect infinitive should be used. t: quite right. now look at the third sentence. the continuous form of the infinitive is used. when the action is happening, we use the continuous form of the infinitive. (bb: to be done, to have done, to be doing) t:  now let's do an exercise. (show the exercise on the screen.) choose the correct answers:1. i have two letters       today.2.1 have no letters    today, thank you.a. to type              b. to be typed3. i'd like to         to the cinema to night.4. i'd like to to the cinema last night. a. go                  b. have gone5. when his mother came in, the little boy just pretended        .a. to read               b. to have readc. to be read             d. to be readingsu(请记得收藏本站-一路高升范文网,以获取更多新鲜内容)ggested answers:1. a   2. b   3. a   4. b   5. d t: besides, the infinitive can also be used as predicative, attribute, adverbial for purpose and for a disappointing sequel. now look at the sentences on the screen. pay attention to the usages of the infinitive.1. he doesn't seem to like the idea.2. the boy uses a computer to play games.3. she hurried to the station only to find the train had gone.4. there are letters to be typed.5. i have nothing to do.6. please pass me a pen to write with.t: in the last two sentences, the meaning is passive, but the active infinitive is used. you must pay attention to it.step iv practice and consolidationt: now you have known all about the infinitive. let's do some exercises to have a consolidation so that we can use it correctly. please look at the screen.fill in the blanks with the proper forms of verbs.1. he hopes        (invite) to the party.2. my wish is         (become) an engineer.3. i have something important        (tell) you.4. the old man made it a rule        (take) a walk after supper.5. i regret           (tell) you that my sister regretted (miss) the lecture given by professor li.6. the book is said        (translate) into several languages.7. the question is easy          (answer).8. let's hurry. there is no time          (lose). suggested answers:1. to be invited       2. to become3. to tell            4. to take5. to tell; missing     6. to have been translated7. to answer          8. to lose t: let's do another exercise on the screen.

correct the following sentences.1. english is not easy to be learned.2. for making sure about the meaning, i looked up the word in a dictionary.3. please give the child something to play.4. she doesn't like to praise.5. he did everything he could save the old man.suggested answers:1. to be learned→to learn2. for making→to make3. to play→to play with4. to praise→to be praised5. save→to savestep v summary and homeworkt: in this class, we've reviewed the infinitive. after class, you must remember the important points, especially the verbs and in what condition the passive infinitive and  the  perfect  infinitive should be used. are you clear?ss: yes.t: class is over.step ⅵ the design of the writing on the blackboard                  the fifth period                    the infinitivei . verbs:1. ( 1 ) afford, arrange, ask, beg, choose, decide, expect, fail, hope, manage, offer, pretend promise, refuse, want, wish(2) begin, continue, like, love, start(3) forget, regret, remember, stop, try2. (1) advise, allow, ask, want, wish, order(2) have, let, make, feel, hear, watchⅱ. sentence patterns:i. sub. + v. + it+adj./n. +infinitive2. it is+adj./n. +for sb./of sb. to do sth.ⅲ. important forms..1. not to do sth.           2. to be done3. to have done            4. to be doingstep ⅶ record after teaching

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Making a difference(The Fifth Period)
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