《牛津小学英语》1A Unit 1教学设计《牛津小学英语》1A Unit 1教学设计《牛津小学英语》1A Unit 1教学设计


《牛津小学英语》1A Unit 1教学设计

一:教学目标 知识与技能1. 巩固 book, ruler, pen, pencil, rubber, bag六个单词及日常用语: good morning! how are you? fine, thank you!2. 通过朗读,比赛,游戏能听懂,会读,会说book, ruler, pen, pencil rubber, bag六个单词3. 能熟练的在实际的情景中运用日常交际用语: good morning! how are you? fine, thank you!二:情感培养学生见面用合适的话打招呼的习惯,了解西方国家语言的特点和习惯.三:教学重点,难点及对策1. 重点: 学会 book, ruler, pen, pencil, rubber, bag2. 难点: 熟练的运用日常交际用语good morning! how are you? fine, thank you.3.教学对策: 表演询问法, 情景交际法, 直观教学法.四:教学过程step one: warning exercises        1. greeting        t: class begins!       s: stand up!        t: hello, class!        ss: hello, miss kong!        2.do the action        stand up, please!        sit down, please!        open your book!        close your book!step two: presentation ( learn to read )        1: teacher shows the pictures to the students, say the words: book, ruler, pen, pencil, rubber, bag.        2: teacher says the word ‘book’,ask the students to hold up their rulers and repeat the word together. the same way to practice all the words.        3: teacher asks the students to match the words and the pictures.step three: presentation ( learn to say )        1: 利用布偶或玩具将这句话演示出来,让学生感知 good morning的发音及意义.        2: 老师依次用 good morning 和学生打招呼.        3: 让学生和老师打招呼,再让学生分组互相打招呼        4: 顺水推舟,用good morning引出 how are you ? fine, thank you.        5: 师生,生生情景操练:        t: good morning!       ss: good morning!        t: how are you?        ss: fine, thank you!        6: 玩游戏:“找朋友”学生围成一圈随音乐拍手,两位学生在圈中走动找朋友,音乐一停,圈内学生必须与各自朋友互相问好 good morning, how are you? fine, thank you!然后继续找朋友. step four: consolidation        1: listen to the tape, pay attention to the pronunciation and intonation, then read after the tape.        2: do pair work, practice the dialogue.step five: music time                  sing a song        good morning, good morning.  good morning, teacher        i take my bag and book. my bag and book to school.step six: homework       workbook page 2: look, listen and respond.


《牛津小学英语》1A Unit 1教学设计
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