


be afraid of ……                      害怕/担心……be afraid to do sth.                    不敢做……don’t be afraid.                        别害怕。i’m afraid …                           恐怕……12.  go for a walk / swim / rest              去散步/游泳/休息13.  no longer  =  not …any longer         不再no more  =  not …any more          不再14.  push sth. out                          把……推出去15.  get sth. back from sb.                  把……拿回来16. * take sth. away                        把……拿走17.  a group of …                          一群的……18.  a wildlife park                        野生动物园19.  after a while                          过一会儿1. too … ( for sb. ) to do sth.                太……而不能做……2. sooner or later                          迟早3. solve the problem                       解决问题 4. as soon as …                           一……就……5. * north of the city                       在城市的北面= in the north of the city                在城市的北面6. prepare sth. for one’s lunch            &n(请记得收藏本站-一路高升范文网,以获取更多新鲜内容)bsp; 为午饭准备……7. climb about half way up a hill           大约爬到半山腰8. drop from ……                         从……上落下来1. look for sth.                            寻找……2. look behind the tree                     在树后寻找3. look over there                          在那儿仔细寻找4. run after ……                           追着……跑5. run away                               跑开了6. eat sth. up                              吃光……7. carry sth. to sp.                         把……带到……8. in the sunshine                          阳光下9. * in the sea                             在海里 10.  in the tree                             在树上11.  pull sth back to land                    把……拉回陆地上12.  * go on doing sth.                       继续做(同样的)事13.  go on to do sth.                         继续做(另外的)事14.  speak to sb.                            跟……说话15.  say to sb. ……16.  sit up                                 坐起来17.  at the edge of …                        在……的边沿上18.  try hard to do sth.                      努力做……19.  go down to the bottom of …             掉到……的底部20.  break into pieces                       摔成碎片1. buy sb. sth  =  buy sth for sb.       给某人买……2. not yet.                            还没有。3. know about sth.                    了解……4. teach  oneself  sth.                自学……= learn  sth.  by  oneself          自学……5. have a nice weekend                周末玩得愉快 6. have cancer                        得了癌症have a cold / headachehave a pain in one’s …7. make sb. do sth.                    使某人做某事8. think of / about sth. / sb.             想到/想起……9. *get sb. some medicine              给某人抓药1. keep a diary                        记日记2. a page from a student’s diary         学生日记一则3. after lunch                          午饭之后4. come in / out                        进来/出来5. leave sb. by oneself = leave sb. alone  把……单独留下6. at first                             起初7. wake up                            醒来8. talk to sb.                          和……交谈9. cry harder and harder               哭得越来越厉害10.  laugh and laugh happily            高兴得笑了又笑11.  turn on / off  …                    打开/关闭 ……12.  not …any more                    不再……13.  make a face at sb.                  向某人做一个鬼脸 make faces at sb. 14.  all kinds of …                      各种各样的……15.  take good care of …                 好好照顾 ……= look after sth. well16.  *rush into the room                冲进房间里去17.  go to field                         上地里18.  pick wheat                        割小麦

1. the summer holidays                暑假the spring holidays                  寒假2. in the south                        在南方3. find one’s way to s.p.                找到去……的路4. stand on one’s head                 倒立着5. make a kite                        做个风筝6. make music                        作曲7. a plan for sth.                      一个……的计划8. *bad luck !                         真倒霉。9. knock on the door                   敲门10.  carry sb. on one’s back             背着某人1. show sb. sth = show sth. to sb.       给某人看某物2. in the forest                        在森林里 3. speak to sb.                        对某人说话4. look into the river                  看河里5. with these words                   说着这些话6. *stop being a doctor                不当医生7. winter holiday                     寒假8. a summer resort                   暑胜地9. feel at home                       感到在家里10.  take a holiday                    度假11.  play the violin                    拉小提琴12.  make oneself a cup of tea          自己沏杯茶13.  swimming trunks                 游泳裤14.  kick off one’s shoes                踢掉鞋子15.  what bad luck !                  多倒霉呀!16.  on one’s way back                 在某人回来的路上17.  hurry down to …                  急急忙忙地走下到……18.  a room upstairs                  楼上的房间19.  around the corner                 在拐角处20.  so … that ….                     如此……以至于…… 1.  fall off s.p.                          从……摔下来2. hurt oneself                         伤着某人自己3. enjoy oneself                        过得很愉快4. help oneself ( to sth. )                随便吃(拿/用)……5. look after oneself          照顾自己6. wash oneself            自己洗漱7. dress oneself            自己穿衣服8. teach oneself sth.          自学……9. learn sth. by oneself         自学……10. study sth. oneself           自学……11. do sth. by oneself          独自做某事12. fall down ( from …)         (从……上)摔下来13. hope to do sth.            希望做某事hope for sth.             希望得到某物hope that-clause           希望……  14. play the piano            弹钢琴15. play computer games         玩电脑游戏16. find out               查出……;找出……17. go upstairs              上楼1. listen to music                   听音乐2. play the music                   演奏乐曲3. was /were doing sth.  when sb. did sth.    正在做……时突然……was / were about to do sth. when sb. did sth. 正要做……时 突然……4. hear sb. do sth.                   听见某人做完某事5. hear sb. doing sth.                听见某人正在做某事6. hear sb. oneself do sth.            听见某人亲自做某事7. a piece of music                  一首乐曲8. how i wish ……                  我多么想…… 9. wish to do sth.                    希望做某事10. ( can ) afford to do sth.             能担负得起做某事11.  a ticket to the concert             一张音乐会的票12.  say sth for fun                   开玩笑着说某事13.  knock at the door                 敲门14.  in the dim candle light            在微暗的蜡烛光下15.  make shoes                      做鞋16.  by a table                        请原谅17.  to one’s ( great / deep ) surprise    使某人感到(非常)吃惊的是18.  to one’s ( great / deep ) joy         使某人感到(非常)高兴的是19.  to one’s ( great / deep ) pleasure    使某人感到(非常)愉快的是 20.  to one’s ( great / deep ) anger       使某人感到(非常)生气的是21.  to one’s ( great / deep ) regret      使某人感到(非常)遗憾的是22.  learn sth. by ear                  听着学会某事23.  the woman next door              隔壁的那位妇女24.  shine in through sth.              透过某物照射进来25.  look up to the sky                 仰望天空26.  say to oneself                     心里想27.  talk to oneself                    自言自语28.  think out loud                    自言自语 29.  play a sonata to the moonlight     演奏月光奏鸣曲30.  lose oneself in sth.                 沉浸在某事当中31.  work all night doing sth.           整夜在做某事32. * go to the concert                  去听音乐会33.  be surprised to do sth.             吃惊地做某事34.  know about sth.                   了解某事1. lots of money = a lot of money        许多钱2. much money                        许多钱3. go on a trip = have a trip            去旅行              = go out for a trip4. come along           (请记得收藏本站-一路高升范文网,以获取更多新鲜内容)              一起来5. * keep pet animals                  饲养宠物1. get sb. sth.                         给某人拿来某物2. it’s time for sb. to do sth.            某人该做某事= it’s time that sb. did sth.          某人该做某事3. i’m afraid so.                       恐怕是这样。4. it’s getting late.                    天色已晚了。5. leave sth. behind                   落下某物6. thank you for having us.            谢谢你邀请我们。7. invite sb. home                     邀请某人到家里来 8. hit sth s.p.                         把某部位碰到了某处上9. *decide to do sth.                   决定做某事10.  at the market                     在市场上11.  ask sb. for help                    请某人帮忙12.  hurry up                          快一点;赶快

1. hold a sports meeting               举行运动会2. have a sports meet                 举行运动会3. on the playground                  在操场上4. in the 100-metre race               在100米赛跑中5. in the 100 metres                   在100米赛跑中  6. the girls’ 400-metre metres ( race )   女子组400米赛跑7. the girls’ 400 metres ( race )         女子组400米赛跑8. the 400-metre race for girls          女子组400米赛跑9. the relay race                       接力赛10.  a team race                        团体赛11.  the high jump                      跳高12.  the long jump                      跳远13.  jump high                         跳高 14.  jump far                           跳远15.  win ( in ) the race                  赛跑赢了16.  lose ( in ) the race                  赛跑输了17.  run first                           跑在最前面;跑第一名18.  run in front                        跑在最前面19.  run in first place                   跑第一名20.  run first past the finishing line      最先跑过终点线21.  jump second                       跳第二名22.  do well in sth.                     某方面做得好23.  do badly in sth.                    某方面做得不好24.  be good in/at sth.                   擅长于做某事25.  be poor / weak in /at sth.            不擅长于做某事26.  which sport will you be in tomorrow ?   明天你将参加什么项目?27.  which sport will you take part in tomorrow ? 明天你将参加什么项目?28.  bad luck !                         真倒霉 !29.  good luck !                        真幸运 !1. take an active part in sth.           积极参加……2. at the starting / finishing line        在起点/终点线上


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