


module 1 changingunit 1 we lived in a small house.teaching objectives:1. words and phrases: life, different, ago, any, television, us,        grandchildren, lady.2. sentences: there weren’t any buses. we lived in a small house.there are lots of buses and cars. we live in a big house.3. grammar: compare the life.teaching properties: cards, pictures, tape-recorder.teaching procedures:一. warming up1. greeting2. talking about: holiday and changing of you.二. lead int: in the winter holiday, you had a lot of changes. now you are older and cleverer .i am very glad to see your changes. and write ‘changing’ on the blackboard. tell students ‘everything is changing. no change, no progresses.三. new  teaching1. show some old photos and say: look, life was very different many years ago .but how was it different? today, we will learn how to compare past and present life.2. listen to the tape and underline the new words.3. teach the new words.a. show some new word cards.b. correct pronunciation.c. practise new words in different kinds of method.d. explain important phrases.4. listen to the tape-recorder and read follow it .5. act out text.四. practise1. pay attention to sb unit1 part2 and copy them to make sentences.2. show some pictures. make some students find differentin them and describe in english. 五. summary and homework.1. summaryt: today we have learnt “how to describe past and present life, review simple past tense and present tense.”2. today’s homeworka. listen and read unit1 three times, try to recite and act.b. compare two photos and write differences.designs:    module 1 changin(请记得收藏本站-一路高升范文网,以获取更多新鲜内容)g    unit 1 we lived in a small house.

    weren’t     lived      small    are       live      big

         module 1 changing unit 2 she didn’t have a television.

teaching objectives:1. word and phrases: fire, radio, telephone, field, hope.2. sentences: she worked in the fields. she didn’t have a television.3. grammar: talk about the life of past and now.teaching procedures:一.warming up.1. greetings.2. act out last text.3. free talk: compare ‘old china and new china.’ 二.lead in yesterday, lingling saw the programme about china, she missed her grandmother very much. so she writes a letter for daming, tells about that programme and her feeling.三.new teaching. 1. show some questions.a. what programme did lingling watch last night?b. what was the old lady’s life like many years ago?c. who does lingling miss?2. listen to the tape-recorder and find answers.3. learn new words.a. show some object and cards.b. correct pronunciation.c. practise new words in different kinds of method.4. listen to the tape-recorder and act out it.四 .practise1. play a game.put nine cards on the desk. two students use cards to make dialogue.for example:a: where was he/she seven days ago?b: he/she was …a: what did he/she do there?b: he/she …2. do a b unit 2 exercise1.a. listen to the tape.b. understand generalization.c. choose right answer.五.homework   introduce the great changes of our hometown/school/home.

module 2 grandparentsunit 1 she learnt english.一、teaching objectives: 1. words  and  phrases: learnt  these  dancer 2. sentences: she learnt english. did  she  learn  any  foreign             languages.   he is learning english now.3. grammar: talking about the past and present.4. teaching properties: word cards   photos   tape.二、teaching  procedures.一、 warming—upgreeting:t: hello, good morning, class.  s:  good morning, teacher.t: how are you today?       s: we are well.t: what day is today?         s: thursday.t: are you ready for your english class? s: yes. we are ready.game:  review the past tense of some verbs.二、 new  teaching 1. use some pictures to learn important sentences.did you/he /she …..?  yes, i/she/he did.  no, didn’t.he is doing …….2. learn new words and phrases.teacher  plays  the  tape  and  have  ss  underline  the  new  words  and  phras(请记得收藏本站-一路高升范文网,以获取更多新鲜内容)es.  teacher guides to learn by all kinds of   methods.3. listen  and  repeat  4. act out the test. (give ss some minutes to practise.)三、 practice and consolidate.1. show  two  pictures  and  have  ss  describe  (use  the  important  sentences) 2. do activity   3.have  ss  look  it  ,  give  some  minutes  to  practise  in  pairs ,then  act  it  out.四、 task—fulfillinggame : teacher  have  ss  take  out  their  photos  and  describe  it.  the others guess it.五、 sum  the  lesson六、 homework:try to describe the other persons   to your parents.

module 2 grandparents          unit 2 mr li was a teacher.一.teaching objectives:1. words  and  phrases:  study  hard  retired 2. sentences: mr li was   a teacher. he   taught chinese.         chen hai is an english teacher. he’s teaching mr li.3. grammar:  talk about the past and the present.二.teaching properties:  word cards\ pictures\tape 三.teaching procedures:一、 warming—up1. greeting :  free  talk2. game: “what did he do?”二、 new  teaching1. lead---inteacher  has  a  student  stand  in  the  front  of  the  class.t:  ten  years  ago ,i  was  a  student .now, i  am  a  teachet. ok, let’s come to   the text.2. important  words  and  sentences① listen and underline the new words. teacher uses all kinds of methods to guide.② show some pictures and let ss describe them.③ listen  and  repeat 3. practice  in  pairs   show  a  picture of  sports  player .have  ss  say  out  the  differences  between  the  pictures.(use  the  important  sentences)   show three pictures and have ss compare.4. pronunciationhave ss lis(请记得收藏本站-一路高升范文网,以获取更多新鲜内容)ten and repeat. put these words on the bb. let them find the similar pronunciation. follow the tape two times.5. say  a  poem look. listen and follow the tape. then say together with actions.三、 summaryhave ss sum this lesson. teacher gives complement.四、 homeworkwrite the mutation in your life. 

module 3 english foodunit 1 she had eggs and sausages

一、 teaching objectives1、 words and phrases: email sandwiches traditional delicious2、 sentences: what did she have for breakfast/lunch/dinner?               she had…3、 function: describing eating habits二、 teaching tools: card tape-recorder pictures三、 teaching procedures:1、 warm up:t: hello, boys and girls.     s: hello, teacher.     t: what’s your favourite food?     s: my favourite food is…2、presentation:   t: i had bread this morning, what did you have?   ss: i had rice/milk/noodles…   t: we always have rice, noodles, and dumplings for meals. they are chinese fo(请记得收藏本站-一路高升范文网,以获取更多新鲜内容)od. do you know english food?   ss: talk about english food which they know.   t: tell the student daming get an email from lingling. it’s talk about english food. now let’s see what lingling introduces. then write the title.四、 teach new lesson:step1 show them some new word cards and teach them the pronunciation.step2 open their books; listen to the tape for the first time, ask the students to find out the new words and the name of the food.      and explain some english eating habits.step3 give the student some questions:1、 what did daming have got?2、 what did lingling have for breakfast/lunch/dinner?listen to the tape for the second time, ask the students to answer the question, and then check the answer together.      step4 ask the students to see the pictures and play the tape, the students read after it. at last the students read the text in pairs.五、 practiceask the student to see the third part of the text. use the sentences to make dialogues in pairs.

六、 homeworkgo over the text. pay attention to the important sentences and the name of the food.

module 3 english foodunit2 sam ate six hamburgers

一、 teaching objectives:1、 words and phrases: ate  hamburger  gave  tonight2、 sentences: what did you eat/drink last night?                    i ate/drank…     3、 function: talk about eating habits and favourite food二、teaching tools: 三、teaching procedures:1、warmer:   t: hello.   ss: hello teacher.   t: what did you have for breakfast this morning?   ss: i had…   t: what’s your favourite food?   ss: my favourite food is…3、 presentation:take out a picture of hamburger and ask the students “do you like hamburger?” “how many hamburgers can you eat? students answer the questions. t: let’s see how many hamburgers sam can eat. then write the title on the board. 4、 teach new lesson:step1 t: take out some new word cards. ask students to try to read out them, and then teach them these words.step2 put on a letter of this unit. ask students to see the letter and at the same time to listen to the tape. for the first time the students should draw a line under the new words. then ask them to try to answer these questions:1、 who ate hamburgers?2、 who had a sandwich?3、 what is mum going to cook tonight?step2 play the tape, the students should read after it. then(请记得收藏本站-一路高升范文网,以获取更多新鲜内容) check the answers.step3 ask the students to see the second part. use the food to make some dialogues. students do it in pairs. to see which group is the best.step4 game将全班分成几组,教师出示有关食物的卡片,要求学生看到食物后马上造句,哪组有一名学生先站起来,就算哪组先抢达到。抢到的小组每人要迅速造一个句子,只要有一个成员没有完成造句,就不得分,最后哪组抢达最多,造句最多,教师发给每个成员一枚粘贴作为奖励。step5 summary先让学生总结一下本节课学到了什么,老师对总结不完整的部分加以补充。


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