



unit 3 revision一 复习要点1. 一般过去式的应用和归纳2. 熟记并应用本单元11个短语3. 能用一般过去式描述事情和自由交际4. 培养学生尊老爱幼和环保意识二 教学重难点   能用一般过去式描述事情和自由交际三 课前准备   ppt, 练习本, 听写纸四 教学过程课前谈话:大家喜欢看动画片吗? (喜欢) 老师也非常喜欢看。听,这是啥动画片的歌曲?对了,这是动画片《哆啦a梦》的主题曲。哆啦a梦有很多神奇的宝贝,例如…… 你知道老师最想拥有哆啦a梦的哪样宝贝吗?the time machine---时光机器! because it can take me to anytime, anyplace! 因为它可以带我去任何时间,任何地点。这堂课,时光机器会带我们去一个神奇的地方。想知道啥地方吗?想呀,那我们就上课吧。follow me, please. go go go, let`s go! class begins!课堂实录:1. t: first of all, let`s chant.    listen to me, please.   now let`s say it together. one, two, three, go!2. t: where are we going?oh, it`s last weekend.all the phrases here are in past time form.for example, watch tv becomes watched tv.1> 读音:让第一组的学生手持卡片,全部学生念出该短语中动词的过去式。这些短语有:washed the clothes,   cleaned the room               played the football,   visited grandparents2> 读音分类t: look, watched, ‘ed’ sounds |t|. i`ll put it here.    can you put the phrases in the right baskets?    刚才手持短语的同学把卡片放进相对应的语音篮子里面。t: let`s see. right? wonderful! let`s read them together.t: what about go and read?     go becomes went. read becomes read. (读音发生变化)3> 闪现速记   t: now let`s play a game. look carefully. remember as many as you can.   屏幕上依次出现两张,三张,四张,五张!3. 不规则动词的变化形式  t: where are we now?read this tongue twindowsster(绕口令), then the door will open.<say that we may play today.>look! there are so many butterflies, they can`t find their friends.can you help them find their friends?for example, do matches with did.the others, can you?其它不规则动词有:see swim study fly 4. t: all the butterflies find their friends.where were they going?wow, it was a beautiful garden.how many flowers were there in the garden?one, two, three, so many flowers!can you order them?weekend did you what last doread you did bookswrite down on your exercise books.5. t: what did you do last weekend?did you …?1> practise with your partner, please.同位之间先练习一下吧2> 师生问答回答出问题的同学得到一朵小红花共2页,当前第1页12


6. t: good! boys and girls, let`s go to another place. bye, beauty..read the magic sentence, please.<swim swam swim swam see saw!>t: here we are, the mountain tai!first, let`s enjoy some pictures.did you ever go to mountain tai?our friend zhang peng went to mountain tai last weekend.this is his diary(日记).march 24th ,    sunnylast weekend, i visited my grandparents by train. they lived in tai`an. saturday morning i climbed the mountain with my grandpa. there were many beautiful flowers and tall trees. the bird flew in the sky. the fish swam in the river. when i got(到达) to the top(顶) of the mountain, i was tired out. sunday morning, we got up early to see the sunrise(日出). how beautiful it was! i was so excited.1> tick or crossa. zhang peng visited my grandparents by car. (  )b. the bird flew in the forest.              (  )2> answer the questions.  a. how was zhang peng feeling when he got to the top of the mountain?  b. how was zhang peng feeling when he saw the sunrise?t: let`s see the sunrise.7. t: do you want to climb mountain tai to see the sunrise?想不想亲自爬上泰山去看日出?想啊,i`m sorry we cannot climb mountain tai this class.but we can climb another mountain. look!勇攀高峰1> 找出不同类的单词a. (  ) a. together  b. weekend  c. yesterday  d. todayb. (  ) a. saw   b. swam  c. jump  d. flewc. (  ) a. funny  b. bike  c. windowsdy  d. gratefuld. (  ) a. went  b. read  c. washed  d. study 2> 单项选择7. t: ok, boys and girls, time for our homework: 1> 用英语写一篇日记例:   march 24th ,     sunny   i went to …. i did….2> 小组内交流,评出3项“最”的日记a. 书写最工整b. 文字最优美c. 文章最优秀



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