Module 1 City life(精选4篇)Module 1 City life(精选4篇)Module 1 City life(精选4篇)


Module 1 City life(精选4篇)

Module 1 City life(精选4篇)

Module 1 City life 篇1

  module 1 city life

  unit 2 at the aiport

  the second period

  language focus:

  using “going to” to describe events that will occur quite soon

  e.g. is going to drive mrs li and grandma to the airport.

  asking“ wh” question to find out time

  key points:

  1. leave for / one and a half hours/arrive at/have to/ drive…to

  2. how long does it take…?

  3. what time are we going to leave home tomorrow ?

  learning procedure

  before class

  put the chinese into english:

  1.开车送某人去__________  2.动身去某地__________

  3.到达 __________________  4.航班号__________

  5.起飞时间_______________  6. 到达时间__________

  in class

  1. revision

  2. pre-task preparation

  (1) review the sentence pattern

  how long does it take…?

  (2) learn the new vocabulary items: departure and arrival

  (3) listen to the tape and repeat.

  (4) work in groups and role-play the conversation.

  (5) do the pair work,ask and answer the questions

  after class

  choose the best answer

  1. this is______ air ticket to dalian.

  a. a                      b. an               c. the                d. /

  2. ben ______ stay in beijing for one year.

  a. plan                  b. plan to            c. plans               d. plans to

  3. this bag is too heavy. let me _______ it for you.

  a. carry                b. carrying            c. to carry             d. carried

  4. have you_____ any photos in beijing?

  a. take                  b. takes             c. took               d. taken

  5. japan is _____ the east of our country.

  a. in              b. to                      c. at                d. on

  6. you don’t need ______ in your homework today.

  a. to hand             b. hand                 c. handing           d. to handing

  7.will peter _____ next year?

  a. strong               b. stronger            c. be strong           d. more stronger

  8. have you checked answers_______?

  a. yet                 b. already              c. also               d. just

  9. aunt judy will leave _____ tokyo tomorrow.

  a. in                  b. at                  c. for                d. to

  10. my father _______ back next month.

  a. comes               b. came               c. will come          d. come

  11. let _______ have something to eat.

  a. our                   b. us                c. we                d. ours

  12. how many ________ are there in your housing estate?

  a. blocks               b. block               c. a block            d. the block

  13. his mother _______ about his health now.

  a. worry               b. is worrying        c. worried             d. worries

  14. would you like ________ a cup of coffee?

  a. have                 b. to have           c. has                d. having

  15. let me drive you_______ the airport.

  a. at                   b. to                c. in                d. of

  16. we are going to leave home _________ three tomorrow.

  a. in                  b. at                 c. with             d. for

  17. have you got _________ in your suitcase?

  a. enough space                         b. space enough

  c. spaces enough                        d. enough spaces

  18.we’ll _______ stay there for two hours.

  a. must                 b. have to             c. can            d. has to

  19. there are some _______ over there.

  a. trolley    &n(请记得收藏本站-一路高升范文网,以获取更多新鲜内容)bsp;          b. trolleys              c. trolleys        d. trolleves

  20. there is some important ________ in today’s newspaper.

  a. informations      b. information        c. thing                 d. piece of news

Module 1 City life 篇2

  module 1 city life

  unit 1 great cities in asia

  一、 words




















  1. great cities in asia(international)在亚洲的大城市

  2. travel to different cities 去不同的城市旅行

  3. at an exhibition about …在一个关于。。的展览会上

  4. look at the map  看这张地图

  5. do you know which city is the capital of japan?你知道那个城市是日本的首都

  6. be north-east of…在。。的东北方向     be south-west of在。。的西南方向 

  7. two hours and a half/two and a half hours 两个半小时

  8. how far is it from a to b? 从a处到b处要多远?

  9. how long does it take to travel from a to b?从a地到b地要多久?

  10. travel to other places by…  乘。。。去其他地方旅行

  11. i go to school by bus. = i take a/the bus to school.(我乘公交车去学校)

  12. read some information about beijing/thailand/japan阅读一些关于北京的信息

  13. find museums, palaces and parks there 在那里找到博物馆,宫殿和公园

  14. like visiting those places喜欢参观那些地方

  15. visit the great wall 参观长城

  16. more than 15 million people超过150万人

  17. enjoy eating dumplings 喜欢吃饺子

  18. see a lot of buildings in tokyo  在东京看到许多建筑物

  19. famous hotels and huge department storres 出名的旅馆和商店

  20. lots of tourists 许多的游客

  21. go shopping in tokyo 在东京购物

  22. in this city 在这座城市

  23. love eating sushi  喜欢吃寿司

  24. many temples and beaches in bangkok 在曼谷的庙宇和海滩

  25. enjoy swimming in the sea 喜欢在海洋里游泳

  26. at these beautiful beaches 在这些美丽的沙滩上

  27. love eating spicy food   喜欢吃辛辣的食物 

  28. some quiz cards  一些小测试的卡片

Module 1 City life 篇3

  module 1 city life

  unit 4 staying health

  the second period

  language focus:

  using nouns/noun phrases to identify conditions.

  e.g. a headache/a stomach ache

  asking“ wh” question to find out the reason.

  e.g. why do i always have a headache?

  using connectives to given reason.

  e.g. it’s because you watch too much television, i’m afraid.

  using modal verbs to express obligation.

  e.g. what should i do?

  using adverbs of degree.

  e.g. too much spicy food.

  key points:

  1. have a stomach / have a sore throat / have a fever / have toothache / have a headache / have a cold

  2. why do i always have (a)…?

  3. it’s because you ….

  4. what should i do? you should…

  5. i’m afraid…

  6. more , less

  learning procedure

  before class

  put the chinese into english:

  1.头痛_______________        2.牙痛 ______________

  3.发烧 ______________        4. 喉咙痛 ____________

  5. 感冒 ______________        6. 胃痛 ______________

  in class

  1. revision

  2. while-task procedure

  (1) give the students time to look at listen and learn.

  (2) listen to the tape and repeat.

  (3) work in pairs and practise the dialogues.

  (4) get the students to ask questions about the illnesses.

  (5) in pairs, students match the questions and answers and practise them.

  (6) read ask and answer. do the pair work.

  after class

  i. complete the followindowsg sentences with the proper words.

  1. you always have a ___________ because you eat too much spicy food.

  2. you aways have _____________ bcause you eat too many sweets and chocolates.

  3. ____________and ___________ activities can help us keep healthy.

  4. jenny always forgets to have lunch so she always has a ______________.

  5. if you don’t wear enough clothes, you will easily have a ________________.

  ii. choose the proper word to complete each sentence.

  1. don’t forget __________ (to turn / turning) the lights off  when you leave the classroom.

  2. he felt tird after he did__________ ( many / much) work.

  3. sorry, i _________ (forget / left) my copy book at home this morning.

  4. do you like to play __________ (the tennis / tennis).

  5. i always have a headache __________ (so / because) i watch too nuch television. i should watch __________ (less / fewer) television.

  iii. fill in the blanks with the given verbs in their proper forms.

  1. ben likes ____________(swim). kitty enjoys ___________(collect) stamps and mary loves ____________ (sing) songs.

  2. you always ___________ (have) a stomach ache because you always forget ___________(have) lunch.

  3. we must ____________(have) enough exercise ___________(keep) us healthy.

  iv. rewrite the followindowsg sentences as required.

  1. you shouldn’t play too many computer games. (保持原意)

  you shouldn’t play computer games_______ ______ ______.

  2. you drink too little water. (保持原意)

  you ______ drink ________ water.

  3. you always have a headache because you watch too much television, i’m afraid.

  _______ _______ i always have a headache?

  4. he doesn’t have enough vegetables. (保持原意)

  he _______ _______ _______ vegetables.

  5. my favourite indoor activity is playing computer games.

  _______ _______ your favoutite indoor activity?

Module 1 City life 篇4

  module 1 city life

  unit 1 great cities in asia

  the first period

  language focus:

  using words to express direction

  e.g. north, north-east, etc.

  key points:

  1.words of direction

  2.reviewindowsg how to ask questions with “which”, “where”

  3.north/south/east/west of…// north-east/north-west/south-east/south-west of

  learning procedure

  before class the map of the world.

  2.try to recall the names of countries and capitals around the world.

  country capital country capital

  usa   japan 

  vancouver   bangkok

  uk     new delhi

  berlin   canberra

  in class


  free talk about your windowster holiday.

  (1) ask your classmates questions with “wh-“ and “how” to get information about your classmates’ windowster holiday.

  (2) answer questons

  (3) write a short passage with 5 sentences about your windowster holiday.

  (4) choose some students to read aloud their passage.

  2. pre-task preparation

  (1) draw the some lines on the board and review the direction you have known.

















  while-task procedure:

  1. (1) listen to the tape and fill in the blanks below.

  miss guo and her students are at an ____________ about great cities in __________.

  --- look at the _____. beijing is the ________ of china. do you know ________ ________ is the capital of japan.

  --- _________ is the capital of japan.

  ---- that’s right. _________is it?

  --- it’s _______________ _______ shanghai.

  (2) listen and read after the tape.

  (3) read or recite the text once more.

  2. read a map of the world in the fomer page, do the ask and answer.

  s1: which city is the capital of _____________?

  s2: __________ is the capital of __________.

  s1: where is it?

  s2: it’s _____________ of shanghai.

  after class

  i. do the exercise on p1—p2 in practice book.

  ii. reading


  nancy is reading an e-mail from her friend jack. she is very   1   to get the e-mail . jack writes about his school   2   his weekends. jack likes his school very much. nancy likes her school,   3  . jack’s school is very big and he likes his classroom. the   4   and chairs are new. there are lots of pictures   5   the wall. they clean the classroom every day.

  jack doesn’t   6   to school on saturday and sunday. he gets up   7   six on saturday. he exercises in the park for half  8 . then he eats his breakfast. he helps his mother with the  9 .  at eight he begins to do his homework. he has lunch in a fast-food restaurant. in the  10  , he goes shopping with mum. sometimes he plays computer games or chats with his friends on the internet in the evening.

  he enjoys his weekends very much.

  (    ) 1. a. tall        b. like             c. happy        d. good

  (    ) 2. a. but        b. in              c. or             d. at

  (    ) 3. a. also       b. again           c. too             d. hi

  (    ) 4. a. desks            b. schoolbags      c. pencils          d. boys

  (    ) 5. a. at               b. on             c. near            d. behind

  (    ) 6. a. like             b. play            c. go             d. have

  (    ) 7. a. in               b. at             c. /               d. on

  (    ) 8. a. a year           b. a month         c. an hour         d. a day

  (    ) 9. a. housework       b. homework      c. farm work        d. lessons

  (    )10. a. day            b. evening         c. afternoon        d. week


  yao ming is a very good basketball player in the world. he was born in shanghai, but he lives in the usa with his parents now. yao ming is 2.26m tall. he was in the rockets team after he left (离开)china. he plays very well in the nba. many people come to his match(比赛) in america. lots of chinese young men watch the matches on tv. yao ming wants to be a superstar one day.

  (    )1. yao ming’s from      .

  a. the usa    b. japan   c. beijing    d. shanghai

  (    )2. how tall is yao ming ?  he is     .

  a. 2.26m.      b. 2.26     c. very tall    d. not tall

  (    )3.       people like to watch his matches.

  a. chinese   b. american  c. japanese   d. chinese and american

  (    )4. yao ming wants to be      one day.

  a. a football star      b. a doctor           c. a worker   d. a basketball star

  (    ) 5. what’s the chinese (中文) for “nba”?

  a. 美国篮球协会   b.  美国之音   c. 篮球   d. 贵宾

  iii.witing: write at 7 sentences about your windowster holiday.









Module 1 City life(精选4篇)
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