四年级英语下册Unit 7英文教案表格式四年级英语下册Unit 7英文教案表格式四年级英语下册Unit 7英文教案表格式


四年级英语下册Unit 7英文教案表格式

四年级英语下册Unit 7英文教案表格式

teaching plan

 date:5/12                                     teacher: mia

text bookfun with english 4bunit



at a snack bar

period 1

aims 1.      to provide students with basic language to buy foods and drinks.2.      to present students vocabularies, eight vocation words familiarize and enable to recognize.”3. to cultivate their interest of learning english and the consciousness of communicating in english.

main points and difficult points1.      vocabulary: foods and drinks: pies, hamburgers, chocolate, tea, juice, coffee, milk(old words) sweets, biscuits, noodles (new words)the students can say and spell the old words fluently. and say the new words correctly.2.      sentence: what would you like?anything else?how much are they?how about you?the students can use the dialogues in life.

aids pictures, tape recorder, multimedia, foodstep 1 (1) free talkt: good morning / afternoon, boys and girls.       nice to meet you. i’m so glad to meet you.how are you? / how are you this morning / afternoon / today? what do you like? do you like …?what day is it today? it’s …today’s report.ss make a sentence use: today.(2) warming-up   it’s fine today. first let’s do some exercise through the song, ok? play the song “hokey pokey” step 2 presentation (b: look, read and learn)1. t: oh, dear! i don’t have any breakfast today! now, i’m very hungry. are you hungry, too?s: yes, we are.t: shall we go to a snack bar?s: all right. / good idea.t: how do we go there?s: by …t: now, here we are, boys and girls, is it a supermarket?ss: no. t: is it a snack bar?ss: yes.t: we are at a snack bar, right?ss: yes.t: read after me, at a snack bar.ss: at a snack bar.t: look!  who is she in the snack bar?s1: miss tu.t: yes, you’re right. so can you guess what’s my job?s2: you’re a waitress.t: good. i’m a waitress. i have some food.what would you like?s: i’d like some hamburgers. t: do you like hamburgers?s: yes, i do.t: i’d like some hamburgers. what would you like?s3: i’d like …t: how about you? what would you like?s4:i’d like …2. t: look! are these hamburgers?s: no, they aren’t. t: what are these?s: they’re pies.  t: do you like pies?s: yes, i do. / no, i don’t.共7页,当前第1页1234567

四年级英语下册Unit 7英文教案表格式

t: you did a good job! can you read it?s3: they are sweets.t: great! read after me, sweets.ss: sweets.t: what would you like?ss: chocolate.t: yes, you’re right. now, let’s read, chocolate.ss: chocolate.t: do you like chocolate and sweets?ss: yes, we do.t: boys and girls, here’s a picture, can you guess what is it?s4: it’s a biscuit.t: yes, you’re so good.t: let’s read, biscuit, biscuits.ss: biscuit, biscuits.t: and what are they?ss: they’re noodles.through this way, ss practice the sentence and review the new words.t: boys and girls, take out the menu i give you before the class. fill in the blanks. write the words down.t checks the answer.t: now this time, you’ll be the waiters and waitresses, you have the menu, and you order the food or drink by yourself.(ss practice the words through the sentences, what would you like?  i’d like… how about you?)t: now this time who want to be a waiter or waitress?s6: what would you like?t: i’d like some noodles. how much are they?s6: twenty yuan.t: here you are. t practices several times with ss.t: so after order the food, shall we pay the waiter?ss: yes.t:  we use “how much” to ask price, right?ss: yes.t: if there’s only one thing, we should use “how much is it?”what about two things and more?ss: how much are they?t: good.t: still use your menu, let’s buy food and pay the money. ok?ss practice the sentence.t checks the performances.t: now look at the big screen. let’s make dialogues by ourselves.picture 1picture 2picture 3step 4 consolidation   1. t: now, let’s (请记得收藏本站-一路高升范文网,以获取更多新鲜内容)learn more words about food.      (a hot dog, a sandwich and chips.)t: what would you like?    s: i’d like a hot dog.     t: how about you?     s: orange juice.t: here you are.through this dialogue, ss can know how to order food. let them ask and answer in pairs. try to act out the dialogues.step 5 homework read and write the new words and the sentence.step 6 design of writing                        unit7 at a snack bar                what would you like?some …, please.                 how about you?how much are they?          is  it共7页,当前第2页1234567

四年级英语下册Unit 7英文教案表格式

resourcesreference book

postscript the main point of this class is to learn the thing at a snack bar, students can not only read the thing but also they can spell the words. some interesting games are very useful, the students like playing, and they can speak loudly.  date:5/16

text bookfun with english 4bunit



at a snack bar

period 2

aims 1. to provide students with basic language to ask and introduce people with different jobs.2. review the grammar general question. according to the questions, learn to try give yes or no answer.3. to cultivate their interest of learning english and the consciousness of communicating in english.

 main points and difficult points1.      sentence: the students can use the dialogues in life.(1)   anything else?(2)   something to drink?.2.      part d look, read and completethe students can communicate with each other.3. part c.

aids pictures, step 1 review1.      hello. how are you this morning / afternoon? do you like …?what do you like?2.(show some pictures of different food)guess  s1: what are these? what is this? s2: are these …? is this …? / …, i think.s1: yes. you’re right. / no. you’re wrong.try to review the new words and the spellings.step 2 presentation and practice1.      t: now we are at a snack bar. what would you like?s1: i’d like …t: how about you?s2: i’d like …t: anything else? something to drink? coffee or juice?s2: …, please. / no, thank you.t: what would you like? something to drink?s3: i’d like…t: anything else? something to eat? (let the ss understand the sentence: something to….)t practice more with the ss. and then ask two pairs of ss to act the dialogue what t just practiced. 2. t read these two sentences “anything else?” and “something to drink?”. (correct the pronunciation of the words “anything, else” ask ss to pay more attention to anything and something.)3. let ss practice the sentences “anything else?” and “something to drink?” in pairs.step 3 d look, read and complete1.      do part d in groups. 2.      check some pairs.3.      do more practice with students. try to make new dialogues in pairs.step 4 c work in pairs.1. t: (look at picture 1.) t: who can you see in the picture?ss: a boy and a woman.t: what’s that woman’s job?ss: she’s a waitress.2. work in pairs.共7页,当前第3页1234567

四年级英语下册Unit 7英文教案表格式

  t: now i act the waitress, who want to be the boy? s5, you please.  t: what would you like?  s5: some sweets, please.  t: anything else?  s5: no, thank you. how much are they?  t: ten yuan, please.  t: good job. let’s look at picture 2. this time i invite two of you to act. s6,7 please.  s6: what would you like?  s7: a pie, please.  s6: anything else?  s7: a glass of milk, please. how much are they?  s6: eight yuan, please.  ss practice picture3 and 4 in pairs as the model.step 5 homework1.write part c on the copybook.2. preview part a.step 6 design of writing:                         unit7 at a snack barwhat would you like?how about you?anything else? something to drink?how much is it?         are they?resourcesfun with english vcd

postscript after this class, students learn to know how to ask questions , and review the sentence at the same time. what would you like? and anything else? they feel the two sentences are confused.   but most of students can make a dialogue very well.date:5/18

text bookfun with english 4bunit



at a snack bar

period 3

aims 1.      review the pattern drills: anything else? something to drink? how much is it/ are they? try to make new dialogues with the sentences above correctly and properly2.      part a&g2,3.

main points and difficult points1. sentenceswhat would you like?some …, please.anything else?how much are they?how about you?something to drink?the students can make the dialogues fluently.2.daily communications and expressions: what can you see in the picture?how many

aids pictures, tape recorder,step 1 warming-up    today’s report.1.      do a survey. model:t: hello. what’s your name? what would you like?s: i’m ... i’d like a hamburger.t: anything else? s: some noodles. t: something to drink?s: some milk. t: how about you? what’s your name? what would you like? something to drink? 2.      part g 3, say a rhyme. t reads first, ss read by themselves. ss make a new rhyme in pairs.3.       rhyme made by ss    model: what would you like? i’d like some orange juice. what would you like? i’d like some milk. sure, they’re very nice.共7页,当前第4页1234567

四年级英语下册Unit 7英文教案表格式

step 2 a read and say1. t: (look at the picture about part a.) t: who can you see in the picture?ss: su yang and su hai.t: what’s that woman’s job?ss: she’s a waitress.t: who’s that man in the glasses?s: he’s their father.2. answer the questions:  (1) what would su yang like?  (2) what would su hai like?(3) what drink would they like?(4) what else would they like?(5) how much are they?3. listen again with books closed. ask ss to remember some important sentences of each picture. retell the dialogue.t: what are they saying? 4. listen and repeat.5. read by themselves. then read in roles.6. draw sentences and phrases.step 3 g2 find, count and write1. ask questions:(1) what can you see in the picture? i can see some …(2) how many? (3) do you like hamburgers?(4) i’d like …(5) a carton of milk, a glass of water, a bottle of juice, a cup of coffee/tea.2. students ask in pairs and fill in the blanks of the table.3. teacher asks the students and checks the answers.step 4 homework1.      recite part a and preview part e.2.      rewrite the story in part a.step 5 design of writing               unit7 at a snack barwhat would you like?how about you?anything else? something to drink?how much is it?                        are they?                       what can you see in the picture?           i can see some….           how many?resourcesreference book

postscript students are very happy when they interviewed their friends: what would you like? at the same time they can master and practice the question. i think they learn it well.date:5/19

text bookfun with english 4bunit



at a snack bar

period 4

aims 1.      ss can use do daily communication: let’s go and play basketball. shall we…now? 2.      pay attention to the different pronunciations of “ds” and “ts”

main points and difficult points1.      part e. sentences:   let’s go and play basketball.   here are some cakes for you.   here is some water for you.共7页,当前第5页1234567

四年级英语下册Unit 7英文教案表格式

   shall we go now?   i can’t move now.2.      the pronunciations of “ds” and “ts”3.      part g 1.

aids pictures, slide, tape recorder, multimedia,step 1 warming-uptoday’s report.ss make a sentence use: todayt: hello. what’s your name? what would you like?s: i’m ... i’d like a hamburger.t: anything else? s: some noodles. t: something to drink? s: some milk. t: how about you? what’s your name? what would you like? something to drink? step 2 part e read and actt: let’s look at the big screen, let’s see what happened. when you watch it, think about the followindowsg questions:   q1: what’s matter with gao shan?    q2: what does mike give to gao shan?   q3: after that, what’s the matter with gao shan?   q4: at last, what would mike like to do?t plays it twice; make sure every student can answer the qs.t checks the answers.ss read the text after t.ss read in pairs.ss act the dialogue.t: here are some important points i want to tell you. look at the sentences on the bb.  are there any difference, or similarity?  t tells the differences and mark the word “water” out, tells the ss it’s a uncountable noun, we can’t put “s” after that kind of words, so at the beginning we should use “is” not “are”.t: open your books, turn to page 89, here are all the words we should learn in this term, can you find any other uncountable nouns, i can tell you, in these 10 units, there are 9 uncountable nouns, lets’ have a competition, who is the first one to find all of them?t check it with ss, there are hair, fruit, juice, coffee, tea, milk, chocolate, bread and rice. t: let’s read part e again. while reading, t corrects the wrong pronunciation of the word “move”, /u:/.step 3 part f listen and repeat1.      listen to the tape and pay attention to the different pronunciations of “th”. give them more examples about “ds” /dz/ and “ts” /ts/. ds: birds, beds, cards, headsts: cats, puppets, rabbits, shorts, skirts, shirts, supermarkets, airports, students2.      a competition. who can say the sentence most fluently?3.      t: can you find another word in part, it has the /ts/?       let’s go and play basketball.step 4 part g 1 look and read.t: boys and girls, let’s look at the big screen again. let’s watch another story.  q1: is yang ling ill?共7页,当前第6页1234567

四年级英语下册Unit 7英文教案表格式

  q2: what would she like?ss read it together.t explains some difficult points.want to go to school       get up       go home       have lunchgo to see the doctorhave a pie and some juice then.ss have a brief understanding of these patterns.step 5 homework1.      recite part e.2.      do the test on the workbook.step 6 design of writing

unit 7 at a snack bar

let’s go and play basketball.

here are some cakes for you.

here is some water for you.

shall we go now?

i can’t move now.resourcesreference book

postscript the most important language point in this unit is how to ask questions in english. most students are interested in food or drinks. they can find these things everywhere in their daily life.共7页,当前第7页1234567


四年级英语下册Unit 7英文教案表格式
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