




  One day at noon on summer vacation, the hot sun is scorching the sun! After eating, I saw my mother washing the dishes and said to my mother, "mom, you've been busy all day. Let me wash the dishes for you." Mother agreed happily.

  First, I put my sleeves up high and put the plug on the water. Then I shoved the dishes into the sink and put some hot water in it, and I put some washing on it, and I put my hand down. Suddenly he came back. A: hi! I was so careless that I forgot to add cold water. I turned the tap on the tap and cold water. It was so slippery that the flax was on the bowl, and it seemed as if it had been coated with grease, and, carelessly, a bowl of "slapstick" was slipping out of my hand. I hadn't figured out what was going on, and it got into the water with a noise, and the water splashed all over my face. I had to take them out of the water, and put them in the cupboard and wash them slowly, so that the dishes were all washed up. I grabbed a pair of chopsticks and rubbed "chuffed and chuffed... How nice of you to hear it! Suddenly, not only, they fell out of my hand, and lying on the ground like a game stick, I had to pick it up and wash it again. Finally I cleaned the spoon


  One day, my father and I went upstairs. My father said that he would teach me to study the computer.

  Dad taught me how to start up first, and then teach me how to open the file, also taught me to learn to draw, finally, teach me how to shut down, I am serious in learning. After a few days, I want to try and see if I have learned it. I've done it several times, and I can find the file successfully. I've really learned it! In the future, I will use the Internet to help me to learn more knowledge that I can not learn in the textbook, solve more problems, the computer will always be my good friend!

  In this case, I know that it is possible to study hard and to do anything, so that all difficulties can be solved.

三年级暑假英语 作文篇3

  Autumn, I excitedly lying on the sofa, silently want to want to all of a sudden, I thought of the day of the summer vacation, I feed the pigeons in the square in the open: my right hand holding a spoon, left hand holding a GeShi, at this time, a group of pigeons fly all food, and I dug one scoop a spoonful of again, the last remaining spoon, I thought: this spoon until dusk, give them something to eat!

  Dusk, I went back to the open square, and then, a large group of pigeons to fly, they rob to eat again, but, as only last one teaspoon, so have a female pigeon didn't steal to eat, at this time, she holds the tears, as if to say: that's ok, as long as their children eat satisfied! I couldn't help but shed tears.

  This great mother love made me think of my mother!


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