6B Unit 2 More exercise教案及教学反思26B Unit 2 More exercise教案及教学反思26B Unit 2 More exercise教案及教学反思2


6B Unit 2 More exercise教案及教学反思2


unit2 more exercise


新授课本课题教时数:6       本教时为第3教时               备课日期:2月22日教学目标:一、知识与技能:1、能听懂、会说、会读和会拼写词组be good at, do well in 等2、能熟练运用副词的比较级3、能运用自己的语言描述jim的情况二、过程与方法:能够掌握副词及比较级,并能用自己的语言正确描述jim的情况三、情感态度与价值观:通过学习本单元内容,鼓励学生制定锻炼身体的计划,强健体魄。 教学重点、难点:

学生能熟练掌握副词的比较级,并能用自己的语言正确描述jim的情况。教学方法与手段:讲授法、讨论法,并结合课后继续指导: 情景教学法,操练法教学过程:    教师活动学生活动                   

设计意图step 1 revision:1. say something about you or your friends with comparative degree of adverbs.与随班生进行简单的交谈。2. show some pictures and ask ss to make dialogues and try to find some mistakes from the others, and try to correct them.3. wanted: 10 basketball players     ask ss to use the expressions like this: i run faster than . do you jump higher than me?...teach: player, eg: basketball player, football player, volleyball player…step 2 presentation:1. t: , you are strong, you run faster, jump higher than the other boys. so i think you are good at pe, right?t: what kind of sport are you good at?  ok. you are good at basketball. you are good at playing basketball.teach: be good atask some students as models.then ask and answer2. t: you are good at english. you do well in english.teach: be good at = do well in3. t: now i know what you are good at. then i want to know what jim is good at and what he isn’t good at. let’s listen and answer.t: yes. jim is good at english and maths, but he does not do well in pe.t: he wants to do better but does not know how.teach: don’t know howt: so, what is he doing now?1.t: ok, let’s listen to their conversation, and know about jim’s problems.t: does jim run fast?  who runs faster than him?t: yes, they are strong, and mike is good football player.  does jim jump high?t: that’s true. he jumps higher than some of the boys in his class.teach: that’s true.   some of the boys5. read the dialogue after the teacher, then read together.2.t: now you know about jim’s problems, can you say sth about it?引导学生根据板书上所学习的新词组、句型,对课文对话部分进行再整理,用自己的语言表达出来。鼓励随班生一起编对话。 step3. consolidationt: now can you tell me about your problems?鼓励学生模仿,对自己存在的弱项进行描述。step4. homeworkcopy the new phrasestry to recite the textprepare for the rest of the textss say sth. about them and their friends.ss make dialogues and find mistakes from each other, and correct.ss talk about themselves with comparative degree of adverbs.s: yes.(师引导)i’m good at pe.s: i’m good at basketball.s1: what are you good at?s2: i’m good at …ss listen and try to answer the questions.s1: jim is good at english and maths.s2: he isn’t good at pe.ss repeat the sentence.ss learn and translates: he is talking to his dad about it.ss watch the flash.s: no, he doesn’t.  mike and ben run faster than him.s: yes, he does.ss learn the sentence and the phrase.s(师提示): jim is good at english and maths, but he does not do well in pe. ben runs faster than him, he’s strong. mike runs as fast as ben, and he’s a good football player. but jim jump higher than some of the boys in his class. he wants to do better in pe, but does not know how. so he is talking to his father about it.

鼓励学生运用副词的比较级对自己和朋友进行描述,拉近学生间的关系,气氛融洽,营造良好的英语学习氛围。通过征求是个篮球运动员,让学生结合自身进行描述,激发学生的积极性,也引出了新知识。新知识的导入自然,学生容易接受,并及时地巩固,有助于学生更好的掌握并能举一反三。从学生自身情况导入课文主角jim的情况,学生容易从心理上接受,并深入学习。在新知识的学习中从词到句,并让学生进行朗读,对于新长句型的掌握有好处。在学习完左半部分后,鼓励学生根据板书上所学习的新词组、句型,对课文对话部分进行再整理,用自己的语言表达出来,锻炼学生的语言运用和表达能力。板书设计:            unit 1 more exercise?

  i jump higher than tom.

ben runs faster than me.                be good at    do well in 授后小记:本课首先通过提问和回答,复习上节课的内容后,对课文的右边部分进行学习。在新授时,我让学生带着两个问题what’s dad’s suggestion?what will jim do?听录音,在录音之后回答问题。在多媒体媒体手段的帮助下,学生能够地理解课文,并搜索到相关的信息。通过充分地感知材料,学生产生学习问题,激发好奇心和求知欲,从而提前作好学习课文的心理、知识准备。在听的基础上,让学生说,在这种听说练习的过程中,基本理清课文内容。在回答问题之后,我再放录音,让学生跟着录音朗读课文。我还让学生小组读、男女生读,最后还让学生们进行了分角色表演,充分地融入到课文中去。                                             授课日期: 3 月  7   日


unit2 more exercise


新授课本课题教时数:6       本教时为第4教时               备课日期:2月22日教学目标:一、知识与技能:1. 学生能用自己的语言对jim进行描述2. 学生能够判断e部分的问题3. 学生能够从录音中抓住重点并正确完成d部分内容。二、过程与方法:能够掌握副词及比较级,并能用自己的语言正确描述jim的情况三、情感态度与价值观:通过学习本单元内容,鼓励学生制定锻炼身体的计划,强健体魄。 教学重点、难点:学生能熟练掌握副词的比较级,并能用自己的语言正确描述jim的情况。教学方法与手段:讲授法、讨论法,并结合课后继续指导  操练法教学过程:    教师活动学生活动                   

设计意图step 1 revision:1. t: we have known something about jim, can you say something(请记得收藏本站-一路高升范文网,以获取更多新鲜内容) about jim. 与随班生进行简单的交谈。2. fill in the blanksjim is ______ ______ english and maths, but he does not ______ ________ _______ pe. he tells his father that his classmates can run and swim ______ than _______. his father asks him to do _______ _______, then he‘ll get _________ and do ________ in pe. so jim will get up ________ every day, do _______ exercise _______ he ________ to school, ________ to school in the morning and play ball ______ ________ school. he thinks he‘ll __________ __________ soon.4. have a comparison between you and jim. step 2 presentation5. t: jim is visiting a zoo with his friends. they have a lot of fun there. ask ss to guess what happen in the zoo. encourage ss to use as much english as they can.direction: first find the keywords in the sentences, butterflies/bees, monkeys/bears, fish/ducks. 6. then listen to the tape carefully, especially the key words. a. ask ss to listen to the tape and try to take some notes. give them some guide when necessary.b. listen to the tape again, and then fill in the blanks.c. listen to the tape again and correct all the answers.d.listen and write down the tape script.5. ask the ss read part e, and ask them to finish the sentence judge below. find the answers in the dialogue and underline them. check their answers, and then have a dialogue according to their information.鼓励随便生一起操练对话。6. play a gamet: now let’s play a game to see who has a better memory. ask ss to have a look at part f. give ss 1 minute to remember the first 3 pictures. then ask some ss to say something about them.    ss may have a group work to finish the rest 5 pictures. step3 consolidation用所给词的适当形式填空:1. i‘d like ______(take) a walk.2. she likes ______(grow)flowers3. would you please ______(put) the vase on the desk?4. you need ______(do) your homework.5. i like ______(peach).step4 homeworkrecite part a and efinish the workbook page4-5.help ss to finish their description of jim using their language.ss read and fill in the blanksss make a comparison and talk about themselves.ss say what they think about.ss listen and fill in the blanks.ss read and judge, then read the dailogue.encourage the students to use different sentence patterns to ask questions. they may ask like this “who runs faster, the boy or the girl?” “does the girl run faster than the boy?” also they may use opposite words to do pair work. “this girl runs faster than the boy.” the other one can say “so the boy runs slower than the girl.” it makes the practice more competitive. 先鼓励学生用所学语言对课文部分进行复述,然后出示课文部分复述的填空,进一步完善,让学生进一步掌握课文部分内容,并学习模仿,用自己的语言对课文部分进行描述。通过图片的呈现,让学生根据图片自己预测对话内容,帮助学生初步了解对话背景,然后找出关进的单词,帮助学生正确完成听力填空,提高其自信心。e部分的对话比较简单,所以放手让学生自己阅读并进行判断,培养学生的自学能力。游戏环节注重培养学生对语言的运用能力,学生可以自己运用句型结构,而不是被书本框死,有助于学生能力的提高。通过设计题型进行新旧知识的巩固,帮助学生更好地掌握薄弱环节。板书设计:            unit 1 more exercise?授后小记:本节课我先鼓励学生用所学语言对课文部分进行复述,然后出示课文部分复述的填空,进一步完善,让学生进一步掌握课文部分内容,并学习模仿,用自己的语言对课文部分进行描述。然后通过图片的呈现,让学生根据图片自己预测对话内容,帮助学生初步了解对话背景,然后找出关进的单词,帮助学生正确完成听力填空,提高其自信心。e部分的对话比较简单,所以放手让学生自己阅读并进行判断,培养学生的自学能力。  授课日期: 3 月  8  日


unit2 more exercise


复习本课题教时数:6       本教时为第5教时               备课日期:2月22日教学目标:一、知识与技能:


2.能听得懂、会说、会读和会拼写late later, early earlier, far farther..。

3. 掌握会话中出现的三会单词和词组far, traffic , well, jog, do well in , have problems with , do more exercise, animal show, go fora walk..

4.能听得懂、会说、会读和会写四会句型:ben runs faster than jim . do the boys jump higher than the girls? yes ,they do. does jim swim slower than david? no, he doesn’t.

5.能听得懂、会说、会读日常交际用语. that’s true. well done. jim is not  as strong  as the other boys. mike runs as fast as ben..二、过程与方法:通过多种形式的复习,帮助学生正确掌握单词和句型。三、情感态度与价值观:通过学习本单元内容,鼓励学生制定锻炼身体的计划,强健体魄。 教学重点、难点:

正确掌握b部分出现的四会单词,和句型。教学方法与手段:讲授法、讨论法,并结合课后继续指导  操练法教学过程:    教师活动学生活动                   

设计意图step 1 warming up step 2  1.free talk. 与随班生进行简单的交谈。2.play a game. say something about themselves.step 3   revision 3   学生小组内表演会话内容。鼓励随便生一起操练对话。4   教师让学生根据实际情况说自己的优势i’m taller than i’m younger than i’m stronger than xxxmy father is taller thanmy pencil is longer than ’si’m good at maths ..i’m good at english . …i run faster than .  i swim slower than .  tom jump higher than .…5.have a dictation about the words and the phrases.6.do some listening practice .step 3 say the rhyme together.step 4  practice and consolidation1.  游戏; 用所学的句型来猜班级的同学2.教师投影本单元的练习题请学生完成(略)step 5 homework:1 完成《补充习题》的听力与笔试部分。

listen to a song.

between the students and the teacher.

1.read and act the dialogue.

2. repeat the dialogue.

这一步骤主要是通过相互问好来拉近老师和学生的距离,让他们做好上英语课的准备,调动学生说英语的积极性。同时也通过复习学过的句型,为接下去的教学作好伏笔。通过听听写写的方式来检查学生对本单元的单词与词组的掌握情况。板书设计:            unit 1 more exercise?

do …than … ? yes, they do. / no, they don’t.           does … than … ? yes , he / she  does. / no , he /she doesn’t.授后小记:通过课文部分的朗读或者背诵,根据课文内容进行问答和表述,检查学生对课文部分的掌握情况。以游戏的形式进行句型的复习,能够缓解复习所带来的紧张感,营造轻松愉快的英语氛围,有助于学生更有效率地上课。语音部分的教学通过图片让学生了解句义,有助于学生将注意力集中在发音上,并举一反三。本节课涉及了听力练习,这部分听力很好地训练了学生听的能力,时间允许的话可以让学生进行句型重复,相信学生会本单元的内容会有一个新的认识。  授课日期: 3 月  11  日


unit2 more exercise


练习本课题教时数:6       本教时为第6教时               备课日期:2月22日 教学目标:一、知识与技能:


2、 区别与练习一、二单元的内容,为单元测验做准备。二、过程与方法:通过多种形式的练习,帮助学生正确掌握第二单元的内容。三、情感态度与价值观:通过练习,培养学生正确的解题思路和策略。 教学重点、难点:全面复习掌握本单元的内容,通过练习和讲评得以巩固和知新。教学方法与手段:讲授法、讨论法,并结合课后继续指导教学过程:    教师活动学生活动                   

设计意图step one: review unit 21 recite the adv. words: low lower &high higher; slow slower & fast faster; far farther; late later & early earlier; well better2 sentences:与随班生进行简单的交谈。 do you run faster than them? yes, we do. does he go to school earlier than her? no, he doesn’t.step tw review unit 1 1 recite the adj. words: old older& young younger; short shorter& long longer, tall taller; big bigger& small smaller; fat fatter& thin thinner; heavy heavier& light lighter 2 sentences: who is taller than me? liu tao is. whose hair is longer, mine oryours? yours, i think.step three: explain the workbook鼓励随班生一起完成练习。 explain the exercises of the workbook.step four: homework prepare for the test of unit 2.recite the adv. wordsrecite the sentences.recite the adj. words:recite the sentences.


通过听听写写的方式及造句来检查学生对本单元的句型的掌握情况。板书设计:            unit 1 more exercise?

what are you good at?

how about you?

who is good at pe(maths, english, chinese) in your group?… is not as strong as …授后小记: 本节课主要设计了各种题型,复习巩固本单元的各个知识点,从学生完成的情(请记得收藏本站-一路高升范文网,以获取更多新鲜内容)况来看,大部分学生对本单元的知识掌握得还可以,但是学生对于动词遇到第三人称单数需要变成第三人称单数形式还是掌握的一般,总是会有各种遗漏,在今后的教学中要进一步巩固练习。采纳了姚老师的建议,增加了句型转换的训练,这是学生的薄弱环节,学生对于句型的掌握还需要加强。  授课日期: 3 月  14  日


6B Unit 2 More exercise教案及教学反思2
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