Unit 4 How do you get to schoolUnit 4 How do you get to schoolUnit 4 How do you get to school


Unit 4 How do you get to school

Unit 4 How do you get to school

unit 4 how do you get to schoolthe fourth periodi. teaching aims and demands1. knowledge objectskey vocabulary.  oral practice.2. ability objectslistening skills.  reading skills.3. moral objectknow about some signs of traffic.ii. teaching importance and difficultyoral practice using the target language:how do you get to school?  --well, i ride my bike to the subway station.then i take the subway.iii. teaching methodslistening method.  reading method.  pairwork.  groupwork.  practice.iv. teaching aidsa tape recorder.  a projector.  large chart paper, colored markers.v. teaching procudruesstep i greet the class as usual and check the homework.step ii section b 1ashow some pictures on the blackboard. teach students some key words.this is a train station. trains stop here.   this is a bus stop. because stop here.this is a bus station.step iii group muraltape together several pieces of large chart paper and ask students to use colored markers to make a transportation mural.step iv 1b pairworkfirst ask two students to read the dialogue to the class.sa: how do you get to school?well, i ride my bike to the subway station. then i take the subway. step v 2bfirst ask a different students to say what kinds of transportation each picture shows. then tell students picture i shows riding a bike to the subway, taking another bus after the subway and walking from the bus stop to the school.step vi 2c groupworkin this activity let students tell how nina gets to school. ask students to use the pictures in 2b. and write these sentences on the blackboard.first she … next she… then she…step viii optional activityexplain the practice of the sentences starters first she…,then, she… by writing the sentences on the blackboard.first i get up. next i take a shower. then i have the breakfast.step ix summary and homeworkthis class we’ve learnt some key vocabulary and had oral practice. after class ask your parents how they get to offices. next class i’ll ask some of you to report to the class.step x blackboard design    (请记得收藏本站-一路高升范文网,以获取更多新鲜内容);   unit 4 how do you get to school?key vocabulary   target languagefirst… next… then…


       听力真的是学生的难点.有了第三单元的经验.我对听力做了相应的调节.我惊喜的发现学生跳一跳就能够的着了. 学生动了.他们有了成功的体验,好.好. 好

推荐站内搜索:开学第一课 观后感、东南大学成贤学院分数线、甘肃省自考报名系统、河北自学考试成绩查询、神秘岛读后感600字、英语读后感、公务员考试模拟题、建党伟业观后感范文、考研政治考试时间、河南省高考答案、

Unit 4 How do you get to school
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