The broken computer(精选4篇)The broken computer(精选4篇)The broken computer(精选4篇)


The broken computer(精选4篇)

The broken computer(精选4篇)

The broken computer 篇1


  unit5 the broken computer

  the 3rd period

  teaching aims:

  1. the students can read the text and do the exercises.

  2. the students like to learn english.

  3. the students can be writing and listening

  teaching emphasis: the words and the story. some reading. 

  teaching difficulty

  1. how to use the words.

  2. how to understand the story.

  teaching process:


  review the story.

  t: point to each picture, elicit the story from the children.

  s: follow the teacher and retell the story.

  t: write the sentences on the blackboard and let the children read each sentences.

  s: read the sentences after the teacher.


  read and find out

  t: have the children read the text and try to find the answer

  s: read the text and find the answer.

  t: have the children read the text again more carefully and then work in pairs to check the answer.

  s: read the text again work in pairs.

  t: have one student answer one question.


  write the missing words.

  t: have the children listen to the tape and try to understand the dialog.

  s: listen and try to understand.

  t: play the tape again and have the children try to write the missing words.

  s: listen and try to write.

  t: listen again and check the correct answer.


  should quiz.

  t: have the children look at the pictures and try to match.

  s: try to do it.

  t: check the answer.



  write more sentences use these structure.

  the 4th period

  teaching aims:

  1. the students can understand the grammar and use them.

  2. the students like to learn english.

  3. the students can read the story and do some exercise.

  teaching emphasis: the grammar. some reading and do some exercise.. 

  teaching difficulty

  1. how understand the grammar and how to use them.

  2. how to read the story and do some exercise.

  teaching process:


  review the words.


  focus the grammar

  t: tell the students how to use the grammar and have them do some exercise.

  s: try to understand and do them.

  t: have the children check the answer with the partner.

  s: talk about the answer.

  t: ask some students speak out their answers and check them.

  s: check the answer correctly.

  t: have the children read them loudly.

  s: read the sentences.


  read and answer

  t: have the children look at the picture and ask them some questions.

  s: try to answer the question in chinese.

  t: have the children read the text and try to answer the questions.

  s: read the text and try to find the answer.

  t: have the children read the text again and do the exercise.

  s: read the story and do exercise.

  t: check the answer, ask some students answer the question.

  s: check the answer.

  t: have the children read the text again and find some words that they don’t understand.

  s: read again and find them.

  t: explain these words.


  have the children read the text again and tell their friends what they know.

The broken computer 篇2


  unit5   the broken computer


  本单元主要是要求学生能够使用should表示建议的肯定句和否定句的意义。能够使用what should i /we they/he/she do? 等特殊疑问句征求别人的建议,能够使用should的肯定句或否定句根据不同的情况提出合理的建议。通过本单元的学习,要让学生通过仔细观察,认真比较,归纳等办法,加深对核心句型的理解。通过小组活动,培养学生合作中学习的能力。通过让小孩对电脑游戏,上网的利弊进行思考、讨论、比较,形成正确的认识,并在生活中能够处理好电脑和学习的关系。

  teaching aims:














  teaching emphasis:



  teaching difficulty:




  the 1st period

  teaching aims:

  1. the students can understand the story.

  2. the students like to learn english.

  3. the students can read the story.

  teaching emphasis: to understand the story. to remember some new words.

  teaching difficulty

  how to understand the story and read the story.

  teaching process:



  t: have the children practice using i like, love, hate,or prefer.

  s: do it.


  learn some new words about computer.

  t: have the children look at the pictures and try to understand the word’s meaning.

  s: look at the pictures and try to think about these words.

  t: have the children read the words after the teacher.

  s: read the words after the teacher.


  set the scene

  t: ask them if they have ever played a game on a computer. tell them that in today’s story daniel was playing a game on his father’s computer and it stopped working. he then asks his friends for advice.


  presentation of new language

  t: ask a question “if the computer stop working what should you do?”

  s: try to answer the question.

  t: write the sentences on the blackboard, have the children read the sentences after the teacher.

  s: read the sentences.

  t: have the children try to make the sentences by themselves.

  s: try to do it.

  t: write these sentences on the blackboard, have the children try to understand the meaning.

  s: read these sentences.


  talk about the story.

  t: have the children look at the pictures and the teacher tells the story to the student.

  s: listen to the story and try to understand the story.

  t: have the children read the story by themselves and try to answer some questions.

  read the story and answer the questions.

  t: explain some difficult words.


  learn the story

  t: have the children read the story again and answer the questions.

  s: read the story and answer the questions.

  t: play the tape and have the children read the story after the tape.

  s: read the story after the tape.

  t: have the children take roles and act out the story.

  s: try to do it.


  have the children listen to the tape and read the story after the tape.

  the 2nd period

  teaching aims:

  1. the students can understand the new words and use them.

  2. the students like to learn english.

  3. the students can write the sentences.

  teaching emphasis:

  1.learn the new words.

  2.try to review the story.

  teaching difficulty

  1. how review the story.

  2. emphasis new words.

  teaching process:


  review :

  review the story.


  learn the new words.

  t: have the children open their books at page52. draw their attention to the top half of the page.

  s: open the books and look at the words.

  t: model the word and have the children repeat. use the same procedure with the other words in the picture.

  s: read the words after the teacher.

  t: let student read the words again.

  s: read the words.

  t: let students listen to the tape and point the new words

  s: listen and point. repeat after the tape.

  t: have the children try to make the dialogue use the new words.

  s: make the dialogue in pairs.

  t: have some students read the dialogue.


  listen to this.

  t: have the children look at the pictures at the bottom of the page. explain that each of the pictures

  s: look at the picture.

  t: play the tape and have the children number the pictures.

  s: listen to the tape and number.

  t: play the tape again. have the children repeat after the tape.

  s: listen and repeat.


  words you know

  t: point to each picture and have the children try to speak out the words.

  s: look at the pictures and try to talk about the pictures.

  t: check the answer by having students volunteer to write the answer on the board.

  s: check the answer.


  check the correct answer.

  t: have the children read the sentences and try to check the correct answer.

  s: try to do them.

  t: check the answer.


  match the face and the adjective,

  t: have the children look at the pictures and look read the words and try to match the pictures.

  s: try to do it.

  t: check the correct answer.

  homework: read the story.

  copy the new words four times.

The broken computer 篇3

  (北师大版)一年级起点英语教案 6a unit5unit 5   the broken computer 第一课时 教学目标重点难点双基目标基础知识:1. 能够听、说、读、写单词dizzy, scared,medicine,headache\toothache\2. 听懂问句:what should i \you\he\she\we\they do并进行回答基本技能: 能够用should 表示建议。. 能力目标能够用句型what should i do?表建议并进行拓展。能够用should 的肯定和否定句型提出合理的建议。 情感目标  通过本单元的学习引导学生遇到问题和困难积极思考怎样解决、积极寻求别人的建议与帮助的意识,以及乐于助人的好习惯。引导学生正确对待电脑和电脑游戏。 教具tape, cai,学具studying objects 教学过程the first period(n.l)getting the students ready for “how much..?    备    注 学生通过复习进入课堂学习,营造一个学习的气氛教学过程二、presentation1.first watch the video,then answer the questions.what did daniel do on his father’s computer? the video again, then answer the questions?a. when can daniel use his father’s computer/?b. what does his father say about playing computer games? the dialog by yourself then find the new words, and explain about ken\sue\lisa’s advice in group.5.ask some students’ to say their advice for daniel.6.出示表格让学生填。person\advice三、consolidation and extension1. listen to the tape.2. read after the tape   备   注通过阅读故事,使学生在相对真实、完整的语境中接触、体验、理解语言通过各种活动,学习新单词和句型,让学生在合作中说说练利用表格完成对对话的回顾。教学过程3. read the dialog together.4. 小组分角色朗读,并比赛表演5.game1: 看谁记得信息多。read the dialog quickly, then close the book, say something about the dialog.6. game2看谁反应快老师说出一个单词,学生快速的说一个句子老师说出:advice 学生说出句型 i need your advice。四、homework(1)学生听读对话三遍。(2)学生背诵和抄写单词和短语五、课后小结本单元的故事情节虽不复杂,却是真实生活里常见的情景,与学生日常生活密切相关,有利于学生的理解记忆,为学生今后在生活中类似的真实情景下用英语交流奠定了良好的基础。   备   注活动目的:通过对一个单词所Lenovo到的单词以及词组,不仅复习巩固了本单元所要求的词汇,更让学生以滚雪球的方式复习了以前的词汇,扩散了学生的思维。

The broken computer 篇4


  unit5 the broken computer

  the5th period

  teaching aims:

  1. the students can understand the pronunciation and read them correctly.

  2. the students like to learn english.

  teaching emphasis:

  1.learn the pronunciation.

  2.teaching difficulty to understand the pronunciation and read them correctly.

  teaching process:


  review the story

  t: ask them some questions about the story.

  s: try to read the questions.

  t: retell the story for the children and have the children try to retell the story.

  s: listen the story and try to retell the story.



  t: have the children look at the pictures and try to read these words.

  s: try to read these words.

  t: ask the question “are they same pronunciation?”

  s: answer the question.

  t: play the tape and have the children repeat.

  s: repeat the words.

  t: explain the different pronunciation and have the children read these words.

  s: read these words many times.


  perfect your pronunciation

  t: tell the students they will listen the words and find the different one. play the tape and have the children do the exercise.

  s: listen to the tape and try to do exercise.

  t: play the tape again and have the children cross the word that is different.

  s: listen and do them.

  t: have the children check the answer in pairs.

  s: check the answer.

  t: play the tape again and have the children repeat.

  s: repeat the words.


  chant and sing

  t: play the tape and have the children just listen to the song.

  s: just listen.

  t: play the tape again and have the children try to sing it.

  s: try to sing. (two times)


  bingo kids quiz

  t: have the children read them and try to choose the correct answer.

  s: read them and try to do them.

  t: check the correct answer.


  have the children listen to the song and try to sing it after class.

  the6th period

  teaching aims:

  1. the students can do some exercise by themselves.

  2. the students like to learn english.

  teaching emphasis: this unit and do some exercise.

  2.evaluate their learning. 

  teaching difficulty

  how to do these exercise.

  teaching process:


  review the story, words and grammar.

  t: have the children try to retell the story.

  s: try to retell it.

  t: dictation. have the children try to write these words in the dictionary book.

  s: listen and write these words.

  t: review the grammar and have the children do some exercise.

  s: try to do these exercises.


  do some exercise.

  t: play the tape and have the children try to complete the blanks.

  s: listen and try to do them.

  t: play the tape again and have the children check the answer.

  s: listen again and check the answer.

  t: have some students speak out their answers and have the children correct the answer.

  t: have the children do exercise3 by themselves.

  s: try to do it.

  t: check the answer.

  t: have the children try to write a paragraph.

  s: try to write.

  t: give an example.


  evaluate your learning

  t: have the children evaluate themselves.

  s: do them.


  review this unit.


The broken computer(精选4篇)
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