高一英语Unit 1   同步测试高一英语Unit 1   同步测试高一英语Unit 1 同步测试


高一英语Unit 1 同步测试

高一英语Unit 1 同步测试

高一英语unit 1   同步测试

i. 单项选择:1. he enjoys ______ around the campus.   a. walk          b. to walk       c. walking       d. of walking2. most traffic lights work ______.   a. at a time     b. all the time c. at one time   d. every time3. i like sea ______ in summer.   a. special       b. specially     c. especial      d. especially4. no one can be sure _______ in a million year.   a. what man will look like        b. what will man look like   c. man will look like what        d. what look will man like5. ----what is your new teacher like?  ---- _______.   a. he likes playing the guitar    b. he is quite well   c. he just graduated              d. he is tall and handsome6. after that we never saw her again, nor ______ from her.

a. did we hear   b. we heard      c. had we heard d. we have heard7. have you ______ your new neighbour, mr. smith?a. made a friend with              b. made friends ofc. made friends to                                  d. made frie(请记得收藏本站-一路高升范文网,以获取更多新鲜内容)nds with8. --- i missed the first part of the film. it was really a pity.--- you ______ home half an hour earlier.a. should have left                b. must have left c. should leave     d. must leave9. after graduation from college, he began to wander from city to city, _____ a suitable job.   a. hunting for    b. taking on     c. looking after d. bringing up 10. i’m sorry to say only two men ______ the shipwreck(沉船).   a. died           b. survived      c. lived         d. escaped11. ______ meet him at the airport, he had to get up early.   a. so as to       b. in order to   c. so that       d. in order that共6页,当前第1页123456

高一英语Unit 1 同步测试

12. one day chuck is ______ a flight ______ the pacific ocean ______ suddenly his plane crashes.   a. in; over; while                                  b. on; across; when   c. with; through; then             d. on; across; as13.______ i didn’t know anybody at the party, i had a good time.   a. even           b. instead       c. even though   d. however

14. our teacher told us that the earth ______ round the sun.a. moves          b. moved         c. to move       d. moving

15. ---- there is a hole in your bag.---- i know. i am going to have it ______.

a. mend           b. mending       c. mended        d. to be mended

16. ______ you fond ______ football match?

a. do; of watching                                  b. are; to watchc. are; looking                    d. are; of watching

17. he told her how poor and miserable he ______ then.a. has lived      b. had been      c. had known     d. went through18. if your spoken english gets better, _________ your written english.a. so does        b. so will       c. such does      d. such will19. they believe that _______ they will defeat the football team.a. one day        b. the other day c. any day        d. either day20. —do you enjoy listening to pop songs? —yes, i am _______ it very much. a. on            b. with           c. in             d. into 21. --- we don’t have enough books. what would you like to ______?共6页,当前第2页123456

高一英语Unit 1 同步测试

--- how about two of us _________ one?a. suggest; sharing                b. say; share    c. suggest; share        d. say; sharing22. some pop stars will ______ performances ______ raise money for the project.a. put on; so that                                  b. go on; in order that  c. put on; so as to                                 d. have on; in order to23. he is good at making jokes. he always has others ______ at his jokes.a. laughed        b. to laugh      c. laughing       d. to be laughed24. the computer is out of order, but there is no one he can _______help.a. ask to         b. be asked to   c. ask for       d. ask about25. in order to protect the trees, the old man lives _____ in a ______ house, but he doesn’t feel ________.a. alone, alone, lonely            b. lonely, alone, alonec. lonely, lonely, alone           d. alone, lonely, lonely26. the lion hid in the bush _______ be found.a. so as to not   b. so that not   c. in order that not      d. in order not to27. her spoken english is better than ____.a. anyone’s      b. anyone else  c. anyone else’s d. anyone’s else28. could you go and __________, please?a. find what the matter is with tom          b. find out what the matter is with tomc. find out what’s the matter with tom    d. be sure what is the matter of tom29. there were ______ deer at that time that the leaves of trees were eaten up.a. so much      b. so many      c. too many          d. such much30. she asked me _________________.a. that if i was pleased                            b. whether was i pleased共6页,当前第3页123456

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c. that i was pleased                               d. if i was pleased31. there is my friend. would you make yourself _____ him?a. to know       b. know        c. known by      d. known to32. i told them ________ mr. smith had been away for two days.a. if                         b. whether               c. when                  d. that33. let harry play with your toy as well, clare. you must learn to ________.a. support                b. care                    c. spare                  d. share34. he was going to ______ in the cave ________ he was discovered by the enemy.a. escape; as            b. hide; when           c. live; while            d. stay; when35. ---mrs brown is always beautifully dressed.   ---yes, she wears _______ nice clothes!a. so                       b. such                   c. such a                 d. so much36. ---we haven’t heard from tom for a long time.---what do you suppose ______ to him?a. was happening  b. has happened  c. to happen     d. having happened 37. it was ______ late to catch a bus after the party, therefore we called a taxi and went home directly.a. too very               b. much too             c. too much       d. far共6页,当前第4页123456

高一英语Unit 1 同步测试

38. can you tell me ___________?   a. what does the island look like?    b. what the island looks like   c. how does the island look like      d. how the island looks like39. --i like swimming but i don’t like to swim today.   --_____________.   a. so do i     b. so i do    c. so it is with me    d. i do so40. i can hardly imagine peter ______ across the atlantic ocean in five days. a. sail      b. to sail          c. sailing          d. to have sailed   ii. reading comprehensionais your family interested in buying a dog? a dog can be a pleasant companion to your family, but if you choose the wrong kind of dog,(请记得收藏本站-一路高升范文网,以获取更多新鲜内容) you will have a lot of troubles.families should sit down and thoroughly discuss the possible problems before buying a dog. even if the children in your family are the ones who want the dog, the parents are the ones who are really responsible for seeing that the animal is properly cared for. if you don’t know much about dogs, it is a good idea to go to the library for books about different kinds of dogs, as well as books about how to train a young dog. in reading about the different breeds(种类)you should know that a dog described(描述)as very alert(机敏灵活的)may be too active. when a book describes a dog as an excellent hunting dog, it probably means that the dog won’t be happy living in a small house. dog breeds vary(变化)in popularity as the years go by. one of the most popular dogs these days is the german shepherd. this is because it provides protection as well as companionship. the family should be warned that these dogs grow up to be very big, and may be too powerful for children to control. if space is limited, a toy dog may be a good choice. these dogs are very small and easy to train. they don’t need to be walked daily, since they can exercise in the home.1. ____ should take the responsibility(责任)for making sure that the dog is properly treated.a. the children   b. the parentsc. both the parents and the children   d. anyone who wants the dog2. according to the passage, one can get information about different kinds of dogs____.a. by going to the libraryb. by asking someone who has enough experience about different kinds of dogsc. by buying a dog and training it共6页,当前第5页123456

高一英语Unit 1 同步测试

d. by reading books about dogs3. the german shepherd is a popular dog ____.a. because it is easy to train   b. because it is big and strong c. because it is powerful and friendly  d. because it is alert and active4. which of the followindowsg statements is not true?a. don’t buy a hunting dog if your house is not big enough.b. a dog may not be so good as it is described in books.

c. the german shepherd never loses its popularity for it provides not only companionship but also protection.d. you should have a discussion with your family before buying a dog in case it causes you a lot of troubles.5. which is the best topic of the passage?a. the care and proper selection of dogs for families.b. different breeds of dogs.c. responsibility for seeing that dogs are properly cared for.d. different kinds of books about dogs.

iii、 短文改错:i have been in england since three months.       1.________

there have been such many places to see that i have 2.________not had many time for writing letters. i shall start    3.________my studies at a college. there are a plenty of pictures     4.________you can look and there are many books that you can   5.________read them. i have made some friends and have         6.________been used to live in england. the weather here       7.________is neither cold or hot. people here do not shake     8.________hands as we do. people don’t put out their hands    9.________when they meet each other. men rise their hats to    10._______women but not to each other.key to unit one i: 单选: 1-20:  cbdad  adaab   bbcac  dbbad 21-40:  acccd  dccbd   dddbb  bbbcc ii:阅读:   bdcda iii:改错: 1、since → for   2、such → so    3、many → enough 4、去掉 plenty 前的 a   5、look 后加 at 6、去掉 them    7、live → living    8、or → nor 9、正确     10、rise → raise共6页,当前第6页123456


高一英语Unit 1   同步测试
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