What time do you go to school教案What time do you go to school教案What time do you go to school教案


What time do you go to school教案

What time do you go to school教案

what time do you go to school教案unit 11 what time do you go to school?topic  unit 11 what time do you go to school? (the second period)aims  language to teach verbs describing everyday actions.to teach certain verb collocations.to teach present tense in what time questions and narrative forms including the present single tense.to give practice in speaking and listening in the context of talking about one’s daily routine.ability students can tell about their own daily routine.students can ask about times and tell different times.students can make a timetable by themselves.target language what time do your get up?i get up at six o’clock.what time does rick get up?he gets up at six o’clock.key words get up, run, take a shower, go to school, eat breakfast, go home, do homework, go to bed, o’clock, what timefunctions to express different times correctly.to narrative daily routine clearly

teaching steps:  warmer:  put students in pairs.  students tell each other the things they do every day.  students try to find the same things they do.  ask one or two pairs to report.  lead-in:  (请记得收藏本站-一路高升范文网,以获取更多新鲜内容) 1. match the words with the pictures.  2. what time do you do these things?  step one: section a  (1) 1b ask students to listen and match the times and actions.   after listening, check the answers.  (2) 1c ask students to do pair work. one is rick, and the other is the interviewer.  (3) ask students to talk about rick’s daily activities.   step two: play a game.  there’re many kinds of fruit on the blackboard. students are encouraged to get them by answering the questions on the back of the fruits. the ways to answer them can be different.  step three: listening and speaking practice.  1.ask students to see a video and fill in the missing information about david’s daily routine.   david’s daily routine:activity timegets up 6:00 a.m.has breakfast 7:00 a.m.   7:30 a.m.gets to school      11:30 a.m.goes home 4:30 p.m.gets home   has dinner      10:00 p.m.  2. ask some students to say about david’s daily routine.  step four: fill in a form.  ask students to write down the information of their own.  ask students to do pair work and fill in their partners’ information.  ask some students to say two or three sentences about themselves and two or three sentences about their partners.time(yourself) activities time(your partner)   get up      have breakfast   共3页,当前第1页123

What time do you go to school教案

   go to school      have lunch      do homework      take a shower      have dinner      go to bed     step five: written practice.  i usually ______at six o’clock. i have milk and bread for breakfast. after breakfast, i _____ home and then i______ school by bus. i get to school at seven thirty. i have five classes in the morning. and then i have lunch at ______. in the afternoon i have two classes. i go home at four .  i get home at 4:30p.m. i _______at about seven. after dinner, i _______ homework.     i _______ at nine thirty. my life isn’t exciting.         step six: summary  summarize the structures learned this class.  step seven: homework  you are free this saturday. please arrange it as you like it to be.

课堂教学设计说明  这个单元主要学习谈论日常作息活动及时间的表述法。学习用英语描述不同的时间是一个难点,并只有学习了时间表示法后,才能自如地谈论日常活动。因此在第一课时中,主要讲解了时间的表述办法,为第二课时谈论日常活动做好了准备。这节课是第二课时。整节课的活动都紧紧围绕基本句型展开,层层铺垫,层层推进。课堂设计基本上是以学生活动为主体。下面是具体的课堂设计思路。  这节课,我首先设置了一个热身活动,让同学两人一组谈论一下他们知道的有关日常活动的词。然后让几个同学起来汇报一下。这样,基本上把有关daily activities 的词都出来了。然后让他们作一个看图识字,巩固并加深对这些词语的认识。既然这些是daily activities,每天都要做,这样就可以很自然地问“what time do you do these things?”这样就引出了新句型,然后提问几组同学,关于他们的日常活动及时间,让他们有个模糊的印象,然后利用书上65页第一部分的图片及听力给学生一个完整的关于询问和回答日常活动的模式,运用书本上的东西落实新句型,同时把第三人称单数很自然地呈现在学生面前。  接着为了巩固和运用新学的句型,课堂上设计了一个摘水果游戏,每个水果的后面都有一个问题,这样学生要想得到他所喜欢的水果,必须完成回答问题任务,学生参与活动的热情很高,非常乐意去完成这个任务和挑战,并没有把它当作学习的压力,学生在非常轻松愉悦的心情下和环境中完成了句型的学习,并还达到了运用英语交际的目的。  在这节课中也设置了一个录像片段,让学生可以根据所听到的内容获取所需信息,进而完成填写表格的任务。通过这个活动,学生强化了听力练习。并在表格中非常清楚地把几个动词的第三人称单数显示出来,(请记得收藏本站-一路高升范文网,以获取更多新鲜内容)这样就把难点突出了出来。  紧接着是一个调查表,调查表中需要学生填写两栏的内容,首先,写出自己日常活动的时间,然后二个同学之间运用所学句型做问答练习,然后把所听到的时间写下来,通过这个活动可以练习学生的听力,也起到了巩固新句型的目的。做完调查表之后,由学生起来讲述有关他本人和他的同伴的一些日常活动。这个活动让学生对整个学习目标有一个清楚的认识。共3页,当前第2页123

What time do you go to school教案

  调查表之后设计了一个写作,这样也把有关日常活动的词语做了巩固练习。  课堂最后做了一个小结,告诉同学这节课所做的任何活动和任务都是为了学习和运用这些句型。  通过这节课,我对任务型教学思路有下列体会:为了完成这节课的教学目的,老师要设计合适的教学活动,让学生参与其中,顺利地,轻松地学习。改变由老师单纯传授知识,学生被动学习的状况。学生通过课堂的学习,可以在课下运用所学知识与他人交流或可以动手做一些事情,就达到了任务型教学的目的。  教案点评:  首先设置了一个热身活动,谈论有关日常活动的词,然后在摘水果游戏中学习本单元的目标语言句型,接着利用媒体谈论一天的作息活动安排,然后让学生就日常活动和时间进行调查。各个阶段的活动都体现了学生的参与活动,都围绕本单元的目标语言点进行



What time do you go to school教案
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