Unit 4 I Have a Pen PalUnit 4 I Have a Pen PalUnit 4 I Have a Pen Pal


Unit 4 I Have a Pen Pal

一、warming-up1、greetingst: good morning boys and girls.ss: good morning , miss wang.t: sit down, please.t: boys and girls, how are you today?ss: i’m fine, thank you.t: it is a nice day today. let’s go fishing. ok?ss: ok!t: let’s go.2、review the phrases through fishing.t: class, there are many fish in the sea. let’s see who can get them as many as possible. here is the game for you. (切换网页game)you click here, there is the sound. when you hear the sound, please read and get the right fish. now please put up your earphones.(让学生明白这名话的意思)3、review the sentence patterns.t: how many fish can you get? wow! so many! all of you did a good job. all right! we ‘ve learned many phrases, such as making kites, drawing pictures, swimming, diving, etc. i like making kites. i want to know what’s your hobby.t: ok! albert, what’s your hobby?a: i like painting. ( 4 students from each group )4、pair workt: class, do you know what’s your partner’s hobby? now, you can ask your partner, please.  (ss practice) ……t: ok! 1 2 3! i want to choose some pairs to act out. what about…? ( 2 pairs and estimation)s1 and s2 : what’s your hobby? i like…t: class, what’s albert’s hobby?ss: he likes drawing pictures.t: and what’s danna’s hobby?ss: she likes swimming.t:   you don’t like the same things. (1 pair)you like the same things. (1 pair)5、1) twin sisters and brothers.t: look! what are they? (出现两个头形)?guess, please! they look the same. they are twin sisters.yes, they are twin sisters.2) t: and what are they?ss: they are twin brothers. they look the same.3) t: all right! you know they are twin sisters. they look the same. but i don’t know who is ann and who is alice? i can’t find her. can you help me?  ss: yes.  t: well! please listen and find out.( listening ) ok! who is ann? ( 1 student and estimation)listen again! who is alice? ( 1 student and estimation)  t: they are twin sisters. they look the same. but they don’t like the same things.二、presentation1、letter 11)t: and what’s alice doing, now?ss: she is writing an email.t: yes, she is writing an email. she is writing to her pen pal, liu yun. when you read the email, you’ll find some difficult words, here are the helps for you. please put up your earphones, and let’s(请记得收藏本站-一路高升范文网,以获取更多新鲜内容) read her email by yourselves. and then finish the questions here. ( 网页reading 1的切换)板书:after reading the email, we know that it is to, , and from liu . and we are so polite that we use dear liu yun and your new pen pal, alice. 2)t: these are some exercises for you. who wants to have a try? (estimation)   ann lives in _____.   ann and alice are ____.   ann and alice look the same. but they ____ the same things.3) t: well done! do you know: what is alice’s hobby?and what’s her sister’s hobby? (estimation)4) t: ok! let’s read her email ( just reading, cause ss can’t retell it now)t: alice write an email to liu yun. now liu yun answer to alice.2、letter 21)t: let’s read liu yun’s e-mail. and after reading, please finish the exercises. you can click reading 2 , then read the email. after reading, click question 1 to finish these exercises and question 2 for these. ( 网页reading 2的切换)2)t: are you finished? ok! please look at these exercises. ( check out and estimation)   t: let’s read as quickly as possible.i’m proud of you. you have learned something about the e-mails.三、practice1、t: do you want to have a pen pal? (网页切换)   ss: yes.   t: please click email. you can make friends with them. (让学生点击各类人物,然后阅读他们的email,接着回信。)t: here are some characters for you. if you want to send an e-mail to monkey king, you can click here, and read this e-mail. after that you click here and write an e-mail to him.clear?  ok! go ahead!2、学生把email发送后,老师从中挑选学生的作品,评选四封优秀的email让学生同桌分享,然后选出写得最好的一封email。(当场找出四封,然后copy在word文档中)t: here are some emails, please share with your partners. (read some e-mails) now, who wants to share the e-mails with us.3、评选出最棒的作品,然后进行投票。t: which do you prefer to? w(请记得收藏本站-一路高升范文网,以获取更多新鲜内容)ell! please give a vote .  finally, we can see ___ is the best.4、conclusion  t: we’ve learned something about e-mails. i hope you can make some good friends through the internet.5、homework


Unit 4 I Have a Pen Pal
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