



  去澳洲旅行,签证还没出来可不要先出机票哦!下面本站 小编为大家精心整理了澳洲邀请函范文,希望能给你带来帮助。


  Invitation Letter

  November 30th, 20xx


  , Street,

  Sydney, NSW 20xx


  Mobile: +61

  Dear Sir or Madam:

  I am writing to confirm that we wish to invite my best friend to visit me in Sydney Australia for for their holiday. I hope will be able to come on 20xx.

  I am an and in Sydney.

  My friend resides in China and is submitting application documents, along with this letter, to Visa office for processing. As the inviter, I have provided the required materials as well, in order to facilitate the processing.

  I hereby make it clear that I will be responsible for all the expenses during my friend travel and stay within Australia, including the transportation (both air ticket and local transportation costs), food and board, insurance, recreation, and other all related expenses.

  Should you require more information, please contact me through mobile or at the address. And our further personal details are attached (including passport, visa, bank statement, and property certificate).

  Yours Faithfully,




  Letter of invitation





  May 16, 20xx

  Dear Visa Officer

  My name is , I am studying in Griffith University Gold Coast campus now. My major is bachelor of engineering. I have been Australian one year and half form November 20xx. I have finished 10 weeks English language studying and diploma of engineering. My study and life is steady-going now, but sometime I feel very lonely and missing my family very much. Now I would like to invite my father (Mr. ) to come over here to visit me for a maximum period of three (3) months ideally starting June 20xx. I can let my father know my life and study is very well, also I will guide my father to visit the beautiful city—Gold Coast.

  He resides in Jinan, Shandong, China and he is submitting his application documents, along with this letter, to your office for processing. As the inviter, I have provided the required materials as well, in order to facilitate the processing.

  I am eagerly looking forward to your favorable processing and to seeing him soon in Australia.

  Sincerely yours



  Dear Sir/Madam,

  I, ____________, residing at _________________, would like to invite my mother, _________, residing at _____________, to visit us in Canada for about ____ months starting from ________.

  The purpose of the visit is social as well as tourism within Canada. During her visit, she will stay with us at the above address and we will be responsible for all her expenses including the round trip air fare to Canada, food, housing, travelling within Canada, medical insurance and her all the other expenses.

  We will make sure that my mother will leave Canada before the expiration of her authorized stay. Please kindly grant her a Temporary Resident Visa.

  Please do not hesitate to contact me via telephone or E-mail if you have any questions.

  Best regards,

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