牛津小学英语三年级Unit 4   Goodbye教案牛津小学英语三年级Unit 4   Goodbye教案牛津小学英语三年级Unit 4   Goodbye教案


牛津小学英语三年级Unit 4   Goodbye教案

牛津小学英语三年级Unit 4   Goodbye教案

三 年级 英语 科目集体备课教案

课题:unit 4   goodbye



共5 课时,本课第1 课时


教学目标: 1. 能理解、听懂、会说句型:"get up ,go to school ,go home, go to bed ,goodbye , see you, good night." 2. 鼓励学生多说、多用英语。重点难点: 学生能够正确使用祈使句进行语言表达。 学生能够根据不同的情景使用相应的句型。课前准备: 幻灯片, 钟教学过程: step 1   warm-up : 1. sing a song: "hi, nancy!" 边唱边交际表演。 2.greetings: hello! hi! good morning /afternoon /nice to meet you. 3.  free talk : t:  hi /hello ,i' m  miss chen, what 's your name? s:  hi/hello, miss chen, i'm . t:  good morning/good afternoon, , this is . s1: nice to meet you, . s2: nice to meet you, too.     s1: good morning /good afternoon, , this is . s2: nice to meet you, . s3: nice to meet you, too.     s1: hi, i'm nancy, this is my father /mother /brother/sister. s2: nice to meet you ... s3: nice to meet you, too. step 2 .presentation and practice. 1. learn to say: "get up, ","all right " a. 利用课件:时钟显示时间6:00; 一个女孩正在起床. t: this is meimei. oh, it's six. get up, meimei. 幻灯片播放: "all right ." (  say "all right " ,do "get up ") b. read after the t. "get up all right "  c. practice : t-s,     s-s  , group work . work in pairs. 利用情境,学生进行组组、男女生的练习。 2. learn to say: "go to school now ,"."ok, ,goodbye." a.  切换幻灯片: 时钟显示7:30. 一个小女孩背书包打算去学校. t: this is wanzi. it's half past seven now. she should go to school. go to school now, wanzi. 幻灯片播放: "ok. goodbye." b.  read after the t. "go to school ,now ok. goodbye." c. practice : 开火车练习: s1: go to school, . s2: ok. goodbye. go to school, . s3: ok........  3. learn: "go home now, , all right, see you, " a. 切换幻灯片: 时钟显示5:00, 一个小男孩骑车打算回家. t: look, this is xiaoxin, it's five o'clock, school is over. go home now, xiaoxin.  幻灯片播放: " all right ,see you. " b. read after the t  "go home." "see you" c. practice(练习时,可把see you 和goodbye 交换使用。) 4. learn: "go to bed now ,,ok ,good night," a. 切换幻灯片: 时钟显示9:00. 一个小男孩准备睡觉. t: this is mingming. it's nine. he should go to bed now. go to bed now, mingming. 幻灯片播放: "ok, good night." b. read after the t. "go to bed "  "good night" c. practice and check. 5.  boys and girls, i'm tired. let's have a rest . now let's play a game :guess:  (teacher act "get up. what am i doing?" student guess. 也可师生角色交换.) step 3: say a chant: (幻灯片切换至chant, 并播放鼓点音乐, 教师领读后 学生跟读, 熟读后可进行小组比赛.) step 4: consolidation. 1. 通过幻灯片的播放,学生跟读课文并尝试根据图画背诵课文. 2. act the part a. (引入竞争制,使学生的注意力更为集中)          step 5: sing a song: goodbye! (不要求在课上全部会唱, 可布置学生在课后练习歌曲.) step 6: homework: 1. listen to (请记得收藏本站-一路高升范文网,以获取更多新鲜内容)the tape and repeat about part a three times . 2. sing "goodbye !"板书设计: unit 4   goodbye get up, .             all right. go to school now, .    ok, . goodbye. go home now, .       all right. see you, . go to bed now, .       ok. good night, .练习设计: 学生能够正确使用祈使句进行语言表达。 学生能够根据不同的情景使用相应的句型。教后记:共4页,当前第1页1234

牛津小学英语三年级Unit 4   Goodbye教案


三 年级 英语 科目集体备课教案

课题:unit 4   goodbye



共5 课时,本课第2课时


教学目标: 1、能理解、会说单词a bookcase, a desk, a bed, a sofa, a fridge, a hair, a table, a telephone. 2、能听懂教师简单的课堂用语,并能作出相应的反应。 3、鼓励学生多说、多用英语。重点难点: 学生能够认识,会说,会用b部分的单词。 要求学生掌握b部分单词中元音字母的发音,尤其是一些双元音。课前准备: 磁带、录音机、图片、多媒体课件。 课前在黑板上写下课题:unit4 goodbye教学过程: step1 warming-up sing 《hello》《 hi, nancy !》师生互动。 free talk hello, everyone ! good morning, everyone…以及围绕上节课所学句型 step2 presentation and practice(1) ss learn to say new words. (bed, bookcase, desk, chair, table) 1. t: boys and girls, let’s go to my bedroom. 引导学生提问what’s this? t: this is a bed. (ss read after the teacher: a bed, a bed, this is a bed ,this is a bed .) (升降调朗读) t: look at this bed, what colour ? s: pink./ a pink bed. t: now, boys and girls, let’s say a chant, ok? (a bed, a bed, this is a bed ,a pink bed, a pink bed, i like a pink bed.) practice in pairs. check and say one by one. 2. 同法教单词 bookcase. 3. t: boys and girls, let’s play a game. ok? s: ok. 教师在黑板上画出某物品的简笔画,学生根据教师的笔势进行猜测,先猜出的有奖励。(没教的单词可以用中文) 引出单词desk , chair ,table. read the new words after the teacher. step3 presentation and practice(2) ss learn to say new words. ( fridge, sofa, telephone.) 1. t: 看,这是我的客厅,谁能来帮我布置一下? (出示一大张客厅的图片和沙发、电话、桌椅、冰箱等小图片) 一学生贴完后,师生互相问:what’s this? this is a… 引出单词sofa , fridge, telephone. read after the teacher and then read one by one. 2. t: boys and girls, let’s say a chant. sofa , sofa , i sit in the sofa . telephone, telephone, i call you on the telephone. fridge, fridge, i like the ice-cream in the fridge. ss say together and then say in pairs. step4 consolidation 1. listen to the tape and repeat. 2. play a game in groups. (每组同学拿出自己准备的大的房间图片和小的物品图片,布置房间,然后用this is a…的句型向其他组员作简介,比比谁布置的最美观,说的最多最流畅,培养学生的动手能力。) play a game together 利用多媒体课件,展示物品的一角,看谁猜得最快,说得最准。 step5 homework 给家里的物品贴上英文标签,并能用this is a…的句型向家人简介物品。 step6 end listen and try to sing the song 《goodbye》板书设计: unit 4   goodbye get up, .             all right. go to school now, .    ok, . goodbye. go home now, .       all right. see you, . go to bed now, .       ok. good night, .练习设计: 学生能够认识,会说,会用b部分的单词。 要求学生掌握b部分单词中元音字母的发音,尤其是一些双元音。教后记:共4页,当前第2页1234

牛津小学英语三年级Unit 4   Goodbye教案


三 年级 英语 科目集体备课教案

课题:unit 4   goodbye



共5 课时,本课第3课时


教学目标: 复习、会说动物类和水果类的单词。 能使用句型this is a/an…指认实物及图片。 帮助学生熟练使用所学英语单词、句型。重点难点: 学生会说、会用c部分的句型this is a/an… 区别句型this is a…和this is an…; 区别a 和an.课前准备: 磁带、录音机、图片、多媒体课件。 课前在黑板上写下课题:unit4 goodbye教学过程: step1 warm up: greetings. free talk. 围绕本单元句型及认初次见面相互简介,问候之类的交际用语。 sing 《good morning to you 》 step2 presentation and practice: 1. look and say 利用多媒体出示一张放有很多水果的大桌子,教师向学生提问: what can you see on the table?(向学生解释中文) 学生用上单元学习过的句型i can see a/an…/some…回答,答对的获得奖励。(此环节中,注意引导学生区别a和an的用法。) 2. play a game: who’s fast? 利用多媒体同时出现几种动物,然后消失,让学生按顺序说出几种动物,比比谁记得最多,最准确。 最后逐一点出,学生跟读动物单词数遍。 3.出示c部分的六幅图片,学生分组讨论,使用句型this is a…或this is an…, 然后分别请六位同学就六幅图片作简介。 (引导学生归纳出this is an orange/an apple/an elephant.三句话,对于an的用法,向学生稍作解释。) 学生跟读c部分句型。 step3 say a chant this is a dog , this is a dog. it has a banana , it has a banana. this is a cat , this is a cat. it has an apple , it has an apple. this is an elephant , this is an elephant. it has an orange , it has an orange. 升降调朗读,学生跟读数遍,然后分组操练。 step4 consolidation: listen to the tape and repeat. 分组练习: 每组同学拿出准备好的房间、动物园的大图片和桌椅类、动物类、水果类的物品小图片,进行粘贴游戏,同时用句型this is a/an…向其他组员作简介。(要求学生注意区别、归纳a和an的用法。) step5 homework新课标第一网 listen to the tape and repeat. ( several times) 用句型this is a/an…向父母简介你家的物品或图片。(桌椅类,水果类,动物类。) 记下你所知道的用an修饰的单词,自己总结规律。 step6 end sing the song 《goodbye》板书设计: unit 4   goodbye this is a dog , this is a dog. it has a banana , it has a banana. this is a cat , this is a cat. it has an apple , it has an apple. this is an elephant , this is an elephant. it has an orange , it has an orange.练习设计: 学生会说、会用c部分的句型this is a/an… 区别句型this is a…和this is an…; 区别a 和an.教后记:


三 年级 英语 科目集体备课教案

课题:unit 4   goodbye



共5 课时,本课第4课时


教学目标: 1. the ss can understand and say “here’s a …….” 2. go on learning the new words and the new sentences . 3.  to encourage the ss to learn english and use it .共4页,当前第3页1234

牛津小学英语三年级Unit 4   Goodbye教案

重点难点: 学生会说、会用c部分的句型this is a/an… 区别句型this is a…和this is an…; 区别a 和an.课前准备: 磁带、录音机、图片、多媒体课件。 课前在黑板上写下课题:unit4 goodbye教学过程: step1.   warm-up 1. sing two songs :《hello!》《good morning to you !》 2. greetings:简单自我简介及将你的同学简介给别人。(用他们的英文名) 3. free talk :get up ,boys and girls /go to school now /… step2. presentation . 1. listen and number . a. t: look at the picture , boys and girls ,who are they? what are they talking about? b. listen to the tape and do it .   2. think and place  a. read after the t. “here’s a /an ……” b. play a game : put and say 3. sing a song “goodbye ” a. read after the t. “half past nine time”, “it’s time to say ….” b. listen to the tape . c. learn to sing (sing and dance ) step 3  homework . listen to the tape and repeat . step 4 end . sing “goodbye !” homework:  practice in thre(请记得收藏本站-一路高升范文网,以获取更多新鲜内容)e students ,act it about this unit . listen to the tape about 《goodbye!》板书设计: unit 4   goodbye 练习设计: 学生会说、会用c部分的句型this is a/an… 区别句型this is a…和this is an…; 区别a 和an.教后记:


 三 年级 英语 科目集体备课教案

课题:unit 4   goodbye



共5 课时,本课第5课时


教学目标: 1. 学会用this is a /an …句型简介物品,并了解该句型与简介人物的句型this is …间的区别。 2.会听懂、会说here’s … 句型。重点难点:the ss can understand and say “here’s a …….” 2. go on learning the new words and the new sentences.课前准备: 1)照片、图片(家俱、房间背景图)。 2)录音机和磁带。 2、板书准备:写好课题和日期。教学过程: step 1 free talk/ revision 1.sing a song :《hi, nancy !》 2.greetings:简单自我简介及将你的同学简介给别人。 3.do what i do “swim, jump, watch tv, get up, go to sleep.” 4.free talk: get up, boys and girls / go to school now. /… step 2 presentation and practice 1. listen and number. t: look at the picture, boys and girls, who are they? what are they talking about? t:listen to the tape and do it. key:  a 4    b 2   c 1    d 3 2.play a game : think and place 教师在课前将物品单词制成小图片,并自备一张房间的背景图,让学生发挥想像力,给自己布置房间。 read after the t“ here’s a …”. 3.look and say. a. game1 (guess ,what is it ?)利用多媒体出示图中所出现的动物或水果的一部分,请学生猜并用this is a/an…说出正确名称。(强调this is a /an …简介物品, this is …简介人物,注意两者的区别。) b. game 2: 找朋友。将part c中出现的12个单词卡片,请12位同学各抽一张,按文中的搭配边读出单词边快速寻找自己的“好朋友”。 4.sing a song. t:oh, it’s … it’s time to say goodbye. let’s sing a song ”goodbye!” a. teach: “half past nine time”, “it’s time to say ….” b. learn to sing (sing and dance) 板书设计: unit 4 goodbye(c&d) this is a/an…        图  片 here’s a …          图  片练习设计: 学会用this is a /an …句型简介物品,并了解该句型与简介人物的句型this is …间的区别。教后记:




牛津小学英语三年级Unit 4   Goodbye教案
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