6A Unit 5 On the farm 教案表格式6A Unit 5 On the farm 教案表格式6A Unit 5 On the farm 教案表格式


6A Unit 5 On the farm 教案表格式

6A Unit 5 On the farm 教案表格式

unit  5   on the farm           单元分析


本单元主要围绕国庆放假这一话题,把有关谈论过去所做事情的日常交际用语,词汇和语言结构有机地结合起来,词汇和语言结构有机结合起来,重点学习问句what did you do...? 及其答句i/we...  在设计和组织教学活动时,教师要特别注意,过去时表达的操练,在情景选择上要做到得体和自然流畅,如在教a部分时,我们可以由谈论今天的日期自然过渡到谈论已是过去时的国庆节,再利用图片或者用多媒体播放录象来教词,教句型,以强调动作是在“过去”所发生。教授前或教授过程中,还可以让学生听唱歌曲《old macdonald had a farm》用来导入教学或渲染气氛。本单元的b、c部分可结合起来教,b部分单词可采用做动作,猜动作的办法来教,我们应提醒学生注意规则动词过去式的读音及构成,可以分类编儿歌帮助学生记忆。而c部分的操练,除了练习书上的图片外,可以让学生自己带一些能体现实际生活情景的照片来和同学们说一说。


1、能听懂、会说、会读和会拼写单词: milk, a cow, taste, pull up及其中动词的过去式。2、能听懂、会说、会读单词 yesterday,  a farm, a carrot, collect.3、能将所学动词进行组词。4、能听懂、会说、会读、会写句型 what (else) did you do…? we/i…




课题:on the farm(第一课时)

时间:    年      月      日

教学目标: 1.通过图片,能学会四会词汇plant,milk,a cow,else,taste,pullup(词汇1、学习有关本级话题范围的600~700个单词和50个左右的习惯用语;) 2.通过情境的创设学会三会词汇a holiday,last,a farm,a carrot,collect 3.通过小组操练, 学习四会句型what(else)did you do? we/i…玩演视听5、能看懂英文动画片和程度相当的英语教学节目。






step 1 t:what is the boy doing? t:what is t6he girl doing? what did…di just mow? 出示句型,讲解一般过去时 two students to play and dance. s:he is playing the… s:she is dancing. 学习一般过去时动词的发音规则通过对已学过的对话的复习,自然导入常用动词短语,为以下教学做准备. step 2 t:here’re three boxes. there’re two presents for you. open it. t:how did they get their presents? t:what presents are they? 由橘子引出taste 由萝卜carrot t:what did you do just mow?共5页,当前第1页12345

6A Unit 5 On the farm 教案表格式

one student jumped and lifted up his arms then he got his present. she openes the box. s:we tasted the oranges and carrots. 通过游戏引出本课时新授词组.step 3 step 4出示图片t:i surfed the internet .i clesned the room. what did you do yestoday? the oranges and carrots are all from the farm . i visited a farm on national day. 出示隔湖图片,解说。 出示图片:t:what did i do? ipulled up carrots. i tastedcarrots. t:what else did we do? step4 play a game step5 say a rhyme. step6 learnb and c step7 homework i played basketball i watched tv. i cleaned my house. learnnational day listen to the teacher. learn:pull up carrots,taste carrot(请记得收藏本站-一路高升范文网,以获取更多新鲜内容)s milk cows plant trees pick the peaches guess: what did they do? what did she do? what did he do? they picked oranges. they planted trees. write down the drills of c学习本单元新授句型. ,通过书写操练,从口头到笔头的转化.说明:1、重点突出板块设计;       2、备课时重点突出教学设计(包括教师与学生活动设计)       3、教学反思在“活动目标及达成情况”栏填写。 课题:on the farm(第二课时)

时间:    年      月      日

教学目标: 1、通过情境创设学会三会句型:did you like the film? it was a fumy cartoonwere there any fruit trees on the farm? (词汇1、学习有关本级话题范围的600~700个单词和50个左右的习惯用语;) 2、通过情境对话,引导学生培养自己高雅的兴趣。并能进行日常交际。玩演视听5、能看懂英文动画片和程度相当的英语教学节目)重点与难点:熟练掌握规则动词过去式的读音及构成课前准备:录音机,教学挂图





step 1 1.greeting 2.free talk greeting answer the teacher’s questions.通过日常会话,复习旧知.step 2 presentation 1.       由询问学生 how did you spend your national holiday?过渡到课文的学习 2.       show the picture 播放课文录音 ask:what did nancy do last week? did nancy like the film? what did helen  do on monday and tuesday? introdnce look at the picture today? talk about the picture. listen to the tape. answer the questions. 共5页,当前第2页12345

6A Unit 5 On the farm 教案表格式

运用how did…spend..?句型,导入对新课的学习.step 33.read the dialogue 4.播放录音,出示图片 ask: what did nancy do on monday/ 5.get the students to read the dialogue. learn the text of part two. do exercise after the text. homework read after the tape. ook at the pictures and listen to the tape then answer the question. read the dialogue. look at the pictures. listen to the tape. answer the teacher’s questions. read and say. read the sentences. write a t or f. make sentences use the drills of c. 让学生进一步掌握课文内容.step 4 step5 说明:1、重点突出板块设计;       2、备课时重点突出教学设计(包括教师与学生活动设计)       3、教学反思在“活动目标及达成情况”栏填写。 课题:on the farm(第三课时)

时间:    年      月      日

教学目标: 1、  通过小组对话,进一步巩固四会句型what(else) did…do?及回答(词汇1、学习有关本级话题范围的600~700个单词和50个左右的习惯用语;) 2、  通过听录音,做调查形式,培养学生的调查能力,听录音,提取,分析有用的信息。玩演视听5、能看懂英文动画片和程度相当的英语教学节目)






step 1 step 1 revision 1.       greeting 2.       free talk greeting answer the teacher’s questions. 通过对话,复习旧知.step 2 3.       do a survey. 4.       read the text step 2 presentation 1.       teach : d ask: what did you do last weekend? read in groups. act the dialigue. look at the pictures of d. talk about the pictures . 想象图片以外发生的故事。 listen to the tape. read the sentences then complete. 通过对话,学习d部分.step 3 引导学生用自己的语言描述图片。 引导学生听短文 结合图片,以wang bing的口气描述假日的活动。 借助课文短文,让学生掌握学生的假日活动.共5页,当前第3页12345

6A Unit 5 On the farm 教案表格式

do some exercise. model: a:what---you do after school last monday? a:mike and helen,-----did you ---yestoday? 根据所给情景编一个短剧,并加解说词。 look at the pictures. complete the dialogue. b:i watered the f;owers at home. b:we surfed the imternet. 根据所听到的信息,重新组织语言并进行表达,训练用一般过去时陈述故事.step 4step4 homework complete the dialogue in workbook. 说明:1、重点突出板块设计;       2、备课时重点突出教学设计(包括教师与学生活动设计)       3、教学反思在“活动目标及达成情况”栏填写。 课题:on the farm(第四课时)

时间:    年      月      日

教学目标: 通过小组对话,进一步巩固四会句型what(else) did…do?及回答(词汇1、学习有关本级话题范围的600~700个单词和50个左右的习惯用语;) 2、通过听录音,听短文,训练学生的阅读理解能力和判断能力玩演视听5、能看懂英文动画片和程度相当的英语教学节目)重点与难点:学生逐步养成正确的阅读办法课前准(请记得收藏本站-一路高升范文网,以获取更多新鲜内容)备:录音机,教学挂图





step 1 step 1 revision 1.       greeting 2.       free talk greeting. answer the teacher’s questions 通过对话,复习旧知.step 2 presentation step 2 presentation 1.       teach:a camp show the picture. 2.       ask the question: 3.       what did the children do at the camp? 4.show the four pictures. learn the new word. talk about the pictures. read  thedialogue. 了解本段对话发生的背景和时间。 read the dialogue again. 通过看图回答问题, 了解本段对话发生的背景和时间。 step 3 step3 practise 提供情景 1.       wednesday afternoon  in the classroon clean the blackboard 2.       last week in the park play games ask and answer in pairs. 判断图片 新课标第一网 make a new dialogue with these words. 共5页,当前第4页12345

6A Unit 5 On the farm 教案表格式

write down a new dialogue. step 4 step 4 do some exercise. listen to the tape. wrete down the dialogue of part d.听过听录音,进一步掌握所学短文.step 5 homework 说明:1、重点突出板块设计;       2、备课时重点突出教学设计(包括教师与学生活动设计)       3、教学反思在“活动目标及达成情况”栏填写。 课题:on the farm(第五课时)

时间:    年      月      日

教学目标: 1.通过单词的发音训练,了解字母组合ir在单词中的读音(词汇1、学习有关本级话题范围的600~700个单词和50个左右的习惯用语;) 2、通过歌唱,能诵读歌谣last week。陶冶学生的情操。玩演视听5、能看懂英文动画片和程度相当的英语教学节目) 重点与难点:语音 课前准备:录音机,教学挂图





step 1 revision 1.       默写单词 2.翻译句子 3.play a game guess: what did…do? plant,   milk,  taste, pullo up,  a cow. else what did you do last week? we visited a farm. what did su hai do on wednesday? she picked the peaches and tasted them. step 2 presentation 1.       show the word cards. 2. listen to the tape. 3.do some exericise. learn a song read the words: bird, girl, skirt, t-shirt find the same sound︱ ︳ read after the tape say the other words have the same sound cirde  birthday, first… make a kite listen to the tape. step 3 step 4 say a rhyme learn to say. 根据本歌谣格式自编歌谣。 complete the workbook. make sentences. 说明:1、重点突出板块设计;       2、备课时重点突出教学设计(包括教师与学生活动设计)       3、教学反思在“活动目标及达成情况”栏填写。共5页,当前第5页12345


6A Unit 5 On the farm 教案表格式
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