3A Unit 3 This is my father教案3A Unit 3 This is my father教案3A Unit 3 This is my father教案


3A Unit 3 This is my father教案


unit 3 this is my father.


sep. 20th


the first period  (a learn to say)

aims1. words:  mr black, mrs black, gao shan. 1.       2. structures:  this is my… 3. function:  ss can foster the words and structures.

language focususing “this is my… ” to describe their photos


tape-recorder, photo and masks





1. pre-task preparation 1. warm-up. sing songs and act :2.greetings: 3.free talk : 《hello 》、《hi, nancy!》 t: hi /hello, i’m… good morning/good afternoon. nice to meet you, … s1:nice to meet you ,too  t: hello / good morning! this is yang ling /nancy/…/ my father. to form a better english learning surrounding. and to lead the next step.





2. while-task procedurepresentation and practice.1.       learn to say:  this is my father. 2.learn to say: this is my mother/brother/sister. 3. sing a song : 《family song》 4. check.  show the family photo.t: today we’re going to learn a new dialogue. look at this photo of my family. let me introduce something about it.a. t: this is my father.(t repeat it:father , this is my father )what does “father” mean?  do you know?s2:“father” means  “爸爸”t: very good!what does “my father ”mean?s3: 我的爸爸.t: you’re so clever.(read after the t)b.      play a game:① t: father.  ss: dad. j  ② t: dad.    ss: father. j(t says “father” s4 say “dad” or t says “dad” s4say “father” .if s4 can say it correctly, the t will give him or her a smiling face)c. t: show me your family photos, please introduce your father to me, you should say: miss yao, this is my father.d. practice and check s5: this is my father. s6:…   t: look, this is my mother. she is so beautiful. can you introduce your mothers? s7: this is my mother.s8: this is my mother.s9: this is my mother.(ss say it one by one )t: you are all very good. now, please listen to me carefully. if you have a brother please hands up. ok! you please!s10: this is my brother.t: good job. you please! s11: this is my brother.t: good! “brother” this is my brother.(t shows a picture of a brother)t: this is my sister. do you have a sister?s12: no.t: do you have a brother?s13: yes. this is my brother.t: good. do you have a sister?s14: yes. this is my sister.t: ok! this is my sister.(t says the word aloud, but the ss say it low. if the t says it low, the ss say it aloud.) put the four words “father ,mother ,brother ,sister”into a song and let ss master these words easily.t: look at your photo and introduce your family to your desk mates.pictures can help ss use the sentences to make dialogues freely.they know the differences between “a” and “some” from me and say the pictures use the correct sentence.




purpose3.post-task activities1.      t shows the wall picture.2.      practice:3.listen to the tape 1. t: how many people are there in the picture?ss: three.t: who are they?ss: nancy, mr green, mr black.t: mr black is nancy’s father, nancy wants to introduce her father to mr green, what are they talking about?to make ss discuse.2.show the masks(nancy, mr green, mr black)t: who’d like to act out the dialogue?by using the masks.(three students a group, talk about this picture.)3. t introduces gao shan to the ss.t: this is gao shanshow the wall picture and masks (gao shan., nancy, david)4. t (wearing the mask)t: i’m david, who wants to be nancy, who wants to be gan shan? listen to me, please.t: hello, gao shan, this is my sister, nancy.”s15 (gao shan): hi, nancy.s16 (nancy): hi, gao shan. three students a group make the dialogue.①listen to the tape, just listen and next time, repeat it.②open the books, turn to page 18 , a learn to say .listen to the tape and repeat . using many ways to help them review and consolidate the new knowledge.assignmentlisten to the tape and read after the tape.

board writing

                                         unit 3 this is my father.                                 father                                 mother               mr black,          this  is  my …              brother               mrs black,                                                          sister                 gao shan.                                 

t(请记得收藏本站-一路高升范文网,以获取更多新鲜内容)eacher’s reflection  学生对“this is my…”这个句型的掌握还是可以的。几乎每个人都会运用。但是对单词“mrs”的发音存在一些问题。还有是他们对“mrs”和“miss”这两个称呼的意思有些搞不清楚。还需要在下节课上重点说明。整体来说学生的反映还是挺好的。他们上课是很积极。 


unit 3 this is my father.


sep. 21th


the second period (b look and learn & d say a rhyme)

aims1.      words: bananas, watermelons, pears, peaches, apples, oranges, pineapples, mangoes. big, small.

2. function:

1. to understand and say the words: bananas, watermelons, peaches, pears, apples, oranges, mangoes, pineapples.

2. to understand what’s the difference between singular form and plural form.

language focus to encourage the ss to learn english.


tape-recorder, cards and pictures.





1. pre-task preparation

1. sing a song:

《good morning》&《how are you ?》


3. introduce: please introduce your family members to your deskmates. practice in pairst and ss sing it together.

t:  hello /hi….                 

good morning/ good afternoon.     this is …(s2)s1: nice to meet you….(s2)s2: nice to meet you …. (s1).for example:s3: hello…this is my father/ mother/ brother/ sister….  s4: hi,….(s5) s5: hi,….(s4)  …   …help ss review the structures and set up a better surrounding for the new lesson.





2. while-task procedure 1. learn to say the new word:  4. play a game magic noselet ss just smell the fruit and guess what fruit is it, if you right, can smell another fruit, if you wrong, please sing an english song.listen to the tape and do the exercise, to consolidate the knowledge and can improve their listening skills.games used here, can develop their interesting in learning english and consolidate the fruit.





3.post-task activities

to consolidate the new words and structures1. listen to the tape, read the new words and dialogues, to imitate the pronunciation of them.2. let them translate some sentences:(1) what’s your name?(2) nice to meet you, wang bing.(3) nice to meet you, too.(4) this is nancy.   …   … using many ways to help them review and consolidate the new knowledge.assignmentlisten to the tape and review this unit.listen to the tape and prepare the next lesson

board writing

                                         unit 3 this is my father.                                  (1)  what’s your name?(2)  nice to meet you, wang bing.(3)  nice to meet you, too.(4)  this is nancy.teacher’s reflection本节课主要是进行听力练习,提高学生的听力能力,学生在听录音的过程中都能完成补充习题上的练习,效果较好,在以后的单元练习中,还要提高些难度,使他们能很好的应付单元试卷。 


unit 3 this is my father.


sep. 20th


the third period (part c look and say & d fun house)

aims1. words:  an apple,an orange,a pear, a banana ,  a peach,  a mango,  a pineapple,  a watermelon.               some2. structures: i can see a /some…3. function:  ss can foster the words and structures.

language focususing “i can see a /some…” to describe the pictures


tape-recorder, cards and pictures.





1. pre-task preparation1. greetings2. free talkt and ss greetings.1. t: hello, i’m miss yao.  what’s your name?s1: hi, i’m …2. t: good morning…  this is … s2: nice to meet you.s3: nice to meet you, too.3. t: how are you?  s4: i’m fine, thank you, and you?  t: i’m fine, too.4. t: what’s this?  s5: it’s a pencil.  t: what colour is it?  s5: it’s ….help ss review and form a better english learning surrounding.





2. while-task procedure1. look and say2. present the new sentence  i can see a …/some …1.      let them say some greetings and introduce sb.  ss: good morning/afternoon.   hi/hello,…    this is …   nice to meet you, …   nice to meet you, too.then i write down on bb.2. show them pictures and let them talk in pairs, use the sentences to make dialogues.1. tell them the differences between “a” and “some”.eg: a pear, some pears   a dog, some dogs   …   …2. show them a picture. i can say “i can see a dog , i can see a cat…” (with body language) let them know well. then let them say use “i can see a …”3. then i can say “i can see some bananas/mangoes/oranges…” let them know the meaning. at last, let them say the pictures by themselves.pictures can help ss use the sentences to make dialogues freely.they know the differences between “a” and “some” from me and say the pictures use the correct sentence.




purpose3.post-task activities1. listen and judge.2. say a rhyme  1. listen to tape and judge the pictures:a this is wang bing. b this is mr. green.c this is nancy. d this is liu tao. …    …1. let them know the word “fruit”2. ss say the rhyme together. using many ways to help them review and consolidate the new knowledge.assignmentlisten to the tape and read the rhyme for several times.listen to the tape and prepare the next lesson

board writing

                                         unit 3 this is my father.                     good morning/afternoon.           nice to meet you, …                     this is …                        nice to meet you, too.                      hi/hello, …                                       i can see a/some …                                                         

teacher’s reflection学生在练习 “i can see a …/some …”时,常会忘记 “a”或 “some”,并且在用复数时,他们也常会忘记说 “s”;这节课中的歌谣是一个难点,它速度很快,很多学生在听了两遍之后都不会说,第三遍开始只能一句一句听和跟读,回家后还要让他们跟读、模仿。

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3A Unit 3 This is my father教案
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