My dreamMy dreamMy dream


My dream



  • 第一篇:My dream
  • 第二篇:My dream
  • 第三篇:My dream
  • 第四篇:My dream
  • 第五篇:My dream
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第一篇:My dream

My dream everyone has a dream.

now i want to say something about My dream. what is My dream? i

often ask Myself. in My mind, everyone shall have his own dream. i think that having a dream means that we have an idea, and then we will do all the things to achieve the target. as long as we have a goal to be realized, we won’t be blind at least.

My dream is to become a successful doctor, helping those sick people and saving their lives. of course, to be a good doctor is very difficult, but i will do whatever i can do to keep everyone healthy. that's My dream. i want to try My best to help the poor sick people of our country. i want to let them have an opportunity to receive excellent treatments for their illnesses without having to pay much or just enjoy them free. china is a developing country which needs good medicine and good doctors, especially in the countryside and distant villages.

i know that fantasy is something hard to realize, but dream can. i’ll work hard for My dreams, i’ll never give up.

speech on friendship

so many people say that you won’t amount to anything, you won’t make it, you won’t succeed- unless you’re on your own. but those people forget the heroes standing behind them- the unsung warriors- the brave fighters and peacemakers- who make life what it is. these people are friends, com平板res, amigos, amis and even the chums- add the vibrancy and color to this world that is otherwise a monotone black and white. these people- who no matter what is wrong and what they are doing, support you every step of the way and hold you up when you’re falling.

ladies and gentlemen, never forget these people watching you, guarding you through life’s hardships. they will be your light, your happiness to guide you through this never ending

darkness. if soon forgotten, the marks- and sometimes even the scars- these people cast on your heart will still exist, though their reasoning may be lost. everyone you meet- every single person impacts you in some way, no matter how small or insignificant it may seem at the time. then there are those people- the special people to touch your heart- who leave marks so big or so deep on your soul, that you could never forget their mark no matter how much you try. these people will hold the greatest impact on your life and whose presence will stick with through all times. there marks aid to characterize who you are and how your life will go.

these heroes will be able to tell you what’s wrong, even though you may not know it yourself. the look in your eyes- they see through your lies, even if they blind you. you can tell them you’re fine- straight face lie- and they’ll see straight through it. you can’t fool them, can’t trick them- they know you too well. don’t even try it- it’s not worth the effort.

they are your sunshine, your hope, your light. you can’t let them extinguish or you’ll extinguish

yourself. you need them to hold you together- to hold your seams together while you’re breaking apart.they’ll hold you when you break down and cry. they’ll share your pain- no matter rough it may be or how much you hurt. these fighters just want to bring your pain to a halt and make sure no matter what- you’ll be okay.

they will listen to your problems, and give advice when you can’t find it in your own heart- even when the truth may not be what you want to hear. they’ll do anything- no matter how silly and crude- just to make you smile.

your flaws are embraced- these amigos know you aren’t perfect. they’ll accept you for who you are- even if they disagree with who you are or what you do.

you can call them- any time of day- rain or shine- just to have someone to talk to, to cry to.

they will take you out and treat you, just to make sure you’re fed and well.

these warriors become your everything and consume what you thought life was.

please, remember these everyday heroes who have done so much for your life. they are here for you- they would even die for you- how could you even begin to toss them away? something so simple that becomes to embody something even greater- something that almost seems not human. these kind creatures- uncaring about themselves and more forgiving than even the earth itself- are what make life special and worth living. the earth needs the sun to light up its surface, just as we need the friends and family who are watching our backs. please, i beg of you, don’t let this earthly wonder slip you by. embrace the ones you love, and who love you. don’t let that soft flame extinguish. hold it and protect it from the impending storm. who knows when you’ll need these heroes later, or when they’ll need you- but no matter what, don’t let the true miracles that have come into your life slip away.

第二篇:My dream

My dream

everyone has a dream. i have a pretty dream, too. do you know what i want to be? i want to be an english teacher. i think i will be a funny teacher. i will teach My students english songs、tell them english stories 、 play games with them and make friends with them. they will love My english lessons and learn english well.

My dream

everyone has a dream. i have a pretty dream, too. do you know what i want to be? i want to be an english teacher. i think i will be a funny teacher. i will teach My students english songs、tell them english stories 、 play games with them and make friends with them. they will love My english lessons and learn english well.

My dream

everyone has a dream. i have a pretty dream, too. do you know what i want to be? i want to be an english teacher. i think i will be a funny teacher. i will teach My students english songs、tell them english stories 、 play games with them and make friends with them. they will love My english lessons and learn english well.

My dream

everyone has a dream. i have a pretty dream, too. do you know what i want to be? i want to be an english teacher. i think i will be a funny teacher. i will teach My students english songs、tell them english stories 、 play games with them and make friends with them. they will love My english lessons and learn english well. My dream

everyone has a dream. i have a pretty dream, too. do you know what i want to be? i want to be an english teacher. i think i will be a funny teacher. i will teach My students english songs、tell them english stories 、 play games with them and make friends with them. they will love My english lessons and learn english well.

My dream

everyone has a dream. i have a pretty dream, too. do you know what i want to be? i want to be an english teacher. i think i will be a funny teacher. i will teach My students english songs、tell them english stories 、 play games with them and make friends with them. they will love My english lessons and learn english well.

My dream

everyone has a dream. i have a pretty dream, too. do you know what i want to be? i want to be an english teacher. i think i will be a funny teacher. i will teach My students english songs、tell them english stories 、 play games with them and make friends with them. they will love My english lessons and learn english well.

My dream

everyone has a dream. i have a pretty dream, too. do you know what i want to be? i want to be an english teacher. i think i will be a funny teacher. i will teach My students english songs、tell them english stories 、 play games with them and make friends with them. they will love My english lessons and learn english well. My dream

everyone has a dream. i have a pretty dream, too. do you know what i want to be? i want to be an english teacher. i think i will be a funny teacher. i will teach My students english songs、tell them english stories 、 play games with them and make friends with them. they will love My english lessons and learn english well.

My dream

everyone has a dream. i have a pretty dream, too. do you know what i want to be? i want to be an english teacher. i think i will be a funny teacher. i will teach My students english songs、tell them english stories 、 play games with them and make friends with them. they will love My english lessons and learn english well.

My dream

everyone has a dream. i have a pretty dream, too. do you know what i want to be? i want to be an english teacher. i think i will be a funny teacher. i will teach My students english songs、tell them english stories 、 play games with them and make friends with them. they will love My english lessons and learn english well.

My dream

everyone has a dream. i have a pretty dream, too. do you know what i want to be? i want to be an english teacher. i think i will be a funny teacher. i will teach My students english songs、tell them english stories 、 play games with them and make friends with them. they will love My english lessons and learn english well.

第三篇:My dream

My dream ,chinese dream

good afternoon,ladies and gentlemen . today My topic is “My dream, chinese dream”.

well, everybody was discussing the chinese dream, xi jinping,who is our general secretary, were claimed that since the modern time ,realizing the great rejuvenation of the chinese nation is the greatest dream of us. dream is our hope and guide, is a better longing for our,do you have a dream? what about your dreams?

in My opinion, everyone should have one dream .it maybe big or small, but it exists in our life. i have one dream; i want to be a good translator for spread our future to foreign countries one day. when i was young, i was very admirable ehe people who can talk to foreigners that time ,i have made up My mind to study english hard., in order that i can realize My dream .as you can see, i choose the english as My major now. i was eager to improve My english skills, especially My oral english. it is also the reason why i take part in this contest. yes, i think it will be a good way to practice.

as a contemporary college student, i am proud of My dream, and i also proud of our motherland.when the dream into reality .in the era which let the youth recognize their ideal, i believe My dream and our chinese dream must be come true in the near future.

finally, i want to share some words about dream,maybe you know it .it is said by chen ou.the dream is doomed to be a alone trip, it will not lack of query andderide. but so what ? even if we are beaten black and blue, we also never say give up !

thant is all, thanks for your listening!

第四篇:My dream

My dream

everyone has his or her own dream. this article will describe My most important dream.

during childhood My main aim was to become a surgeon. i think surgeons are like angles. they are helpful and respectable. they work for the sick people day and night and give them the second life. they are so great. that is the main reason why i want to be a surgeon.

as the old saying goes,” nothing is impossible if you set off your mind into it.” i will make My dream come true. so i must work hard and make progress first. all in all, i am determined to achieve My goal, however difficult it is. even though i fail, i will not be sad and discouraged. i believe that life is just a series of trying to make up your mind and realizing your goals. i can overcome any difficulties by working hard. it is(请你收藏好 范 文,请便下次访问 evident that My dream will come true when i acquire a large amount of knowledge.

be confident, be strong and be happy! i believe the day when My dream will come true is coming soon.

第五篇:My dream

My dream

good evening, 荣耀able teachers and My dear classmates:

My name is jiang luna, a girl of sixteen. i ’m in shuigen class one senior one. it’s My great pleasure to stand here and share My dream with you. today My topic is “My dream”.

different people have different dreams. some people dream of being rich or famous and some others dream of staying young forever. i also have a lot of dreams. but My biggest one is to become a lawyer.

as everyone knows, our country is developing fast. but many things are short. from the textbooks i learnt that japanese always seized our cities from 1931 to 1945.i can’t stand it when they even said they didn’t attack us in the past. therefore i often feel strongly that i must become i do want to keep up our reputation by law.

if i were a lawyer in the future, i would serve people heart and soul. although our country is becoming stronger, the qualities of our living are by no means satisfactory. to change this, i will spare no efforts to beautify people’s heart. as a lawyer, i do think i can make it.

if i were lawyer in the future,i would offer free help for those penniless people. money isn’t everything. i b elieve that it can be used to help others forever. maybe you will think i am stupid. yes, maybe. but as a lawyer, i do believe My choice is right.

if i were lawyer in the future, i would make a difference to others’ lives

and our motherland.

of course, it’s a dream for me now. in this world, nothing is more

important than to receive education. the more books i read, the more

learned i’ll become. that’s what i know. now, i really want to do My best

to achieve My goal of life .come on! just do it!My classmates, act in

the living present!

that’s all. thank you!

My dream

good evening. everyone:

i’m hong lihe, a lovely girl from shuigen class one. it’s a great 荣耀

to stand here to give My speech today. i’d like to talk about My dream.

i have one dream. My dream is to become the chairwoman of china. in

My childhood, i heard about chairman mao. he is so outstanding and

ambitious. it was he who founded the people’s republic of china. since

then, i have been dreaming of becoming one person like him.

nowadays, china is developing faster and faster, and playing a more

and more important role in international affairs. however, we are still

faced with many problems remaining to be solved. for example, the

global warming is gradually getting more and more serious, and our earth

is becoming weaker and weaker.

nowadays, there are too many cars on the road, which pollutes the air

terribly by giving off poisonous gases. if i were the chairwoman, i would

take measures to deal with it. i will cut down the number of car

productions, even if it will do harm to finance. and another thing, the

main income of our country is from agriculture, but what we lack is

creation in industry. if i were the chairwoman, i would pay more attention

to developing the student’s creativity so that we can move from “ made in

china” to “created in china”. then we can work more effectively and

easily. in that case our country’s gdp will increase to a higher level.

of course, i know it’s very difficult for me to achieve My dream, but

i’ll make it by My hard working. i’ll keep moving from beginning to end.

thank you.

My dream

good evening. boys and girls:

i’m chen ran from shuigen class the topic of My speech is

“My dream”.

i think all of us have a lot of dreams, and dreams are different from

each other. some of us want to be rich, dreaming of becoming

millionaires overnight. others want to be famous, dreaming of suddenly

jumping to a great fame. i have a lot of dreams, too. when i was a little

boy, i wanted to be a successful doctor, because i always fell ill that time.

i thought i would become a good doctor to help those sick people out of

the disease. and when i was a middle school student, i wanted to be an

english teacher, because at that moment, i first touched english, i found

it is very interesting as someone said that the interest is the best teacher

for people, and My english teacher was a kind lady, she always taught us

by action, and we all liked her, and so i wanted to be an english teacher.but now i want to be a successful scientist in the future. with the

developing of the science, we should study to develop the technology for

our motherland and i’m sure that i can make it some day.

i know there is a long distance between the dreams and reality. all we

need do now is just study by heart. we should do more than to say. as a

saying goes: where there is a will, there is a way! i’ll stick to My dreams,

follow My dreams and realize My dreams.

that’s all. thank you!


My dream

My dream

My dream

My dream

My dream

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