上海牛津英语1A教案 Unit 4  My  body上海牛津英语1A教案 Unit 4  My  body上海牛津英语1A教案 Unit 4 My body


上海牛津英语1A教案 Unit 4 My body

上海牛津英语1A教案 Unit 4 My body

unit 4  my  body1、  teaching aims: ss can use imperatives to give simple instructions, such as : wave your hand.2、  teaching aids: tape recorder3、  teaching period: 1 [1]teacher’s activityss’ activityremarkspre-task1. revise the classroom instruction language students have learnt, eg,stand up,please. give me…show me a…raise your hand. put it down.ect.ask ss to listen and act.2. say’touch your toes so that ss understand the meaning of  the instruction. repeat several times.3.repeat step 2 with the other two commands ‘touch your arms’ and ‘wave your hand.’4.say we can do many things because our bodies have many parts that work together. today we will learn some of our body parts. while-task1.have the class listen and act according to your commands “touch your toes. touch your arms. wave your hand.’ repeat several times until they can act freely.2. say the commands in random order and ask individuals to act accordingly.3. open the ss’ book to page 17. play the  cassette tape for ‘touch your toes.’  ask some ss to act it  and the rest of the class to judge right or wrong.4.repeat the process with ‘touch your arms’and wave your hand.’5.have students stand in a circle. teach the  game ‘simon says.’ explain to student that they do the correct action as you tell them only when they hear ‘simon says’.take time to practice. anyone who makes a mistake has to sit down. the last one left is the windowsner. post-task 1 divide the class into groups of three. have each student give a command and the other two do the action:s1:touch your toes.(s2 and s3 do the action.)s2:touch your arms.(s1 and s3 do the action.)s3:wave your hand.(s1 and s2 do the action.)…..2.practise until everyone has given all the actions.   students listen and act.      ss act. students repeat and follow.   students repeat the word and act.     student listen.       ss carry out the commands.    ss repeat the commands and act.  individual ss carry out the commands. ss listen to the tape.  ss act.the other students judge right or wrong.   ss repeat.  ss do pair work.ss change their roles.      ss play a match.      student work in pairs and act.    individe student act.           通过口令复习,引入新课,激发学生兴趣,消除学生的紧张。          从听,看入手,逐步过度到跟读,说,做,循序渐进。符合认知规律。             让学生边听,边做,使得他们更容易掌握句型。      个别操练和整体操练相结合。             通过集体,个别操练,使每个学生都有简单交际,练习对话的机会。          通过比赛,激起学生的竞争欲望,训练反应能力。     以表演的形式,帮助学生更好的掌握所学的内容。共6页,当前第1页123456

上海牛津英语1A教案 Unit 4 My body

 [2] 1.      teaching aims: ss can use pronouns to refer to particular things eg. this is my hand.using possessive adjectives to express possession eg. this is my arm.using imperative to catch people,s attention eg, look!2.      teaching aids: tape recorderlanguage skillspeakinguse modeled phrases to communicate with other learners.3teaching period: 2 teacher’s activityss’ activityremarkspre-task1.      bring a doll to class. it must be wearing a short sleeved top and barefooted. introduce its body parts, imitating a doll’s voice.2.      point to the hand of the doll and say ‘look!this is my hand.’repeat ‘look’ this is my hand’ and ‘hand’.3.continue this procedure to introduce ‘this is my arm’ and ‘this is my toe. while-task1.      put up an enlarged picture of the barefooted sam on the board. pretend that you are sam. point to the corresponding body parts and say ‘this is my arm. this is my toe.’ ask the ss to repeat..2.play the cassette tape for page 18. ss listen and follow in their books. 3.play the casstte tape again. ss listen and repeat several times.4. in pairs, students take turns to introduce their body parts and do the actions5.select pairs to act out the role-play to the class.. post-task1.extend the task by having the same groups practise the dialogue, substituting the body parts with their personal items,e.g. ‘look! this is my book.’,etc. 2.select pairs to act the modified dialogues.check students’pronunciation.and correct if necessary.       ss listen to the teacher,and look at the doll.     student listen.       studetnt look at the picture and point the body part.    student repeat it. ss listen and follow the tape.  individual ss repeat.. s1: this is my arm.s2:this is my eye.s3:this is my nose.. …. student work in pairs and change their role.   ss practice the dialogue.    ss work in pairs ss practise ask and answer question.  通过洋娃娃激起学生的兴趣,使学生比较直观。符合低年级学生的特点。   教师具体的讲解,帮助学生更好的感观。        利用图片的直观性,要求学生指出所学的内容。               通过听,读练习,巩固操练所学单词。        通过小组操练的形式,培养学生的团队精神,接近生活化。     共6页,当前第2页123456

上海牛津英语1A教案 Unit 4 My body

 [3]1.teaching aims: ss can use nouns to identify parts of the body.e.g.eye, mouth2teaching aids: tape recorderlanguage skills speakingpronounce words in an utterance by recognizing stress.3teaching period: 3 teacher’s activityss’ activityremarkspre-task1. show a paper cut-out of a boy’s head and say i have a head here but there is something wrong. tell me what is missing. stick the head on the board and let ss answer in their mother tongue.2.hold up a paper cut-out of an (请记得收藏本站-一路高升范文网,以获取更多新鲜内容)ear and say ‘ear’.repeat and point to your own ear. encourage ss to copy. choose a student to come up and stick two ear paper cut-outs onto the head.3. repeat step2 using paper cut-outs of eye,mouth and nose.4.point to the cut-out face and your own face to introduce ‘face’.point to individual ss and emphasize ‘face’.encourage ss to repeat ‘face.’ while-task1.         stick the word cards for ‘face’, ‘eye’, ‘ear’, ‘mouth’and ‘nose’ around the paper cut-out head. draw lines to match the corresponding words and features. 2.         read the words and get the ss to repeat after you.3. open the ss book to page19. play the casstte tape and allow ss to follow orally until they are familiar with the words. ask the ss to point to each picture as it is being read out.4. put the cut-outs of the facial features into a bag.let individual ss pick one out and say in english what it is.if the answer is correct, the ss can stick it on the head on the board.5. continue step4 with other students. post-taskteach a rhyme about body parts:touch your eyes,and touch your toes.touch your ears,and touch your nose.say the thyme with action and encourage students to follow you. student say.               individual ss do the action. stick paper cut-outs onto the head.    student repeat and do the commands.           ss draw the lines to the corresponding words and features.    student repeat.    student listen to the tape and follow it.      individual ss pick one out and say in english what it is.  ss stick it on the board.       student read the rhyme..  student follow  利用图片,使学生更形象的认知单词,比较直观,使学生乐学,好学。      给学生组合图片的机会,激起兴趣,使他们在愉悦中学习。         让学生建立起单词音、形、义之间的联系。           检查学生的认读情况。         让学生在听的同时,指出相应的图片,使学生建立起音,形之间的联系。    通过各种不同的游戏来来测试学生认读单词的情况,在游戏中学习。       相互操练的形式,锻炼学生口语的表达能力。激发学习的兴趣。          共6页,当前第3页123456

上海牛津英语1A教案 Unit 4 My body

                             [4] 1.teaching aims: ss can use imperatives to give simple instructions.e.g.draw a face.language skillreadingrecognize familiar words in new texts.2teaching aids: tape recorder3teaching period: 4  teacher’s activityss’ activityremarkspre-task1. show picture cards and word cards for body parts and facial features.ask individual students to say or read and point to the right parts upon seeing the picture or word.2. say can you draw a face? today we will practice drawindowsg a face and saying the features in english.  while-task1.draw a face on the board with all the features missing. invite individual students to draw the missing parts and say ‘this is my eye,’ ‘this is my ear,’ this is my nose,’etc.2. open the student’s book to page 20,tell the students that they are going to draw their own faces and  talk about them..3.in groups, student draw their faces and practice saying ‘this is my eye,’ ‘this is my ear,’ this is my nose’, ect.4.walk around to check ss’work and correct if necessary.5. each group choose its best picture and mounts it on the notice-board.  consolidationworkbook page14: underline the correct word in each box. individual ss read and do the action. individual ss come up and choose a certain card.           ss listen to the story.    ss look at each picture in their books. listen and repeat. ss repeat the words and do the actions. ss point to each picture.    individual ss answer.     ss choose the best picture..    通过复习昨天所学的生词来开始今天的新课,以旧带新,符合认知规律。并叫其表演。     学生在画的同时记住单词。      边看边画,帮助其记忆,使课堂气氛活跃。         反复操练,巩固新学的内容。      学生及时反馈,教师及时检查,了解学生的掌握情况。       [5] 1.      teaching aims: ss can use pronounts to refer to particular things e.g. this is my mouth.use nouns to identify parts of the body. e.g.eye,mouthlanguage skillspeakinguse modeled phrase to communicate with other learns2teaching aids: tape recorder3teaching period: 5 共6页,当前第4页123456

上海牛津英语1A教案 Unit 4 My body

 teacher’s activityss’ activityremarkspre-task1.put up the picture cards for ‘ear’, ‘eye’, ‘mouth’, ‘nose’ and ‘face’ on the board and see if the ss remember the words. 2.flash the word cards and get the ss to put them next to the correct picture cards.3.point and say ‘eye, ear, mouth, nose, face.’ss follow. gradually increase the tempo so that students have to move faster. make it into a race.  while-task1. open the student’s book to page21. say now that you all know the features on your face, we  are going to sing a(请记得收藏本站-一路高升范文网,以获取更多新鲜内容) song about them.2. play the casstte tape for the song “this is my face’and point to the features on your face at the same time.3. sing to student and encourage them to follow. continue until they are familiar with the song.4. invite all the girls to sing the first verse and the boy to sing the second verse.5.read and then sing the song together while pointing to the different features on the clown’s face. post-task1.vary the song by dropping one word at a time but continue with the action,eg. point to your eye and sing (‘slience for eye) and ear and mouth and nose…’2. divide the class into an ‘eye’group, an ‘ear’ group,and so on.the ‘eye’ group should not sing ‘ear’, ‘mouth’,or ‘nose’ if any of the students in the ‘eye’ group sing at the wrong time, they are out. see which group lasts the longest..  individual ss come up and circle the word the teacher read.ss practise reading the words together.  ss pass it .   student point and move fast.              ss listen the song.ss sing with the tape.          individual girls sing the verse.   ss read the song again.      student work in pairs and sing the song  让学生建立起单词音,形 ,义之间的联系。   通过许多不同的方式,让学生操练单词。  说口令,叫学生做出相应的动作,锻炼他们的反映能力。               通过歌曲练习,让学生做出相应的动作,真正做到寓教于乐。         在唱的同时加入动作,可以帮助学生有效了解歌曲的内容意思             多种唱歌形式,避免学生枯燥,活跃课堂气愤。 [6]teacher’s activityss’ activityremarksfinish workbook1.       page 13: a. listen and draw.b.draw the missing parts on the face.2. page 14: underline the correct word in each box.3page 10: what can may do? tick the correct word.3.page 15: a listen and write the number..b.try to introduce yourself like sam. 共6页,当前第5页123456

上海牛津英语1A教案 Unit 4 My body

revision of unit 41.      mach the correct word for picture..2.      show the ss the word cards and ask them to judge. if what the teacher said is correspond to the picture, ss repeat. ss finish the workbook                 student read the word cards and repeat.        通过完成练习册,巩固学生听和认读的技巧             板书设计:unit4eye     mouth    face   nose    ear  (picture)this is my hand.this is my arm.教学后记:这一单元中主要向学生教授了身体的各个部位,通过设计情景,采用多种多样的活动,围绕这一内容,把书本知识融进活动中,让学生在活动中不断地吸收,内化所学知识。6页,当前第6页123456


上海牛津英语1A教案 Unit 4  My  body
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