Unit 12 Review(通用13篇)Unit 12 Review(通用13篇)Unit 12 Review(通用13篇)


Unit 12 Review(通用13篇)

Unit 12 Review(通用13篇)

Unit 12 Review 篇1

  lesson two(一) 大声读单词:1. keep     v. 保留,继续处于某种状态2. telephone    n. 电话3. toward     prep. 向,朝着   (二) 重点词汇:1. keep     v. 保留,继续处于某种状态(1)keep 用作及物动词,意为“保存、保留”等。please keep the book well. 请好好地保存这本词典。(2)keep+ 宾语 + 形容词 please keep the door and windowsdow open. 请把门窗开着。(3)keep+ 宾语 + 介词短语please keep your hands behind your back. 请把手放在背后。(4)keep+ 宾语 +v-ing 形式。don't keep them studying day and night. 不要让他们不分白天黑夜地学习。2. telephone    n.电话机i talked to him on the telephone.   我在电话里同他谈过了。vt. 打电话he telephoned me that he couldn't come.  他打来电话告诉我他不能来了。we telephoned him to come.   我们打了电话叫他来。3. toward     prep. 向,朝着  they run toward the beach.  他们朝海滩跑去。 (三) 课文解析:

  a.1. i like rainy weather.  译文:我喜欢雨天。 要点:rain  v./ n.  下雨,雨   rainy  adj.  下雨的2. i can stay inside and play games. 译文:我们可以待在室内玩游戏。 要点:stay inside stay outside play soccer  踢足球play the piano  弹钢琴play games  玩游戏

  grammar1. you should always keep one! 译文:你应该总是带着一把雨伞。 要点:keep 随身携带 2. maybe you can get it back from her.译文:或许你应该把雨伞从她那里拿回来。 要点:get sth. back from sb.  把某物从某人那里拿回来i want to get those books from linda.  我想把那些书从linda 那里拿回来。 3. i should call her on the telephone and then meet her. 译文:我应该打电话给她,然后我们去找她。 要点:call sb. on the telephone  给某人打电话 4.let’s wait for her in front of the school. 译文:让我们在学校前等她。要点:wait for sb.  等候某人  i am still waiting for a girl.  我还是在等待一个女孩。   重点语法:should 的用法1. should 作为情态动词,通常用来表示现在或将来的责任或义务,译作“应该”、“应当”。you should stay at home.             你们应该待在家里。2. should 作为情态动词,可以表示委婉,译为“可……”。should you like some tea?          你可喜欢喝茶? 3. should  的否定形式为  should not = shouldn’t      we shouldn’t speak in the class.  我们不应该在课堂上说话。

  b.1. my friend and i are outside in the garden.译文:我和我朋友在花园里。要点:为表示对他人尊敬将我放在后面,但是呢谓语动词用复数。     my friend and i are soccer fans.   我和我朋友都是足球迷。    ben and i like singing very much.  我和本非常喜欢唱歌。 2. a storm is coming toward us. 译文:暴风雨向我们袭来。 要点:a storm is coming. 暴风雨就要来了。there’s a storm coming.  一场暴风雨来了。3. we should go inside the house, but we want to look at the storm. 译文:我们应该到房子里去,但是呢我们想看看暴风雨。 要点:go inside  去里面   / go outside   去外面    look at sth. /sb.   看某物/某人    don’t look at me like that. 别那样看着我。4. suddenly we hear noise from the sky. 译文:突然,我们听见天空处传来响声。 要点:hear noise from swh.      i hear noise from that room in the evening.   晚上的时候我听到从那个房间传来声音。

Unit 12 Review 篇2

  unit 8 review

  lesson 2


  1. fish     n. 鱼

  2. because  conj. 因为

  3. active   adj. 活跃的,积极的


  1. fish   fish 或 fishes




  we caught several fish. 我们捉了几条鱼。

  the best fish smell when they are three days old.(谚)



  we had fish for dinner. 我们正餐吃了鱼。

  drink like a fish牛饮

  like a fish out of water 浑身不自在

  v. 捕鱼;钓鱼

  they are fishing in the river. 他们在河里捕鱼。

  i often fish for hours without catching anything.我经常毫无所获地一钓就是几个小时。

  eat two fish 吃两条鱼

  catch (raise) a lot of fishes 捕到(养殖)许多种鱼

  go fishing 去钓鱼


  i think he’s just fishing for compliments. (喻) 我想他不过是在沽名钓誉。

  2. because 




  i do it because i like it. 我做这件事是因为我喜欢。

  he’s called ginger’ because of his bright ginger hair.


  he eats because of greed, not hunger. 他不是因为饿了,而是因为贪嘴才吃的。

  3. active  




  she is very active. 她非常活跃。

  he has been able to tell us more about active volcanoes than any man alive.



  to take an active part 积极参加工作

  he is an active member of the club. 他是俱乐部的积极分子。 an active member积极分子




  choose the correct words

  i take good care of my do. i feed him 1. (day/daily). he is very 2. (active/actively). so, i exercise him 3. (regular/regularly) . sometimes, we play with a ball. my dog is so 4. (quick/quickly)! i think he is the 5. (quick/quickest) dog on my street. but he 6. (is/ isn’t) the 7. (bigger/biggest) dog. my friend’s dog is 8. (bigger/biggest) than him.

  lesson 3


  lesson 4


  1. toy    n. 玩具


  1. toy   


  n. 玩具

  1)an object for children to play with. 玩具: 让小孩玩耍的物品

  2)something of little importance; a trifle. 小事: 几乎没有重要性的某事物;琐事

  3)an amusement; a pastime: 娱乐;消遣:

  thought of the business as a toy. 视生意为儿戏


  1. some snakes are          .

  a. danger                 b. dangerous         c. dangerously

  2. i am          than a rabbit.

  a. scary                  b. more scary        c. scarier

  3.           your pet regularly.

  a. practice                b. exercise          c. do

  4. who jumped          of all in the long jump?

  a. longest                 b. longer            c. farthest

  5. which stress of the followindowsg word is different from the others?

  a. rabbit                  b. tiger             c. because

  答案:1. b       2. c      3. b       4. c     5. c

Unit 12 Review 篇3

  lesson 2(一)大声读单词重点词汇:beach     n. 海滩要点:n. 1. the shore of a body of water, especially when sandy or pebbly.(adj. 多卵石的)海滩,海滨一个水域的岸,尤指在多沙或多卵石时。2. the sand or pebbles(n.卵(请记得收藏本站-一路高升范文网,以获取更多新鲜内容)石)on a shore.  岸上的沙子和卵石。 (二)重点解析重点句子:1. don’t you enjoy exercising?你不喜欢锻炼吗?该句为否定一般疑问句。常用于表达提问人的怀疑、惊讶、邀请或赞叹等含义。回答时要依据事实用yes或no, 这方面与汉语习惯相反。haven’t you finished your composition?你还没写完作文吗?yes, i have.  不,写完了。no, i haven’t.  是啊,还没写完。2. i always get tired when we go jogging. 当我们慢跑步的时候,我总感到累。    get在该句中作联系动词用,后面可接形容词,get tired 相当于become tired 或be tired。    短语be tired of 则表示“厌倦”之意。[知识拓展]常用的联系动词:became(变成,成为);fall(变得);get(变得,成为);go(变得);grow(成长,变成);turn(使转变);look(显得);seem(看起来);feel(感到);sound(听起来);taste(尝起来);smell(闻起来);keep(保持);stay(依然,保持);lie(处于……状态)等。这些词的特点是:联系动词与其后的表语没有动宾关系,表语多为形容词或副词,即不可能是宾语。当联系动词不是be,而其后是名词和代词时,多表达“转变为”之意,注意与动宾关系的区别。 感官动词多可用作联系动词:look well/面色好,sound nice/听起来不错,feel good/感觉好,smell bad/难闻 what do you call a very popular person?你们怎么称呼一位非常受欢迎的人?call表示“称呼,叫作”的意思,常用“call sb. sth.”结构,表示“称某人为……”。how does a healthy person look?一个健康的人看起来啥样?同意句:what does a healthy person look like?how is the weather today?=what’s the weather like today?今天天气怎样?what’s the best way to fly?最好的飞行方式是啥?way表示“方式、办法、手段等”,后面可以接动词不定式或of+动名词作后置定语。there are many ways to cook fish.  有很多烹制鱼的办法。what happen if you don’t exercise?  如果你不锻炼会怎么样?  happen 可表示偶然发生之意,不及物动词,没有被动语态;表示某人发生某事用sth. happen to sb. 结构。what happened to you?你出了啥事情了?if为连词,既可以连接真实条件状语从句,也可以连接虚拟语气条件从句。注意:if连接的真实条件句中不能使用将来的时态,只能用现在或过去的时态代替将来时态或过去将来的时态。  if it does not rain tomorrow, we’ll go on picnic. 如果明天不下雨,我们就去野餐。    if i were you, i wouldn’t do that. 若我是你的话,就不那么做。

Unit 12 Review 篇4

  lesson two       group work        i like rice porridge. my mom makes it with garlic. what kind of food do you like?        我喜欢大米粥。我母亲做粥的时候放大蒜。你喜欢吃啥食物?        i like pizza. we usually make it with sausages and vegetables. what kind of food do you like?       i like dumpling. my dad makes it with vegetable and pork. what kind of food do you like?         grammar        a.        liu chang: that looks good! what are you eating?        amy: i’m eating this hot and sour soup. do you want to try some?        liu chang: yeah. i’ll try a little. mmmm. it’s delicious! where does it come from?        amy: it’s from thailand. which food do you like best so far?        liu chang: i really like these dumplings. do you want to try a little of mine?        amy: no, thanks. i think i’ll get some of my own. where did you get them?        liu chang: these are from the china table, but i don’t think there are any left.          b.        where does pizza come from? from italy!     比萨饼源于哪里? 来自意大利。        my father loves pizza.  我父亲喜欢比萨饼。       he can make a really good italian pizza!         he usually makes it when we are very hungry.   当我们都饿的时候他通常都做比萨饼。       for the sauce, he uses five tomatoes and a little water, not a lot. 他用五个西红柿和一点水做番茄酱。       on the pizza, he puts some cheese. 他把一些干酪放在比萨饼上。        sometimes, he adds a sausage. 有时候,他加一点香肠。       he cuts one into pieces and puts them on top.  他把香肠切成小块放在比萨饼上。         pizza   1. you make this food with a lot of water : soup   2. to ask for food in a restaurant : order   3. a soft food : porridge   4. all people live here: world   5. meat from a pig : pork   6. not sweet : sour   7. 60 seconds: minute   8. a hot taste : spicy   9. something often on top of a hamburger : cheese   10. a piece of long meat : sausage   11. food like carrots and onions : vegetables   12. eg. breakfast, lunch, dinner: meal   

Unit 12 Review 篇5


  一. 教学内容:unit 4 review 二. 重点、难点:阶段复习(1~3) 三. 具体内容: 

  lesson one(一)大声读单词:1. pilot   n. 飞行员2. snowy    adj. 下雪的3. theater     n. 剧场,电影院 (二)重点词汇:1. pilot   n. 飞行员my father is a pilot.  我父亲是一个飞行员。pilot   v.  驾驶(飞机等) i want to learn to pilot an airplane.  我想学习驾驶飞机。  2. snowy    adj. 下雪的    it’s a snowy day.  是一个下雪天。    snow   v.   下雪        it’s snowindowsg now.     snow   n.   雪    there is a dog in the snow.   在雪地里有一只狗。 3. theater     n. 剧场,电影院    let’s go to the theater.  让我们去剧院吧。    (三)课文解析:1. pronunciation ① / e /ben gets a red pencil-box.   ben有一个红色的铅笔盒。 ② / i:/please give me a red peach.  请给我一个红色的桃子。 ③ / p /peter plays the piano in the park.      彼得在公园里弹钢琴。  ④ / f /four friends fly kites.  四个朋友放风筝。 ⑤ / r /    she is running to the red door.  她正朝着红色的门跑去。 ⑥ / l /    listen to linda carefully.   认真听linda说。 ⑦ / t /tim teaches tom twelve words in ten minutes.  tim在10分钟内教了tom 12个单词。 ⑧ / d /don’t call the dog david.   别管这只狗叫大卫。⑨ / tr /    the train is coming now.  火车来了。 ⑩ / dr /    a driver is driving a car and drinking water.    一个司机边开车边喝水。 2. stress the temperature is very high today.                          i don’t like the darkness.                                        the weather is nice in september.                           my god sleeps outside at night.                             i study fewer hours than my friend.                               3. pair work practice with a partner.① 天气词汇:sunny  阳光充足的hot         热的                    warm      温暖的                 dry         干燥的cloudy     多云的                 windowsdy     多风的                 rainy       下雨的, 多雨的 snowy  下雪的                   cold        寒冷的                 cool        凉爽的 wet         湿的 中心句型:what is the weather like today?  今天天气怎样?拓展句型:how is the weather like today? 拓展句型:what’s the weather going to be like tomorrow?  明天天气怎样?      what will the weather be like tomorrow?   明天天气会怎样?     what will the weather be like on saturday?  周六的天气将会是怎样? ② 地点词汇:the theater  剧院                 the park  公园                    the zoo 动物园the cinema  电影院             the hospital  医院                the post office  邮局the playground  操场           中心句型:where will you go?    i hope we go to  拓展句型:where will you go after school / on sunday / in windowster vocation / next year? ③ a:it’s snowindowsg today. what should i do?     b:you should you shouldn’t…要点:should + 动词原形;  should not = shouldn’t you should stay at home. you should read books in the library. you shouldn’t go outside.you shouldn’t drive so fast. ④a:there’s a storm today. what should i do?    b:you should stay inside. you shouldn’t go outside.

Unit 12 Review 篇6

  lesson threea. read and write the answer. 重点短语:wear a hat      戴帽子wear a t-shirt   穿t恤衫wear a sweater  穿毛衣wear a coat     穿大衣wear shorts     穿短裤wear trousers   穿长裤wear shoes     穿鞋wear boots      穿靴子wear gloves     带手套have an umbrella   有一把雨伞   

  lesson four

  a.wang dandan is running to xi’an.        王丹丹正在跑着去西安。 but it is beginning to rain.                但是呢天开始下雨。her clothes are wet! from her shoes to her hat.   她的衣服湿透了。从鞋子到她的帽子。so, tomorrow, she’ll take the train.         所以,明天,她准备坐火车。

  b1. q:what’s the weather like today?                       今天天气怎样?a:it’s cold and windowsdy.                                      冷且多风。 2. q:what is the temperature today?                      今天气温是多少?a:30 degrees, i think.                                       我想有30度。 3. q:what is the warmest city?                             最温暖的城市是哪个?a:shanghai.                                                     上海。 4. q:what will the weather be like tomorrow?        明天天气怎样?a:it’ll be hot.                                                   会很热。 5. q:do you like rainy weather?                            你喜欢雨天吗?a:yes, i do.                                                     是的,我喜欢。 6. q:what should i bring?                                    我应该带着啥呢?a:you should bring an umbrella.                        你应该带把雨伞。 7. q:when will the weather be warm?                   天气啥时候能变暖呢?a:on wednesday.                                             周三的时候。 8. q:will you be there?                                         你会到那儿吗?a:i hope so.                                                    我希望如此。

Unit 12 Review 篇7

  lesson three       重点语言知识:       食品类:sweet food 甜食  sour food 酸味食品  spicy food 辛辣的食品  salty food 咸味食品1. write the answers on a piece of paper.  在一张纸上写出答案。       要点: paper 不可数名词    a piece of paper  一张纸2. give your paper to your teacher. 把你的纸给你的老师。        要点:= give your teacher the paper.  

  lesson four       a. 1. little amy met a dumpling lady, with a wok upon her back.        要点:meet – met  2. said little amy to the dumpling lady, “may i please have a snack?”        要点:little amy said to the dumpling lady.        say sth. to sb.   跟某人说某话       my teacher said to me, “ you are the best.”3. said the dumpling lady to little amy, “ show me first your penny.”        要点:show sb. sth. = show sth. to sb.     = show your penny to me first.           b. 1. what’s your favorite food?   你喜欢的食物是啥?       pizza. 2. where is that from?   它来自哪个国家?       german. / italy. 3. who made this porridge?  粥是谁做的?        my mom. 4. when do you eat dinner?   你啥时候吃晚饭?        usually at 6:00. 5. do you need some water?  你需要一些水吗?       yes, a little. 6. does it taste good?  味道尝起来怎样?       yes, i really like it! 7. can you make dumplings?  你会包饺子吗?       yes, they’re easy to make. 8. can i try a sausage? 我能品尝一根香肠吗?       sure, take two of them.   

Unit 12 Review 篇8

  lesson 3重点句子:i enjoy swimming. 我喜欢游泳。swimming在该句中为动名词,性质相当于名词,作谓语动词enjoy的宾语。常可接动名词做宾语的动词还有:like doing喜欢做……;hate doing厌恶做……;prefer doing更喜欢做……;finish doing完成做……;keep doing不断做……;mind doing介意做……;practice doing练习做……等。 

  lesson 4重点解析:1. 重点短语play with friends  和朋友一起玩watch tv late  看电视到很晚on the beach  在海滩上so many 这么多eat soup  喝汤all night  整夜stay healthy  保持健康last night  昨晚go to a movie  去看电影help sb. around the house   帮某人做家务 2. 重点语法使役动词let, make, have以及help的用法与区别:使役动词是表示使、令、让、帮、叫等意思的不完全及物动词,主要有let、make、have以及help等。let表示“让某人怎样”,make有“强迫,强制,别无选择”的意思,have表示一种要求,help表示 “帮助某人……”结构:make/let/have/help+sb.+动词原形   

  【典型例题】一. 根据句意用动词填空1. my mother            me do my homework every day.2. my parents            me do sport after dinner. 3. the teacher            me sit in front of her.4. exercise             me keep healthy. 二. 选词填空1. my teacher had me       (clean/cleaning)classroom.2. my brother helped me          (study/to study)english.3. my father lets me          (go/to go)to the movies.4. i made them          (stand/to stand)near the door. 答案:一. 1. makes  2. let   3. has  4. helps二、1. clean    2. study  3. go  4. stand

Unit 12 Review 篇9

  unit 4 review

  解析appear 和 appearance


  appear不及物动词,表示“出现”。也是系动词,表示“似乎,显得”,同义词seem, look;反义词disappear。例:his head soon appeared out of the windowsdow. 不一会他从窗户里探出头来。

  he appears quite well. 他似乎很健康。



  例:he appeared quite healthy .他似乎很健康。(但实际上不一定健康)

  he appears to be a fool.他似乎是个傻瓜。(但实际上不一定是个傻瓜)

  2. appear to sb. + 从句,表示“在某人看来……”。

  例:it appeared to me that he is quite well again.  我看他好像也健康了。


  例:he doesn’t appear ( seem ) to like you. / he appears ( seems ) not to like you.


  辨析:appear, seem

  appear 与 seem 都可以做“看起来”,“好象”解。appear强调外表上给人某种印象,有时含有实质上并非如此的意思。而seem则暗示判断有一定根据,这种判断往往接近事实。

  比如:he appears ( to be ) quite old.  他显得很老。(是指他显得很老,但实际情况不一定如此。)

  he seems ( to be ) quite old. 他似乎很老。(可能他的确是很老。)

  appearance 当表示“出现,显漏”时,常做不可数名词,反义词为disappearance;而表示“外貌,外观,外表”时,为可数名词,复数为appearances。

  例:poisonous weeds must be uprooted as soon as they make their appearance.


  don’t judge by appearances. 不要根据外表来判断。

  辨析:appearance, aspect, look


  appearance 含义较广,无褒贬色彩,往往指全貌。用于人时,除指容貌外,还包括衣着打扮、身材高矮等。

  比如:his wife is ordinary in her personal appearance. 他妻子相貌平凡。

  aluminium gives the appearance of silver. 铝看上去象银。

  aspect 指部分外貌。指人的外表、表情、神色时,可与look互换。

  比如:the child became afraid of the angry aspect of the man. 那孩子看到那人的一脸怒相,非常害怕。

  i love the bay in all its aspects, even its stormy, frightening aspect in windowster.


  look 普通用语。指人暂时的面部表情或举止行为,特别用以强调人的外貌具体细节,如颜色、形状、表情、神态等。

  比如:a look of dismay passed over his face.  他脸色变得沮丧。

  charlette is endowed with good looks. 夏洛特天生丽质。

  “恐惧”有何区别 – afraid, scare, anxious, fearful, frightened


  afraid 是常用词。单独使用时,不表示恐惧的程度。一般说来,它指个人体会到的害怕,与肉体伤害无关,仅是一种感觉,在口语中,常表示一种轻微的担心。

  比如:i am afraid of bathing in the river, since the woman was drowned there.


  i’m afraid i am a bit late for my appointment.  恐怕我去赴约有点晚了。

  scared, frightened 经常意味着遭受肉体伤害的恐惧, 但frightened更带文气。

  比如:when the lights were out, i was scared. 灯熄了以后,我很害怕。

  she has always been frightened of the dark. 她一直害怕黑暗。

  anxious 意味着紧张和焦虑,可能只是因为自己多虑的缘故。

  比如:she was anxious about her daughter being out so late at night.


  his ill health has been a very anxious business. 他身体不好使人十分担心。

  fearful 指充满恐惧或担心。和anxious一样,也可能与外界状况没有多大关系,只是多虑,但在程度上比anxious更强。

  比如:they are fearful of another business depression. 他们担心再次出现商业萧条。

  the actress was fearful that the opening night would be a failure. 女演员担心首场演出失败。






  引导词 例          句 备注

  连词that 1. i hear ( that ) he will be back in an hour.

  2. he said ( that ) he missed us very much.

  3. i know he has gone to the factory. that无词义常常可以省略。

  特殊疑问词(where, what, when, which, who, whose )  1. i don’t know where he lives.

  2. i want to know when the meeting will begin.

  3. do you know who she is?

  4. i know what he means. 疑问词还有how, how long, how many等。

  连词if或whether 1. the teacher asked if you had done your homework.

  2. i want to know if you can come in time.

  3. i want to know whether it will rain tomorrow. if常用于口语。




  he got up so late this morning. (简单陈述句)

  did he get up so late this morning? (一般疑问句)

  why did he get up so late this morning? (特殊疑问句)

  i don’t know why he got up so late this morning. (宾语从句)




  say, think, insist, wish, hope, suppose, see, believe, agree, expect, explain, order, dream, suggest, demand, feel, hear, wonder, know, mean, intend, understand …


  the letter says that they are arriving on sunday. 信上说,他们将在星期天到达。

  let’s suppose that one day this happens to you. 让我们假设,有一天这事发生在你身上。


  1.经常在及物动词和宾语从句之间插一个间接宾语(人)。比如:he told me that she was wrong. 他告诉我说,她错了。

  2.在动词think, believe, suppose, expect等后面的宾语从句中的否定词经常前移。比如:

  i don’t think you are right. 我想你是不对的。

  i don’t suppose he cares, does he? 我看他不在乎,是吧?

  we didn’t believe he had finished his work. 我们相信他还没做完他的工作。


  we think it wrong that he told a lie to everyone. 我们认为,他对每一个人都说了慌是错的。

  he thought it a pity that she missed the chance. 他认为,她失去这次机会很可惜。



  一、主居与从句是否一致应视情况而定。 比如:

  主   句 从    句

  i think that

  i will know that

  i have heard that

  he often does it.

  he is doing it.

  he has done it.

  he will do it.

  he has been doing it.

  he did it yesterday.

  he had done it by that time.



  1. he said that he didn’t know me.  他说,他不认识我。

  2. i didn’t know where she was going.  我不知道,她要去哪里。

  3. i told him that i should go at once.  我告诉他,我得马上走。

  4. she forgot what she had learned.  她忘了她所学的东西。



  at that time, people did not know that the earth moves. 当时人们还不知道,地球是在运动着。


  he said he gets up at six every morning.


  he said he got up at six every morning.


  he told me last week that he is eighteen.

  他上周告诉我,他18岁。 (不变的事实)

  he told me last week that he was sick.


  2.主句动词无论是啥时态,宾语从句中的助动词ought, need, must, dare是不变的。比如:

  he thinks / thought that i need not tell you the truth.  他认为,我没有必要告诉你真相。


  i didn’t know you are in london. (过去不知道,而现在知道)

  i don’t know you are in london. (现在不知道)

  i didn’t know you were in london. (过去不知道,当时在伦敦)

  我不知道, 你在伦敦。


  问:这一月我学到很多关于might / may 的知识,以前我知道may 表示“可以”,而might是may的过去式,可是这学期他们的意思与用法似乎变了,不再是我以前的may/might了,为啥?能帮帮我更清楚地认识一下他们吗?


Unit 12 Review 篇10


  一. 教学内容:    unit 12 review 二. 重点、难点:  words, phrases and sentences 三. 具体内容:

  lesson 1(一)大声读单词:1. relax             v. 放松;轻松2. snowboard        n. 滑雪板3. recently           adv. 不久前;近来4. would            v. 表达意愿 (二)重点词汇:1. relax       v. 放松;轻松要点:make sb. rest after work 使某人放松,休息these pills will relax you and help you sleep well. 这些药可以使你放松,并有助于睡眠。don’t worry about it, just try to relax. 不要为这事担心,放松些。 2. snowboard  n. 滑雪板要点:v.   to use a snowboard  使用滑雪板n.  a board used for descending snow-covered slopes on one’s feet but without ski poles.滑雪板,用于徒步和没有滑雪杖帮助而从雪坡滑下来。3. recently    adv. 不久前;近来要点:recent+ly(副词后缀,只改变词性,不改变词义)adv.  not long ago or before;lately 不久前,近来recent  adj.  近来的,不久前的,通常作定语    recent news  最近的消息recently 表示“最近,不久前”,是副词,可以用于肯定句,否定句以及疑问句中,与过去时态和现在完成时连用。did she hold a party recently?她最近举办过聚会吗?not long ago 表示不久以前,只能用于肯定句中,并常与过去时态连用。4. would  v. 表达意愿要点:would  用于表达合乎意愿,常用于以下句型:主语+would like/love/prefer to(’d like/love/prefer to)表达“想要……”,与want to do sth. 意思相近。she would like(’d like)to go swimming. 她想去游泳。would you like/love/prefer to 1?would you be good/kind enough to 1?均表示客气的请求、劝告之意,后者更加客气。 would you like show me the way to the post office?请您告诉我去邮局的路好吗?would you please 1?表示请求 will you please?语气更加客气,委婉。肯定答语通常为:sure/surely/certainly/all right/yes, i will/would等。否定答语通常为:sorry, i can’t/i am afraid i can’t/no, thanks等。would you please open the windowsdow?请您打开窗好吗?sure. 当然可以。 (三)重点解析:1. i want to be a helicopter pilot. 我想成为一名直升机飞行员。    want to be+职业,表示“想成为……职业的人”。      mary wants to be an actress. 马丽想当演员。[知识拓展]want sth. 想要want to do 想要做某事want sb. to do sth. 想让某人做某事2. would you like to learn it?[知识拓展]learn 做及物动词宾语可以是名词或代词,也可是动词不定式及其复合结构。过去式与过去分词有两种形式:learned, learned 或learnt, learnt。learn 与study的区别都可以表达“学习”的意思,有时候可以互换使用,但learn 更侧重学习的结果,通常译为“学会,学到”,多用于初级阶段的学习和带有模仿性的操作技艺等含义;study侧重于学习的过程,通常指比较深入系统的学习,有进一步研究的含义 。the 宝宝 is learning to walk. 这个孩子在学走路。he is studying physics. 他在研究物理。常用搭配:learn from sb. 向某人学习;learn sth. by heart背诵

Unit 12 Review 篇11


  一. 教学内容:    unit eight 二. 重点、难点:       阶段复习(1~3) 三. 具体内容:       重点单词  1. mine   pron. 我的       要点:名词性物主代词     this shirt is lucy’s. mine is blue.     名词性物主代词 = 形容词性物主代词+名词    mine is blue. =  my shirt is blue.      2. own    pron. 我自己的       要点: pron. 我自己的    i bought a present for my teacher with my own money.  我用自己的钱给老师买了礼物。       要点: v. 有, 拥有       he owns three cars. 他有三辆汽车。   3. table   n. 桌子    there is a table and four chairs in my room.   在我房间里有一个桌子和四把椅子。       要点: n. 表格    please fill the table before you leave.    在你走之前请把表格填好。    4. leave  v. 离开        要点: mr. smith left the room at two o'clock.  史密斯先生两点离开房间。       要点:离去;动身[(+for)]       we will leave for london next week.  我们下周动身去伦敦。   5. left    leave的过去分词   剩余       要点:i felt i had little energy left.  我感到我一点劲也没有了。   6. italy   n.意大利       要点:italy is in the south of europe.   意大利在欧洲的南部。   7. italian   adj. 意大利的       要点: italy – italian         he speaks italian so well.  他的意大利语讲得很棒。   8. cut    v. 切割       要点: the farmers are cutting rice. 农民们正在割稻子。       要点: cut – cut – cut     9. carrot  n.  胡萝卜       要点: we grow carrots in our garden. 我们在菜园里种了些胡萝卜。   10. penny   n. 便士       要点: mom, please give me ten pennies. 母亲,请给我十便士。   11. lady    n. 女士          要点: a lady wants to see you, sir.  先生,一位女士想见你。 

  lesson one一. 课文解析:             pronunciation      1.        oil  noise  boil       look, the oil is boiling.   2. / ju: /          menu  use   cute         the children’s menu in this restaurant is very cute.   3. / m /         steam  moon  name        my name is mike.   4. / n /         spoon  nose  new         nike’s spoon is new.   5.          juice  jam  jet         jack like drinking juice and eating jam.   6. / j /       yellow  yes  yard         there are some yellow leaves in the yard.    7. /ai /       china  bike  like         people like riding bikes in china.   8. /i /       shrimp  milk  dinner        don’t drink milk and eat shrimp for dinner.         stress  1. i sometimes order a hamburger for dinner.      2. people eat sausages in germany.            3. they enjoy porridge for breakfast.               4. this food is a little spicy.                       5. these dumplings have vegetables inside.               pair work   1. a: what is your favorite food?  你喜欢啥食物?    b: i really love ~.          拓展:what’s your favorite song / teacher / subject?  2. a: what kind of dumplings do you want?  你想要啥种类的饺子?        b: i want ~ dumplings.           拓展:what kind of movie / song / food / sports do you ~?   3. 学会使用过度词    first / first of all / at first     second / then / second / next     third / finally / at last

Unit 12 Review 篇12

  unit 4 review

  课    题 unit 4 review lesson 4  授课类型 revision

  能力办法目标 to develop the students’ four skills: listening, speaking, reading and writing.

  知识技能目标 to make the students express their opinions in different ways.

  情感态度价值目标 to help the students with creative thinking.

  教学重点 how to answer the questions? etc.

  教学难点 the grammar in this unit.

  教学办法 learning by doing 媒体使用 tape, computer

  教  学  流  程  设  计

  教学活动设计 设计意图


  ask some questions to revise lesson 3.

  -what do you have?

  -do you have an e-pal? …

  -what are you going to …?

  -are you going to read many books?



  both activities should be done in pairs. the students should check their partner’s reading skills and speaking skills.

  activity a

  ask the students t read the passage aloud to their partners. the partners should evaluate the skill with which the passage is read. ask the students to take turns.

  t: this activity is to check your reading skills. what should we think about when we read a passage?

  s: pronunciation, stress, and intonation.

  t: right. keep in mind that you should put stress on the proper words and syllables. don’t read too fast.

  t: exchange textbooks for scoring. check one of the boxes for pronunciation and one for your partner’s reading speed.

  suggested pausing and stressing

  oh, jolly play time /

  come out and play with me /

  and bring your dollies three, /

  climb up the apple tree /

  shout down the rain barrel /

  slide down the cellar door /

  and we’ll be jolly friends /

  forever more. /

  activity b

  t: you and your partner will take turns asking and answering the questions in the question box. since you have eight questions, each person can ask four questions.

  you have 16 options t choose from on the answer box.

  questions & answers

  q: do you have any e-pals?

  a: yes, i have two.

  q: where is your e-pal from?

  a: from canada.

  q: how often do you write e-mails?

  a: every day.

  q: is his name brian?

  a: that’s right. do you know him?

  q: what are you doing?

  a: writing an e-mail to my e-pal.

  q: who is she?

  a: a girl from my school.

  q: who does he look like?

  a: he looks just like same.

  q: where is your id card?

  a: in my wallet.

  getting ready for class.

  read the passage to the partner. the partner will mark the score. practice the ability of reading.

  look at the questions on page 31. take turns asking and answering questions with the partner.


  应对措施 本课第二部分好做,但如能把answer box中未用到的句子编出问句会有些问题,鼓励学生多想出适当的问句。


  作    业 revise the units from 1 to 4.

  板书设计 unit 4 review lesson 4

  language points


Unit 12 Review 篇13

  unit 4 review

  课    题 unit 4 review lesson 3  授课类型 revision

  能力办法目标 to develop the students’ four skills: listening, speaking, reading and writing.

  知识技能目标 to make the students express their opinions in different ways.

  情感态度价值目标 to help the students with creative thinking.

  教学重点 wide; stout; enemy; etc.

  教学难点 the grammar: the clause

  教学办法 learning by doing 媒体使用 tape, computer

  教  学  流  程  设  计

  教学活动设计 设计意图


  go over the words from unit 1 to unit 4. for example, how do you spell “e-pal”? what does “classmate” mean?

  revise the dialogue in lesson 1. for example:

  a: hello, laura. is tomorrow your birthday?

  b: yes, it is. but i am worried now.

  a: why?

  b: i don’t know what i need to prepare for the party.

  a: i’ll help you prepare the party. let’s make a list of what we need.

  b: oh, thank you. …


  this project asks the students to do a survey about how they use e-mails or what they plan to do. first, they should mark their own answers and then make up questions for the survey. each person will give his or her partner the survey question. after the students have asked each other the questions, they should summarize what they found.

  activity a

  read and mark the answer.

  t: first read the lists and mark your answers. you need to choose at least one in each column. but you can check as many answers as you feel are correct for you.

  activity b

  students should work in pairs and make their own survey questions.

  t: work in pairs. first, decide on one topic that you and your partner will develop as a survey topic. make up follow-up questions.

  sample survey questions

  1. do you read e-mails every day?

  how often do you read your e-mails?

  do you write e-mails every week?

  how often do you write e-mails?

  do you receive e-mails from your e-pals?

  how often do you receive e-mails from your e-pal?

  2. are you going to read many books?

  how many hours a day are you going to read?

  are you going to keep a diary?

  how often are you going to write your diary?

  activity c

  it is time for the students to conduct their survey. each student should ask his or her question to at least ten people in the class. the more, the better.

  t: go around the class and ask your classmates your survey questions. make sure you keep a record of what others say.

  suggested survey format

  names yes □ no □


  often?   what to

  do what 

  names yes □ no □

  what kind?   going to

  do what 

  activity d

  tell the class about your classmates. use these sentences.

  t: working with your partner, please summarize the result of the survey.

  model writing

  i talked to 20 classmates. most of them read their e-mail every day. a number of them read their e-mail every second day. some of them read their e-mail at a regular time each week. a few of them do not yet have and e-mail address.

  revise some questions we have learnt before.

  work with a classmate. complete the questions with the students’ own ideas on page 30.

  tell the class about the students’ classmates. use the sentences.


  应对措施 几个问句的学习与应用只讲会很快结束本课。可以鼓励学生间练习所学句型,然后,联系前几个单元所学知识进行练习。如果能变成对话就跟好了。

  如本课很容易完成,也可把lesson 4讲完,省出时间来做习题准备期中考试。

  作    业 ask and answer questions on page 30.

  板书设计 unit 4 review lesson 3

  - do you have …?    - yes, i do. how often do you …?

  - no, i don’t. do you want to …?

  - are you going to …?  - yes, i am. how many hours are you going to …?

  - no, i’m not. i am going to …?


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Unit 12 Review(通用13篇)
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