Unit5 Our School 第一课时教学设计Unit5 Our School 第一课时教学设计Unit5 Our School 第一课时教学设计


Unit5 Our School 第一课时教学设计

Unit5 Our School 第一课时教学设计

教学目标:  1.能够听、说、认读本课时的主要单词:playground,, teacher’s office, library, garde(请记得收藏本站-一路高升范文网,以获取更多新鲜内容)n,toilet,school gate,computer

2.能运用句型 “What`s in our school? There is/are…来询问或描述学校某设施、场所的大体位置.

3.完成课本相应练习,来巩固复习Let′s learn部分词汇.  

教学重点、难点: 1.本课时的教学重点是听、说、认读表示学校设施及活动场所的相关单词: playground, teacher’s office, library, garden,toilet,school gate,computer和句型“What`s in our school? There is/are…   2.本课时的教学难点是让学生注意单词library中辅音连缀的发音和灵活询问或描述学校某设施、场所。


1.    热身:

师生跟随音乐一起唱前面所学歌曲《Farm Joe Has a Farm》

2.    导课:

T: Hello, boys and girls.Nice to see you here.

Where are we? Are we on the farm? Are we in the zoo?

Ss: No. We are in the classroom.

T: Yes,we are in the classroom.

Now,look at the classroom.What`s in our classroom?

Ss: There is…/ There are…

3.    新知呈现:

(1)          课件出示学校门外图片. 

T: Look at the picture.What`s this?

Ss: Our school.

T:Yes.It`s our school. Our school is in Luqiao.It`s beautiful. I like it very much. Do you like it?


T: What`s in our school? Do you know?Let`s have a look:


T: What`s this?

帮学生回答:This is our school gate.

教读单词 school gate并板书 (3). 出示学校进门右侧花园照片  T:Look! How beautiful! Where is it?

It`s our  garden. Can we leave litter in the garden ?

Ss:No.  T:we must take good care of trees and flowers.

教读单词garden 并板书

T:Is there a garden in our school?

Are there any gardens in our school?

What`s in our school?

Ss:There are many gardens in our school.

T:Look at the garden,how beautiful! What`s in the garden?

Ss:There are many flowers in the garden.

(4).T: Now,let`s guess: We can play football and we can play games, where is it?

帮学生回答:It`s our playground.

出示操场图片,教读单词 playground并板书

T:Is there a playground in our school?

Ss: Yes, there is.

T:What`s in our school?

Ss: There is a playground in our school.


T:What`s this?Do you know?

This is a toilet.

教读单词toilet 并板书

T:What`s in our school?

Ss:There is a toilet in our school.


T:Look, where is it?

It`s teachers` office.

教读单词teachers` office并板书

指着照片中的电脑问:What`s this?

It`s a computer.


T:Is there a computer in teachers` office?

Ss:Yes,there is.

T:Are there any teachers` offices in our school?


指着图书馆里的书问:What are these?

Ss: They are some books.

T:Where is it?    It`s a library.

教读单词library 并板书

找个别学生试着说library①学生跟读②找个别同学读(对发音不正确及时纠正)③齐读 T:What`s in the library?

Ss:There are many books in the library.

T:Do you like reading a book in the library?

Ss:Yes ,we do.  T:Is there a library in our school?


1.指着板书问:Is there …in our school?

Are there…in our school?巩固所学单词。

2.再问:What`s in our school?指导学生用There be句型回答。

4.    指导学生完成课本Listen and tick or cross.

5.    指导完成课本Look, think and say

6.    指导完成课本Look and write.

7.    课件出示客人来参观学校情景,

(1)           教师用两只玩偶示范对话:

A:Welcome to our school.  B:Excuse me.Is there a library in your school?

A:Yes,there is.  B: Is this the teacher’s office?  A:No, It  isn’t.

B:Ok,Thank you!

A:You’re welcome. 


(3)指名上台表演 小结:

Our school is very beautiful,we can study in the big classroom, we can read in the library, we can play football in the playground, we can sing songs in the music room . So we love our school very much!

Homework:  ① 熟读所学新单词并抄写3遍。


Unit5  Our  school 


What`s   in              teachers` office                  

There is/are…        toilet



推荐站内搜索:初二周记500字、省公务员考试报名时间、伤感 日志、2019下半年教师资格证成绩查询时间、朝花夕拾读后感1000、学习反腐倡廉心得体会、黑龙江自学考试信息港小学生演讲稿 范文、广东高考英语答案、感伤日志、

Unit5 Our School 第一课时教学设计
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