7B Unit 3Finding your way(Main Task) 学案7B Unit 3Finding your way(Main Task) 学案7B Unit 3Finding your way(Main Task) 学案


7B Unit 3Finding your way(Main Task) 学案

7B Unit 3Finding your way(Main Task) 学案

预习学案7b unit 3(main task)           一﹑预习要求:1. 掌握下列单词音﹑形﹑义: farewell, barbecue, picnic, invite, exit, everybody, complete, note, page, yours faithfully, monitor, signature.2. 认真阅读课本p 51页the questionnaire and the results。找出其中有用的表达式。3. 认真阅读p52 an invitation letter,掌握大意,填出缺失的信息。基本能背诵。找出其中有用表达式。4. 尝试根据课文写一封邀请信邀请你的朋友来参加你组织的英语晚会。二﹑预习测试:  (一)翻译下列词组:  1﹑组织一次欢送会___________________2﹑吃烧烤______________________________  3﹑野餐____ _________________________4﹑吃快餐______________________________  5﹑一半的学生_______________________6﹑中国银行____________________________  7﹑完成这封信_______________________8﹑缺失的信息__________________________  9﹑很高兴做--- _____________________10﹑邀请你参加欢送会____________________  11﹑在公园门口集合_________________12﹑带他们自己的饮料____________________  13﹑玩不同的球类游戏_______________14﹑ 在下一页上_________________ _________  15﹑怎么样到阳光公园_________________16﹑四班班长____________________________  17﹑去上海的线路___________________18﹑乘地铁______________________________  19﹑在a出口出来___________________20﹑向左拐______________________________  21﹑横穿中山街___________________ __22﹑在拐角处___ _____ ____________________  23﹑(请记得收藏本站-一路高升范文网,以获取更多新鲜内容)径直往前走_____________________24﹑走过中国银行大厦____________________  25﹑参加欢送会_____________________26﹑划掉________________________________(二)根据p52页邀请信回答下列问题:1. where will  they hol d the party?                                                                               2. on which day to hold the party?  and what day is it?                                                                               共5页,当前第1页12345

7B Unit 3Finding your way(Main Task) 学案

3. where will the parents, teachers or classmates meet?                                                                                   4. what would the parents, teachers or classmates like to bring?                                                                                 5. what will the parents, teachers or classmates do in the park?                                                                              6. what should the parents, teachers or classmates do if they can come to the party?                                                                                  7. what does the m ap show?                                                                                  共5页,当前第2页12345

7B Unit 3Finding your way(Main Task) 学案

8. what does the students hope?                                                                                   9. who wrote the letter?                                     (请记得收藏本站-一路高升范文网,以获取更多新鲜内容);                                              10. how can the teachers, parents and classmates get to the sunshine park?                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           共5页,当前第3页12345

7B Unit 3Finding your way(Main Task) 学案

(三)注意下列句型结构的理解:  a:we are happy to do sth.  我们很高兴做-----1. 在这儿我们感到很高兴。                                                                             2.和你一起去爬山我感到很高兴。                                                                               互动学案7b unit 3 (main task)

一、用所给动词的正确形式填空:         1. would you please follow me ____________________ (go) into the p ark?2. i __________________ (call) you when i ge t to beijing.3. his father ________________ (drive) us home the day  before yesterday.4. he failed ___________________ (get ) there before 5 o’clock.5. i am too tired,  i’d like to stop _______________(hav e) a break.6. he _____________________ (catch) the bus because it rained heavily.7. when ____________ we ______________ (start)? i don’t know. the teacher will let us know it soon.8. the boy was very surprised __________________(see) his father at the office.9. why not ______________________(invite) our english teacher to the party?10. he ________________(jump) off the wall and pushed the door at once.二、完成下列句子:1.大家到齐了吗? ______________    _______________    _________________?2.一半的学生更喜欢吃野餐,而不喜欢吃烧烤。   _______  _______ the students _______  _________  a picnic to ________ a barbecue.3.你要来点喝的吗? would you like ___________ ____________  ________________?4.你能告诉我怎样到公共汽车站吗?   can you tell me __________  ______________  __ _________ the bus stop?5.我不认得去故宫的路。⑴i don’t _________  ___________  __________  ___________ the palace museum.共5页,当前第4页12345

7B Unit 3Finding your way(Main Task) 学案

    ⑵i don’t _________  ___________  __________ ___(请记得收藏本站-一路高升范文网,以获取更多新鲜内容)________ at the palace museum.6.请完成下一页上的表格(table)   please ____________ the table __________  ______  ________  _________7.要去长城这个小孩很高兴。   the boy is very happy ________  _________ to ___________  _________  _________



7B Unit 3Finding your way(Main Task) 学案
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