




广泛的教育背景,有过航空机械,航空数码和英语的教育经历,自学通过英语大专,大学英语四,六级, gre 2014分。业余时间接受过英语翻译的专业培训,并一直从事兼职英语翻译 ,拥有丰厚的翻译经验; 19年大型国企技术岗位工作经验,工作主要负责英语资料翻译,与飞机制造厂家(空客和波音)的联系与交流,曾带队去法国空客公司做过飞机监造和接机工作; 带领整个技术部门出色完成各项工作,经常受到公司领导的褒奖,并于2014年被评为国航优秀职工。











korla city (korla) bayingolin mongol autonomous prefecture in xinjiang's capital, as a result of rich and fragrant pear known as the pear city.the city's total area of 7116.9 square kilometers with a total population of 438,000 people (not including the floating population).

2014 gdp 24,240,000,000 yuan, up 13.2 percent; the realization of the local revenue of 600,000,000 yuan, up 20.5 percent; peasants and herdsmen per capita net income reached 4981.92 yuan, increasing 451.82 yuan; disposable income of urban residents reached 8700 yuan. in 2014 china top 100 counties (cities) ranked in the top 62 more than last year increased 10; fifth of china's economy in the top 100 counties (cities) in the basic competitive position in the top 41 places to become the northwest only short-listed cities.

in 2014, korla city, state environmental protection administration has been recognized as national environmental protection model city.

2014 china top ten short-listed cities charm. at present, china korla city is the largest state - bayingolin mongol autonomous prefecture of politics, economy, culture, education, information center, the xinjiang uygur autonomous region is determined by the party focus on the development of the two cities. there are areas in the city of xinjiang production and construction corps agricultural division two division headquarters, the tarim oilfield company, tarim

petrochemical projects, such as the central command, autonomous regions and units.

2014, the fifth of china's economy 100 counties (cities) in the basic competitive position in the top 41, becoming the only region in the northwest of the short-listed cities.

edit this paragraph】 【location

korla is located in eurasia, xinjiang and fuxin strip, the edge tarim basin in northeast, beiyi library branch tianshan mountains and luke hora hill, south of the world's second largest desert - the taklimakan desert. "xinjiang" is the uighur language, which means "look." here with the oil-rich pear, pear, also known as the oil city or town.

names, "korla" uyghur "view".

korla has han, victoria, mongolia, back to the 23 ethnic groups, ethnic minorities accounted for 30.1 percent.

korla is a warm temperate continental arid climate, the total number of 2990 hours of sunshine, an average of 210 days frost-free period, the average annual temperature of 11.4 ℃, the lowest was -28 ℃, the average annual precipitation 58.6 mm, the largest annual evaporation is 2788.2 mm, leading north-easterly windowsd direction .

edit this paragraph】 【history

korla city has a long history of the ancient silk road routes throat. in the year 630 buddhist monk xuan zang west to learn from their experience korla has been through. throughout most of the city has an ancient country, one of the 36 western regions drainage plow country. in the neolithic far, kongquehe human activities have on the basin. shenjue years of the western han

dynasty, the western regions frontier command in the house this

kongquehe delta has built lie lou city, the armed forces stationed there. after lie lou city and the evolution of the eastern han dynasty to the grand town, the northern wei liu donkey and the city of the yuan lu kun city. qing set up when sanpin burke, kara is doing chaar minister. in 6 years for the county and file korla, xinjiang road in the jurisdiction. in the 19 years to set up

governing board, yanqi administrative region. in 26 years, the county set up, an yanqi office of the chief inspector. korla in 1939 by the governing council was promoted to the county. after the founding of new china, xinjiang has become the county agency korla bayingolin mongol autonomous prefecture and the leadership of the party and government organs of the seat. in june 1979, the state council for approval by the county set up korla city, xinjiang. in 1984, county and municipal mergers.





00年可以说是非常投入的工作,没有啥太多的想法。但是呢到了01年的时候,不知是那根神经被触动了,突然想到要学点东西来提高自己,也不至于只局限于学校做一辈子老师。于是我下定决心学习英文,作为人生的突破口,但是呢两次下决心,两次放弃,因为口音太烂受不了同事的冷嘲热讽。本以为人生从此无望,整天闷闷不乐、在无奈中虚度光阴。也许我天生就是一个幸运儿,在我彷徨而也无奈的时候,我的一个女同事来到了我的身边,在她的鼓励下参加了由李阳的学生在常州举办的一个培训班而且是唯一的一期,因为由于没有多少人参加,也就没有再办下去。在那期间我只听了十四节课,大概学了四五十句话。虽然时间非常短暂,但从此激发了我的热情,从那个时候起,我成了校园里的名人,因为我到处都在喊英文,见到任何人都是英文,也不管别人能否听得懂。所以很多同事不再叫我海军,而是叫我crazy man 。也有的老师在议论是不是海军受到了啥刺激,而发疯的。有的老师说,要是我们的学生都像海军这样学习,那我们的英语还得了。也的老师在校长面前说难道张海军没有工作?




有一天,我在校园的一个角落里读英语,来了几个四年级的学生,然后我问了几个简单的问题,结果让我非常惊讶,一来他们听不懂我所说的,二来他们无法表达他们所要说的。去年我们学校来了四个老外,是分别来自四个不同的国家。我也发现我们的学生,只会跟老外说hello,how are you?然后转身就跑掉了。更让我吃惊的是,我们有许多英语老师也无法与老外进行顺畅交流。一般人的观点都认为,只要词汇量多,英语肯定不成问题。经过自己的实践发现并非这么会说。还是李阳说得对,与人交流是用句子,而不是单词,背诵大量的单词照样听不懂。


self introduction

good morning, everyone!

i am glad to be here for this interview.

first, let me introduce myself to you.

my name is xiao cai ming. i am 24 year old ,coming from hu nan province. i major in biology.i went to usa for a further study when i graduate from hunan univercity .after my three years studying in boston univercity ,i got my master dgree.i have acquired basic knowledge of biology both in theory and in practice. also i geta better understand of american culture and can speak english very well.besides i got my second degree of mba.

i cannot describe it well, but i know i am optimistic and confident. sometimes i prefer to stay alone, reading, listening to music, but i am not lonely. i like to chat with my classmates, almost talk everything .my favoritesisplaying basketball, playing cards or surfing online. through college life ,i learn how to balance between study and entertainment.

i am interested in science and technology . it is in my young life that i decide to be a engineer or scientist . in my opinion ,we live a better life because of the advanced technology .it is hard to think without technologic products in our life.

i am looking forward to be employed by a suitable company . i will soon prove that your decision of choosing me is the wisest. thank you for giving me such a valuable opportunity!


推荐站内搜索:2018教师面试成绩查询、贵阳学院录取分数线、广西自学考试网上系统、高自考网、伤感感情日志四川艺考成绩查询、公务员准考证打印入口2021、榜样 作文骆驼祥子读后感、文员实习周记、

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