Module 7——RevisionModule 7——RevisionModule 7——Revision


Module 7——Revision

module 7——revisionrelationships (第1课时)三、 objectives:1. to review family members.2. to review relationships.3. to describe people’s outlooking(请记得收藏本站-一路高升范文网,以获取更多新鲜内容).4. to provide further practice of sentence structure “who’s…?”四、 language focus:  who’s…?  he’s/she’s…are you…? yes, i am. / no, i’m not.三、materials: tapes; books; word cards四、teaching proceduresactivity 1:  dictation. activity 2:  review the names of family members.activity 3:  tell and write down their relationships in the family tree.activity 4:  talk in groups.activity 5:  exercises.五、homeworkanimals (第2课时)一、objectives:1. to review names of animals.2. to describe the animals. 3. to review single words and plural words.4. to distinguish “has” and “have”.5. to provide further practice.二、language focus: do you have any…?                   i have…                   he/ she has…                   are they white horses?三、materials: tapes; books; word cards四、teaching proceduresactivity 1:  dictation. activity 2:  review the names of animals.activity 3:  listen and match.activity 4:  practise in groups.activity 5:  exercises.五、homework

nationalities (第3课时)一、objectives3. to review vocabulary of countries and nationalities.4. to recognize the flags of the countries.5. to review question of “where are you from?”, “are you…?”.6. to provide further practice.二、language focus: where are you from? i’m from china/ usa…                   are you chinese/american…?                    where is … from? 三、materials: tapes; books; word cards四、teaching proceduresactivity 1:  dictation.activity 2:  memory games. (flags)activity 3:  guessing game. (where are you from?)activity 4:  talk in groups.activity 5:  complete the table and the dialogues.activity 6:  stick on page 89.activity 7:  exercises.五、homeworkmy room (第4课时)一、objectives5. to review names of equipments in a room. 6. to review describing the equipments.7. to review the words of prepositions.8. to provide further practice.二、language focus: what’s in …?                  put the … against/ by/the…三、materials: tapes; books; word cards四、teaching proceduresactivity 1:  dictation.activity 2:  look and say.activity 3:  listen and do. (put the…)activity 4:  do exercise 1 on page 90.activity 5:  describe the bedroom.activity 6:  do exercise 2 on page 90.activity 7:  exercises.五、homework.

my house (第5课时)一、 objectives1. to review names of rooms.2. to review describing the rooms.3. to review the words of prepositions.4. to provide further practice.二、 language focus: is there a … in/on the…?                   yes, there is. / no, there aren’t.                   are there any…in/on the…?                   yes, there are. / no, there aren’t.                   there is/are…in/on…三、materials: tapes; books; pictures;四、teaching procedures: activity 1:  dictation.activity 2:  talk about mr silly’s house in groups. (ex 1 on page 91)activity 3:  look and answer.activity 4:  listen and draw. (ex 2 on page 92)activity 5:  exercises.五、 school (第6课时)一、objectives1. to review names school equipments.5. to review introducing the school.6. to review some instructions.7. to provide further practice.二、language focus: where is the…? it’s between the…                  where are the..? they’re in the…三、 materials: tapes; books; ; pictures;四、 teaching proceduresactivity 1:  dictation.activity 2:  listen and do.activity 3:  listen to the tape. complete the map of the school. (ex 2 on page 93)activity 4:  talk about the picture in groups. (ex 3 on page 93)activity 5:  exercises.五、homework.


Module 7——Revision
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