Under the sea教案Under the sea教案Under the sea教案


Under the sea教案

Under the sea教案

under the sea教案period 2 pre-reading,reading and comprehending设计方案一teaching aims     1.grasp the basic information about the killer whales,such as size,habitat,food,how they hunt animals and the relationship with human beings.2.learn to retell the two anecdotes with the help of some key words.3.make sure the students know that killer whales are friends of human beings and we should keep balance with nature.teaching procedures     step 1 warming up and lead-英特尔l students we are on a snorkeling trip under the sea and will come across a great variety of marine animals and plants:dolphins,turtles,manatee,eels,octopus,squids,butterfly fish,kelp,sea star,angel fish,clown fish/anemone fish,parrotfish,sea flower/anemone,sea-slug,clam,coral,jellyfish,seahorse,shark,etc.step 2 presentationmake sure students know some basic information about the whales:  

background information writer clancycareer a whalerwriting style anecdotestime at the beginning of the 20th centuryplace australia main character whalers,killer whales,the baleen whalesmain idea the killer whales help the whalers to kill a baleen whale

step 3 skimmingask students to skim the passage quickly and answer the questions:what is the first anecdote about?and how about the second one?the first anecdote mainly talks about that ______.a.clancy began to work at a whaling stationb.the killer whales helped the whalers to catch a baleen whalec.the killer whales hunted in a team and killed a baleen whaled.old tom showed whalers the way to a baleen whalekey:bthe second anecdote:old tom saved a whaler james who was washed off the boat.step 4 scanningfill in the followindowsg blanks with the proper names:1.______ was 16 years of age when he went to work at the whaling station.2.______ ordered clancy to go to the boat as there was a whale out there in the bay.3.______ was swimming by the boat,showindowsg the whalers the way.4.______ told clancy that they would return the next day to bring in the body of the whale.5.______ was carried by the waves further away from the whalers.6.______ knew that old tom would protect james.keys:1.clancy 2.george 3.old tom 4.jack 5.james 6.redstep 5 careful readingstory part 1 ask students to read part 1 of the reading passage and find out before the hunt,what did old tom do and how did the whalers react?suggested answers:old tom threw itself out of the water,then crashed down again and swam by the boat,showindowsg the whalers the way.共3页,当前第1页123

Under the sea教案

one whaler yelled out and george ran ahead of clancy.clancy raced after him.they jumped into the boat with the other whalers and headed out into the bay.next,find out during the hunt and after the hunt,what did the killer whales do and how did the whalers react?suggested answers:a pack of killers are throwindowsg themselves on top of the whale's blow-hole to stop it breathing;and some others are stopping it fleeing out to sea.the killers started racing between the whalers' boat and the whale just like a pack of excited dogs.within a moment or two,the whale's body was dragged down into the depths of the sea.the man in the bow of the boat aimed the harpoon at the whale and then let it go to hit the spot.ask students to read part 1 of the reading passage again and put the followindowsg sentences into the correct order:a.george started beating the water with his oar.b.clancy raced after george to the boat.c.clancy arrived at the whaling station.d.the killers started racing between our boat and the whale.e.clancy heard a huge noise coming from the bay.f.clancy was sorting out his accommodation.g.clancy ran down to the shore.h.the man in the bow of the boat aimed the harpoon at the whale.keys:cfegbadhstory part 2 which was not the danger facing james?a.being washed off the boat.b.being carried away by rough waves.c.a shark out there.d.being attacked by another killer whale.key:dstep 6 comprehending1.the text is mainly about ______.a.the killer whales are easily trainedb.the killer whales can help the whalers catch the huge whalesc.the killer whales kill the whales for their foodd.the killer whales drag the whales under the water2.old tom throws itself out of the water and then crashes down in order to ______.a.give the whalers information about a whale b.tell the whalers it is hungry c.help the whalers catch the whale d.inform the whalers to run away3.______ killed the whale at last.a.old tomb.the killer whalesc.the authord.the whalers4.why did the whalers started turning the boat around to go home after the whale died?a.because they didn't need a dead whale.b.because they couldn't find the whale's body.c.because they knew that the dead whale wouldn't float up to the surface for around 24 hours.d.they had to do this because it was too late.5.the killer whale protected james by ______.a.fighting the sharkb.killing the sharkc.preventing the shark going closerd.dragging him back6.we can infer from the story that______.共3页,当前第2页123

Under the sea教案

a.the killer whales may be trained by the whalersb.the killer whales want to help man catch the whales themselvesc.the killer whales need no training for helping the whalersd.the killer whales want to eat the whales after killing themkeys:badccastep 7 discussionread the passage and discuss:1.what is the relationship between old tom and the whalers?2.what other animals can help out humans in hunting?suggested answers: 1.old tom had a strong relationship with the whalers.there was obviously a great deal of understanding and cooperation between them.2.there are many other animals that help out humans in hunting such as dogs,cormorants(鸬鸟),otters(水獭)and ferrets(雪貂).step 8 debatethe last whaling station in australia closed in 1978.whales are now an endangered species and protected by an international ban on whaling,but some countries oppose the ban.in groups discuss the reasons for and against banning whaling.step 9 learning phrases and sentencesuseful phrases:at the whaling station 在捕鲸站hear of 听说witness it with my own eyes 亲眼目睹sort out my accommodation 整理我的床铺an enormous animal 一个庞然大物throw itself out of the water 猛力跃出水面crash down 坠落call out to sb. 高声对某人说yell out 大声喊叫ahead of 在……前面head out into the bay 朝海湾方向驶去circle back 转回来a pack of 一群in the bow of the boat 在船头aim at 瞄准hit the spot 击中要害within a moment or two 片刻之后the depths of the sea 深海中float up to the surface 浮出水面in the meantime 同时 have a good feed on sth. 饱餐一顿wash off 冲走man overboard 有人落水the sea was rough 波涛汹涌be terrified of doing sth. 害怕做某事be abandoned by sb. 被某人遗弃hold up 举起pull back 拉回beautiful sentences:1.it_was_a_time_when_the killer whales...helped the whalers catch the baleen whales...2.this was the call that announced there was_about_to be a whale hunt.3.i had already heard that george didn't like_being_kept_waiting,_so even though i didn't have the right clothes on,i raced after him.4.as we drew closer,i could see a whale_being_attacked_by a pack of about six other killers.5.from james's face,i could see he was terrified of_being_abandoned by us.step 10 homework1.prepare to retell the whole text in your own words.2.write a short summary of the whole text in about 30 words.


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Under the sea教案
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