三年级上册Module 4 Unit 1 It’s red!说课设计三年级上册Module 4 Unit 1 It’s red!说课设计三年级上册Module 4 Unit 1 It’s red!说课设计


三年级上册Module 4 Unit 1 It’s red!说课设计

module 4 unit 1 it’s red!说课设计

一、teaching aims:

know the colors :look, panda, my, chameleon, a(an), it, it’s, red, blue, yellow, green, black .use the sentence pattern: it’s …to introduce the colors.

二、teaching important points and the difficult points:

know the color words: red, blue, green, yellow, black

use the sentence: it’s …

三、teaching methods:

game, situation teaching, language teaching,role play…

四、teaching tools:

cards, ballo, ppt, bottles, pencils, toys.

五、teaching procedures:

step1   warming-up and leading in

(1)  greetings  (free talk)

t: how are you? s:…

t: point to the …

t: good morning. what’s your name?  ss: i’m …


(2)  sing a song.

t: do you like english songs?   ss: yes.

t: let’s sing a song and do the acti. “please stand up”(ppt)



(3)introduce evaluation

t: today, i’ll divide you into 5 groups: red, blue, yellow, green and black. if you do a good job, you can get one point for your group.

【设计意图】:将学生分成红、黄、蓝、绿、黑5组,不但与本课课文内容  ,而且激发了学生的学习兴趣,使同组学生团结,一起努力战胜对手。

(4)leading in

t:(ppt)we live in the colorful world. can you say them in english? ss: no.

t: never mind. today, we’re going to learn them.—— module4 unit1 it’s red! (揭题并板书,生跟读)  


step2   presentation and practice

(1)  activity 1   

①      watch and answer.

q: what do the pandas see? (熊猫看到了什么?)

t: first let’s watch a video and think a question. (ppt问题,然后播放视频,并解决思考的问题,从课文中初步感知颜色等)

t: what do the pandas see? 


②      listen and repeat

t: please listen and repeat. (播放视频,生跟读,注意语音语调,加强感知,其中look用肢体语言、卡片教学)


(2)  activity 2

t: today, i’ll introduce a new friend to you. let’s look. who is it? (ppt)ss:熊猫。t: it’s a panda. (ppt、熊猫道具,教学panda) t: what’s your name? (对熊猫道具)

panda: my name is panpan. (利用词卡教学my,熟悉my name…的句型)

sentences practice(师生互动:利用熊猫道具与学生进行对话练习)


①:watch and find

t: today, panpan met his friend. it’s very strange. please watch and find it out. (观看视频) t: who’s panpan’s friend? t:变色龙。(ppt)it’s panpan’s friend. it can change many colors, we call it “chameleon”.(变色龙道具教学chameleon,a,)

sentences practice: (师生互动:利用变色龙道具与学生进行对话练习)

【设计意图】:通过动画学生进入学习chameleon、a(an),然后通过师生对话练习巩固句型what’s your name? my name is …

②:listen, point and find “it’s …”

t: please open your books, turn to p20, and take out your pencils. listen, point, find and underline“it’s …”.

and then find and check.

③watch again and answer the questi

t: now let’s go to the chameleon’s world. please watch the video, and answer the questi. (ppt,然后动画视频)

q1:how many colors does it change?(变色龙变出了几种颜色?)

q2: what colors are they? (它们是什么颜色?)

t: how many colors does it change?


t: what colors are they?

s: …

t: now, the chameleon is coming. let’s look.(ppt)what color is it?(同法教学red ,it’s red. blue, it’s blue. yellow, it’s yellow. green, it’s green. black, it’s black.)


④      chant: (ppt) red, red. it’s red. yellow, yellow. it’s yellow…


⑤      listen and repeat

⑥      role read the dialogue(小组活动展示)


step3 produce

(1)magic show(ppt)

t: the chameleon can change it colors. i can change colors too. now i have a magic show for you.

【设计意图】:通过magic show活跃课堂氛围,巩固单词,句型操练,突破难点。学生在兴趣盎然中将新知运用到实际生活中,做到了在“学中乐,乐中学”。

(2)trample balloon(ppt\音乐)


游戏规则:①只准踩气球,不得故意踩对方的脚。②不得故意用手推对方。③被踩爆气球者立即退出比赛。④在气球被踩爆的同时,请下面没参与的同学用“it’s …”大声说出被踩爆气球的颜色。⑤坚持到最后一个的就是本组游戏的冠军。


step4 prolongati

(ppt)do you know?

(1)traffic lights


(3) (奥运五环知识) 奥林匹克标志五个不同颜色的圆环分别代表着五大洲:蓝色代表欧洲,黄色代表亚洲,黑色代表非洲,绿色代表大洋洲,红色代表美洲。五色代表的是世界五(请记得收藏本站-一路高升范文网,以获取更多新鲜内容)大洲不同肤色的人民,五环连在一起代表着五大洲的人们能够团结向上、友好相处。


step5   summary

t: what did we learn this lesson? ss:…


step6   homework

1、  find out the colors around you, and talk with your friends.

2、  love drawing students to draw a picture of a rainbow.



三年级上册Module 4 Unit 1 It’s red!说课设计
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