2024年高考英语知识点必修二Module 5单元总复习教案2024年高考英语知识点必修二Module 5单元总复习教案2024年高考英语知识点必修二Module 5单元总复习教案


2024年高考英语知识点必修二Module 5单元总复习教案

2024年高考英语知识点必修二Module 5单元总复习教案

XX届高考英语一轮单元总复习讲义精品荟萃外研版必修二module 5知识详解① congratulation  n. 祝贺;祝贺词(常用复数)(回归课本p43)when yang landed,premier wen jiabao telephoned the control centre to offer his congratulations.当杨利伟着陆的时候,总理打电话到控制中心表示祝贺。【归纳总结】(1)congratulations!祝贺!恭喜!offer/send one’s congratulations to sb.on sth.为某事向某人祝贺……(2)congratulate v.祝贺congratulate sb.on(doing)sth.向某人祝贺……congratulate oneself on...暗自庆幸……【例句探源】① we offered mr.wang our congratulations on  his success in business.我们祝贺王先生生意兴隆。② you are admitted to beijing university.congratulations!你被北京大学录取了。恭喜!③we congratulated our monitor on being elected chairman of the students’ union.我们祝贺我们的班长被选为学生会主席。congratulate,celebrate(1)congratulate指对某人取得的成就或喜庆之事表示“庆贺,祝贺”,其宾语是“人”,常与介词on搭配。(2)celebrate指对某一节日、生日、胜利和成功等的“庆祝”,其宾语是物。①we congratulated_him on having passed the examination.②we not only congratulated him on having passed the interview but also held a party to celebrate it.【易混辨析】1.(高考山东卷)—john and i will celebrate our fortieth wedding anniversary next month.—oh,________!a.cheer up      b.well donec.go ahead         d.congratulations解析:选d。此题考查交际用语。句意是:“我和约翰下个月将庆祝我们结婚四十周年。”“噢,恭喜!恭喜!”cheer up打起精神来;well done做得好;go ahead开始吧;congratulations祝贺;恭喜。【即境活用】2.the two sportsmen congratulated each other________windowsning the match by shaking hands.a.with         b.onc.in      d.to解析:选b。each other 作congratulated的宾语,后面要接on sth.表示“祝贺”的原因。② replace  vt. 把……放回(原处);取代,以……代替;更新(回归课本p44)in the second sentence,the word when can be replaced with at the time that.在第二个句子中,when可以用at the time that代替。【归纳总结】replace...with/by...用……代替……take the place of=take sb,s place代替某人instead of 代替;作为……的替换in place of代替① i don’t think that robots can be in place of human beings.我认为机器人不会取代人类。② they’re  replacing the old windowsdows  with double glazing.他们正在用双层玻璃窗替换旧窗户。③he  replaced  the book on the shelf.他把书放回架子上。④teachers will never be rep(请记得收藏本站-一路高升范文网,以获取更多新鲜内容)laced by  computers in the classroom.课堂上电脑永远不会取代老师。【例句探源】【即境活用】3.john is ill and has been________ by tom in our team in tomorrow’s football match.共5页,当前第1页12345

2024年高考英语知识点必修二Module 5单元总复习教案

a.replaced         b.recoveredc.realized            d.reduced 解析:选a。replace“接替,替换”;recover“恢复”;realize“认识到”;reduce“减少”。4.many substances are being used ________certain naturally occurring materials.a.at the place of    b.in placec.in place of     d.in a place of解析:选c。此处根据句意用in place of表示“代替”的意思。③ delighted  adj. 高兴的,快乐的(回归课本p45)...i am delighted to be here .……我很高兴来到这里。【归纳总结】delight v.愉悦n.高兴,(快乐)的事be delighted at/with/by sth.为某事高兴be delighted to do sth./thatclause很高兴做某事to one’s delight 令某人高兴的是……delight in (doing) sth.以(做)某事为乐① i’d be absolutely delighted to come.我非常乐意前来。②tom   was delighted at  the sensation he was creating.汤姆对他制造出来的轰动效应感到高兴。③to his great delight, his novel was accepted for publication.使他极为高兴的是,他的小说被批准出版了。④(朗文p533)my dad took delight in calling me “the big ox” when i started growindowsg taller than t(请记得收藏本站-一路高升范文网,以获取更多新鲜内容)he other girls.我个子长得超过其他女小孩的时候,我的父亲就以叫我“大公牛”来取乐。【例句探源】【即境活用】5.what ________them most was the________things in store for them.a.delighted;delightfulb.delightful;delightedc.delighted;delightedd.delightful;delightful解析:选a。第一个空是主语从句的谓语动词,表示“使……高兴”;第二个空是形容词“令人高兴的”,修饰things,故选a。6.________with what he had done ,the public thought highly of him.a.delight      b.delightingc.delighted       d.being delighting解析:选c。be delighted with“对……感到高兴”。delighted为过去分词作状语。句意:人们对他所做的事情感到高兴,并对他给予了高度评价。④ produce v. 创作;生产,制造;出产;引起,产生                         n. 产品,(尤指)农产品(回归课本p49)in the united states,newspapers usually have the name of the city where they are  produced.在美国,报纸通常以它们的出版城市命名。【归纳总结】production n. 生产,产量produce sth.生产某物;引起某事;创作出某物等agricultural produce 农产品the production of...……的产量①his announcement produced gasps of amazement.他宣布的消息引起了一片惊叹声。②in this play eliot produces some of his most expressive poetry.在这个剧本中艾略特创作了他最具表现力的一些诗歌。③new medicines are  producing remarkable results in the treatment of cancer.共5页,当前第2页12345

2024年高考英语知识点必修二Module 5单元总复习教案

新的药物在治疗癌症方面正产生着显著的效果。【例句探源】produce,production,product(1)produce作“产品,产物”解时,主要指农产品,为不可数名词。(2)production作“产品”解时,主要指文学艺术作品;此外还可用于指“生产、制造的行为”或“产量”。(3)product作“产品”解时,多指用于出售的工业产品;此外,还可指“自然产物或生产过程中的产物”。【易混辨析】①we need to increase the production of computers.②the country’s main products are timber,coal and sugar.③the factory produces an incredible 100 cars per hour.④the shop sells only fre(请记得收藏本站-一路高升范文网,以获取更多新鲜内容)sh local produce.⑤in total 合计,共计,总共(回归课本p43)in total, these astronauts have spent more than 26,000 days in space.这些宇航员总共在太空待的时间已经超过了26,000天。【归纳总结】total n.总数,总量,总额adj.完全的,彻底的,全部的v.总数为,总共达,共计,total up (to)合计,总数达到,a total of 总数为……,in all 总计,总共,altogether总计① the visitors  totalled up to  8,000 a day.一天的游客数量总共达8,000人。②there were probably about 40 people there in total.那里总共可能有40人左右。③(朗文p2182)  a total of  thirty neighbourhood meeting were conducted to discuss the issue.总共举行了30次居委会会议来讨论这一问题。④it is reported that more than six thousand people worldwide have died from h1n1 in total.据报道,世界上共有6,000多人死于甲流。【例句探源】7.句型转换(1)they were jailed for thirty years in total.they were jailed for__________ thirty years.解析:本句意为“他们在监狱里总共被关了三十年。”答案:a total of(2)it’s like learning a completely new language.it’s like learning a__________new language.解析:completely=totally表示“完全地,整个地”。本句意为“这就好像在学一种全新的语言。”答案:totally【即境活用】(3)there were probably about 40 people there in all.there were probably about 40 people there __________.解析:in all=in total 表示“总共;总计”。本句意为“那里总共可能有四十人左右。”答案:in total⑥ believe in 相信;信任;信仰(回归课本p48) you don’t believe in aliens, do you?你不相信有外星人,对吗?【归纳总结】believe it or not 信不信由你i believe so/not.我相信/不相信。trust in相信【例句探源】①do you  believe in  china’s traditional herbal medicine?你相信中国传统的中草药吗?②(朗文p160)he  believes in democracy.他相信民主。③the inuit believe in   animal spirits.因纽特人相信动物有灵魂。④believe it or not,  there is no such things as standard english.信不信由你,其实根本没有所谓的标准英语。believe in,believe(1)believe in“信任;信仰”,多指品德上的相信。(2)believe表示相信某人的话、相信某事等,believe sb.=believe what sb.says“相信某人的话”。共5页,当前第3页12345

2024年高考英语知识点必修二Module 5单元总复习教案

①i believe_in you,so i  believe what you said.②i don’t _believe that everyone believes_in god.【易混辨析】8.as is known to all,he is honest.that’s why i ________him all the time.but i don’t ________what he told me this time.a.believe;believe    b.believe in;believec.believe in;believe in    d.believe;believe in解析:选b。believe“相信(某人所说的话)”;believe in“依赖,信任”。【即境活用】9. (高考安徽卷)i’m amazed to hear from my school teacher again.________,it is ten years since we met last.a.in a word    b.what’s morec.that’s to say   d.believe it or not解析:选d。句意:也一次收到我学校老师的信使我很吃惊。和下句:自从上次我们见面到现在已经XX年了。可知道选d,信不信由你。句型梳理① 【教材原句】 now that i have made this first visit, i hope i can come many more times.(p45) 既然我开始了第一次访问,我希望能够多来几次。【句法分析】 now that 表示“既然”,相当于since,在此引导原因状语从句,其中that 可以省去。①now(that) you don’t understand it,why not ask for help?既然你不明白,为啥不请求帮忙呢?②(朗文p1400)i’m going to relax now that the school year is over. 既然本学年已经结束了,我可要放松一下了。③now the weather is fine,let’s go for a ride.既然天气好,我们去开车兜一兜风吧。10.—have you got any idea for the summer vacation?—i don’t mind where we go  ________there’s sun,sea and beach.a.as if           b.as long asc.now that     d.in order that解析:选b。句意:——暑假有啥打算?——去啥地方都行,只要有阳光、大海和沙滩就可以了。as long as只要,引导条件状语从句;as if 好像;now that 既然;in order that为了,不符合语境要求。【即境活用】11.—________you like the car so much,why not drive it back?—well,i can’t afford________car.a.since;that a big   b.now that;that big a c.so long as;a that big  d.when;a big that解析:选b。句意:——既然你那么喜欢那辆车,为啥不把它开回家呢?——恩,我买不起那么大的车。now that 既然,that big中,that相当于so。故选b。② 【教材原句】 amateur astronomer david bates was looking at the moon through his telescope last night when he got a big surprise.(p45)昨晚天文爱好者david bates 在用望远镜观看月球,突然,他大吃一惊。【句法分析】 when 在此处为并列连词,意为“当时突然”,强调另一个动作的突然发生。常用于下列句式:sb.be doing sth.when...sb.be about to do sth.when...sb.be going to do sth.when...sb.had/have/has just done sth.when...①i was walking along the river when i heard a drowning boy crying for help.共5页,当前第4页12345

2024年高考英语知识点必修二Module 5单元总复习教案

我正沿着河边走,突然听到了一个溺水儿童的呼救声。②i was about to leave when it began to snow.我正准备离开这时天突然下起雪来。③he was going to run away when the police came.他正准备逃跑,这时忽然警察来了。12.(高考全国卷ⅱ) tom was about to close the windowsdow __________his attention was caught by a bird.a.when        b.ifc.and      d.till解析:选a。句意:汤姆正要关上窗户,就在这时一只鸟引起了他的注意。在句式“...be about to do when...”中,when 作并列连词,相当于and at that time,句中was about to do为标志词,故答案为a项。【即境活用】13.(高考福建卷)she had just finished her homework __________her mother asked her to practise playing the piano yesterday.a.when        b.whilec.after      d.since解析:选a。考查连词。句意:昨天她刚一做完家庭作业,她母亲就让她去练钢琴。when 在这里的意思是“一……就;刚……就”。 共5页,当前第5页12345


2024年高考英语知识点必修二Module 5单元总复习教案
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