


学习目标:知识目标:1.熟练掌握词汇:watermelon,shake,pour, pour..into turn on, cut up, yogurt, honey, need 2熟练掌握以下句型:(1)cut up the bananas (2)pour the milk into the blender (3)how do you make…? (4) how much …do you need?技能目标:1,会用本节新词和短语,能听说读写;2能听懂,读懂描述程序的听力材料,能就某个操作程序对话,初步书面编写这样的对话;情感目标:培养学生热爱劳动和独立自主的生活态度。学习过程:一、自主学习(做学习的主人!)(一)preview steps and methods(预习步骤及方法):(新知识,早知道)课前预习 ⅰ.回顾你所学过的有关食物的单词,并将其分类,比一比谁写的多。 drink:_______________________________ fruit:_______________________________ vegetables:__________________________ food:________________________________ ⅱ.和同伴合作,把这些食物按可数和不可数名词分类。可数名词:___________________________ 不可数名词:__________课堂学习 before listening 1.结合课前准备ⅰ的内容,完成1a。 2.运用生活常识,依据图画提示,通过和伙伴的探讨,了解制作水果奶昔的步骤。(二)听力练习1b,2a,2b,并完成相应任务.二、合作交流:co-operation.( 三个臭皮匠,顶个诸葛亮,two heads are better than one.) 小组练习对话1c,2c。三、展示点拨:display (弘扬个性,展示讲解,让我们共同分享成功的喜悦!)    role play the conversations in 1c and 2c. show to the classes.四、巩固提升:exercise in class (别低估了自己的潜力!)  根据首字母提示补全单词,使句子完整通顺。1. look, she is p________ the water into the cup,2. sonia is thirsty. give her some water to d___________.3. mother is c_____________ up the meat in the kitchen.4. how m_________ milk do you need?5. we need a banana to make the milk s_____________. 6. you should p__________ the fruits before making the fruit salad. . 单项选择:1. --- _______ yogurt do you want? --- two cups. a. how many b. how much c. how long d. how often2. --- how many _________ do we need? --- three. a. an apple b. a apple c. apples d. apple3. --- let’s make the salad! --- ___________. a. no, i am not. b. thank you. c. that’s all right. d. that is a good idea.4. it’s dark(请记得收藏本站-一路高升范文网,以获取更多新鲜内容)(暗的) in the room. please ____________ the right. a. turn on b. turn down c. turn up d. turn off5. --- the banana is too big. --- you can ____________ fruit. a. cut up them b. cut them up c. cut it up d. cut up it五、学(教)后记:(学习也需要不断反思哦!)  xx市第三初中八年级英语上册导学案         班第     小组 姓名       unit 8 how do you make a banana milk shake?   section a (ⅱ) 主备:柴     审阅:娄 茹x          时间:.12.5 教师寄语:rome was not built in a day(冰冻三尺非一日之寒)学习目标:知识目标:1.熟练掌握以下词汇:add,sugar,finally,beef,cheese,popcorn,add…to…,put…into,forget to do,how many/much 2.熟练掌握以下句型(1)how do you make…? (2)how much/many…do we need?技能目标:1,会用本节新词和短语,能听说读写;2能听懂,读懂描述程序的听力材料,能就某个操作程序对话,初步书面编写这样的对话;情感态度:通过实践活动,培养学生的实际操作能力,调动学生的情感态度、兴趣等非智力因素。一、自主学习(做学习的主人!)课前预习 ⅰ.介绍一下你给家人做的沙拉吧。将两茶匙蜜,一杯酸奶,一些苹果,一些香蕉放入碗内,进行搅拌。 ____two teaspoons of,a cup of _____, some apples,some bananas____ ______a bowl,and________ it all 2)切好西红柿和牛肉,煮好面条,在面条里加入材料,再加上一些盐,就可以吃面条了。 first,the tomatoes and beef. next,____the noodles. then___ the ingredients and some salt___ the noodles. finally,eat the noodles ⅱ.搜集中外食谱,小组共享。课堂学习 before reading 1.小组内互相展示课前准备ⅰ的总结情况,并交流补充。 2.观察中的图片,你能猜出图的人物在做什么吗? _____________________________________ while reading .read carefully and circle the correct word in each question,完成3a. . 3b 1) look at the pictures 2) ask ss to write one sentence about each picture 3) ask ss to add “first,next,then,finally” before each sentence 4) 观察与思考: 1. 在制作某一事物、食品或做某一件事情时,一般都分为几个步骤。英文中常用来表示步骤的词语有:first, next, then, finally, 中文意思依次为:____、____、____、____。熟练掌握这几个词能帮助你有秩序地记叙事情发展的过程。二、合作交流:co-operation (种瓜得瓜,种豆得豆,as you sow, so shall you reap。)      小组练习对话3b,4。三、展示点拨:display (弘扬个性,展示讲解,共同分享!)比比哪组编的对话最有新意,加油!四、巩固提升:exercise in class (别低估了自己的潜力!)ⅰ.根据首字母或汉语提示补全单词,使句子完整通顺。 1.i look for my pen everywhere, and f____ i find it in my desk. 2.it's not good for our health to eat too much ____(盐). 3.you must take the medicine according to (根据)the i____. 4.let's b____ some water to make the tea. 5.the ____(食谱) for different kinds of juice is a gift of buying the blender.ⅱ.根据汉语意思及英语提示翻译下列句子。1.你怎样做咖啡奶昔? ______ do you make ____ ____ ____ ____? 2.你可以在果汁里加一些冰激凌。 you can ____ some ice cream ____ the juice.  3.请打开电视机。我想看《新闻联播》。 please ____ ____ the tv.i want to watch cctv news. 4.我们需要放两茶匙蜂蜜。 we need to put ____ ____ ____ ____. 5.请不要把你的书和我的书混在一起。 please don't ____ ____ you books with mine.五、学(教)后记:(学习也需要不断反思哦!)  xx市第三初中八年级英语上册导学案          班第     小组 姓名       unit 8 how do you make a banana milk shake?   section b (i)主备:柴   审阅:娄  茹x         时间:.12.5 教师寄语:who laughs best,who laughs last.(谁笑在最后谁笑得最好。)学习目标:知识目标:1.   熟练掌握词汇:sandwich,butter,piece,turkey,slices,lettuce,put..on,a slice of,a pieceof…2. 熟练掌握以下句型:do you like…? yes,i do/no,i don’t 3.熟练掌握本课出现的可数名词及不可数名词。可数名词:sandwich, turkey, slice. 不可数名词:bread, butter, relish, lettuce.4.了解以下词汇的语音语义:relish ,lettuce , turkey , slice.技能目标:能够听懂有关三明治制作过程的会话并能用所听内容描述食物的制作过程。注意材料及用量的短语及表达,并能用量词表示可数名词和不可数名词的量。情感态度:通过向别人介绍自己做过的事情,达到互相学习和扩展知识的目的学习过程:一、自主学习(做学习的主人!)课前预习: 1.观察课本图片,你能猜出这是制作哪种食物的原料吗? 2.你喜欢吃三明治吗?你喜欢在三明治里放些什么材料呢?想一想,列举在下面。 in my sandwich, i like ________________ 课堂学习: before listening 1.交流,检测课前预习1,熟记单词。 2.运用课前预习2的内容,汇报你喜欢的三明治。in my sandwich, i like..., i don 't like... 3.和同伴仿照1b的对话,互相谈论各自喜欢的三明治。listen and complete 2a,2bcheck up on effect (检查预习)二、合作交流:co-operation (三个臭皮匠,顶个诸葛亮,two heads are beter than one)work in pairs practice 2c.三、展示点拨:display (弘扬个性,展示讲解,让我们共同分享我们的喜悦!)role play the conversations in 2c四、巩固提升:exercise in class (别低估了自己的潜力!)i.根据句意, 用括号内单词的适当形式填(请记得收藏本站-一路高升范文网,以获取更多新鲜内容)空:1. how many ________(slice) of bread do weekend?2. i eat two_________(sandwich)for breakfast.3. here are some bananas. please cut________(they)up.4. i need _________(buy) some flowers.5._________(final),mix it all up.6. we need some _______(tomato).7. here_______(be) some milk. drink it please.8._______(not turn)on the blender.9. you can make fruit salad following these________(instruction).10.if you put some _______(butter)on the bread, it will taste more delicious.  ii.句型转换:1.i like lettuce in sandwiches (变一般疑问句)__________ ____________ ____________lettuce in sandwiches?2.we need a teaspoon of relish.(对划线部分提问)? __________ _________relish _________we need?3.there are fifty students in our class.(对划线部分提问) __________ _________students__________ ___________in your class?五、学(教)后记:(学习也需要不断反思哦!)      xx市第三初中八年级英语上册导学案        班第     小组 姓名       unit 8 how do you make a banana milk shake? section b (ⅱ)主备:柴   审阅:娄  茹x         时间:.12.5教师寄语:art is long, but life is short.(人生有限,学问无涯)学习目标:知识目标:1.熟记掌握以下词汇:traditional,traveler,celebrate,mix,fill,cover2.掌握并能正确使用本课时重点短语; have a big meal,fill…with…,cover…with… 3:熟练掌握以下句型: 1)it is a time to give thanks for f(请记得收藏本站-一路高升范文网,以获取更多新鲜内容)ood in the autumn. here is one way to make turkey for a thanksgiving dinner. next,fill the turkey with this bread mix.技能目标: 能够读懂用英文描述包括原材料的选择、用量及食品制作过程的安排,并能以书面形式表达制作某种食物的材料、用量及制作方法。情感态度:学会感恩学习过程:一、自主学习(做学习的主人!)(新知识,早知道)                    课堂学习: before reading 1.交流、检测课前预习的情况,写下你的问题。 ------------------------------------------- 2.两人一组,交流课前预习2,完成感恩节火鸡的制作。____________________________________ while reading 1.再次阅读短文回答2c问题 2.熟读短文,填空并标出2d中句子的顺序。 3.找出重、难点。 4.细读全文,提出疑难问题,小组探究,互助解答。 观察与思考:cut up________, cut in_________,cut off__________, cut down_________  (2)please ____the apple. (3)many trees are ____in some places. 观察与思考:here is one way to make turkey for a thanksgiving dinner. make译为____, 后可接_____; 或接_______,译为______。  二、合作交流:co-operation(三个臭皮匠顶个诸葛亮two heads are better than one. ) read 2b aloud for about 5 minutes to recite or retell. after reading 1.评选出最受欢迎的中国传统美食,完成2e 2.相信大家都吃过北京烤鸭,但你知道北京烤鸭的正确吃法吗? how to eat beijing duck first ________the roast duck _______slices and so do the green onion. then _________some sauce _______the slices of the duck. next ________some slices of the duck and green onion a pancake. finally _______the pancake. 3.设计你所喜欢的食品的食谱,写下来并读给同伴听,看看谁更了解中国或外国的美食。 三、展示点拨:display (弘扬个性,展示讲解,让我们共同分享成功的喜悦!)四、exercise in class (巩固提升)(别低估了自己的潜力!)i.翻译下列短语或句子。 1. add some salt to the sandwich. ___________________________________ 2. put another slice of bread on the top. _____________________________________ 3. here's recipe for a great turkey sandwich!________________________________________4. two teaspoons of honey_________ add...to...________________________ turn on the blender__________ pour…into______________________ 5. translate the phrases into chinese. 切碎___________ 她最喜欢的食物________ 混合在一起________ 在顶端__________ii.根据汉意及字母提示,完成句子。1 .p _______the oranges before you eat them.2. s _______is important to us. we need it when we cook.3. on the t ______of the mountain, there is some snow.4.please_________(检查)your homework after you finish it.5.bill usually has two c_______(面包)and a glass of milk for breakfast.6. we need two c _____of milk to make the shake.7. you should follow the i_______ to use the blender.8.people in the usa usually eat______(火鸡)on thanksgiving day.9. the boat is interesting , it looks like a d______.10.i like putting_______(黄油)into my dishes.五、学(教)后记:(学习也需要不断反思哦!)


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