Unit 2  NumbersUnit 2  NumbersUnit 2 Numbers


Unit 2 Numbers

Unit 2 Numbers

let’s actpre-task preparation   通过提问 what do you have in your bag? 帮助学生复习他们学过的学习用品类单词,同时让学生将提及的学习用品放置于书桌上。教师通过讲述挂图上的情景(小孩们在美术课上合用学习用品)引出祈使句give me …,please. 让学生感受帮助别人、与他人分享物品的快乐。看图说话后,教师可安排一组问题,检查学生对图意的理解,仅要求学生做简略回答,例:what did sam want ? a rubber. while-task procedure      听录音,要求部分学生按祈使句的要求作出反应,其他学生判断正确与否。在学生理解两句句子的基础上,可将学生分成四人小组表演图片中的故事,然后请个别小组上前表演。post-task activities可启发学生将祈使句中的单词,替换成他们学过的其他单词进行对话,最后教师可创设真是情景,发给学生图画纸,要求学生画画教室。其间若需要图画用品,可用give me …, please.向他人借用,让学生学会在生活中运用学到的英语。language focus:using imperatives to give simple instructions  e.g. give me …,please.using nouns to identify classroom objects  e.g. rubber language skills:listeninglocate specific information in response to simple instructionsspeakinguse modeled phrases to communicate with other learners materials:student’s book 1a page 7cassette 1acassette playerwallchart 1apre-task preparation   1. revise the classroom objects vocabulary. ask the students what do you have in your bag? invite individuals to answer the question with the words they have learnt. ask the class to put their personal items on the desks.   2. put up the wallchart on the board and tell a story like this:   sam and his classmates enjoy drawindowsg. one day their teacher told them that they could each draw a picture. the students were happy to do this. however, the teacher told them that they must share some of their things. they need to ask politely if they want to borrow something. sam didn't have a rubber so he said to the girl sitting next to him, 'give me a rubber, please.' she was happy to share with him. ann didn't have a ruler so she said to tom politely, 'give me a ruler, please,' the teacher was happy that everyone was sharing their things. she also liked their pictures!3、ask some questions such as the followindowsg:   what did sam want? (a rubber.)   what did he say? (give me a rubber, please.)   what did ann want? (a ruler.)   what did she say? (give me a ruler, please.)while-task procedure   1. play the cassette tape for 'give me a rubber, please'. ask some students to act it and the rest of the class to judge right or wrong.共7页,当前第1页1234567

Unit 2 Numbers

   2. repeat the process with 'give me a ruler, please'.   3. open the student's book to page 7 and ask the students to say the two sentences.   4. divide the class into groups of four to practise acting then story.   5. select groups to act the story out to the class.post-task activities   1. let pairs of students substitute 'ruler' and 'rubber' with some other words they have learnt and act the dialogue.   2. distribute white drawindowsg paper to each student. tell them that they can use their pencils and rulers, etc. to draw a picture of theft classroom. if they need to borrow something, they must say 'give me..., please' to their     classmates.homework:a listen to the tape and read after it.b do the exercises on student’s book.blackboard:give me a rubber , please.give me a ruler, please.note:  let’s talkpre-task preparation   问候:通过师生互致问候,引出hello与 hi,并稍作解释:hi为比较随意的问候语,一般用于学生之间,而对于教师和年长者应该用hello;随后学生们用hello与 hi互致问候。   自我简介:教师可指点着自己引出: hello, i’m …,在与学生的会话中引出学生的自我简介,然后鼓励学生向别人作自我简介,认识心新朋友,启迪学生积极交往的意识。   简介他人:向学生简介布偶,引出 this is … 然后由学生简介他们各自的朋友,引导学生将问候语用于简介中。 while-task procedure   利用挂图和课本中的插图,学生听录音,跟说对话,然后将学生分成三人小组分角色操练对话。选部分组进行表演,要求在表演前做自我简介,学会真实使用i’m… 与this is … post-task activity      要求学生替换真实情况表演对话,检查学生的发音。在交际中,不要随意打断学生,注意发展学生流畅的思维。language focus:using formulaic expressions to greet people  e.g. hi, may.using formulaic expressions to introduce oneself  e.g. hello, i’m may.using formulaic expressions to introduce your friends  e.g. tis is tim. language skills:speakinguse modeled phrase to communicate with other learnersopen an interaction by introducing oneselfopen an interaction by greeting someone politelyopen an interaction by introducing your friends materials:student’s book 1a page 8cassette 1acassette playerworkbook 1a page 5wallchart 1a pre-task preparationa  greeting:   1. say 'hello' to the students. prompt them to return the greeting 'hello, miss ...'   2. encourage the students to say 'hello' to as many classmates as possible.   3. say 'hi' to the students. prompt them to respond 'hi'. explain that 'hi' is informal and for use between students. they must say 'hello' when they greet you and other adults.共7页,当前第2页1234567

Unit 2 Numbers

   4. encourage the students to say 'hi' to each other.b introducing yourself:   1. hold up a muppet. say 'hello, i am ...' then point to yourself and say 'hello, i'm miss ...' repeat several times.   2. say 'hello, i'm miss ...' to individual students, to elicit 'hello, i'm ... (student's name)'   3. encourage the students to greet each other and introduce themselves to each other.c introducing your friends:   1. introduce the muppet to the students. say 'this is … (muppet's name)'. ask the students to greet the muppet 'hello, ...'   2. ask who's your friend? can you introduce him/her to me? prompt individual students to introduce their friends 'hello, miss ... this is ... (friend's name)'   3. encourage the students to introduce their friends to each other.while-task procedure   1. put up the wallchart on the board so that all the students can see it.   2. play the cassette tape for page 8. students listen and follow in their books.   3. play the cassette tape again. students listen and repeat several times.   4. divide the class into groups of three. have each student choose a character. practise the dialogue with the character names.   5. select groups to act the model dialogue for the class. before performing the role-play, each student may introduce his/her own character,   e.g. hi, i'm may.post-task activityextend the task by having the same groups practise the dialogue, substituting with their own names. select groups to act the dialogues. check students' pronunciation, and correct if necessary.consolidationworkbook page 5:a sam is introducing john to may. draw a line from sam to the correct words.b listen and respond quickly.homework:a listen to the tape and read after it.b do the exercises on student’s book.blackboard:hi, may. this is tim.hello, i’m may.hello, may.note: let’s learnpre-task preparation   取出一罐糖果,引出教学内容:数数。准备六把尺,边数数,逐把加上,引出one-six,其间鼓励学生跟着教师数数。还可以换用其他物品来练习数数。出示数字卡片和单词卡片,让学生边辨认,边跟读。while-task procedure      学生边跟录音读,边辨认书上的单词,然后可要求学生听音指出听到的数字。将不同物品(各为六个)放置于桌上,学生跟教师数数。将全班学生分成六组,在桌上的物品中添加或取走(在1至6的范围内),各组展开数数比赛。还可以给学生每人六颗糖,听到指令后(数字),数出相应的糖果,当然也可以用其他物品来进行类似的活动,教师可用糖果奖励反应最快的学生。共7页,当前第3页1234567

Unit 2 Numbers

post-task activity      准备若干盒子,里面装有不同物品,学生以小组为单位,选择一类物品进行数数。language focus:using numerals to count from on to six language skills:listeninglocate specific information in response to simple instructions materials:student’s book 1a page 9cassette 1acassette playerworkbook 1a pages 6and 7word and picture cards 1aa jar of sweetsboxes with various objects inside pre-task preparation   1. hold up a jar of sweets. say look. do you like sweets? how many sweets are there in the jar? you all know how to count. today we will learn how to count. today we will learn how to count one, two, three, four, five, six in english. if you learn all of the numbers, you can have the sweets.   2. have six rules ready. hold up the first ruler and ask ‘what’s this?’ to elicit ‘a ruler’   3. introduce the new number words by adding the rulers one by one. count slowly ‘one, two, three, four, five, six’. repeat. encourage the students to count together.   4. repeat steps 2 and 3 , this time using rubbers.   5. put the number cards on the board. then put the word cards next to them and rend. students repeat.while-task procedure   1. open the student’s book to page 9. play the cassette tape and allow students to follow orally until they are familiar with the words. ask the students to point each number word ad it is being read out.   2. put the same number if objects on a table in front of the class. use a pointer to point and count with students.   3. divide the class into six groups. add on or rake away objects but always keep the number within the range of 1 to 6. have each group count a  different kind of object. the quickest to call out the correct number will be the windowsner.   4. listening activity:      every student is given 6 sweets. read out a number within the range of 1 to 6. when the students hear the number, they count out the correct number of sweets and put them in their hands. walk around the classroom and check. post-task activitydivide the class into groups. prepare some boxes with various kinds of objects inside. ask each group to choose one kind of object and count. consolidationworkbook page 6a listen and circle the number you hear.b listen and write the numbers.workbook page 7a color the correct number.b draw the correct number of things you like best.homework:a listen to the tape and read after it.共7页,当前第4页1234567

Unit 2 Numbers

b do the exercises on student’s book.blackboard:one   two   three   four  five    six note:  let’s playpre-task preparation   教师报数字,学生边重复边用手势表示。准备一些卡纸开展小组活动,卡纸上面画有不同数量的物品,学生数数、说说,并试着将数词单词与相应的数目配对。教师提问,示意学生作出反应:can you show me numbers? can you clap? can you say the numbers from 1 to 6?while-task procedure      做做手势:教师边做手势边带学生数数;随意抽学生让他们听指令作出反应(发音与手势):show me one/ two…教师拍手并数数,学生跟着数数,随后学生边拍手边数数。教师请个别学生连续数数。跟录音读数遍后,要求学生随录音或教师边说边做,进行个别、小组或全班的听指令,说说做做活动。      猜猜数量:在盒子里放入若干物品,让学生猜一猜数量,学生猜测后,取出物品共同数数以严整,也可由学生在盒子里放置物品,让别人猜,以启迪学生的主体意识。 post-task activity将学生分成四人小组开展活动,教师报出词组(数词加上学习用品单词),要求学生用句子give me …, please.收集相应的物品。language focus:using imperatives to give simple instructions   e.g. show me.using numerals to count numbers language skills:listeninglocate specific information in the response to simple instructionsspeakinguse modeled phrase to open and maintain an interaction materials:student’s book 1a page 10cassette 1acassette playerworkbook 1a page 8word and picture cards 1apre-task preparation   1. say a number, e.g. one. the students show the number with their finger(s) and repeat as it is being read out.   2. prepare some cardboard rectangles for small group activity. on each draw six rows across and a vertical line parallel to the right margin. inside the long rectangle spaces, draw 1 to 6 small objects, e.g. row 1 has 2 objects, row 2 has 6 objects, etc. let students count and invite individuals to come up   and put the correct word card for each number onto the board near the margin.   3. ask can you show me the numbers? can you clap? can you say the numbers from i to 6?while-task procedurea act:   1. put up one finger and say 'show me one'. students copy. continue with 'two', 'three', 'four', 'five' and 'six' with students copying.   2. without doing the action, randomly select students and say 'show me ...' students respond by doing the action and saying the number.   3. clap and count 'one, two, three, four, five, six'. students repeat the words only. then say and do 'clap - one, two, three, four, five, six'. students say and mime 'clap- one, two, three, four, five, six'.共7页,当前第5页1234567

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   4. select students and say 'say - one, two, three, four, five, six'. students respond.   5. play the cassette tape. students listen and follow in their books.   6. play the cassette again. encourage the students to say and act with you and the cassette.   7. invite individual students, groups or the whole class to say and act followindowsg your commands.b guess:   1. put a number of objects (from 1 to 6) into a big box. ask students 'how many?   2. let individual students make their guesses. take out object(s) and count together with the students.   3. students can take turns to put in object(s) for the class.post-task activitydivide the class into groups of four. call out any number from 1 to 6 plus the name of any object students have learnt. get individual students to use the sentence structure 'give me ...,please' to collect the correct number of objects from their classmates.consolidationworkbook page 8: count and circle the correct answer.homework:a listen to the tape and read after it.b do the exercises on student’s book.blackboard:show me –one, two , threenote: let’s enjoypre-task preparation      利用数字卡片和手势让学生听听做做,然后要求学生听指令做动作。利用祈使句复习巩固数词1-6;还可以让学生辨认单词卡片(数词)并作出相应的手势。在一系列的数词活动后,告诉学生他们将学习一首数词的儿歌,激发学生的好奇心。 while-task procedure   利用教学挂图,教师自问自答引出单词tree 和sticks,就单词 tree和 sticks 进行看图问答。教师模拟拾数枝,引出pick up sticks,让学生在情景中领悟语义,然后让学生边说做动作pick up sticks。接着可让学生听儿歌的录音,随儿歌的节奏拍手,让学生体会儿歌的节奏、韵律;随后学生看图、拍手与教师一起跟录音诵读儿歌,最后全班起立表演儿歌。 post-task activities      小组内表演儿歌,教师可为各组记分。还可开展传话游戏:将学生分成若干小组,每组的最后一个学生将教师给的儿歌中的一句,悄悄逐个往前传,最先完成组为优胜。 language focus:using imperatives to give simple instructions   e.g. pick up sticks. language skills:speaking:pronounce correctly words in connected speech by linking words together and using appropriate stress materials:student’s book 1a page 11cassette 1acassette playerword and picture cards 1awallchart 1a pre-task preparation   1. hold up number card '1' and ask students to say it in english. then say 'show me one', students respond by putting up one finger. continue with '2' to '6'.   2. ask students to clap/say any number from one to six. show their fingers to indicate the actual number共7页,当前第6页1234567

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   3. finally, flash word cards for them to read and ask them to show their fingers to indicate the actual number.   4. say today we will learn a rhyme about numbers.while-tusk procedure   1. put up the wallchart on the board. point to the tree in the picture. ask and answer yourself 'what's this? it's a tree'.   2. repeat step 1 but ask the class to answer 'it's a tree'.   3. invite individuals to come up, point to the tree and say 'it's a tree'.   4. point to a stick and say is this a tree? no, it's a stick. oh, many sticks. one, two, three ... pick up sticks. explain the meaning of 'pick up' by miming. let students copy you.   5. inv(请记得收藏本站-一路高升范文网,以获取更多新鲜内容)ite individuals to say and act 'pick up sticks'.   6. play the cassette tape. students listen and clap their hands.   7. play the cassette tape again. encourage the students to look at the picture, clap their hands and say the rhyme with you.   8. let the class stand up and act the rhyme.post-tusk activities   1. divide the class into groups. have each group act the rhyme. the best group will be the windowsner. you can mark the score of each group on the board.   2. play a relay lace: (an enjoyable way of giving feedback to the students)   divide the class into eight groups. give the student at the back of each row a line of the rhyme. then they start to read, followed by. the student hi front until the last student at the front repeats the line and pots up his or her hand. that row windowss the relay race. consolidationoxford english (shanghai edition) practice and assessment series 1a unit 2 presents further grammar and vocabulary exercises as well m ling and reading skills development tasks.homework:a listen to the tape and read after it.b do the exercises on student’s book.blackboard:rhymeone, two, three,it’s a tree.four, five, six,pick up sticksnote: 共7页,当前第7页1234567


Unit 2  Numbers
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