1B  Unit 2 My Gift(1)1B  Unit 2 My Gift(1)1B Unit 2 My Gift(1)


1B Unit 2 My Gift(1)

1B Unit 2 My Gift(1)

学习目标:1.   帮助小学生了解中国的一些民族传统节日和节日文化。2.   学会做各种对学习有帮助的小游戏。基础目标:    1.学习wonderland 中的单词:doll, yo-yo, car, jet    2.  学会用this is… 来简介人或物。3.   能听懂和理解grand theatre 中的对话内容,并模仿正确语音语调在课堂内进行表演。4.   听懂和理解sports club中的指令:attention. at ease. 并能作出正确的动作反应。5.   学会有节奏地说交通规则儿歌:stop 发展目标:1.   结合第一单元的形容词new, old拓展学习一些词组:a new car, an old yo-yo, a new doll, an old jet等 。2.   学会正确地说: this is a…. this is an…. this is my…3.  能把学过单词与grand theatre的语言内容整合,拓展学生的语言量,让学生进行表演。 能力目标:1.   能恰当地用形容词来描述新的玩具。2.   培养学生能用英语简介物品的能力。3.   培养小学生用英语自编自演英语对话。 情感、策略和文化等有关目标:1.  情感态度:学会同学之间团结友爱,有幽默感的玩笑。2.学习策略:在开展小组活动时要有集体荣誉感,积极参与。3.  文化目标:  要学会领悟和体会幽默感给人们带来的喜悦。lesson plan (1) 

procedurescontentsmethodspurposepre-task preparation1. warming-upstand up, please, group one.come to the front.line up. attention.at ease. 2. rhyme: stopred, red, red, the light is red.stop, stop, stop,don’t cross the road.1. invite a group of the students come to the front and perform the actions. 2. show the red traffic light. then ask the students three questions:what colour is it?can we cross the road?what should we do?then learn to read the rhyme.1. 用集合整队的形式来学习sports club中的话语, 贯彻学中用, 用中学,学以致用。2.通过提问,让学生明理,提高遵守交通规则的意识,然后学习相关的儿歌,创设课堂教学气氛。taskproceduretask1: lead inlisten to a story:norman has got many toys. he likes to play with yo-yo. he also likes playing with his new doll. the doll is pink. it’s so nice. he has got a toy jet and a toy car. the jet is grey and the car is red. 2. task 2: group worka yellow yo-yo, a pink doll, a red car, a grey jet1. teacher shows the pictures and word cards:  yo-yo, doll, jet, and car, when the students listen to the story. then learn these four new words.2. teacher shows four pictures and four adjs. have the students  listen and match the words to the pictures.pictures:red  yellow  grey  pinkwords: jet  doll  car  yo-yo1. 通过讲故事,引出新单词,能激起学生的兴趣。 2.让学生根据听到的内容,将形容词与名词配对,引导学生今后能恰当使用形容词来修饰名词。共2页,当前第1页12

1B Unit 2 My Gift(1)

post-taskactivities1.student’s workbook page 6~7 listening  2. describe the toys in small groups.  1. play the cassette and do listening exercises in class. 2. have the students say  something about their own toys in the small groups.1. 通过做听力练习, 巩固单词教学。2.开展小组活动, 让学生用英语讲讲自己的玩具。

1b unit 2 my gift(1) 来自本站。共2页,当前第2页12


1B  Unit 2 My Gift(1)
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