Food and drink Lesson 75Food and drink Lesson 75Food and drink Lesson 75


Food and drink Lesson 75

Food and drink Lesson 75-2教学设计示例(精选16篇)

Food and drink Lesson 75-2教学设计示例 篇1

  Lesson 76教学设计示例















  2.教师出示[i:], [e]等音标卡片,学生认读。放课文第一部分录音,学生跟读两遍。让学生自己小结元音字母e及字母组合ee,ea的发音,并让学生举出其他例词,之后做习题2。











  在英语中,有一部分表示物质或抽象意义的名词,叫做不可数名词。它们没有复数形式。比如:milk, water, tea等。在句中以单数形式出现。但我们可以借助含有量词的短语来表示物质名词的量。(参阅第73课难点讲解部分)

Food and drink Lesson 75-2教学设计示例 篇2

  Lesson 73教学设计示例



  (1)掌握表示食物的词汇,如water, meat, milk, rice 等。

  (2)掌握句型:It's time to do sth.










  2.放课文第一段录音,教师先提一个问题:What's the time? 放一遍录音,学生回答教师的问题。再放录音,学生跟读两遍。

  教师解释对话中 It's time to… 这一句话,并板书以下时间和动词短语:

  7∶30 go to school 8∶00 go to the classroom

  4∶00 play games 5∶00 go home 10∶00 go to bed


  S1:It's 7∶30 now.

  S2:Oh, it's time to go to school.

  S1:OK, let's go!

  S2:Yes, let's.


  3.利用准备好的图片(如果没有,可利用课本中插图),教本课词汇。在学生基本会读以后,教师解释rice,tea等不可数名词在使用中的注意事项,并借助事先准备好的茶杯等实物,引导出 cups of tea等短语,借助图片,引导出 some rice等,以增加直观效果。




  Ss:some rice


  Ss:three cups of tea (four, five etc.)






  a cup of tea 一杯茶

  tea, milk, orange, water等词是不可数名词,本身没有复数形式。要表示它的量的多少,可借助 a cup/bottle/glass of等短语。如果是两杯茶,三瓶牛奶,可将cup, bottle等词变为复数形式。比如:

  two cups of tea 两杯茶

  five bottles of milk 五瓶牛奶

Food and drink Lesson 75-2教学设计示例 篇3

  Lesson 75教学设计示例

  Step 1 Revision

  1 Check Homework.

  2 Revise the What would you like? dialogue in SB, Lesson 74, Part 2 and ask students about others' choices: What would he / she like? What about him / her? etc.

  3 Revise countable and uncountable nouns.

  Step 2 Presentation

  Ask three students from the class to come up and be an example for “make a survey” in SB Page 13, Part 1. First have S 1 ask S2, What would you like for supper? S2 answers, I would like …. Next, have S3 ask S 1, What would (name) / he /she like for supper? S 1 answers, He / She would like …. Be sure that S3uses the correct pronoun for he / she.

  Step 3 Mak(请记得收藏本站-一路高升范文网,以获取更多新鲜内容)e a survey

  1 Have students work in pairs to fill out the survey.

  2 Have students switch partners as in the above demonstration, and ask each other What would your friend like for supper? As the students are working in pairs, walk around and make sure they are using the correct pronoun he / she when answering.

  Step 4 Presentation

  1 Show the students some food items, or pictures of foods (e. g. 3 oranges, 4 eggs, etc.). Ask What's the English for these? etc. Get them to tell you about size, weight, colour, etc. by asking Can you describe them? Are they big /small? What colour are they? etc.

  2 Ask How many apples (etc.) can you see? Help them to answer I can see four. Add or take away objects as you ask questions. Explain that How many :..? is only used with plurals of countable nouns, e.g. apples, cakes, bottles, cups, etc. Teach piece(s) .

  Step 5 Look, ask and answer

  1 Ask How many … can you see? but the answer should be I can see only one / two / three …. Teach I can't see any in the same way.

  2 SB Lesson 75, Part 2. Say Look at the picture please. How many … can you see? Help the students to answer I see only …. and I see …. according to the picture.

  3 Have students work in pairs and describe the picture to each other, using I can / can't see …. Encourage them to ask as many questions as they can, especially about things they can't see in the picture.

  Step 6 Practice

  In pairs, have the students do a role-play. One of the students will be a doctor and the other will be the patient. Explain patient. Something is wrong with the patient's eyes. The doctor is checking his / her eyes. As he / she is checking the patient's eyes, the student asks how many … do you see?

  Step 7 Game

  This game should be played quite fast. Show the students some objects (e.g. 3 bananas) and ask How many bananas can you see? They must answer Three straight away. Sometimes show them some objects (e.g. 4 apples) and ask How many pears can you see? They must say I can't see any. If they are wrong they must sit down.

  Step 8 Workbook

  SB Page 85, Wb Lesson 75, E. 1-3. You may start with Ex. 2 and revise all the food and drink words taught so far. Draw the students' attention to the countable and uncountable nouns. E. 2 and 3 both show how to identify the quantity of uncountable nouns.


  Write down the sentences in Ex. 3 in the exercise book.

Food and drink Lesson 75-2教学设计示例 篇4

  Lesson 74教学设计示例

  Note: If you want something, say I'd like … when asking for it. I'd like =I would like. If you want to offer something, say Would you like … ? What would you like?

  Step 1 Revision

  1 Revise food and drink words.

  2 Revise breakfast, lunch and supper.

  3 Check Homework.

  Step 2 Presentation

  1 Tell the students they are in a restaurant. You are the waiter. Ask What would you like? Teach I'd like …, please. Say Here you are. Get the students to practise in pairs.

  2 Ask some pairs to act out their dialogues, then ask What would he / she like? Help the students to answer He / She would like ….

  Step 3 Practice

  Action chain:

  A: I'm hungry/thirsty.

  B: What would you like?

  A: 1'd like some rice / bread / meat / a bag of milk / a bottle of juice, etc.

  B: I'm hungry / thirsty.

  C: What would you like? etc.

  Step 4 Presentation

  1 Teach Would you like a cup of tea / bag of milk / a glass of water? Use flashcards (or real objects) and gestures. Help the students to answer Yes, please. Then help them to say No, thanks.

  Note: In an English speaking country, if somebody asks you Would you like something to eat / drink? the response is Yes, please. /No, thanks. They usually mean what they say. It is unlike in China where the Chinese would say No, thanks. even if they are hungry or thirsty, to show politeness.

  2 Repeat using some cakes/meat/rice, etc. Explain that some is used for plural nouns and uncountable nouns. Explain uncountable. Give examples in Chinese. Do Wb Lesson 73, Ex. 2 again and revise all the uncountable nouns taught so far.

  Step 5 Ask and answer

  1 SB Page 12, Part 1, Speech Cassette Lesson 74. Books closed! Say Listen, please. Ask What would the boy/girl like for breakfast? Play the tape. Check the answers (a glass of milk, some cakes and an egg).

  2 Play the tape again and have the students repeat.

  3 In pairs, have the students read the dialogue and substitute the appropriate words from the boxes for the words in italics in the dialogue. Be sure to walk around the class and give help as needed. Encourage the students to say what, they think. Add more food and drink words if possible. Optional words and expressions are not required in the exams. If there are difficulties, avoid the optional vocabulary.

  Step 6 Read and act

  1 SB Page 12, Part 2, Speech Cassette Lesson 74. With books closed, have the students listen to the tape. Say Listen, please. Ask What would the people like to drink? Check the answers (a bottle of apple juice, and a glass of orange juice).

  2 Divide the class into groups of three. Explain in Chinese that the woman is a saleswoman.

  3 Give the students time to read through the dialogue and practise acting it out. The students do not need to keep the dialogue exactly as it is, but may substitute other foods or drinks for the food and drink words in the dialogue. Have several students act out their dialogue for the class.

  Step 7 Workbook

  SB Page 84, Wb Lesson 74, E. 1-2. After reading through the dialogue in Ex. 1, the students should answer the questions without looking at the text. Get some pairs to give their performance when they have prepared their dialogues as required in Ex. 2.


  Revise the new language in this unit. Finish off the Workbook exercises.

Food and drink Lesson 75-2教学设计示例 篇5

  Lesson 74教学设计示例

  Note: If you want something, say I'd like … when asking for it. I'd like =I would like. If you want to offer something, say Would you like … ? What would you like?

  Step 1 Revision

  1 Revise food and drink words.

  2 Revise breakfast, lunch and supper.

  3 Check Homework.

  Step 2 Presentation

  1 Tell the students they are in a restaurant. You are the waiter. Ask What would you like? Teach I'd like …, please. Say Here you are. Get the students to practise in pairs.

  2 Ask some pairs to act out their dialogues, then ask What would he / she like? Help the students to answer He / She would like ….

  Step 3 Practice

  Action chain:

  A: I'm hungry/thirsty.

  B: What would you like?

  A: 1'd like some rice / bread / meat / a bag of milk / a bottle of juice, etc.

  B: I'm hungry / thirsty.

  C: What would you like? etc.

  Step 4 Presentation

  1 Teach Would you like a cup of tea / bag of milk / a glass of water? Use flashcards (or real objects) and gestures. Help the students to answer Yes, please. Then help them to say No, thanks.

  Note: In an English speaking country, if somebody asks you Would you like something to eat / drink? the response is Yes, please. /No, thanks. They usually mean what they say. It is unlike in China where the Chinese would say No, thanks. even if they are hungry or thirsty, to show politeness.

  2 Repeat using some cakes/meat/rice, etc. Explain that some is used for plural nouns and uncountable nouns. Explain uncountable. Give examples in Chinese. Do Wb Lesson 73, Ex. 2 again and revise all the uncountable nouns taught so far.

  Step 5 Ask and answer

  1 SB Page 12, Part 1, Speech Cassette Lesson 74. Books closed! Say Listen, please. Ask What would the boy/girl like for breakfast? Play the tape. Check the answers (a glass of milk, some cakes and an egg).

  2 Play the tape again and have the students repeat.

  3 In pairs, have the students read the dialogue and substitute the appropriate words from the boxes for the words in italics in the dialogue. Be sure to walk around the class and give help as needed. Encourage the students to say what, they think. Add more food and drink words if possible. Optional words and expressions are not required in the exams. If there are difficulties, avoid the optional vocabulary.

  Step 6 Read and act

  1 SB Page 12, Part 2, Speech Cassette Lesson 74. With books closed, have the students listen to the tape. Say Listen, please. Ask What would the people like to drink? Check the answers (a bottle of apple juice, and a glass of orange juice).

  2 Divide the class into groups of three. Explain in Chinese that the woman is a saleswoman.

  3 Give the students time to read through the dialogue and practise acting it out. The students do not need to keep the dialogue exactly as it is, but may substitute other foods or drinks for the food and drink words in the dialogue. Have several students act out their dialogue for the class.

  Step 7 Workbook

  SB Page 84, Wb Lesson 74, E. 1-2. After reading through the dialogue in Ex. 1, the students should answer the questions without looking at the text. Get some pairs to give their performance when they have prepared their dialogues as required in Ex. 2.


  Revise the new language in this unit. Finish off the Workbook exercises.

Food and drink Lesson 75-2教学设计示例 篇6

  Lesson 73教学设计示例

  Note: To suit the needs of different levels of students, the SB provides additional words in the optional parts marked with asterisks, e.g. Page 11, Part 3 of SB Lesson 73. If your class is not ready for them, do not require your students to learn the optional words. The additional words are not required on the exams.

  Step 1 Revision

  1 Revise telling the time. Practise What's the time? It's a quarter to /past seven. or six forty-five /seven fifteen. It's time for …. It's time to ….

  2 Revise favourite. Practise What's your favourite colour / book?

  3 Check Homework.

  Step 2 Presentation

  Bring in the followindowsg objects, or pictures of the objects: rice, bread, meat, cake, a cup of tea, a glass of water, a bottle of juice and a bag of milk.

  Books closed. Do not open them until Step 4. Teach hungry. Say: I am very hungry. I would like some rice. Teach rice, bread, meat and cake using either pictures or the real objects. Ask Are you hungry too? What would you like? Explain the meaning of this question. At this stage it is enough to have the students understand it. They may answer the question by saying some rice/bread. Teach thirsty. Now say I am thirsty, I want a bottle of juice. Teach a cup of tea, a bag of milk, a glass of water and a bottle of juice using pictures or the real objects. Ask Are you thirsty too? What would you like? The students should answer I want a bag of milk / a glass of water.

  Step 3 Practice

  Action chain:

  A: What's the time?

  B: It's 12:10.

  A: Oh, it's time for lunch. I'm hungry.

  B: Have some rice / bread / milk …, please.

  A: Thank you.

  B: What's the time?

  C: It's 6:30.

  B: Oh, it's time for supper, etc.

  Step 4 Read and say

  1 SB page 11, Part 1, Speech Cassette Lesson 73. Books closed! Say Please listen for the answer to this question. Ask What time is it? Play the tape and check the answers. Then play the tape again for students to listen and repeat.

  2 Now have the students practise reading the dialogue in pairs.

  Step 5 Presentation

  1 Books closed! Using the objects and pictures again ask What's this in English? It's rice. What is it? Explain in Chinese that the article a is only used with a container, e.g. a bottle of / a cup of, etc., but meat, bread, etc. have no a because they are uncountable. See Pages 174-175 of the SB for reference on grammar.

  2 Repeat with What are these? They're cakes /bottles of juice. What are they? Explain in Chinese that words like cake, cup, bottle, glass, etc. are countable. Say two bottles of juice, three cups/ glasses of water, not two bottles of juices, three cups /glasses of waters.

  Step 6 Read and learn

  1 Read the words in Part 2. Students repeat. Let them study the words for a short time. Then books closed! Ask What things do we eat? What things do we drink? Help the students to remember the new words. Get them to add more things ( apples, bananas, etc.) and to use bottles, cups / glasses of, some, etc. Get the students to say bottles, some bottles, three or four bottles of juice / water, etc.

  2 If time allows, have the students work in pairs and write a dialogue of their own using the dialogue in Part 1 as a model. Encourage them to use the food and drink in their own dialogue.

  Step 7 Ask and answer

  1 SB Page 11, Part 3* is optional. If you think your class can benefit from this, you may take up this part. Use pictures or flashcards to teach hamburger, noodles, potato chips, dumplings, coke, apple juice and coffee.

  2 In this activity, the students need to get out of their seats and walk around. Have the students ask five students, preferably, students they don't usually talk to in class, what their favourite food is. Give the students about 10 minutes to do this activity, then have them return to their seats. Ask several students what they discovered. For example, ask Lan Wei, who did you ask? What is his / her favourite food / drink? Have the student answer as follows: Her / his favourite food / drink is ….

  Step 8 Workbook

  SB Page 83, Wb Lesson 73. E 1-3. Ex. 2 helps revise countable and uncountable nouns. When doing Ex. 3 remind the students to use the plural form of countable nouns to refer to the category. Ex. 4 is optional.


  Do Ex. 1 of Wb Lesson 73 in the exercise book.

Food and drink Lesson 75-2教学设计示例 篇7

  Lesson 76教学设计示例

  Step 1 Revision

  1 Revise the names of foods and drinks. Practise using eat and drink. Say For breakfast I drink 2 glasses of milk. For lunch I eat a bowl of rice and for supper I eat some meat. Ask: What do you have for breakfast, lunch and dinner? Write the question on the Bb. In pairs have the students answer this question.

  2 Revise What would you like? Would you like some bread? etc.

  3 Revise How many apples can you see? etc.

  4 Check Homework.

  Step 2 Spelling and pronunciation

  SB Page 14, Part 1, Speech Cassette Lesson 76 (Phonic Reading Work). Books closed. Follow the same steps as in Lesson 68, Steps 2-3, in the TB. Use flashcards rather than going straight to the book.

  Note: When pronouncing the words fourteen and forty it is important to make sure the students pronounce the /n/ at the end of fourteen and the /i/ at the end of forty. Also, for many English speakers, especially Americans, the /t/ in forty is pronounced as a /d/ such as /fordi/. This is the same for all the numbers ending with -ty except for the number twenty.

  Step 3 Practice

  Practise the difference between -teen and -ty. Write two columns on the Bb as follows:

  Ⅰ Ⅱ

  13 30

  14 40

  15 50

  16 60

  17 70

  18 80

  19 90

  Say a number (e.g. 16). The students should hold up one finger (because 16 is in column one). Repeat with other numbers, then get the students to work in pairs.

  Step 4 Sentence stress

  SB Page 14, Part 2, Speech Cassette Lesson 76. Books closed. Tell the students to listen for the stresses. Play the tape. Then play it again and get students to repeat, showindowsg the stress with a gesture. Practise as much as necessary. Point that only key words are stressed. (See Appendix in TB 1 A, Page 159.)

  Step 5 Listening

  SB Page 14, Part 3, Listening Cassette Lesson 76. Wb Lesson 76 Ex: 2. Have the students read the questions before you play the tape. Check the answers orally.

  Listening Text


  TIM: Oh, hello, Li Shan. Glad to see you.

  LI SHAN: Hello, Tim. Glad to see you, too!

  TIM: Please come in and have a seat. Would you like something to eat? I have some nice apples and pears here.

  LI SHAN: Thank you very much! I'd like an apple, please.

  TIM: Here you are. Would you like some bread, too?

  LI SHAN: Yes, please.

  TIM: Good! Here are some pieces of bread.

  LI SHAN: Thank you. Two pieces, please.

  TIM: What about something to drink?

  LI SHAN: A glass of water, please.

  TIM: OK. Here you are.

  LI SHAN: Thanks.

  The answers are: 1 C; 2 C; 3 B; 4 C.

  Step 6 Find the food and drink words

  SB Page 14, Part 4. Assign this as Homework. Answers: (across) 1 tea; meat; 2 bread; 3 orange; pear; 4 cake; 6 milk; water; 7 apple. (down) 1 rice; 17 banana.

  Step 7 Read and act

  1 SB Lesson 76, Part 5*. Teach the phrase order food. Ask and write this question on the Bb. What do Lucy and Lily order to eat? Say Please listen. Play the tape. Check for the correct answer (a hamburger, potato chips and ice cream). Read the dialogue aloud together after the recording.

  2 Divide the class into groups of four and have the students practise and act out the dialogue. Instruct the students that the “man” is the waiter in a restaurant.

  Step 8 Read and write

  Note: Skimming is a reading strategy that you use to read over something quickly to get the main idea about what the passage, story or book is about. When skimming a short passage, the students should only read the first couple of sentences, a sentence in the middle of the passage and the last sentence. When reading the sentence, they don't need to read all the words, just the words that carry the meaning.

  1 SB Lesson 76, Part 6 *. This first step is a silent reading activity, that will help your students with the reading. strategy of skimming. Have the students use this passage to practise skimming. First explain skimming in Chinese. Tell the students that skimming will help them to read faster. When they read, they are to only look for the main idea, and are not to read every word. They should skip over “little” words such as a, and, the, etc. because these words do not carry the main idea of the text. Say Let's skim this passage. Start to read when I say “Go. ” Stop reading when I say “Stop. ” OK, go. Give the students one minute to skim. Ask What is the passage about? (Mike, and what he eats in China. - Answers may vary, but as long as the students get the main idea, the answer is OK.)

  2 In pairs, have the students fill out the form. Walk around the room and give help when needed. Check the answers, write them on the Bb.

  3 Read the passage aloud together as a class.

  Step 9 Checkpoint 19

  Go through Checkpoint 19. Make sure the students understand countable and uncountable nouns. Refer to SB1B Pages 174 -175 , for the notes on Nouns.

  Step 10 Workbook

  SB Page 86, Wb Lesson 76, E. 1 and 3-6. Ex. 1 should be done as a class for pronunciation practise. E. 4-6 can be done in pairs. For each of the exercises, have the students work together to fill in the blanks and then pratcise the dialogues. Be sure to wander around the room and give help as needed. For each exercise you may choose several pairs to give their dialogue for the class. E. 7 and 8 are optional.

  Step 11 Test

  Write the followindowsg dialogue on the board. Have the students copy it down and fill in the blanks with an appropriate answer. Instruct them that they may not use the same answer twice. Answers will vary, but as long as they are appropriate, mark them correct.

  A: I'm hungry, what's for supper?

  B: I am cooking ________,________ and ________.

  A: Mm, it looks good! What about something to drink?

  B: What do you want? A: I would like ________.

  B: I'm sorry, we don't have any.

  A: That's OK, then I would like a_________ of _________.

  B: We have that. Would you like something else for supper?

  A: Do we have any ________?

  B: Yes, I would like that too!


  Finish up the Workbook exercises.

  Revise the dialogues in the Wb exercises.

  Some ideas for extra practice or enrichment

  1 To practice skimming, bring in extra pieces of literature, maybe fairy tales, or articles from magazines. Make 5 or 6 copies of the material. Divide the students into small groups of 5-6 students and give each student in each group the same material. Tell them that they will practise skimming. Review how to skim (see note in lesson 76, Step 8). Then give the class one or two minutes to skim the material (time may vary according to the length of the article). Then have each group discuss what they skimmed. Students will probably have slightly different ideas concerning what the material is about. However, by doing this exercise in a group, the whole group should be able to come up with the main idea.

  2 Music is always good to use to “spice up” your lessons. Students are very interested in music in English, and there are many tapes and CDs in China that have songs in English from popular singers. If the song is simple, you can teach it, or part of it to your students. If the song is more complex, play it for your students and have them use it for extra listening practice, writing down the words they hear. Or you may make a list of several of the words in the song on the Bb and have the students listen for them in the song. For this unit, the song, “Scarborough Fair” by Simon and Garfunkel works nicely because it discusses herbs that are used when preparing food. You can buy this tape in a music shop here in China

Food and drink Lesson 75-2教学设计示例 篇8

  Lesson 74教学设计示例



  (1)掌握句型:1) What would you/he/she like? 2) Would you like…? 3) I/He/She'd like… 4)What about…?











  2.教师手持食物和饮料的图片,问某个同学:Would you like some bread? 让学生猜这句话意思。如猜不出,教师可加以解释,并板书这个句子。如果这个同学答:Yes,则请他(或她)站在前面,手持画有几个面包的图片,面向大家。


  T:What would… like?


  …would like some bread… would like some apples, etc.


  T:…, what would you like?

  S1:I'd like some bread.




  What would they like?








  1.Can I help you? 您要点啥?

  这是一句服务用语,类似的句子还有:What can I do for you? 比如:

  A:What can I do for you? 您要点啥?

  B:I'd like some cakes, please. 我要些蛋糕。

  2.What would you like? 你喜欢要点啥?



  Would you like some bananas? 你吃点香蕉吗?

  当表示自己想要啥东西时,可以用 I would like…这个句子来表达。比如:

  I would like a cup of tea, and four cakes, please. 我想要一杯茶,四块蛋糕。

  在口语中,I would like通常缩略为:I'd like…

  3.What about something to eat? 来点吃的东西怎样?

  在这个短语中,动词不定式to eat放在something之后,起定语作用。可以理解为吃的东西。而something to drink就是喝的饮料了。


  That's something very old. 这东西太旧了。

Food and drink Lesson 75-2教学设计示例 篇9

  Lesson 73教学设计示例



  (1)掌握表示食物的词汇,如water, meat, milk, rice 等。

  (2)掌握句型:It's time to do sth.










  2.放课文第一段录音,教师先提一个问题:What's the time? 放一遍录音,学生回答教师的问题。再放录音,学生跟读两遍。

  教师解释对话中 It's time to… 这一句话,并板书以下时间和动词短语:

  7∶30 go to school 8∶00 go to the classroom

  4∶00 play games 5∶00 go home 10∶00 go to bed


  S1:It's 7∶30 now.

  S2:Oh, it's time to go to school.

  S1:OK, let's go!

  S2:Yes, let's.


  3.利用准备好的图片(如果没有,可利用课本中插图),教本课词汇。在学生基本会读以后,教师解释rice,tea等不可数名词在使用中的注意事项,并借助事先准备好的茶杯等实物,引导出 cups of tea等短语,借助图片,引导出 some rice等,以增加直观效果。




  Ss:some rice


  Ss:three cups of tea (four, five etc.)






  a cup of tea 一杯茶

  tea, milk, orange, water等词是不可数名词,本身没有复数形式。要表示它的量的多少,可借助 a cup/bottle/glass of等短语。如果是两杯茶,三瓶牛奶,可将cup, bottle等词变为复数形式。比如:

  two cups of tea 两杯茶

  five bottles of milk 五瓶牛奶

Food and drink Lesson 75-2教学设计示例 篇10

  Lesson 76教学设计示例















  2.教师出示[i:], [e]等音标卡片,学生认读。放课文第一部分录音,学生跟读两遍。让学生自己小结元音字母e及字母组合ee,ea的发音,并让学生举出其他例词,之后做习题2。











  在英语中,有一部分表示物质或抽象意义的名词,叫做不可数名词。它们没有复数形式。比如:milk, water, tea等。在句中以单数形式出现。但我们可以借助含有量词的短语来表示物质名词的量。(参阅第73课难点讲解部分)

Food and drink Lesson 75-2教学设计示例 篇11

  Lesson 75教学设计示例



  (1)掌握句型:How many… can you see?



  能够熟练运用句型How many… can you see?








  T:What can you see in the picture? (规定站起来的学生只说出一样东西。)

  S:I can see some…

  T:How many… can you see? (教师解释生词。)

  S:I can see…

  学生两人一组,依照上述办法进行问答练习。请几组同学表演自己的答案。教师穿插问几个图上没有的问题,比如:How many bags can you see(bikes, cars etc.)?指导学生答出:I can't see any.




  1.How many…?

  由 How many…开头的特殊疑问句,后面要加上相应名词的复数形式。比如:

  1) How many cakes can you see? 你能看到多少块蛋糕?

  2) How many bananas are there on the table? 桌子上有多少香蕉?


  How many glasses of water can you see on the table? 在桌子上你能看到多少杯水?



  1) I'd like some apples, please. 我想要些iPhone。

  2) A:Can you see any pears on the table? 在桌子上你能看到梨吗?

  B:No, I can't see any. 不,看不到。


  Would you like some oranges? 你想要点桔子吗?

Food and drink Lesson 75-2教学设计示例 篇12

  Lesson 74教学设计示例



  (1)掌握句型:1) What would you/he/she like? 2) Would you like…? 3) I/He/She'd like… 4)What about…?











  2.教师手持食物和饮料的图片,问某个同学:Would you like some bread? 让学生猜这句话意思。如猜不出,教师可加以解释,并板书这个句子。如果这个同学答:Yes,则请他(或她)站在前面,手持画有几个面包的图片,面向大家。


  T:What would… like?


  …would like some bread… would like some apples, etc.


  T:…, what would you like?

  S1:I'd like some bread.




  What would they like?








  1.Can I help you? 您要点啥?

  这是一句服务用语,类似的句子还有:What can I do for you? 比如:

  A:What can I do for you? 您要点啥?

  B:I'd like some cakes, please. 我要些蛋糕。

  2.What would you like? 你喜欢要点啥?



  Would you like some bananas? 你吃点香蕉吗?

  当表示自己想要啥东西时,可以用 I would like…这个句子来表达。比如:

  I would like a cup of tea, and four cakes, please. 我想要一杯茶,四块蛋糕。

  在口语中,I would like通常缩略为:I'd like…

  3.What about something to eat? 来点吃的东西怎样?

  在这个短语中,动词不定式to eat放在something之后,起定语作用。可以理解为吃的东西。而something to drink就是喝的饮料了。


  That's something very old. 这东西太旧了。

Food and drink Lesson 75-2教学设计示例 篇13

  Lesson 76教学设计示例

  Step 1 Revision

  1 Revise the names of foods and drinks. Practise using eat and drink. Say For breakfast I drink 2 glasses of milk. For lunch I eat a bowl of rice and for supper I eat some meat. Ask: What do you have for breakfast, lunch and dinner? Write the question on the Bb. In pairs have the students answer this question.

  2 Revise What would you like? Would you like some bread? etc.

  3 Revise How many apples can you see? etc.

  4 Check Homework.

  Step 2 Spelling and pronunciation

  SB Page 14, Part 1, Speech Cassette Lesson 76 (Phonic Reading Work). Books closed. Follow the same steps as in Lesson 68, Steps 2-3, in the TB. Use flashcards rather than going straight to the book.

  Note: When pronouncing the words fourteen and forty it is important to make sure the students pronounce the /n/ at the end of fourteen and the /i/ at the end of forty. Also, for many English speakers, especially Americans, the /t/ in forty is pronounced as a /d/ such as /fordi/. This is the same for all the numbers ending with -ty except for the number twenty.

  Step 3 Practice

  Practise the difference between -teen and -ty. Write two columns on the Bb as follows:

  Ⅰ Ⅱ

  13 30

  14 40

  15 50

  16 60

  17 70

  18 80

  19 90

  Say a number (e.g. 16). The students should hold up one finger (because 16 is in column one). Repeat with other numbers, then get the students to work in pairs.

  Step 4 Sentence stress

  SB Page 14, Part 2, Speech Cassette Lesson 76. Books closed. Tell the students to listen for the stresses. Play the tape. Then play it again and get students to repeat, showindowsg the stress with a gesture. Practise as much as necessary. Point that only key words are stressed. (See Appendix in TB 1 A, Page 159.)

  Step 5 Listening

  SB Page 14, Part 3, Listening Cassette Lesson 76. Wb Lesson 76 Ex: 2. Have the students read the questions before you play the tape. Check the answers orally.

  Listening Text


  TIM: Oh, hello, Li Shan. Glad to see you.

  LI SHAN: Hello, Tim. Glad to see you, too!

  TIM: Please come in and have a seat. Would you like something to eat? I have some nice apples and pears here.

  LI SHAN: Thank you very much! I'd like an apple, please.

  TIM: Here you are. Would you like some bread, too?

  LI SHAN: Yes, please.

  TIM: Good! Here are some pieces of bread.

  LI SHAN: Thank you. Two pieces, please.

  TIM: What about something to drink?

  LI SHAN: A glass of water, please.

  TIM: OK. Here you are.

  LI SHAN: Thanks.

  The answers are: 1 C; 2 C; 3 B; 4 C.

  Step 6 Find the food and drink words

  SB Page 14, Part 4. Assign this as Homework. Answers: (across) 1 tea; meat; 2 bread; 3 orange; pear; 4 cake; 6 milk; water; 7 apple. (down) 1 rice; 17 banana.

  Step 7 Read and act

  1 SB Lesson 76, Part 5*. Teach the phrase order food. Ask and write this question on the Bb. What do Lucy and Lily order to eat? Say Please listen. Play the tape. Check for the correct answer (a hamburger, potato chips and ice cream). Read the dialogue aloud together after the recording.

  2 Divide the class into groups of four and have the students practise and act out the dialogue. Instruct the students that the “man” is the waiter in a restaurant.

  Step 8 Read and write

  Note: Skimming is a reading strategy that you use to read over something quickly to get the main idea about what the passage, story or book is about. When skimming a short passage, the students should only read the first couple of sentences, a sentence in the middle of the passage and the last sentence. When reading the sentence, they don't need to read all the words, just the words that carry the meaning.

  1 SB Lesson 76, Part 6 *. This first step is a silent reading activity, that will help your students with the reading. strategy of skimming. Have the students use this passage to practise skimming. First explain skimming in Chinese. Tell the students that skimming will help them to read faster. When they read, they are to only look for the main idea, and are not to read every word. They should skip over “little” words such as a, and, the, etc. because these words do not carry the main idea of the text. Say Let's skim this passage. Start to read when I say “Go. ” Stop reading when I say “Stop. ” OK, go. Give the students one minute to skim. Ask What is the passage about? (Mike, and what he eats in China. - Answers may vary, but as long as the students get the main idea, the answer is OK.)

  2 In pairs, have the students fill out the form. Walk around the room and give help when needed. Check the answers, write them on the Bb.

  3 Read the passage aloud together as a class.

  Step 9 Checkpoint 19

  Go through Checkpoint 19. Make sure the students understand countable and uncountable nouns. Refer to SB1B Pages 174 -175 , for the notes on Nouns.

  Step 10 Workbook

  SB Page 86, Wb Lesson 76, E. 1 and 3-6. Ex. 1 should be done as a class for pronunciation practise. E. 4-6 can be done in pairs. For each of the exercises, have the students work together to fill in the blanks and then pratcise the dialogues. Be sure to wander around the room and give help as needed. For each exercise you may choose several pairs to give their dialogue for the class. E. 7 and 8 are optional.

  Step 11 Test

  Write the followindowsg dialogue on the board. Have the students copy it down and fill in the blanks with an appropriate answer. Instruct them that they may not use the same answer twice. Answers will vary, but as long as they are appropriate, mark them correct.

  A: I'm hungry, what's for supper?

  B: I am cooking ________,________ and ________.

  A: Mm, it looks good! What about something to drink?

  B: What do you want? A: I would like ________.

  B: I'm sorry, we don't have any.

  A: That's OK, then I would like a_________ of _________.

  B: We have that. Would you like something else for supper?

  A: Do we have any ________?

  B: Yes, I would like that too!


  Finish up the Workbook exercises.

  Revise the dialogues in the Wb exercises.

  Some ideas for extra practice or enrichment

  1 To practice skimming, bring in extra pieces of literature, maybe fairy tales, or articles from magazines. Make 5 or 6 copies of the material. Divide the students into small groups of 5-6 students and give each student in each group the same material. Tell them that they will practise skimming. Review how to skim (see note in lesson 76, Step 8). Then give the class one or two minutes to skim the material (time may vary according to the length of the article). Then have each group discuss what they skimmed. Students will probably have slightly different ideas concerning what the material is about. However, by doing this exercise in a group, the whole group should be able to come up with the main idea.

  2 Music is always good to use to “spice up” your lessons. Students are very interested in music in English, and there are many tapes and CDs in China that have songs in English from popular singers. If the song is simple, you can teach it, or part of it to your students. If the song is more complex, play it for your students and have them use it for extra listening practice, writing down the words they hear. Or you may make a list of several of the words in the song on the Bb and have the students listen for them in the song. For this unit, the song, “Scarborough Fair” by Simon and Garfunkel works nicely because it discusses herbs that are used when preparing food. You can buy this tape in a music shop here in China

Food and drink Lesson 75-2教学设计示例 篇14

  Lesson 75教学设计示例



  (1)掌握句型:How many… can you see?



  能够熟练运用句型How many… can you see?








  T:What can you see in the picture? (规定站起来的学生只说出一样东西。)

  S:I can see some…

  T:How many… can you see? (教师解释生词。)

  S:I can see…

  学生两人一组,依照上述办法进行问答练习。请几组同学表演自己的答案。教师穿插问几个图上没有的问题,比如:How many bags can you see(bikes, cars etc.)?指导学生答出:I can't see any.




  1.How many…?

  由 How many…开头的特殊疑问句,后面要加上相应名词的复数形式。比如:

  1) How many cakes can you see? 你能看到多少块蛋糕?

  2) How many bananas are there on the table? 桌子上有多少香蕉?


  How many glasses of water can you see on the table? 在桌子上你能看到多少杯水?



  1) I'd like some apples, please. 我想要些iPhone。

  2) A:Can you see any pears on the table? 在桌子上你能看到梨吗?

  B:No, I can't see any. 不,看不到。


  Would you like some oranges? 你想要点桔子吗?

Food and drink Lesson 75-2教学设计示例 篇15

  Lesson 75教学设计示例

  Step 1 Revision

  1 Check Homework.

  2 Revise the What would you like? dialogue in SB, Lesson 74, Part 2 and ask students about others' choices: What would he / she like? What about him / her? etc.

  3 Revise countable and uncountable nouns.

  Step 2 Presentation

  Ask three students from the class to come up and be an example for “make a survey” in SB Page 13, Part 1. First have S 1 ask S2, What would you like for supper? S2 answers, I would like …. Next, have S3 ask S 1, What would (name) / he /she like for supper? S 1 answers, He / She would like …. Be sure that S3uses the correct pronoun for he / she.

  Step 3 Make a survey

  1 Have students work in pairs to fill out the survey.

  2 Have students switch partners as in the above demonstration, and ask each other What would your friend like for supper? As the students are working in pairs, walk around and make sure they are using the correct pronoun he / she when answering.

  Step 4 Presentation

  1 Show the students some food items, or pictures of foods (e. g. 3 oranges, 4 eggs, etc.). Ask What's the English for these? etc. Get them to tell you about size, weight, colour, etc. by asking Can you describe them? Are they big /small? What colour are they? etc.

  2 Ask How many apples (etc.) can you see? Help them to answer I can see four. Add or take away objects as you ask questions. Explain that How many :..? is only used with plurals of countable nouns, e.g. apples, cakes, bottles, cups, etc. Teach piece(s) .

  Step 5 Look, ask and answer

  1 Ask How many … can you see? but the answer should be I can see only one / two / three …. Teach I can't see any in the same way.

  2 SB Lesson 75, Part 2. Say Look at the picture please. How many … can you see? Help the students to answer I see only …. and I see …. according to the picture.

  3 Have students work in pairs and describe the picture to each other, using I can / can't see …. Encourage them to ask as many questions as they can, especially about things they can't see in the picture.

  Step 6 Practice

  In pairs, have the students do a role-play. One of the students will be a doctor and the other will be the patient. Explain patient. Something is wrong with the patient's eyes. The doctor is checking his / her eyes. As he / she is checking the patient's eyes, the student asks how many … do you see?

  Step 7 Game

  This game should be played quite fast. Show the students some objects (e.g. 3 bananas) and ask How many bananas can you see? They must answer Three straight away. Sometimes show them some objects (e.g. 4 apples) and ask How many pears can you see? They must say I can't see any. If they are wrong they must sit down.

  Step 8 Workbook

  SB Page 85, Wb Lesson 75, E. 1-3. You may start with Ex. 2 and revise all the food and drink words taught so far. Draw the students' attention to the countable and uncountable nouns. E. 2 and 3 both show how to identify the quantity of uncountable nouns.


  Write down the sentences in Ex. 3 in the exercise book.

Food and drink Lesson 75-2教学设计示例 篇16

  Lesson 73教学设计示例

  Note: To suit the needs of different levels of students, the SB provides additional words in the optional parts marked with asterisks, e.g. Page 11, Part 3 of SB Lesson 73. If your class is not ready for them, do not require your students to learn the optional words. The additional words are not required on the exams.

  Step 1 Revision

  1 Revise telling the time. Practise What's the time? It's a quarter to /past seven. or six forty-five /seven fifteen. It's time for …. It's time to ….

  2 Revise favourite. Practise What's your favourite colour / book?

  3 Check Homework.

  Step 2 Presentation

  Bring in the followindowsg objects, or pictures of the objects: rice, bread, meat, cake, a cup of tea, a glass of water, a bottle of juice and a bag of milk.

  Books closed. Do not open them until Step 4. Teach hungry. Say: I am very hungry. I would like some rice. Teach rice, bread, meat and cake using either pictures or the real objects. Ask Are you hungry too? What would you like? Explain the meaning of this question. At this stage it is enough to have the students understand it. They may answer the question by saying some rice/bread. Teach thirsty. Now say I am thirsty, I want a bottle of juice. Teach a cup of tea, a bag of milk, a glass of water and a bottle of juice using pictures or the real objects. Ask Are you thirsty too? What would you like? The students should answer I want a bag of milk / a glass of water.

  Step 3 Practice

  Action chain:

  A: What's the time?

  B: It's 12:10.

  A: Oh, it's time for lunch. I'm hungry.

  B: Have some rice / bread / milk …, please.

  A: Thank you.

  B: What's the time?

  C: It's 6:30.

  B: Oh, it's time for supper, etc.

  Step 4 Read and say

  1 SB page 11, Part 1, Speech Cassette Lesson 73. Books closed! Say Please listen for the answer to this question. Ask What time is it? Play the tape and check the answers. Then play the tape again for students to listen and repeat.

  2 Now have the students practise reading the dialogue in pairs.

  Step 5 Presentation

  1 Books closed! Using the objects and pictures again ask What's this in English? It's rice. What is it? Explain in Chinese that the article a is only used with a container, e.g. a bottle of / a cup of, etc., but meat, bread, etc. have no a because they are uncountable. See Pages 174-175 of the SB for reference on grammar.

  2 Repeat with What are these? They're cakes /bottles of juice. What are they? Explain in Chinese that words like cake, cup, bottle, glass, etc. are countable. Say two bottles of juice, three cups/ glasses of water, not two bottles of juices, three cups /glasses of waters.

  Step 6 Read and learn

  1 Read the words in Part 2. Students repeat. Let them study the words for a short time. Then books closed! Ask What things do we eat? What things do we drink? Help the students to remember the new words. Get them to add more things ( apples, bananas, etc.) and to use bottles, cups / glasses of, some, etc. Get the students to say bottles, some bottles, three or four bottles of juice / water, etc.

  2 If time allows, have the students work in pairs and write a dialogue of their own using the dialogue in Part 1 as a model. Encourage them to use the food and drink in their own dialogue.

  Step 7 Ask and answer

  1 SB Page 11, Part 3* is optional. If you think your class can benefit from this, you may take up this part. Use pictures or flashcards to teach hamburger, noodles, potato chips, dumplings, coke, apple juice and coffee.

  2 In this activity, the students need to get out of their seats and walk around. Have the students ask five students, preferably, students they don't usually talk to in class, what their favourite food is. Give the students about 10 minutes to do this activity, then have them return to their seats. Ask several students what they discovered. For example, ask Lan Wei, who did you ask? What is his / her favourite food / drink? Have the student answer as follows: Her / his favourite food / drink is ….

  Step 8 Workbook

  SB Page 83, Wb Lesson 73. E 1-3. Ex. 2 helps revise countable and uncountable nouns. When doing Ex. 3 remind the students to use the plural form of countable nouns to refer to the category. Ex. 4 is optional.


  Do Ex. 1 of Wb Lesson 73 in the exercise book.


Food and drink Lesson 75
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