Lesson13 The U.K.Lesson13 The U.K.Lesson13 The U.K.


Lesson13 The U.K.

Lesson13 The U.K.

lesson13 the u.k.         课时:1leaning aims:    1.了解英国的首都,国旗,语言以及名胜。                        2. 掌握本节课的重点短语以及句子。       leaning important:1. 了解英国的首都,国旗,语言以及名胜。2. 掌握本节课的重点短语以及句子。3. 学会应用句型:the same……as “和…..一样”

       leaning difficult: remember the imporant phrases and sentences.        leaning method:  情景教学法        teaching steps:                   step1:organize teaching.                          review lesson 12. a.match the english with the chinese.1.a map of the u.s.           a.用英语2.the white house             b.说英语3.in english                  c.美国地图4.speak english               d.纽约5.new york                    e.白宫                          6.the statue of liberty       f.华盛顿                 7.washington,d.c.             g.自由女神像                   step2. showindowsg the learning aims and ask the students to read them together.               step3:listen to the tape and answer some questions.1. do you know the capital city of the u.k ?2. is the u.k.south of china?3. what do they speak in the u.k.?          step4.check answers.共3页,当前第1页123

Lesson13 The U.K.

1. london is the capital city of the u.k.2. no,it’s west and a little north of china.3. they speak english.          step5.let the students fill in the blanks.(discuss in pairs.)1. the flag of the u.k.is _____,_______ and _____.it is ____ _____ ___ ______the ______ flag.2. the u.k.has a _____ or a ______.3. kings and queens live in ___________.4. _________________ in london.           step6.check the answers.( ask the students to read the answers.)                  1,red white blue   the same colour as u.s.                  2.king  queen                  3.palaces                  4.buckingham   palace                    explain the phrase “the same ___ as __”.   then give the students some examples.            step7. do exercises.                   do you know anything about the u.k.? try to complete the short passage.                        this is a map od the u.k. i know the ___ (首都)of the u.k. it is ______.(伦敦)they speak ________.(英语)in the u.k. the u.k.’s national flag is ____,_____ and _____. it is ____ _____ ___ ______the ______ flag.do you know __________ ( 白金汉宫 )in london?              step8. writing on the bb.                             lesson13 the u.k.a.phrases.  1.a map of the u.k.  2.the u.k’s flag  3.the u.k. = the united kingdom  4.buckingham palace  5.the captial city of the u.k               6. the same colour as u.s.共3页,当前第2页123

Lesson13 The U.K.

    the same ___ as __    eg.1.the same age as        2.the same tall asb.sentences 1. the captial city of the u.k is london. 2. they speak english in the u.k. 3. the u.k. is west and a little north of china.                      西偏北4. the u.k.has a king or a queen.


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Lesson13 The U.K.
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