



三年级单元检测题听力稿unit 1 welcome back to school一、listen and match(听单词,把两个在一组的单词用线连起来)boy,girl;teacher,student; i,you; afternoon,morning二、listen and choose(听单词选择图片,请把序号填写在括号里)1.boy  2.ant  3.dog  4.coke  5.egg  三、listen and circle(听字母,圈出首字母含有所读字母的单词)1.d       2.e     3.a  4.b  四、(听句子判断正误,正确的画“√”否则画“×”)1.good morning!                   2.i’m from america.   3.hi!4.i’m bai ling.5.nice to meet you.   6.byebye.7.this is amy.8.i’m chen jie.9.where are you from?10.good afternoon!五、listen and number(听句子,按听到的顺序用abcde给图片标序号)1.abcde,come and follow me!2.where are you from,panda?--i’m from china.3.good bye,miss white.—byebye,sarah.4.this is a girl.5.hi!i’m mike.unit 2 my family一、listen and choose(听音,选择听到的字母串或单词)1. cbd     2. bbd    3. deg     4. efd   5.cdg      6.dad      7. dog    8. grandpa      9.man    10.teacher二、listen and number(听句子给图片编序号,把序号写在对话框里)1.who’s this woman?—she’s my mom.2.hi,mom.3.mom,this is amy!hi(请记得收藏本站-一路高升范文网,以获取更多新鲜内容),amy!4.who’s this man?—he’s my dad.三、listen and write(听写字母,请写出大写与小写形式)1.bb  2.hh   3.ff  4.gg  5.ii四、listen and tick or cross(听句子,判断所听到的内容与图片是否相符,相符的打“√”否则打 “×”)1.eee,drink some tea.2.ghi,fly a kite.3.abcde,come and follow me.4.cde,draw a tree.5.ddd,make a d.五、listen and match(听句子连线)1.my father likes fish.2.my mother likes tea.3.my grandpa likes hamburgers.4.my grandma likes the ice-cream.5.my brother likes ice.

unit 3 how many一、listen and number(听字母,按听到的顺序用数字12345标序号)1.ll,jj,kk,nn,mm2.ii,gg,ee,ff,hh3.bb,ee,dd,aa,kk二、listen and choose(听单词,将听到单词的序号填在括号里)1.twelve    2.seven    3.four   4.five   5.eight  6.how many  7.eleven   8.ten    9.can    10.watch out三、listen and tick or cross(听音,判断正(√)误(×))1. how many birds can you see?—1,2,3…i can see 8 birds.2.how many books?—let’s count .1,2,3 …9 books.共13页,当前第1页12345678910111213


3.how many fish can you see?—1,2,3…i can see 12.4.how many apples can you see?—1,2,3…i can see 14.四、listen and circle(听音,按听到的数字圈物品)1.how many pencils can you see?—1,2,3…i can see 19.2.how many hamburgers can you see?-- —1,2,3…i can see 15.3.how many ice-cream?--7.4.so many apples.let’s count. 1,2,3…15 apples.5.how many geese in the river? —15.recycle 1 一、listen and match(听句子连线)1.this girl is my friend,sarah.2.this woman is my teacher,miss green.3.this old woman is my grandmother.4.the old man is my grandpa.5.this boy is a student.二、listen and write(听音,在下列表格中填写数阿拉伯数字)i have a new schoolbag.oh,it is full.two pencil-case,two erasers,three crayons,four rulers,six pens,seven

pencils,8 rulers and fourteen books.三、listen and choose(听音选择与内容相符的图片)1. hello!i’m cba.2. i’m panda.i’m from china.3. i’m a student.i like play the violin.4. how many balloons do you have?—19. 5. look!this is my grandpa ,that is my grandma.6. happy women’s day!—thank you!四、listen,number and colour(听音编序号,并给字母着色)1. b,b,colour big letter b green.2. e,e,colour big letter e green.3. d,d,colour big letter d green.4. g,g,colour big letter g green.5. c,c,colour big letter c green.6. f,f,colour big letter f red.7. a,a,colour big letter a blue.8. h,h,colour big letter h blue.9. i,i,colour big letter i yellow.unit 4  do  you  like  pears?一、listen and circle(听音圈图)1.have some pears.    2.have some oranges.3.i like peaches.     4.i like hot dogs.    5.have some watermelon.二、listen and choose一)听音选择对应的图片,并把图片的序号填在括号里1.tiger,tiger,this is a tiger.2.apple,apple,i like apples.3.peach,peach,i like peaches.4.strawberry,strawberry,i like strawberries.5.hot-dog,hot-dog,i like hot-dogs.二)听音选择恰当的答语1. where are you from?---i’m from china.2. how are you?---fine,thank you.3. who’s that boy?—he’s my brother.4. hello!i’m bai ling.---hi!i’m chen jie.5. do you like pears?—yes,i do.四、listen,number and colour(听音编序号,并给图片着色)1.peach,peach.colour the peach pink.2.apple,apple.colour the apple red.3.rabbit,rabbit.colour the rabbit green.4.orange,orange.colour the orange blue.5.panda,panda.colour the panda yellow.unit 5 where is my ruler?一、listen and tick or cross(听音,判断所给的字母串是(√)否(×)正确)1.abcee   2. fghikln    3.qbrst   4.gklmn   5.uvwxy   6.bdetgjp共13页,当前第2页12345678910111213


二、listen and choose(听音选择与听到的内容相符的图片,并将序号填在括号里)1. circle letters stuvw.2. where is my bike?---it’s here.3.i like peaches..4.show me your book.5.this is a jeep.6.where is my car ?—it’s on the chair.三、listen and number(听音编序号abcdef)1.the ball is under the chair.2. where is my schoolbag?—it’s on the desk.3. where is my car?—it’s in the box.4. the car is on the book.5. where is my bus?—it’s in your schoolbag.6 the kite is under the tree.四、listen and circle(听音,圈出与听到内容相符的图片)1. eraser,eraser,this is my easer.             2.desk,desk,the desk is new.3. sharpener,sharpener,the sharpener is sharp.  4.lamp,lamp,the lamp is light.5. book,book,i have many books.            6.walman,walkman,it’s my friend.unit 6 at the zoo一、listen and tick or cross(听音判断正(√)误(×))1.the bike is big,the bus is big,too.2.the watermelon is big,the car is small.3.  number 1 is short, number 7 is long.4.the pen is long,the crayon is short.二、llisten and choose一)听音选择相符的图片1.it has a long nose.2.it has short ears.3.she has small eyes.4.the bike is big.二)听音选择单词1.short    2.small    3.tall    4.rabbit    5.elephant三、listen and match(听音连线)prc,prc,i’m chen jie. i’m from china.usa,usa.i’ m john.i’m from america.uk,uk, i’m mike, i’m from the united kingdom.can,can, i’m i’m amy, i’m the canada.四、listen and circle(听句子,圈出图片中的正确部位)1.the giraffe is tall.2.bai ling’s ruler is long.3.the elephant is so big.4.the monkey has a long tail.

recycle 2一、 listen and choose一)听音,选择听到的水果的数字,把序号填在括号里1. how many apples can you see?----1,2,3,…12.12 apples.2. how amny oranges can you see?---1,2,3, …15.15oranges.3. how amny grapes can you see?--- 1,2,3, …20.20 grapes.4. how amny peaches can you see?--- 1,2,3, …14.14 peaches.5. how amny bananas can you see?--- 1,2,3, …18.18 bananas.6. how amny pears can you see?--- 1,2,3, …19.19 pears.二)听音选择图片,并将序号填在题前的括号里1.look,the small car is in my pencil-case.2.wow,my plane is under the chair.3.this is a toy bike.4.do you like oranges?—yes, i do.5.do you like watermelon?—yes, i do.三、listen and circle(听音,圈出听到的字母串或单词)1. cba   2.dvd    3.can   4.pdt   5. bell   6.duck  7.cctv   8.apple共13页,当前第3页12345678910111213


四、listen and number(听音给图片标序号)1. how many books do you have?—1,2,3…i have 17.2. my ruler is long,your ruler is short.3. this is my friend,john.----nice to meet you.4. abcde,come and follow me.五、listen and tick or cross(听音判断正误(√)(×))1. john likes grapes and bananas.2. chen jie likes oranges and peaches.3. who’s this old man?----he’s my grandpa.4.  my father is tall.i’m short.

四年级单元检测题听力稿unit 1  our school一、listen and choose(听音,选词填空)zip:  this is my classroom.open the door and see.look!a big board,four fans,six lights,eight windowsdows and many

desks and chairs.monkey:that is your classroom.what’s in it?rabbit:let’s go and have a look.二、听音,选择正确的答语,并把答语的序号填在括号里1.where is the canteen?—it’s on the second floor.2.is this your skirt? –no,it isn’t.it’s john’s.3.what time is it ?—it’s 8 o’clock.4.what colour is it?—it’s white.5.what’s the weather like in xiangfan today?—it’s warm today.三、listen and tick or cross(听音判断正误,正确的画“√”错误的画“×”)1.go to the playground,play football.2.go to the library.read a story book.3.go to the canteen.eat some noodles.4.go to the teacher’s office.hand in the homework.5.go to the garden.water the flowers.四、listen and choose(听音,选择听到的内容)1.art room  2.gym  3.music room  4.garden    5.teache(请记得收藏本站-一路高升范文网,以获取更多新鲜内容)r’s desk     unit 2    what time is it?一、listen and choose(听音选单词或词组,把单词的序号填写在题前的括号里)1.i have lunch at 12.2.i like music class.3.this clock is white.4.we have english class on monday.5.it’s 10 o’clock.6.what time is it?7.i go to bed at 9 o’clock.8.i have breakfast at 7 o’clock.9.i go home at six.10.i have chinese and math on the wednesday.二、listen and tick or cross(听音,判断正 “√”误“×”)1. it’s time for p.e.class.2. it’s 4:30 o’clock.it’s time to go home.3. it’s 8:00o’clock.it’s time for dinner.4. it’s time for breakfast.5. it’s time for english class.6.  it’s time for lunch.三、listen and choose(听音,选择正确的答语)1. what time is it?—it’s 3:00 o’clock.2. what time is it? —it’s 6:40.it’s time for dinner.3. what time is it? —it’s 9:30.it’s time to go to bed.4. what time is it? —it’s 9:05.四、listen and match(听音连线)1. what time is it?—it’s 7:00o’clock.it’s time for breakfast.2. what time is it?—it’s 8:00 o’clock.it’s time for english class.共13页,当前第4页12345678910111213


3. what time is it?—it’s 12:00o’clock.it’s time for lunch.4. what time is it?—it’s 10:35.it’s time for music class.

unit 3 is this your skirt?一、listen and number(听音,在对应的图下标序号)1. here is your dress.2. they are my shoes and socks.they are white.3. my sweater is blue.my jeans are blue,too.4. i like my pink shirt and my yellow pants.5. take off your jacket.二、listen and match(听音给小孩子配衣服,用线把小孩子与衣服的图片连起来)1. john,this is your t-shirt ,these are your shorts.2. sarah wears shirt and skirt.3. mike wears jacket and jeans.4. petter wears sweater and pants.5. amy,this is your skirt,but it’s small.wear your new dress.三、listen and choose the right answer(听音,选择恰当的答语)1. is this your green jacket?—no,it isn’t.2. what colour are your pants?—they are blue.3. what colour is your dress?—it’s red.4. is this your sweater?—no,it’s not..四、listen and write(听音,写单词)1.blue,blue,i like the blue dress.2.colour,colour,what colour is it?3.red,red,my skirt is red.4.green,green,is this your green t-shirt?—no,it’s not.recycle 1一、listen and tick or cross(听音,与内容相符的图片打“√”,否则打“×”)1. go to the playground.2. it’s time for music class.3. put up the shirt.4. it’s 6:00 o’clock.it’s time for p.e.class.5. i like my t-shirt and shorts.二、listen and choose(听音,选择与听到的单词对应的图片)1. go to the garden.2. this is our canteen.3. our library is new.4. our art room is beautiful.5. it’s time for dinner.6. it’s 4:00.it’s time for p.e.class.7. it’s 6:30.it’s time to get up.8. the jacket is old.9. my shoes are black.10.the jeans are short.三、listen and match(听短文,将zoom的物品与其所在的位置连线)zoom’s green schoolbag is in the computer room.his blue sweater is in the gym.his red shoes are in the

canteen.his yellow jacket is in the library.his brown t-shirt is in the playground.oh,what a careless zoom!unit 4 it’s warm today一、listen and match(听音连线)good morning.this is the weather report.it’s sunny in hainan.it’s windowsdy in kunming.it’s rainy in beijing.it

’s cloudy in neimeng.it’s snowy in harbin.二、listen and choose(听对话,选择你所听到的句子)1. what’s the weather like in xiangfan?--it’s cool today. 2. is it warm?--yes.let’s play football.3. what’s the weather like there?—it’s cloudy and cold.4. can i wear my t-shirt,mom?no,you can’t.it’s cold today.5. can i wear my shirt,mom?—yes,you can.it’s sunny today.三、listen and number(听音编序号)1. it’s snowy today.let’s make a snowman.共13页,当前第5页12345678910111213


2. it’s warm today.let’s play football.3. it’s rainy today.let’s play computer.4. it’s windowsdy today.we can fly kites.四、listen and tick or cross(听音,判断下列小孩子是否穿对了衣服?)1. it’s warm today.you can wear your jacket.2. it’s sunny and warm.you can wear your sweater.3. it’s snowy today.you must wear your boots and your coat.4. it’s hot today.you can wear your swimming suit.

unit 5 how much is it?一、listen and number(听句子,给图片编序号)1. put up your boots.splash in the puddles.2. put up your slippers.dance in your room.3. put up your sneakers.run in the park.4. put up your sandals.wiggle your toes.二、listen and write(听音,标出每种物品的价格)1. how much is your dress?—it’s 68 yuan.2. how much your skirt?—it’s 50 yuan.3. how much is your jacket?—it’s 100 yuan.4.how much is the t-shirt?—it’s 36 yuan.三、listen and choose一)听音,选择你听到的单词或者句子1. colourful  2. expensive   3. seventy    4. sneakers     5.how many       6. how much is it?    7.can i help you?   8. the shirt is pretty.9. it’s eighty yuan.   10. what colour is it?   二)听句子,选择正确的图片11. the wetermelon is small.the balloon is big.12. the ruler is long.the crayon is short.13. the t-shirt is cheap.14. the coat is expensive.15. the elephant has a long nose.unit 6 at a farm一、listen and choose(听音,选择与听到内容相符的图片)1. hen,hen,they are hens.2. cow cow,the cow is white and black.3. cat,cat,the cat has two big eyes.4.panda,panda,pandas live in china.5. lamb,lamb,the lamb is lovely.二、listen and number(听音给图片编序号)1. what are they?—they are cucumbers.2.what are they?—they are sheep.3.are they horses?—no,they aren’t.they are goats.4.what are these?—they are olions.5.how many cows are there?—hundred.三、listen and choose(听音,选词填空)1.--what do you see in the picture?--i see five cats,eight rabbits.2.--what are these?---they’re dogs and ducks.3. how many sheep do you have?—i have ten sheep.4.are they onions?no,they aren’t.5.how many animals are there?—thirteen lambs and eleven cows.四、listen and tick or cross(听句子,判断听到的内容与图片是否相符,相符的打√,不相符的打×)1. milk a cow.2. shear a sheep.3. hold a lamb.4. feed the hens.5. ride a horse.recycle 2一、listen and number(听句子编序号)1. it’s rainy.open up your umbrella.2. wash your shirt.3. it’s warm.put away your sweater.4. it’s hot.take off your jacket.共13页,当前第6页12345678910111213


5. hang up your skirt.二、listen and tick or cross(听句子,判断内容与图是否一致,一致的打“√”不一致的打“×”)1. it’s cold today.i can’t play football.2. it’s windowsdy today.we can fly kites.3. it’s rainy today.we can make a cake.4. it’s rainy today.we can watch tv at home.三、listen and match(听句子,将图片与单词连线)1. this t-shirt is 21 yuan.2. these apples are 15 yuan.3. i have 13 cucumbers.4. the slippers are 12 yuan.5. there are 11 onions here.四、listen and write(听音,根据提示补全单词)1.where is my skirt?2.the cucumbers are fresh and green.3.it’s time for math.4.it’s windowsdy.5.this dress is too small.

五年级单元检测题听力稿unit 1 this is my day

一、listen and circle(听音圈图)1.i eat dinner at 6:00.2.i do homework at 7:00.3.i go to bed at 9:00.4.i have chinese class at 10:00.二、listen and number(听音标序号)amy:what do you do on the weekend,bob?bob:i often play the piano.some times i climb mountains.what about you,amy?amy:i usually visit my grandparents.sometimes i go shopping with my mother.sometimes i go hiking with my

parents.三、listen and match(听音给问句与答句找出合适的朋友并连起来)1.when do you go to bed in the evening? --i often go to bed at 9:30.       2.what do you do on the weekends?-- i often watch tv.3.when do you eat dinner? --i eat dinner at 6:30.4.what do you do on saturdays?--usually i play football.四、听音,选择amy的作息时间表1. i get up at 6:00.2. i eat breakfast at 6:30.3. i go to bed at 7:30.4. i go home at 11:50.5. i do morning exercises at 7:00.

unit 2 my favourite season一、listen and number(听音给下列图片编标序号)1.chen jie likes spring best.she can fly kites.2.zhang peng likes summer best.he can swim in the lake.3.lily likes fall best.she can pick up many apples.4.sarah likes windowster best.she can make a snowman.二、listen and circle(听句子,圈出与听到内容相符的图片)1. do you like summer?—yes,it’s sunny and hot.i can swim.2. why do you like spring?because i can plant trees.3. in windowster,i can skate.4. i like summer best.i can wear my new t-shirt and shorts.5. i don’t like windowster.it’s windowsdy and cold.三、listen and match(听音给问句找合适的答句并连线)1.which season is it?—it’s spring.2.which season do you like best?—i like summer best.3.he doesn’t like summer.why?—because it’s sunny and hot.4.they like spring.why??—because it’s windowsdy and warm.5. what’s your favourite season?—fall.四、听对话,选择正确的一项并把序号填写在题前的括号里1.which season do you like best?—windowster.i can play in the snow..共13页,当前第7页12345678910111213


2.what’s your favourite season?---summer.3.why do you like spring?—because i can plant trees.4.what’s the weather like in beijing?—it’s windowsdy and cold.5.what’s the weather like in yicheng?—it’s windowsdy and warm.

unit 3 my birthday一、listen and match(听句子,将人物与他们的生日连线)tom:hello,everyone.today is april 10th.it’s my birthday.everyone:happy birthday,tom.tom:thank you.when is your birghday,amy?amy:my birthday is january 11th.my brother mike’s birthday is august 7 th.tom: when is your birghday,chen jie?chen:my birthday is september 8 th. tom: when is your birghday, john? john:my birthday is december12th.二、listen and choose(听音选图,在正确的图下画“√”)1. my birthday is november 1st.2. my birthday is june 11 th.3. my birthday is january 2nd4. my birthday is march 4 th.5. my birthday is october 5 th.三、listen and number(听音给下列句子编序号)a:what’s the date?b:it’s october 1st. a:today is my mom’s birthday.b:when is your birthday?a:my birthday is in june.what about you?b:it’s in may.recycle 1一、listen and match(听句子连线)today i’m very busy.at 7:10,i get up.at 7:25,i eat breakfast.at 8:00,i play the piano.at 8:45, i go

shopping.at 1:30, i visit my grandparents.at 2:40,i watch tv.二、listen and number(听音,给图片标上序号)1. spring is my favourite season.in spring, there are many birds.2. in fall, i can pick up many apples.3. in summer, i can swim in the river.4. i like windowster ,too.i can skate in windowster.三、listen and choose(听音选择单词或词组,并将序号填写在题前的括号里)1. my birthday is in april.2. my mother’s birthday is in october.3. today is may 8th.4. my birthday is november 19th.5. i usually go to school at 7:30.6. i often play football at 4:00 in the afternoon..7. i like spring best.i can plant trees.8. i love summer.in summer, i can swim in the lake.9. i don’t like summer.it’s sunny and hot.10.in fall, it’s sunny and cool in my town.i love her.四、listen and reorder(听音,将下列句子按听到的顺序用1,2,3,4,5重新排序,组成一段小短文)i love summer in canada.i can swim in the sea.spring is beautiful.but it often rain in canada.i can watch the flowersgrow.  i can watch the leaves fall in autumn.is that we can call autumn ‘fall?’  it usually snow in windowster in canada.when it snows,i can ski. i love all the seasons.they are all beauriful and i can find many things to do.

unit 4 what are you doing?

一、listen and circle(听句子,圈出对应的图片的序号)1. what are you doing?—i’m drawindowsg picture.2. what are you doing?—i’m doing the dishes.共13页,当前第8页12345678910111213


3. what are you doing?—i’m cleaning the room.4. what is your father doing?—he is reading the newspaper.5. what is your mother doing?—she’s writing an e-mail.二、listen and tick or cross{听音判断正(t)误(f)}1. my grandmother is doing the dishes.2. my father is reading a book.3. mike is watering flowers.4. he is writing a letter.5. she is listening to music.6. my sister is cooking dinner.三、listen and choose一)听音,选择单词或词组,并把序号填在题前的括号里1.  i’m reading in the study.2.  he is cooking dinner in the kitchen.3.  my brother is reading a book in the living room.4.  i’m writing a letter.5.  uncle is listening to music.二)听音,选择词组或句子完成对话1.-- what are you doing,mom?  --i’m washing clothes.2.—can i speak to your mom,please?----sure,hold on please.3. hi,mike.this is zhang peng.what are you doing?  --i’m talking to you.4.what’s your mother doing?—she’s cooking dinner in the kinchen.5.—what’s mike doing?  -- he is drawindowsg pictures.     

unit5 look at the monkeys一、listen and match(听句子,将图片与词组连线)1.what is the tiger doing?—it’s running.2.what is the rabbit doing?—it’s jumping.3.what is the elephant doing?—it’s walking.4.what is the panda doing?—it’s climbing.5.what is the bird doing?—it’s flying.二、listen and number{听音编序号}1. the monkeys are swindowsging.2. the lions are fighting.3. what are they doing?—they are sleeping.4. the elephants are drinking water.5. what are they doing?—they are climbing.三、listen and fill in the blanks(听音填空完成句子)sarah:look at the monkey.chen:what is it doing?sarah:it’s eating bananas.it’s hungry. chen:that 宝宝 kangaroo is so cute.it’s sleeping.sarah:what about the mother kangaroo?what is she doing? chen:she’s jumping.sarah:do you see any elephants?i love elephants. chen:yes.look there!that elephant is drinking water with its trunk.sarah:there are two lions.they are fighting. chen:look at the sky. two birds are flying.sarah:look there.who are they?what are they doing? chen:they are geese.they are swimming.unit 6 a field trip一、listen and match(听音连线)a: what are they doing there?b: they are having a picnic.look!lily is catching the butterflies.kate is taking pictures.nancy is doing an

experiment.amy is picking up leaves.sarah is watching insects.二、listen,look and write(听音看图完成句子)1.wu yifan is catching butterflies.2.zhang peng is picking up leaves.共13页,当前第9页12345678910111213


3.john is taking pictures.4.zhang peng is playing chess with tom.5.mike is watching insects with sarah.6.amy is doing an experiment.三、listen and fill in the blanks with the followindowsg words(听音,用所给的单词或词组完成句子,只填序号)look,this is our field trip photoes.they are chen jie and amy.they are having a picnic.this is mike.he is

collecting leaves.wu yifan is writing a report.look that girl,she is sarah.she is counting insects.the two boys

are john and zhang peng.they’re playing chess.we have a great time.四、listen and tick or cross(听音,判断句子是否正确,正确的打“√”,错误的打“×”)1. they are doing homework.2.he is counting insects.3. i’m watching tv.4. they are eating the honey.recycle 2一、listen and tick or cross(听音,判断下列图片与听到的内容是“t”否“f”一致)1.what are they doing?—they are running.2.what’s he doing?—he is taking pictures.3.what is she doing?—she is listening to music.4.what are they doing?—they are watching insects.5.what’s he doing?—he is playing chess.6.what’s she doing?—she is watering the flowers.二、listen and number(听音编序号)1. my birthday is may 4th.2. she is picking up leaves.3. my mother is cooking dinner.4. my brother likes swimming in summer.5. isometimes i climb mountains on the weekend.6. i like windowster.i can play with snow.三、listen and choose(听音,选择听到的单词或词组)1.i’m reading a book.2.today is march 1st.3.which season do you like best?4.i can play chess with my dad.5.this is my mother.6.usually i go to school at 7:30.7.the pandas are climbing trees.8.ants like honey.9.i often catch butterflies in spring.四、listen and fill in the blanks(听音填空,完成句子)1.what are you doing?—i’m watching the cartoon.2.it’s saturday evening.mr black is writing a report.3.today is sunday.we are having a picnic.4. he’s cleaning the room.5. she’s writing an e-mail.6. this is john. 7.when is your birthday?

六年级单元检测题听力稿unit 1 how tall are you?

一、listen and cir(请记得收藏本站-一路高升范文网,以获取更多新鲜内容)cle(听音,圈出与听到内容相符的图片)1. my bag is heavier. 2. the pencil is longer.3.the fish is smaller.4.the dog is stronger.5.john is shorter.二、listen and fill in the blanks听音,用所给的单词填空)1.my ruler is longer than yours..2.zhang peng is thinner than wu yifan.but wu yifan is younger than zhang peng.3.i’m older than my brother.4.the 宝宝 rabbit is smaller than that one 三、listen and choose(听音,选择合适的答句)1.how old are you?—i’m 12 years old.2.how heavy are you?—i’m 50kg.3.how tall are you?—i’m130 cm.共13页,当前第10页12345678910111213


4.how long are your feet?—they are 76cm. 四、listen and match(听音,将两组划线部分发音相同的单词用线连起来)1.tail   toy    drive    earth   board   drop   choose2.bike   make   learn    short   pot     who    boy

unit 2 what’s the matter,mike?一、listen and tick or cross(听音,判断正误)1.monkey:i have a headache.2.tiger:i have a cold.3.john:my throat is sore.4.mike:my arm hurts.5.chen jie:i have a fever.二、listen and choose(听音,选择与听到内容相符的选项)1.john is excited.2.john is sad.3.wu yifan’s finger hurts.4.sarah’s throat is sore.5.i have a fever.6.i have a toothache.7.i have a sore throat.8.i’m excited.9.i’m tired.10.i’m bored.三、listen and match(听音,把划线部分发音相同的单词用线连起来)1.day      doctor    strong    big       sad      bored2.tall     name      long      older     thin     happyunit 3  last weekend一、listen and tick or cross(听音,判断正误,在正确的图片下划“√”,在错误的图片下划 “×”)1.i washed clothes and drew pictures yesterday.2.i watered flowers and watched tv last sunday.3.i cleaned my bedroom and went fishing last saturday.4.i went hiking and picking up leaves last weekend.二、look,listen and finish the sentences(看图,听音完成句子)1.i watched tv last weekend 2.she washes clothes every sunday.3.she cleaned the room last saturday.4.i played football yesterday.5.i’m going to visit my grandparents with my father.三、listen and match(听音,把划线部分发音相同的单词用线连起来)1.hear    pear    car    good    week2.chair   park    foot   near    clean四、listen and choose(听答句选问句)1.i usually do homework on the weekend.2.yes,i did.3.i went fishing with my father.4.yes,i am.

unit 4 my holiday一、listen and choose(听音,选择与听到内容相符的选项)1.what did you do last weekend?—i bought presents in the supermarket.2.what’s the matter?—my throat is sore.3.what is your mother doing?—she is cooking dinner.4.what do you do on the weekend?—i often listen to music.5.what did john do yesterday?—i went fishing.6.what does chen jie do on the weekend?—she often cleans her bedroom.共13页,当前第11页12345678910111213


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