The AdvertisingThe AdvertisingThe Advertising


The Advertising

第二课时学案i. revision: 1. fill in the blanks according to the text.there are many different kinds of advertisements.  some may give _______ information about the product; some are made __________ attractive to hold people’s attention; others use __________ like success and wealth. nowadays top advertisers prefer to use _________ as well as new and ___________ ideas to surprise people. public advertisements, however, focus on increasing public ____________.2. find these words in the text and match them with their definitions.approach,  boom,  budget,  classic,  concept,  consist of, contemporary,  corporation,  neighbourhood,  suitablea) traditional, typical      _________        b) company   _________c) right for something     _________        d) contain     _________e) plan of how money should be spent   _________f) rapid increase         __________        g) idea     ___________h) method              ___________            i)belonging to the present time  ______________j) area around where you live   ______________

ii. grammar: 1. complete the sentences with the verbs in their correct form.1) i’m an early bird, and i’ve got used to _________ ( get up ) at 5:00 a.m. 2) there is only one programme worth ________ ( watch ) today-the science programme on volcanoes.3) it’s no use ________ ( worry ) about it. you can’t do anything to change it.4) i regretted _____________ ( not apologise ) to the old man for my bad behaviour. 5) my little niece and nephew are always excited to set out on a ________ ( camp ) trip.6) for fifty years, she did her job without ___________ ( complain ).7) ________ (ask) about other people’s personal business is not polite. 8) i feel like __________ (not do) anything at all this evening.2. rewrite the following sentences using the gerunds.1) it’s bad for you to watch too much tv.     2) mary collects stamps. that’s her hobby.

3) he suggested that we should ask the boss for his opinion first.

4) he rushed to the school. he didn’t have breakfast.

5) don’t talk to her. it’s no use. she never listens. 


The Advertising
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