



850.can you tell me why you would like to work as a medical representative with us?


851. i like this kind of work, and your company is one of the most famous pharmaceutical corporations in the world.


852.having worked as a paediatrician in the opd for two years,i want to apply for this position for a change.


853.well, i enjoy working in different places and meeting new people. that will widen my experience in the work.


854.what kind of antipyretic do you usually prescribe to chil-dren who have got high fever?


855.asprin, anti-phen syrup, snalets-fr as well as some mixture fixed by our own hospital.


856.what kind of antibiotics do you usually prescribe to chil-dren?


857.we usually use amoxicillin syrup and amoxicillin oral sus-pension bp. they have less side-effect than tabellae ery-thromycini ethylsuccinatis.


858.what could you do for our company if i hire you?


859.having worked in the children's hospital for two years. i know thoroughly the pharmacology and dosage of various kinds of medicine. i am also familiar with the organizations of hospitals in our country.could i get the position,it would not be very difficult for me to put forward a plan to promote selling of your medicine.


860.do you mind going on business trip?

你是否介意出差 ?

861.definitely not.i enjoy travelling.


dialogue a

(i=interviewer 主试人 a=applicant申请人)

i:good morning. have your seat please.was it difficult getting here?

a:not really.i have prepared for that.

i:may i have your name,please?

a: my name is ming liu.

i:are you married?

a:no, sir.i'm still single.

i: do you live with your family?

a:no, i rent a flat with one friend.

i: what university did you graduate from?

a:i graduated from shanghai medical university.

i:well,mr liu, can you tell me why you would like to work as a medical representative with us?

a:i like this kind of work,and your company is one of the most famous pharmaceutical corporations in the world. having worked as a paediatrician in the opd for two years, i want to apply for this position for a change.

i: what kind of antipyretic do you usually prescribe to children who have got high fever?

a:asprin,anti-phen syrup,snaplets-fr as well as some mixture fixed by our own hospital.

i:what about antibiotics?

a: we usually use amoxycillin syrup and amoxicillin oral sus-pension bp.they have less side-effect than tabellae ery-thromycini ethylsuccinatis.

i:what could you do for our company if i hire you?

a: having worked in the children's hospital for two years, i know thoroughly the pharmacology and dosage of various kinds of medicine.i am also familiar with the organizations of hospitals in our country.could i get the position, it would not be very difficult for me to put forward a plan to promote selling of your medicine.

i:don't you think it a pity for you to leave your present hospital?

a:it is a pity to some extent. i have learned much in this hospital.but i would like to try a different kind of life.i prefer to be on the ball. by the way, could you tell me something about insurance and things like that?

i:every incumbent in our company enjoys life insurance, unemployment insurance and a decent pension after s erving for 20years here. our employees also enjoy free medical service.

a:i see.

i:do you mind going on business trip?

a:definitely not.i enjoy travelling.

i:well,the next thing i must do is to take up your reference.

a:take up my references?

i:yes,it's a rule of the firm.what i mean is this:we always ask your present employer for a report on your work.

a:do all firm do that?

i: oh,yes,it's normal business practice. now i see from your application form that mr.  he is your present leader.

a:yes,he is.

i:then i'll ask him to give you a reference. i'll write to you within a day or two.

a:i shall look forward to hearing from you.good-bye.


notes 注释

1.have your seat,please.


2.medical representative


3.i have prepared for that.


4.it's a pity to some extent.


5.but i would like to try a different kind of life. i prefer to be on the ball.


6.… insurance and things like that?


7.every incumbent in our company enjoys life insurance, unemployment insurance and a decent pension after serving for 20years here.


8.take up my references?


9.yes, it's a rule of the firm.


10.what i mean is this :…


11.oh,yes,it's a normal business practice.


12.then i'll ask him to give you a reference.


13.could i get the position…

如果我能得到这一职位,……这句为倒装结构,等于 if i could get the position…

words and expressions

representative       n.代表,代理人

pharmaceutical       a.医药的

corporation              n.法人,股份有限公司

paediatrician            n.儿科医生

opd:out patient deparment        门诊部

antipyretic       n.退烧药,解热剂

prescribe        v.开处方

syrup                n.糖浆

promot e              v.促进,提高

prefer              v.宁愿

insurance          n.保险

antibiotic        n.抗菌素, 抗生素

side-effect            n.副作用

pharmacology         n.药理学,药物学

dosage          n.剂量,用量

incumbent          n.任职者

pension        n.年金,养老金


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