Unit 6   Writing : Tom’s trickUnit 6   Writing : Tom’s trickUnit 6   Writing : Tom’s trick


Unit 6   Writing : Tom’s trick

unit 6   writing : tom’s trick一、 教材和学生分析:本课教学内容为8b unit6 the adventures of tom sawyer  writing: tom’s trick本课是一堂写作课,教材已给出三幅图片,一些问题和有关的词组,让学生看图推测故事的发展,构思故事情节,利用所给信息,编写汤姆的故事。它是对本单元故事学习的一种输出和创新。它是对故事的六要素进一步巩固和正确安排故事情节的演练,运用故事情节的发展来进行分段,通过在做中用来归纳故事写作的步骤与写作特点,并根据要素和特点尝试评价和批改故事。

  学生通过对这个单元的几个有关tom sawyer的故事让学生对故事的几个要素和体裁有所熟悉,在故事阅读中也对故事情节发展有了一定的把握,对故事类写作有了一定的兴趣和动机,但他们对故事的情节设置和写作特点的把握还是有一定的难度。

二、目标说明知识目标:巩固故事的六要素:time,place, characters, beginning, development, ending归纳故事类写作注意事项:文体,人称,时态及写作的顺序能力目标:根据图片设计人物对话。构思故事情节:根据图片和所给的信息构思故事情节,并根据故事情节的发展来分段。运用故事六要素及写作注意事项来批改故事.通过观察分析和运用规律性的知识使学生学会从文本中区总结规律并学会运用。情感目标: 鼓励学生大胆进行推测和想象。 学会把握玩笑的尺度。



三. 教学思路和过程stages teacher’s activities students’ activities purposeswarm-up ask some questions about tom sawyer. answer the teacher’s questions as quickly and correctly as possible. revise and prepare for the lessonbefore writing  let the students try to tell out the six elements of a story.check the answers in the class and make sure the students understand it.

then let the students look at the three pictures and the setting of the story, fill in a form. go over the stories we’ve learned in this unit and try to find out six elements of story. report the answer in the class. sum up the six elements of the storywhile writing let the students ask and answer the questions about the pictures and match the given information with each picture. let the ss talk about the pictures with the given information . ask(请记得收藏本站-一路高升范文网,以获取更多新鲜内容) and answer the questions about the pictures and match the given information with each picture.

talk about the pictures with the given information . 

understand and describe the pictures.

 ask the students to put the pictures in the right procedure.next, let the students design the whole story .tell the students to write out the whole story and pay attention to the ending.  then begin to write the story, pay attention to the rules of english writing tips: (板书)a good ending should make people think /creative /unexpective arrange the plot of the story.

design the whole story

sum up the rules of  english writing after writing first let the students check their stories in groups according what they’ve learned in this lesson.give the class an example to comment a story.then ask the group to comment the best story in the class and tell out the reason.  first check the story in pairs and see if the partner write the story as we’ve learned in this lesson. then pay attention to the teacher’s comments on the stories chosen. comment the best story in the class and tell out the reason. .  sum up we’ve learned in this lesson. master and use  the skills learned in this lesson.development assign the homework to reinforce the skills we’ve learned in this lesson. write one of the tricks the students have ever played. reinforce the skills of writing story  


Unit 6   Writing : Tom’s trick
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