


XX年高三一轮复习金子般的学案语法部分:情景交际(新人教版)常见交际用语归纳1. 问候    a. good morning / afternoon / evening. hello / hi!    b. how are you?    c. fine, thank you. and you? / very well, thank you. 2. 介绍    a. this is mr. / miss  / mrs. …    b. how do you do? nice  / glad to see / meet you.     c. my name is… i'm a student /  worker, etc. ( here).3. 告别    a. i think it's time for us to leave now.     b. goodbye! (bye-bye! bye!)see you later / tomorrow.4. 打电话[z||]    a. hello! may i speak to…?[ ]    b. hold on, please. he / she isn't here right now. can i take a message for you?    c. i'm calling to tell / ask you… goodbye. 5. 感谢和应答a. thank you (very much) / thanks a lot. many thanks. thanks for…    b. not at all. that's all right. you're welcome. 6. 祝愿、祝贺和应答    a. good luck! best wishes to you. have a nice / good time. congratulations!    b. thank you.     c. happy new year!  / merry christmas!  / happy birthday to you.     d. the same to you. 7. 意愿i'm going to…i will…     i'd like to…i want  / hope to…8. 道歉和应答    a. i'm sorry. (sorry.)i'm sorry for / about…excuse me.     b. that's all right. it doesn't matter. that's nothing. 9. 遗憾和同情    what a pity! i'm sorry to hear… 10. 邀请和应答    a. will you come to…? would you like to…?    b. yes, i'd love to…yes, it's very kind of you / nice of you. c. i'd love to, but…11. 提供(帮助等)和应答    a. can i help you? what can i do for you? here, take this / my… let me…for you. would you like some…?    b. thanks. that would be nice / fine. thank you for your help. yes, please.     c. no, thanks /  thank you. that's very kind of you, but…[ ]12. 请求允许和应答    a. may i…? can / could i…?b. yes / certainly. yes, do please. of course(you may). that's ok /  all right.     c. i'm sorry, but…you'd better not. 13. 表示同意和不同意    a. certainly / sure / of course. yes, please. yes, i think so. that's true. all right / ok. that's a good idea. i agree (with you).    b. no, i don't think so. i'm afraid not. i really can't agree with you. 14. 表示肯定和不肯定    a. i'm sure. i'm sure (that)… b. i'm not sure.     c. maybe / perhaps. 15. 喜好和厌恶    a. i like / love…very much. i like  / love to…     b. i don't like (to)…i hate (to)…16. 谈论天气    a. what's the weather like today? how's the weather in…?     b. it's fine /  could / windy / rainy, etc. it's rather warm  / cold  / hot, etc. today, isn't it?17. 购物a. what can i do for you? may / can i help you?    b. i want / i'd like…how much is it?=what's the price of it? that's too much / expensive, i'm afraid. that's fine. i'll take it. let me have…kilo / box, etc.     c. how many / much do you want? what color / size / kind / do you want?     d. do you have any other kind  / size / color, etc.? 18. 问路和应答    a. excuse me. where's the men's / ladies' room / toilet  / restroom /  washing room? excuse me, canyou tell me the way to…? how can i get to…? i don't know the way.     b. go down this street. turn right / left at the first / second crossing. it's about…meters from here. 19. 问时间或星期、日期和应答    a. what day is (it)today? what's the date today? what time is it? what's the time, please?    b. it's monday / tuesday /  wednesday /  thursday /  friday /  saturday /  sunday. it's january 10th. it's five o'clock / half past five / a quarter to five / five thirty, etc. it's time for… 20. 请求    a. can / could you…for me? will / would you please…? may i have…?     b. please give / pass me…please wait (here / a moment )please wait (for )your turn. please stand in line /  line up. 21. 建议和劝告    a. you'd better…you should…you need (to)…    b. shall we…? let's…what /  how about…?22. 禁止和警告    a. you can't / mustn't…if you…, you'll… b. take care. be careful! = look out!23. 表达感情    a. 喜悦i'm glad / pleased / happy to…that's nice. that's wonderful / great.     b. 焦虑what's wrong? what's the matter / trouble / problem (with you)? i'm / he's / she's worried. oh, what shall i  / we do?     c. 惊奇really? oh, dear! is that so?24. 就餐    a. what would you like to have? would you like something to eat  / drink? b. i'd like…would you like some more…? help yourself to some… &nbs(请记得收藏本站-一路高升范文网,以获取更多新鲜内容)p;  c. thank you. i've had enough. just a little, please. 25. 约会    a. are you free this afternoon /  evening? how about tomorrow morning / afternoon  / evening? shall we meet at 4:30 at…?    b. yes, that's all right. yes, i'll be free then.     c. no, i won't be free then. but i'll be free…d. all right. see you then. 26. 传递信息    a. will you please give this note / message to…?    b. …asked me to give you this note.     c. thanks for the message. 27. 看病    a. there's something wrong with…i've got a cough. i feel terrible(bad)i don't feel well. i've got a pain here. this place hurts.     b. take this medicine three times a day. it's nothing serious. you'll be all right / well soon. 28. 求助    a. help!     b. what's the matter?28. 处理交际中的障碍    pardon? please say that again  / more slowly. what do you mean by…? i'm sorry i can't follow you. i'm sorry i know only a little english. 【注意】情景交际解题要注意“四忌”。 一忌上词下用;二忌中文思维;三忌直接回绝;四忌答非所问。要避免此类错误,一要掌握常用的功能意念会话项目,特别是一些口语式的固定搭配;二要理解对话交际场合和交际意图,理清答题思路。


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