高二英语选修7第一单元Unit 1  Living well 导学高二英语选修7第一单元Unit 1  Living well 导学高二英语选修7第一单元Unit 1  Living well 导学


高二英语选修7第一单元Unit 1  Living well 导学

高二选修 7  unit 1  living well 语言点10. in addition (常与to连用)此外是介词短语,作副词用,相当于词组as well,其后不能跟名词或其他任何成分,一般位于两个句子中间或置于句末。位于两个句子中间时,常用逗号与句子隔开。there are many shops around the railway station. in addition, there are some newlybuilt hotels there.——————————————————————————————————。aunt mary gave us sandwiches for our picnic and a bag of cookies in addition. ————————————————————————————————————。 温馨提示in addition to是介词短语,其后接名词或代词等作其宾语,意义大体相当于as well as和 besides。 高手过招单项填空       the fact that he gained a great many achievements, he remained modest.         &n(请记得收藏本站-一路高升范文网,以获取更多新鲜内容)bsp;  a. in addition to                       b. besidesc. despite                            d. though重点句型11. does this disability make it difficult for them to do some things?残疾使得他们做一些事情很困难吗?本句采用的是“主语+make+it+adj./n.+动词不定式”的结构。在本结构中,it 只是形式宾语。而后面的for sb. to do sth.才是真正的宾语。在这个不定式短语中,for sb.又成了to do的逻辑主语。用在这种结构中的其他动词还有:think, feel, find, consider等。it makes it possible for the earth to support so many people. ————————————————————————————。some students may think it difficult to learn english well. in fact, it isn’t. ——————————————————————————————。温馨提示因为是不定式作宾语,易错将不定式直接放到动词make, feel, think等词的后面。只要这些动词后跟形容词或名词作宾补,就要用it作形式宾语,而将真正的宾语不定式放在后面。 高手过招(1)单项填空i found        impossible for          to work out the maths problem.                            a. it; he      b. that; he      c. that; him         d. it; him(2)根据句子结构填词                                              i felt           a great honour to be invited to the party. 单句改错:1.     he is as clever boy as his brother.                     _____ _2.     i consider this impossible to finish this task on time.      _______3.     he like swimming in particularly in summer             _______4.     i could hardly find suitable words expressing myself.      ________5.     you should suit yourself to the new environment.         ___(请记得收藏本站-一路高升范文网,以获取更多新鲜内容)____6.     we were out of breathe when we reached the top of hill.    ________7.     you should keep your words after you promise to help.        ________8.     i’d like to go to the party last night but i had to finish a report. ________9.     i hate being made fun                                ________10.  john would rather stay at home than going out.          同义句转换1. he got used to the life in china soon after he arrived there.he           the life in china soon after he arrived there.2. regular exercise does good to your health.regular exercise                       your health.3. as there was a library in the school, she could get books very easily.as there was a library in the school, she had an easy              books.4. mr liu often helps me with my english.mr liu often                        study english.5. he was angry that the other boys made so much noise that he couldn’t focus on reading.                        that the other boys made  so much noise that he couldn’t focus on reading.

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高二英语选修7第一单元Unit 1  Living well 导学
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