


非谓语动词(一)非谓语动词就是在句子中不充当谓语的动词。它不受主语的限制,也没有像谓语动词那样的时态和语态的变化,又称为非限定动词,在句子中可以作主语、宾语、表语、宾补、定语和 状语。非谓语动词包括三种形式:不定式、动名词和分词。动词不定式动词不定式的基本形式为:to+动词原形,有时可不带to 。不定式的否定形式是not to+动词原形。动词不定式仍然具有动词的功能,可以接宾语或状语而构成不定式短语。例如:to beat the opponent  打败对手to put on your coat  穿上你的大衣to drive fast  快速驾车to return home  归国,回家 注意:不定式之前的to(又称为小品词)与介词to功能不同。介词to 之后要接名词或代词的宾格,或相当于名词的短语作它的宾语。而不定式的小品词to的后面需要跟原形动词。speak to him (to是介词)对他讲话to speak english (to是不定式的小品词)讲英语1 不定式在句子中的用法(1)不定式作名词的用法不定式起名词作用,在句子中可以充当主语、表语、宾语和宾语补足语。①不定式作主语to grow more trees here is very important.(=it is very important to grow more trees here.)在这里多种些树是非常重要的。to think carefully before you act is necessary.(=it is necessary for you to think carefully before  you act.)你须三思而后行。to walk to school takes me twenty minutes.(=it takes me twenty minutes to walk to school.)步行到学校我要花20多分钟。注意:在it is...to的句型中,it是形式主语,真正的主语是不定式;这种结构,避免了句子的头重脚轻。通常不定式被视为单数第三人称,所以动词用is或was。it's bad for your eyes to read in  the sun.在阳光下看书对你的眼睛有害。另外,不定式作主语的句子,同时有另外一个不定式作表语时,不能转换成“it is...to...”的句型。例如:to see is to believe. (百闻不如一见。)不能转换为: it is to believe to see.不定式作主语不定式,作主语,有一点,应注意,短语长,往后移,其位置,it 替。②不定式作表语her dream is to be a lawyer.她的梦想就是成为一名律师。what they want is to do it at once.他们所要求的就是立刻着手做这件事。③不定式作宾语不定式作宾语是用在及物动词之后。常用的及物动词有:want, wish, hope, like, begin,  start, help, agree, refuse, promise, learn, forget, know, need, try等。she wanted to get home earlier that day.她那天想要早一些到家。they refused to do so.他们拒绝那样做。巧记接不定式作宾语的动词hope、wish、want、agree、promise、demand、ask、refuse、manage、learn 、decide、pretend、choose  三个希望两答应; 设法学会做决定    不要假装在选择④不定式作宾语补足语要求用不定式作宾语补足语的动词很多,例如:ask, want, believe, know, tell, advice , like, feel, help, force, invite, let, have, make, prefer, notice, order, remind, see, teach, think, expect, enable, cause, choose, allow, persuade等。 she adviced him to do so.她劝他这么做。the doctor told me not to go on with the work.医生告诉我不要再继续做这件工作了。he reminded me to lock the door when i left.他提醒我离开时锁上门。注意:1、表示感官的动词如see, hear, watch, feel, notice和某些使役动词如let, make, have等,其后作宾语补足语的不定式通常不带to。例如:it made me feel thirsty.这东西让我感到口渴。2、动词help之后,不定式带to或不带to都可以。will you please help me (to) take this suitcase?请你帮我提一下这个衣箱好吗?必背:下列结构必须使用不带to的动词不定式。had better do...最好还是做……would you please do...请您做……would rather do...宁愿做……would sooner do...愿做……may just as well do...是做……的好rather than do...而不是做……例如:susan preferred to stay at the dormitory rather than go out with them.苏姗宁可呆在宿舍里,也不跟他们出去。as you are feeling hungry, you may just as well find something to eat.既然你觉得饿了,还是找些吃的东西吧。you'd better take this way.你最好走这条路。注意:在复合宾语中,可以用形式宾语it代替作直接宾语的不定式,而将不定式放在补足语的后面。she found it difficult to change his mind.她发现要想改变他的思想 很困难。he considere d it his duty to do so.他认为这样做是应该的。the situation now makes it easy for them to finish building the bridge on time.目前的这种情况使他们很容易按时完成大桥的建设。(2)不定式作形容词的用法--作定语不定式作定语修饰名词,要放在所修饰的名词之后(又称后置定语)。这类名词经常使用的有: time, way, chance, right(权 力),need(需要),decision(决定),opportunity(机会), effort(努力),courage(勇气),struggle(斗争)等。例如:mr. wang is a man to believe in.王先生是一位值得信赖的人。i think he is a man to depend on.我认为他是一个可以依赖的人。can you find anything to read at the dentist?在牙诊所你可以找到可阅读的东西吗?the boy found no one to play with.这孩子找不到人跟他一块玩。(3)不定式作副词的用法--作状语。①不定式可以在句子中作目的、原因和结果状语。i am sorry to have bothered you.我非常抱歉打搅了你。(原因状语)they will come to the city to look for a job.他们将要到大城市来找工作。(目的状语)if you are so stupid as to do so, you must expect trouble.你如果愚蠢得这样做事,你就等着自找麻烦吧。(结果状语)②“too...to...”结构中的不定式含有否定的意思,因此“too...to...”表示“太……而 不能……”。the boy is too young to join the army.这孩子太小,还不能参军。he is too busy to see me.他太忙,不能来看我。③“so as...+不定式”结构,不定式作目的状语,意思是“以便……”。“so+形容词(副词)+as+不定式”结构,不定式作结果状语。he went there quickly so as to meet her.他赶快到那里去以便可以碰见她。(目的) he was so kind as to offer his seat to me.承他好意,把座位让给了我。(结果)the man was so angry as to smash the things in the room.这个人气极了,便开始摔屋里的东西。(结果)比较:不定式作宾语和作状语的区别。1 she wants to sleep. (作宾语)她想去睡觉。2 she went there to sleep. (作状语)她去那儿睡觉。不定式sleep在上述两句话中分别作宾语和状语。区分它们有两种方法:①及物动词之后的不定式为宾语(如上面第一句);不及物动词之后的不定式为状语(如 上面第二句)。②按句子含义理解,第一句中,缺少不定式to sleep(作宾语),句子便不完整(she wants),因 此这里的不定式to sleep是不能缺的。而例2中的to sleep(作状语)修饰动词went,表示去 那里的目的(是睡觉)。如果没有这 个不定式to sleep,句子依然完整。(4)不定式作插入语to tell you the truth, you'd better change your car.说实在话,你最好换换你这辆车。to be fair, it's not his fault, hes not the one to blame.说句公道话,这不是他的错,不该责备他。2 不定式的时态不定式经常使用的有三种时态形式:一般式,进行式和完成式。(1)一般式(to do)通常表示与谓语动词所示动作同时或在其后发生的行为或动作。she wanted to write a letter.她想写一封信。she told him to put the things in the room in order.她让他把屋子里的东西收拾一下。(2)进行式(to be doing)表示不定式动作与谓语动作同时发生。但注意,不定式所用的必须是延续性动词。it is foolish of him to be doing such a kind of things all the ti me.他老是做这种事情,真是愚蠢至极!that poor girl seems to be following him.那个可怜的女孩子好像在跟着他。(3)完成式(to have done)表示不定式的动作发生在谓语动作之前。they appearedto have known each other.他们看来互相已经认识。i'm glad to have made a friend like you.我非常高兴交了像你这样 一个朋友。3 不定式的被动形式不定式的被动形式用于其逻辑主语是不定式所示动作的承受者。经常使用的有两种形式:一般式:to be done;完成式:to have been done。the bridge across the river is to be built next year.这座跨河大桥将于明年修建。he felt greatly honored to have been invited.受到邀请,他感到很荣幸。4 动词不定式与疑问词的连用动词不定式可以与疑问词连用构成不定式短语。这些疑问词有:疑问代词what, who, which;疑问副词 how, when, where, why等等。不定式短语可以在句子中作主语、宾语、表语等成分。(1)作主语how to control the water pollution is a big problem.如何控制水污染还是一个大问题。when to start the project remains undecided.什么时候开始这项工程仍然没有决定。(2)作宾语he doesn't know what to do.他不知如何是好。tell me why to be late again.告诉我为什么又迟到了。(3)作宾补(宾语补足语)can you find out why to do it in this way?你能弄明白为什么要这样做吗?he will show me how to drive a car.他要教我如何开车。提示:带有疑问词的不定式短语,经常与下列动词连用:tell, teach, show, know, learn, decide, forget, find out等等。 (4)作表语the big problem is where to park the car at the business centre.商业中心的停车是一个大问题the question is where to find the genius.问题是到哪里去找这样的天才5 不定式的省略在上下文连接比较紧密的情况下,为了避免重复,将相同的部分省略,但小品词to要保留。--did you find the reference books about it?--no, i tried to, but failed.--你找到有关的参考书了吗?--没有。我尽力了,但没找到。--do you like to see that film with me?--yes, i‘d like to.--你愿意跟我去看那部电影吗?--是的,非常愿意。巧记动词不定式的用法不定式有标记,to与动原连一起。没有人称数变化,动词特点它具备。主宾定状表补语,惟独作谓不可以。not加上不定式,否定结构要牢记。疑问词与不定式,构成短语有意义。仔细推敲多思考,准确判断有依据。注:动原=动词原形6 不定式的一些常用结构(1)be+to doshe is very proud to be a student in beijing university.作为一名北京大学的学生,她感到自豪。your mother will be angry to find that nothing has been done.你母亲看到什么事都没做会发火的。(2)have (has, had)+不定式这一结构表示“不得不”,“只好”的意思。he will have to swallow the bitterness sooner or later.他迟早要吞下这颗苦果的。as she missed the train, she had to return home.由于耽误了那趟火车,她只得又回家去了。(3)there is (are)+不定式there is something important to do today.今天有一件重要的事情要做。there are lots of letters to type now.现在有许多信要打出来。(4)be about+不定式表示“正要做……”i was just about to leave when you phoned me.我正要走,你就给我来电话了。the match is about to begin. hurry up!比上要开始了,快点!(5)only+不定式,表示“却……”they lifted a stone only to drop it on their own feet.他们搬起石头,却砸了自己的脚。he went home in a hurry only to find that nothing happened there.他急忙赶回家里却发现家里什么事都没有。(6)so as (not) to do...“为了(不)……”she worked hard so as to be a college student.为了要上大学,她刻苦学习。he went to work early so as not to be there late.为了不迟到,他很早就去上班了。(7)enough+不定式表示“十分,足够…”this car is not big enough to seat five people.这辆车不够大,坐不下五个人。 he drove fast enough to catch up the train.他把车开得飞快,足以赶上那列火车。注意:1.“形容词(或副词)+enough+不定式”构(请记得收藏本站-一路高升范文网,以获取更多新鲜内容)成的是简单句,可以和复合句“so...that...”相互转换。例如:it is easy enough for her to do. (简单句)it is so easy that she can do it.(复合句)这件事情很容易,她可以做。2.“so...that (can't)”和句型“too...to...”的相互转换 。she is too frightened to say a word.(简单句)she is so frightened that she can't say a word.(复合句)她太害怕了,以致于一句话也说不上来。the dictionary is too expensive for me to  afford . the dictionary is so expensive that i can't afford it.这本词典太贵了,(以致)我买不起。(8)it is (was)+形容词+of (for) sb.+不定式it is clever of you to deal with such a thing.这样一件事情你处理得很聪明。it was necessary for me to explain it.我对此作一下解释是必要的。比较:该句型中“of sb.”和“for sb.”的使用情况不同,可以从 两方面加以区别:①它们两者所用的形容词不同a of sb.的句型一般使用表示主观感情或态度的形容词。例如:good, kind, nice, right, wrong, wise, clever, foolish, careful, careless等。it is wise of her to do so.她这样做是非常明智的。it was clever of him to go away at that time.在那个时刻他走开是很聪明的。b for sb.的句型使用表示客观情况的形容词。例如:hard, easy, possible, impossible, difficult, necessary, unnecessary, important, interesting等。it was impossible for him to get there on time.他要准时到达那里已是不可能的事。it is simple for me to solve the problem.对我来说解决此事非常简单。②of sb.的句型通常都可转换为不定式作状语的句子,但for sb.句型不可以。it is very nice of you to offer me a seat.you are very nice to offer me a seat.十分感谢你给我让座。it was careless of him to lose so many things.he was c areless to lose so many things.他丢了这么多东西,真是太粗心了。it is very important for you to practise your oral english in the daily life.在日常生活中练习你的英语口语是非常重要的。这句话不能变为:she is very important to practise..

非谓语动词(二)动名词动名词既具有名词的特性,在句子中可作主语、表语、宾语和定语,又保留了动词的功能,可以有自己的宾语和状语而构成动名词短语。动名词的构成形式为“动词+ing”。当动名词在句子中做主语时,其谓语动词必须用单 数形式。例如:seeing is believing.(作主语,表语)眼见为实。do you mind my smoking here?你介意我在这里抽烟吗?(作宾语)staying with him made her very  happy.和他呆在一起使她感到非常快乐。(动名词带自己的状语with him)the children enjoyed playing games together.孩子们喜欢一起做游戏玩。(动名词带自己的宾语the games)1动名词的否定形式和时态、语态的变化动名词的否定形式为“not doing”。动名词的时态分为一般式doing和完成式having done。它们的被动语态分别为:一般式being done,完成式having been done。例如:she made her parents very happy by getting the first award on the performances.(肯定)得了表演一等奖,这使她的父母很高兴。he admitted not telling us the truth at last.他最后承认没有跟我们说实话。(否定)keep the medicine away from being touched by the children.把药放在儿童够不到的地方。(被动式)this huge bridge succeeded in having been built up last month.这座巨大的桥梁终于在上个月建成了。 (被动式)2动名词的用法(1)作主语: 用于表示泛指的而不是一次性的动作。动名词作主语经常采用 it 作形式主语的句型。playing football is their favorite sport.→it is their favorite sport playing football.踢足球是他们最喜爱的运动。living here is very safe.→it is very safe living here.居住在这里是很安全的。(2)作宾语:he is considering changing a job.他正在考虑换一件工作。she can't avoid meeting him.她免不了要碰见他。he tried to deny taking away my dictionary.他竭力否认拿走了我的词典。(3)作表语:living is also learning.生活也是学习。his favorite sport is running.他最喜欢的运动是跑步。(4)作定语:we all attended the opening ceremony.我们都参加了开幕式。susan won the first prize in the singing competition.苏姗获得了歌唱大赛的一等奖。we should learn from all the advanced teaching methods.我们应该学习所有的先进的教学方法。必背:记住以下常用的动词和短语1、下列动词,它们只能接动名词作宾语而不能接不定式。admit 承认appreciate 感激avoid 避免can't help禁不住consider 思考,考虑deny 否认delay 推迟detest 厌恶enjoy 喜欢excuse 抱歉escape 逃跑finish 完成forgive 原谅fancy 想象imagine 想象involve 包括keep 坚持pardon 原谅,饶恕practise 练习resist 阻止,抵抗suggest 建议understand 理解save 省略be worth doing 值得做。he admitted taking my dictionary.他承认拿走了我的词典。do you try to avoid making her annoyed?你是竭力不惹她生气吗?stop talking and listen to me.请不要说话了,听我讲。2.动名词经常作这些短语之后的介词的宾语。be good at 擅长be engaged in 从事be satisfied with 对……感到满意be surprised at 对……感到吃惊be interested in 对……感兴趣be responsible for 对……负责任be fond of 喜欢be tired (sick) of 厌倦be proud of 以……而骄傲be afraid of 害怕be capable of 有……能力be used to 习惯于be opposed to 反对belong to 属于depend on 依靠give up 放弃put off 推迟keep on 继续succeed in 成功dream of 梦想refer to 指的是object to 反对feel like 想要prevent...from 防止stop...from 阻止devote ones life (time) to献身于look forward to盼望she is good at swimming她擅长于游泳。he is used to walking to his office every day.他已经习惯每天走路去上班。they persist in solving the problem in this way.他们坚持以这种方式解决问题。3作直接宾语时,动名词与不定式在含义上的区别①forget doing sth.和forget to do sth.forget doing sth.意思是“忘记了曾经做过某一件事”。the old woman always forgets taking the medicine.那个老太太总是忘记已经吃过药。forget to do sth.表示“忘记了要去做某事”。the old woman always forgets to take the medicine.那个老太太总是忘记要吃药。②remember doing sth.和remember to do sth.remember doing sth.意思是“记得过去曾经做过的某一件事”。 i remember eating the dish before.我记得以前吃过这道菜。remember to do sth.表示“记着要去做某一件事”。i remember to eat the dish at the restaurant.我记着在这家餐馆要吃这道菜。③stop doing sth.和stop to do sth.stop doing sth.表示“停止正在做的某件事情”。let's stop working and have a rest.让我们停下手里的活,歇一会儿。stop to do sth.意为“停下来去做另一件事”。lets stop to buy something to eat here.让我们在这里停一下买些吃的东西。④regret doing sth.和regret to do sth.regret doing sth.表示“后悔过去做过的某一件事情”。she regretted telling her mother the truth.她后悔把真相告诉了她的母亲。regret to do sth.意思是“对正在做的,或者是还未做的事情表示后悔”。i regret to borrow money from him.我后悔要向他借钱。⑤want, need, require表示“需要”的意思时,后面的宾语常使用动名词或不定式的被动式。this car needs repairing.→this car needs to be repaired.这辆车需要修理一下。the road wants rebuilding.→the road wants to be rebuilt.这条道路需要重新修建。4动名词的常用句型①go+doing sth. 去做……go hunting 去打猎go hiking 去远足go skating 去滑雪go sightseeing 去观光②be worth doing sth. 值得做……this film is worth seeing.这部电影值得一看。your suggestion is worth considering.你的建议值得考虑。③can't help+doing sth. 禁不住……they couldn't help laughing when they saw him.当他们看见他时,不禁大笑起来。④be used to+doing sth.习惯做……his father is used to walking to his office.他父亲已习惯走路去上班。was she used to living there?她住在那里习惯吗?⑤it is no use(good)+doing sth. 做……没用it's no good crying over spilt milk.覆水难收。it's no use waiting here for her.在这里等她没有用。⑥forgive sb. for doing sth.原谅某人做某事。prevent sb. from doing sth.避免,阻止某人做某事。they all forgave the boy for doing such a thing. 他们大家都原谅了这个孩子做的事情。you must prevent the children from touching the dangerous things.你们务必不要让孩子接触危险物品。⑦without+doing sth. 没有做……就……she kept sitting there without saying to anybody.她一直坐在那里,默不作声。complete the following exercises without referring to the text.完成下列习题,不要看书。⑧no+doing...表示“禁止,不准”。no parking.表示“不准停车!”no smoking.表示“请勿吸烟”非谓语动词(三)[来源:学_科_网]分词分词分为现在分词和过去分词两种形式。现在分词的构成为:原形动词+ing;过去分词的构成为:原形动词+ed。1现在分词与过去分词的比较(1)它们所表示的语态不同现在分词具有主动和进行的含义,经常用于表示事物;而过去分词含有被动的意思,经常用于说明人的情况。例如:an exciting film 一部激动人心的电影。the excited people 激动的人们 a shocking news 一个令人震惊的消息a shocked woman 一个感到震惊的女人(2)它们所表示的时间不同现在分词表示正在进行的动作、行为;而过去分词是说明已经完成了的动作或行为。a falling leaf 一片正在飘落的树叶a fallen leaf 一片落地的树叶developing countries 发展中国家developed countries 发达国家(3)它们所表示的语义不同多数现在分词的汉语可译为“使人怎样……”或“令人如何……”;用来说明事或物的性质;而过去分词的含义为“某人感到怎样……”,说明人的感觉。the story is interesting.这个故事真有意思。the boy is interested in physics.这孩子对物理感兴趣。what he said was inspiring.他的话令人鼓舞。we were inspired by what he said.我们对他所说的话感到鼓舞。必背:记住下列同样用法的分词:moving  令人感动的moved  受到感动的tiring  令人厌烦的tired  感到厌烦的amusing  令人愉快的amused  感到有趣的surprising  令人惊异的surprised  感到惊异的boring  使人厌烦的bored  感到厌烦的astonishing  令人惊讶的astonished  感到惊讶的discouraging  令人沮丧的discouraged  感到沮丧的disappo inting  令人失望的disappointed  感到失望的exciting  令人激动的excited  感到激动的frightening  令人害怕的frightened  感到害怕的inspiring  令人鼓舞的inspired  感到鼓舞的amazing  令人惊讶的a(请记得收藏本站-一路高升范文网,以获取更多新鲜内容)mazed  感到惊讶的(4)它们所用的修饰语不同现在分词之前常用表示程度的修饰语very,而过去分词之前常用修饰语 much。the football game is very exciting.这场球赛令人非常激动。we were much excited at the game.我们对这场球赛感到非常激动。the film is very boring.这个电影令人厌烦。we were much bored at the film.我们对这场电影感到烦透了。2过去分词在句子中的作用(1)作定语take away the broken vase.把那只被打碎花瓶拿走。the vase broken by him yesterday is still on the table.他昨天打碎的花瓶还在桌子上放着。 (后置定语)(2)作表语the girl seemed quite satisfied with her job.这姑娘看上去对她的工作很满意。she is interested in drawing.她对绘画感兴趣。(3)作状语she stood there much disappointed.她非常失望地站在那里。hungry and cold, he tried to find a village in the mountain there .又冷又饿,他竭力想在那山里找到个村子。(4)作宾语补足语the teacher raised her voice to make herself heard.老师提高了嗓音,以便使大家听清她的话。youd better get the article written before friday.你最好在周五前让人把这篇文章写出来。注意:have和get都可以要求过去分词作宾语补足语,形成have/get sth.done表示动作由别人完成。i will have my hair cut this afternoon.下午我要去理发。she's got her car fixed yesterd ay.昨天她请人修了她的车。可以带分词作宾语补足语的动词还有:fell, hear, see, watch, notice, find, smell, keep, like, make等。 3现在分词在句子中的作用(1)作表语the game is exciting.这场比赛激动人心。the meeting was boring.这次会议非常沉闷。it is very interesting to watch his performances.观看他的表演非常有意思。巧选分词形式要断分词形,先把逻主觅;分词作主语,逻主被修饰;状表和主补,逻主是主语;要是作宾补,逻主为宾语,找准逻主后,再辩其关系;若为主谓间,需用现在分;要是动宾间,则用过去分。(2)作定语the sleeping baby is susan's.那个睡着的孩子是苏姗的。the car parking under the tree is mine.那辆停在树底下的车是我的。(后置定语)she said something to the man fixing her car.她跟正在修她的车的人说了些什么。(后置定语)(3)作状语①分词动作与谓语动作同时发生: she drove away crying.她哭着把车开走了。he came back to his office, hoping to find the material needed for the case.他回到办公室,希望能找到案子所需的材料。not knowing that the traffic accident happened to her husband, she was waiting for him to have supper.因为不知道她的丈夫发生了交通事故,她还在等他吃晚饭。②分词动作与谓语动作先后发生现在分词的完成式表示分词动作在谓语动作之前发生。having found out why, he began to repair the machine.由于找到了原因,他开始修理这台机器。not having finished the homework, he had to stay up late at night .由于没有写完作业,他不得不熬夜。③用现在分词的被动式表示“正在被……”或者“已经被……”this is the second bridge being built across the river.这是正在建的横跨这条河的第二座桥。(作定语)having been invited, he went to germany to attend the conference .受到邀请,他去德国出席了这次会议。 (作状语)注意:现在分词短语具有替代从句的作用。①替代定语从句的作用students wishing to go hiking should sign their names here.(=students who wish to go hiking should sign their names here.)星期六要去野游的同学在这里签名。the free way being built will lead to xingang port.(=the free way that (which) is being built will lead to xingang port.)正在修建的这条高速公路将直通新港码头。②替代状语从句的作用fearing that her boyfriend would recognize her, she stood behind a phone box.(=because she feared that her boyfriend would recognize her, she stood behind a phone box.)由于害怕她的男朋友会认出她来,她站在了一电话亭后面。knowing that he couldn't solve the problem in this way, he changed his mind.(=because he knew that he couldn't solve the problem in this way, he changed his mind.)因为知道用这种方法解决不了这个问题,他改变了想法。③分词的独立主格结构分词或者分词短语作状语使用时,其逻辑主语一定要和句子的主语一致。如果不一致,必须 在分词之前加上它的逻辑主语,这就是独立主格结构。after a little while, her eyes being full of tears, the mother came over and embraced him. 过了一会儿,这位母亲眼含热泪,走过来抱住了他。again, blood being all over, the policeman stood up and kept running after the thief.那位警察混身是血,再一次站起来追那盗贼。4经常使用现在分词的句型be busy+doing sth. 忙着做……mother is busy cooking a meal now.妈妈现在正忙着做饭。susan was busy answering the telephone then.苏姗那时正忙着接电话。spend(waste) time(money)+doing sth. 花费she spent two hours preparing her lessons.她花了两个小时准备功课。she wasted a whole morning cleaning the room.她费了整整一个上午打扫这间屋子。he didn't spend much money travelling in beijing.他在北京旅行没花多少钱。he wasted two hours driving to the new office.他用了两个小时的时间驾车来到新办公室。catch (find) sb.+doing sth. 抓住、发现某人在做某事the policeman caught the thief stealing a wallet from a man.(=the policeman found the thief when he was stealing a wal let from a man.)那个警察发现那个小偷正在偷一个人的钱包。i found myself lying on the ground.(=i found that i  was lying on the ground.)我发现我自己躺在了地上。have sb.+doing sth. 让(请)某人做某事i will have a mechanic repairing my car tomorrow morning.明天早晨我要让修理工修一下我的车。do you have anybody sending your daughter home?你请人把你女儿送回家了吗?keep sb.+doing sth 让某人持续做某事you kept me waiting for an hour yesterday.你昨天让我等了一个小时。sorry,i kept you waiting for a long time.对不起, 让您久等了。5表示感官的动词接现在分词作宾补表示感官的动词接现在分词作宾补,表示动作正在发生,例如:see, watch, hear, smell, feel+sb.(sth.)+doing sth.i saw him running down the street.我看是他沿街跑下去了。do you smell something burning?你闻到东西烧焦了的味儿吗?i felt an ant climbing over my leg.我感到一只蚂蚁正在我的腿上爬。she can  hear someone laughing in the room.她能够听见有人在屋子里大笑。注意:1.上述表示感官的动词,可以用不带to的不定式或分词作宾语补足语。用现在分词表示正在发生或进行着的动作;用不定式说明动作的完成或存在的事实。i saw her dancing on the stage.我看见她正在台上跳舞。(表示过程)i saw her dance on the stage.我看见她在台上跳舞了。(表示事实)2.某些动词如permit, advise, encourage, allow, forbid等,后面可用doing作宾语,也可以接sb. to do。she advised giving up smoking.→she advised my giving up smoking.→she advised me to give up smoking.她劝我戒烟新


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