Unit1 Body languageUnit1 Body languageUnit1 Body language


Unit1 Body language

一. 本周教学内容专题复习3——动名词(2)分词二. 教学目标归纳总结非谓语动词中动名词和分词的用法三. 教学重、难点不定式和动名词后接宾语的区别四. 具体内容(一)动名词的几个特殊情况 1. 有些动词的后面能跟动名词做宾语,有些动词能跟不定式,有些两者都可以, 它们的具体含义有时还不一样。 2. 能跟动名词的动词有: avoid, consider, delay, deny, dislike, endure, enjoy, escape, forgive, finish, imagine, keep, mind, miss, pardon, prevent, resist, suggest, understand, can’t help等。 能跟不定式的动词有: decide, desire, expect, hope, mean, pretend, promise, refuse, undertake, want, wish, agree, manage能跟动名词和不定式的动词有: love, like, hate, prefer, dislike, begin, continue, intend, attempt, propose, want, need, remember, forget, regret, try, deserve, start动词后面跟动名词还是不定式,含义不相同,总的来说,表示习惯的,一般性的动作多跟动名词,一次性的具体的被动动作多跟不定式。 i like to go with you. 我想和你一块儿去。 i like reading. 我喜欢阅读。 he promised to help her. 他答应过要帮助她。 we love watching vcd. 我们喜欢看vcd。 3. remember,forget,regret后面跟动名词时,动名词表示过去的动作,后面跟不定式时,不定式表示将来的动作。 i remember meeting him in the street. 我记得在街上见过他。 i remember to write a letter to my parents. 我想起来要给我父母亲写信。 4.“stop + 动名词”表示停止动名词所表示的动作,“stop + 不定式”表示停下来做不定式所表示的动作。 stop smoking, please. 请不要抽烟。 let’s stop to have a rest. 咱们停下来休息一下吧。 5. 动名词和分词的区别: 动名词作定语时,动名词和它所修饰的词没有逻辑上的主谓关系,而分词作定语时, 分词和它所修饰的词有逻辑上的主谓关系。 reading text 阅读课文(动名词) developing country 发展中国家(分词) a sleeping bag 睡袋(动名词) boiled water 开水(分词) 分词是一种动词的非谓语形式。 非谓语动词指的是在句中起名词,形容词或副词作用的动词形式,而不是作谓语的动词形式。 动词的非谓语形式分为动名词,分词,动词不定式。climbing mountain is a good exercise.(climbing...动名词起名词作用)爬山是一项好运动。do you know the man wearing a white shirt ?(wearing ...分词起形容词作用) 你认识那个穿白衬衣的人吗?he gets up early to catch the first bus.(to catch ....不定式起副词作用) 他早早起床是为了赶上第一班汽车。 分词:分词是由动词 +ing 或 动词 + ed 构成,它在句中起形容词或副词的作用,可以作定语,表语,状语。 working   worked   washing  washed 分词可分为现在分词和过去分词两种,现在分词的形式同动名词一样,在动词后面加 ing 。 而过去分词的形式则在动词后面加ed。分词在句中可作定语,状语或表语。                         分词作定语: china is a developing country. 中国是一个发展中国家。 that's an interesting story. 这是一个有趣的故事。 the girl singing for us is ten years old. 给我们唱歌的女孩十岁了。 作定语的分词要放在被修饰的名词之前,如果是分词词组则放在被修饰的名词之后, 如被修饰的名词是 something, anything, everything, nothing 等,分词放在被修饰名词的后面。 the working people have played a great role in the activity. 工人在这次活动中起主要作用。 the boy hurt by the car was sent to the hospital immediately. 被汽车撞伤的小孩马上被送到了医院。 there is nothing interesting. 没什么有趣的事。 分词和动名词都可以作定语,判断是分词还是动名词,可以根据它们和被修饰词有无逻辑上的主谓关系来判断,有主谓关系的是分词,否则判断为动名词。 a swimming girl 游泳的女孩。(分词) a swimming pool 游泳的池子 (动名词) 分词作状语: being a student, he likes to help others. 作为一个学生,他喜欢帮助别人。 wearing a new pair of glasses, she can read easily. 戴了一副新眼镜,她看书就好多了。 she is there waiting for us. 她在那儿等我们呢。 told by the teacher, she knew she was wrong. 经老师一说,她知道自己不对。 分词作表语: the story is interesting . 故事有趣。 we are interested in computer. 我们对计算机感兴趣。 the glass is broken. 玻璃杯破了。 the water is boiled. 水是开的。分词作宾语补足语:可以跟宾语补足语的谓语动词有 see, watch, hear, set, keep, find, have, get 等词。i saw him walking in the street. 我看见他在街上走。 i heard them singing in the classroom. 我听见他们在教室里唱歌。we found the boy sleeping. 我们发现小孩睡着了。 have 后面的宾语补足语用过去分词常表示动作不是句子的主语发出的,而是由别人做的。i have my hair cut. 我理发了。(是别人给我理发) she has her bike repaired.  她把自行车修理了。(别人修理的) they have their house rebuilt. 他们重修了房子。 分词的否定形式。not + 分词not knowing what to do next, she stopped to wait. 不知道下一步干什么,她停下来等着。 not having finished the homework, the little girl doesn't dare to go to school. 小女孩没完成作业不敢去学校。 分词的时态:分词的一般时表示动作同谓语动词的动作同时发生或之前发生。 seeing the teacher is coming, the students stopped playing. 看到老师进来,学生们停下来不玩了。 coming into the room, he lied on his bed. 回到家后,他就躺在床上。 分词的完成时表示的动作在谓语动词的前面发生。having received a letter, i knew everything is all right. 收到一封信后,我知道一切都很好。 having had my supper, i went out for a walk. 晚饭后,我出去散步了。 having known that he won the match, he threw the cap into the sky. 他知道自己比赛获胜,高兴地把帽子扔上了天。 分词的被动形式:分词的被动形式表示分词动作同所修饰的名词有一种被动关系。 the entertainment building being built will be completed next year. 正在建设的娱乐大楼明年完工。 【典型例题分析】1. this is one of the experiments ______ in our laboratory.a. being made        b. making              c. to do                 d. having made2. the meeting ______ this evening is of great importance.a. holding              b. held                  c. to hold                     d. to be held3. _____ several kinds of machines, the workers went much money.a. produced          b. producing       c. having produced       d. to produce4. _____ , i’ll go over all these lessons before the exam.a. the experiment having done         b. the experiment makingc. the experiment having been done     d. the experiment made5. _____ how to pronounce the word, he stopped _____ a dictionary.a. not knowing ; consult            b. knowing not; look it up toc. not knowing; to consult         d. knowing not; looking it up to 答案:1. a 本题考察分词的现在进行式的被动语态。 2. d 本题考察非谓语动词中不定式的用法,表示动作即将发生。3. c 本题考察非谓语动词中,分词的完成式表示限语谓语动词的动作发生。4. d 本题要注意谓语动词和非谓语动词的区别。a,d 都是谓语动词;b,d 都是非谓语动词,其中b 表示主动,d 表式被动。5. c  not 要放在非谓语动词的前面。另外要注意stop to do 和stop doing 的区别。【模拟试题】1.  —who are going to have _____ this letter for you?—my secretary.a. type     b. typed      c. been typed     d. been typing2.  although he sometimes loses his temper, his students like him _____ for it.a. not so much    b. not so little    c. no more    d. no less3.  she was trying to make a final statement, but people kept _____ her speech by shouting. a. taking out     b. putting off    c. giving up    d. getting along4.  —have you ever worked with tape recorder?—i ______ it a lot when i was studying french in school.a. used      b. was used    c. have used    d. had used5.  —let’s see if the baseball game has started yet.  —started? it must be clear who _____ by now.a. is winning      b. wins     c. has won     d. would win6.  —where do you think _____ he _____ the computer? —sorry. i have no idea.a. / ; bought        b. has ; bought      c. did ; buy      d. had ; bought7.  i’m sure you’d rather he stayed in spain , _______?a. wouldn’t you      b. aren’t i      c. didn’t he       d. hadn’t you8.  the flowers in the garden look ____ and smell _____.a. wonderful ; sweet    b. nice ; badly     c. beautiful ; better      d. good ; well9.       _____ big swimming pool in our school was completed in ____ may of 1998, not in ____ april, 1996.a. a ; / ;  /          b. the ; the ; /      c. a ; the ; /      d. the ; / ; /10. —has the doctor arrived yet?  —no, she _____ an hour ago.a. has to come     b. ought to have come     c. should come    d. used to come11.  —have you got a ticket for the football match?—no. the price was too_____ .a. high     b. expensive   c. great     d. dear12.  —how often do you go to the library?—_______.a. in two days     b. every few days     c. each third day    d. every a few days13.  —oh, no! it’s a quarter to six already and i’ll miss 6 o’clock train.  —______. that clock is half an hour fast. you have enough time to catch ita. hurry up     b. don’t make a joke    c. take care     d. don’t worry14.  —with your help i’ve won the girl’s 100 meters. thank you. —______.a. with pleasure    b. the same to you     c. it’s a pleasure     d. that’s right15.   what the teacher and the students want to say _____ either of the countries _____ beautiful.a. are ; are     b. is ; is    c. are ; is     d. is ; are16.  i’ll go to the market with my father next week. we’re going to buy some _____ glasses.a. lovely old french          b. old lovely frenchc. french old lovely          d. old french lovely17.  the soldiers bedded down in a small old house near the river. bedded down means______.   a. were tired out     b. were seriously ill     c. settled for the night    d. had a rest18.  —what do you think of the contest?—i was told that the english speech contest ______ successfully last night.a. went along   b. went down   c. went off   d. went on19.  you have made a few mistakes in your composition but _____ you have done well.a. first of all   b. on the whole     c. on the other hand   d. generally speaking20.  ______ we had been looking forward to.a.   then came the hour         b.  before rose the new teacher stoodc.   when the hour came               &nb(请记得收藏本站-一路高升范文网,以获取更多新鲜内容)sp;    d.   after kate stands the new teacher21.  —what are you doing, jim?—i’m ______ telephone to my friend in london.a. on the   b. in the   c. on a    d. for a22.   ______ mary ______ rose know nothing about the matter, for they didn’t come to the meeting yesterday.a. either ; or     b. both ; and   c. neither ; nor    d. not only ; but23.  —_____ i return the dictionary within three days.?  —no, you ______.  you ______ it for five days.a. may ; needn’t ; can borrow              b.  can ; mustn’t ; would havec.  must ; don’t have to ; can keep                           d.  shall ; can’t ; should read 24.  my teacher often said in class, “ let’s _______ in english.”a. say     b. talk    c. speaking   d. tell25.  ______ fun it is to jump into a pool or go swimming in summer!a. what a     b. how     c. how a    d. what26.  the driver kept ______ about the accident ____ lose his job.a. still ; in order to not         b. quiet ; not so as toc. silent ; so as not to          d. calm ; in order not to27.  —i’d like to invite you to a concert this evening.—thank you, but _____ i’ll be free i’m not sure at the moment.a. while      b. if    c. when     d. whether28.  which is wrong?a. you must have studied english for years, haven’t you?b.  pass me a book, don’t you?c.  he must have arrived yesterday, didn’t he?d.  everybody is here, aren’t they?29.  —mum, i’m going to visit my aunt. what about a week?—a week is too long. try to be back in a       of days.a. number    b. dozen   c. couple   d. score30.  the hero said, “ one should love _____ country!”a. her     b. its     c. their     d. one’s31.  —what’s the matter with you?—____ the window, my finger was cut unexpectedly.a. cleaning    b. to clean    c. while cleaning   d. while i was cleaning32.  ____ my finishing reading the magazine, you can have it _____.a. on ; immediately            b. at ; quicklyc. for ; fortunately             d. with ; likely33.  i kept looking at the man, wondering _______.a.  whether i have seen him before       b.   whether i had seen him beforec.   that i had seen him before           d.  when i had seen him before34.  ______, when he was already ______, he started to learn english.a. in the 1980 ; thirties            b. in the 1980’s ; in his thirtiesc. in the 1990 ; in thirties          d. in 1990’s ; in the thirties 35.   hold on a minute! mr. red is coming. he is in the next room. the underlined part above means:    a. don’t hang up the phone .      b. put up the phone .c. take down the phone .        d. hand in the telephone .36.  —who knocked at the door?  —i’ve no idea. i just pretended nobody was at home, so i didn’t ask who ____ was.a. he    b. that    c. she    d. it37. apples are usually sold by _____ weight, and eggs are sometimes sold by ____ dozen .a. the ; the     b. / ; a      c. / ; the      d. the ; a38.   i _____ violin lessons every two weeks, but i think i’ll make it every week from next month.a. am having    b. have had    c. have    d. have been having39.  it’s too late to go out now. _____ it’s starting to rain.a. besides    b. meanwhile    c. however     d. anyhow40.  if you listen to me, you _____ have some candies, honey.a. shall      b. may      c. will    d. must41.  —i always look out when crossing the street.—you’re right. you cannot too _____.a. nervous     b. careful     c. hurried    d. careless42.  is it in that factory _____ this type of cars are produced?a. which   b. where  c. that   d. /43.  —do you have anything more _____, sir?  —no. you can have a rest or do something else.a. typing       b. to be typed     c. typed     d. to type44. you should think _____ yourself instead of obeying orders.a. of      b. to      c. by     d. for45. —i’m sorry i forgot to post the letter for you.—     _____. i’ll do it myself.a. that’s ok         b. don’t worry       c. take it easy     d. it’s too hard46. they have their reasons for keeping their marriage _____ secret for ____ moment.a. the ; a       b. the ; the     c. a ; the     d. a ; a 47. —i have a favor to ask you.  — _______.a. go ahead       b. it’s a pleasure      c. help yourself    d. ask, please48. in those days, the old woman _____ sit at the gate for hours, waiting for her son to return from the front.a. could      b. should     c. might     d. would49.the dark clouds are gathering as if it _____ rain.a. will      b. is going to     c. would     d. were going to50. —is _____ finished?—not yet. my dirty clothes are still soaking in the washing-machine.a. something     b. anything    c. nothing     d. everything

试题答案1—10 adbaaaaabb       11—20 abdcbaccba     21—30abcbdcdbca  31—40 dabbadcdaa (请记得收藏本站-一路高升范文网,以获取更多新鲜内容)     41—50 dbcbdaacbd


Unit1 Body language
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