2024届高三英语the wonders of dolphins教案2024届高三英语the wonders of dolphins教案2024届高三英语the wonders of dolphins教案


2024届高三英语the wonders of dolphins教案

unit 4  the wonders of dolphins一、 单元分析 (unit analysis)(一)  单元地位 (unit position)1. 学习该单元有助于学生了解动物与人类的关系,并能促进学生的保护动物的意识。建议教师在详解课文之余,能设计相关的主题活动来帮助学生多了解该主题的内涵意义。2. 学生通过课文中对于海豚的描述,收集海豚的相关资料,学会为设身处地的为动物着想,从自身出发,从小事出发,谈谈要如何保护动物,并通过写宣传方案的形式来表达出来。3. 本课的语法现象是名词性从句和过去完成进行时的使用,教师可以安排各种各样的游戏和竞赛形式,来训练学生对于这两个语法点的应用。   (二)单元目标 (unit target)1. 了解海洋和海洋动物,开阔眼界2. 激发保护动物和生态环境的意识3. 掌握名词性从句的用法4. 掌握过去完成进行时的用法5. 学会整理资料,抽取有用信息,为自己的写作服务6. 练习三大阅读技能:skimming, scanning以及根据段落来理解文章大意   (三)单元重点 (unit points)1. 关键词:absolutely, befriending, coastguard, depression, emit, enlightened, enthusiasts, heal, prey, seek out, sonar, supernatural, sympathetically, towing, unconditional love, unintentionally, voluntarily2. 功能:group interaction: organizing an activity(参考课本第76页 speaking)3. 语法点:1)掌握名词性从句的用法2)掌握过去完成进行时的用法

一、 教学设计(teaching designs)教学内容 教学实施建议 教学资源参考1 reading 作为“海洋动物”这一主题的引入,教师可以让学生回顾曾经学过的各种海洋动物的英文名,同时引出一些新的词汇。[链接1]也可利用课前预习时间,让学生搜集尽可能多的海豚的资料,并在课堂上进行交流。[链接2]本课把重点放在人类的朋友——海豚,教师可以请同学利用已有的知识谈谈对海豚的了解,为课文学习作铺垫。在此基础上,阅读并讲解课文,使学生对海豚的特点能有更深刻、全面地了解。 

课本第64页——reading 部分。2 listening 作为教材第69页的听力部分,可让学生提高接受方向指令的熟练度。 课文第69页——listening 部分3 speaking 以“保护海豚”为主题设计两个口语活动。活动一:在看完相关于海豚受到各种危害而惨遭死亡的图片,请同学进行角色扮演,表演人与海豚之间的对话。 活动二: 作为一个“保护海豚”组织的发起人,谈谈这个成立的目的,以及将会采取的措施。[链接3] 课文第75页——speaking 部分4 writing 要求学生上交一份完整的“保护海豚“的宣传方案,并且给宣传书设计个有感染力的结尾。[链接4] 课文第77页——writing部分5 language 本课语法主要是对过去完成进行时和名词性从句的学习。除了利(各种工作总结、计划、报告、作文模板,尽在一路高升范文网)用课本上的图片和练习进行操练外,教师可以以竞赛的形式和学生一起回顾历年相关的高考题。[链接5] 课文第71—75页——language 部分6 more language input  根据课时,来安排more language input 的讲解,教师可以按照课本要求和实际情况带领学生完成相关的习题。  课文第79页——more language input [链接1]说明:    利用图片激发学生兴趣的好方式。在图片出现的刹那,由各组同学进行抢答。不仅能够调动学生的积极性,又能增强记忆,积累英语词汇。教师明确抢答要求:分两轮进行比赛。第一轮:教师展示图片,学生说出图片中表示海洋动物的英文单词。喊“开始”后,进行抢答,答对得一分,答错不扣分。第二轮:第一轮结束后,由各组根据已积累的词汇进行添补,每正确增添一个英文海洋动物名得一分。评判标准:两轮比赛总得分最高的小组获胜。

例如:海星 starfish, 珊瑚coral, 螃蟹crab, 章鱼octopus, 龙虾lobster 贝类 shell,鲨鱼 shark,海参 sea slug,乌贼 cuttlefish,海豚 dolphin金鱼 gold fish,白带鱼 hair tail fish,牡蛎 oyster,珊瑚coral,虾shrimp水母jellyfish,海马sea horse,乌贼cuttlefish, 鲸whale, 海星starfish 海龟sea turtle,寄居蟹hermit crab,海獭sea otter, 海豹seal小丑鱼clownfish,海狮sea lion,蝶鱼butterfly fish,海蛇sea snake 等。    

 [链接2] 关于布置课前任务的建议。说明:   在课堂教学的前期准备工作中,布置任务让学生收集有关课文背景方面的知识,教师可给学生提供一些网址参考,或图书馆、阅览室里的某些书籍、报刊、杂志供学生参考。除背景知识外,课文中出现的关键词的用法也可布置给学生去查阅、分析、讨论。对学生来说,这是很重要的一种学习方式。


关于海豚的更多知识:例如:when dolphins sleep they stay close to their family dolphins.dolphins can make a loud noise.dolphins eat fish. they fish together too.dolphins can jump high out of the water. a dolphin’s tail moves up and down.dolphins are 4 ft. they have more than 100 teeth.dolphins have sleek, streamlined bodies. dolphins have noticeable snouts, or beak tails divided into two lobes or flukes.

[链接3]活动一 说明:角色扮演是一种深受学生欢迎的课堂形式。通过学生按要求组织故事情节,运用所学语言和知识根据情景进行表演,不仅巩固了所学词汇句型,表现了语言的交际能力,亦能发挥学生想象力和幽默感。1. 把班级分为几个小组,在阅读完相关材料之后,讨论下海豚目前的处境以及导致此现象的原因,并做好相关记录。2. 想象你是一条海底的小海豚flipper,你正在为你同伴的去世而感到伤心,这时你遇到了人类,你向他们诉苦,并希望他们能拯救和保护你的朋友们。 相关材料:in hong kong's scenic western harbor, a population of around 120 indo-pacific humpback dolphins, or chinese white dolphins are fighting to survive against barrage of threats: pollution, habitat loss, over fishing, and boat traffic. as you can see from the picture, these dolphins are pink. people who have seen both say they're even pinker than the south american boto. although sousa chinensis is found from south africa to north australia, this coloration is unique to southeast asia. what's killing the dolphins? reclamation construction of the new airport at chep lap kok and the north lantau expressway have destroyed pristine natural coast and shallow marine habitat. more dolphin habitat will disappear when container terminals are built on reclaimed land at yam o and lung kwu tan, both areas frequented by the dolphins. contaminated mud from reclamation is dumped in the seabed just north of the new airport platform. sewage some 150,000 cubic meters of raw sewage (screened, not treated), is dumped into the western harbor area every day. this is scheduled to 700,000 cubic meters a day by the year . sewage includes household toxic wastes such as cleaning fluids, bacteria, and viruses that can affect the dolphins directly, and industrial effluent. organochlorines ddt (a pesticide still used in china) and pcbs (used in the electronics industry) from unidentified sources have been found in tissue samples from the dolphins in very high concentrations. over-fishing hong kong's increasingly sophisticated and virtually unregulated fishing fleet is depleting the dolphins' food supply. hong kong's fish catch peaked in 1989. several dead dolphins have show signs of having been caught and/or tangled in fishing nets. boat traffic while dolphins are usually adept at sensing and staying out of the way of boats, some show signs of collisions. the urmston road shipping channel, with up to 70 vessels an hour, passes right through areas where dolphins are frequently spotted.

活动二:说明:    高中英语的课堂教学强调的是学生对语言的整合运用和充分体现语言的交际功能,所以教师设计的教学活动应该一层深于一层。活动策划给了学生最大程度运用语言的空间,从语言注释输入过度到语言交际输出,以帮助学生习得运用所学语言知识的能力,完成由学习知识向习得能力的转化。同时在合作中增强学生的凝聚力。1. 结合之前的阅读材料和小组讨论内容,起草一份“保护 海豚“的倡议书。2. 教师将整个班级分为几个小组,每一组中确定“记录者”和“汇报者”,并明确职责。3. 先给每一小组看一篇例文作为阅读材料,要求学生快速浏览以寻找倡议书的相关句型和词汇。然后组员间可以就成立这个组织的目的,为解决问题所进行的措施等等进行讨论,时间控制在10分钟以内。 4. 每个小组合作完成自己的宣传方案,并由汇报者向全班做一次模拟演讲。参考例文:idw founded 1978mission statementa non profit organisation for the observation, conservation and study of dolphins - especially their relationship with humans.aims and valuesto make sure the seas and rivers are clean, healthy and productive for the benefit of both humans and dolphins. to respect the rights of dolphins to a free life in their natural environment. to recognise that since earliest times, dolphins have had an affinity with humans and allow this to evolve. achievementsidw has contributed to saving lives of countless dolphins and enabled thousands to achieve their dreams of meeting dolphins, free in the open sea.news and informationfriends of international dolphin watch receive news and exchange information on a host of topics including bargains via monthly e-mail newsletters.friends of international dolphin watch can use the website to share stories about their personal dolphin experiences, projects and fund raising events. strandingsidw has friendly links with organisations with whom it collaborates in the rescue and treatment of stranded and injured marine mammalsnative wisdomidw is forging links with indigenous peoples, such as the australian aborigines, to find ways of applying their ancient wisdom and understanding of the natural world to help solve present ecological problems.revenueidw has always run on a very modest budget. in the past this was derived mainly from members who received printed newsletters through the post. this source of revenue ceased when idw changed to newsletters, edited by jackie connell, that are much more comprehensive and are now available as free downloads. the dolphin shop also contributed to income. this source of revenue has also steadily declined as more dolphin related items have become widely available. as a result idw now has to rely mainly on donations and book and cd sales from the dolphin shopdonationsmost of idw’s activities are conducted by dedicated volunteers. nonetheless money is still needed to cover basic running expenses please help us continue doing what we do by making a donation. you can do this by logging in to the donation section of the dolphin shop or by sending your donation, payable to idw, by post to: international dolphin watch, 10 melton road, n.ferriby, hu14 3et, ukeventsalternatively, you can help by running fund raising events such as the dolphin festival organised by supporter and dolphin devotee flemming larsen in denmark - see october newsletter.where there’s a willanother way to help dolphins

[链接4]说明:    写作作业是(各种工作总结、计划、报告、作文模板,尽在一路高升范文网)要求学生上交一份完整的“保护海豚“的宣传方案,从而将学生在课堂口头表达的内容通过书面的形式再次呈现。在此过程中,学生得以重新整理思路,修饰文字,使语言表达更加的规范化。同时教师可以提供一些网站,使学生得到更多相关于慈善活动的信息,开阔他们的眼界,使他们积极投身到此类活动中去。参考网站:;sdn=healing&cdn=religion&tm=75&gps=370_313_1280_629&f=00&tt=14&bt=1&bts=1&zu=http%3a///

[链接(各种工作总结、计划、报告、作文模板,尽在一路高升范文网)5] 问答竞赛说明:    竞赛的形式比较活跃,容易调动学生的积极性和强烈的参与兴趣。老师将高考题转化成问答竞赛的内容的形式制作成幻灯片,让学生在愉快的形式中加深对该语法点的了解和运用。步骤: 将学生分成4个小组,以小组为单位进行抢答。 共20题,没个题目分值10分,答对但不完整得5分,同一小组队员补答若答对可以得满分,其他小组补答若答对,其他小组得分。 每个小组有一个计分牌(用台历制成,由老师事先准备),由老师进行计分。 比赛结束时,各小组计算得分,胜者给予奖励。 


2024届高三英语the wonders of dolphins教案
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