高三英语The Violence of Nature教案高三英语The Violence of Nature教案高三英语The Violence of Nature教案


高三英语The Violence of Nature教案

高三英语the violence of nature教案module 3the violence of nature 基础自主回顾ⅰ.课标单词1.__________灾难(n.)2.__________引起;导致(vt.)3.__________家具(n.)4.__________埋葬(vt.)5.__________发生(vi.)6.__________袭击(vt. & n.)disastercausefurnitureburyoccurstrike 7.__________毁坏(vt.)8.__________以前的(adj.)9.__________损失;损害(n. & v.)10.__________经历(vt.)→____________有经验的(adj.)11.__________猛烈的;激烈的(adj.)→__________暴力(n.)ruinpreviousdamageexperienceexperiencedviolentviolence 12.__________(火山的)爆发;喷发(vt.)→__________(n.)13.__________可能;可能性(n.)→__________(adj.)→________________(近义词)14.__________吓人的;可怕的(adj.)→__________感到害怕的(adj.)→__________使害怕(vt.)15.__________警告(n.)→__________(v.)erupteruptionpossibilitypossibllikely/probableterrifyingterrifiedterrifywarningwarn ⅱ.常用短语1.____________拾起;搭载;偶然学会;卷起2.____________脱掉;去掉;起飞;兴旺3.____________翻身;翻动4.________________警告某人某事5.____________平均起来pick uptake offturn overwarn sb. of sth.on average 6.____________以……结束7.____________=____________纵火烧,放火烧8.____________在……积极9.____________发生10.____________总共,总计11.____________涉及,提到;参考end up withset fire toset... on firebe active intake placein allrefer to ⅲ.重点句型1.they can destroy houses, but ________ the furniture inside exactly ____________.它们能毁掉房子,却把房内的家具留在原处。答案:leave; where it was2.on average, there are 800 tornadoes in the us each year, ________ about 80 deaths and 1,500 injuries.平均来说,美国每年发生800次龙卷风,造成大约80人死亡,1,500人受伤。答案:causing 3.____________, more than 700 people ____________ and 2,700 had been injured.等到风停时,已有700多人死亡,2700多人受伤。答案:by the time it ended; had been killed4.montserrat is a beautiful small island in the caribbean, only ________________________.蒙特塞拉特岛是加勒比海上的一个美丽的小岛,长仅16千米,宽10千米。答案:16 kilometres long and 10 kilometres wide ⅳ.模块语法1.he said to me, “please sit down.”he ________ me to sit down.2.tom said, “i'm going to london with my father.”tom said ________________ going to london with (请记得收藏本站-一路高升范文网,以获取更多新鲜内容)his father.3.he said, “you are younger than me.”he said i was younger than ________.askedhe washim 4.he said, “mother, the house is on fire.”he told his mother ________ the house ________ on fire.5.he said, “if i have enough time, i'll do it.”he said ________________________________ enough time, he _______________ it. 6.he asked, “are you a party member or a league member?”he asked me _______________________ a party member or a league member.thatwasthat if he hadwould dowhether i was 7.he said, “don't make so much noise, boys.”he ________ the boys _______________ make so much noise.8.the teacher said, “the world is made up of matter.”the teacher said that the world ________ made up of matter.toldnot tois 9.they said, “we'll go there tomorrow.”they said that they ________ go there ________ next/ following day.10.he said, “i'm afraid i can't translate this book.”he said that he ________ afraid ________________ translate ________ book.wouldthewashe couldn'tthat 考点探究解密考 点 解 读 1.experience vt.,n.经历,经验my grandfather experienced great hardships in the old days. ①experienced adj.有经验的②be experienced in 在……方面有经验③inexperienced adj.没有经验的,不熟练的④learn by/through experience 从经验中学习⑤an unforgettable experience 难忘的经历⑥working experience 工作经验 注意:experience作“经验”讲时是不可数名词,而作“经历”讲时是可数名词。误区警示:experience n.“经验”不可数;“经历,体验”可数。mr. brown has thirty years' teaching experience.布朗先生有30年的教学经验.yesterday afternoon frank hawkins was telling me about his experiences as a young man.昨天下午,弗兰克•霍金斯正给我讲述他年轻时的经历。 朗文在线:①the job requires no secretarial experience.这个职位无需秘书工作的经验。②in my experience, these things never last very long.从我的经验来看,这些事情从未长久过。③during the war they experienced at first hand the horror of night bombing raids.在战争期间,他们亲身体验了夜间空袭的恐惧。 命题方向:experience常与effort, skill等以词语辨析题的形式出现。活学巧练:(1)he'd like an ____________ (经验丰富的) doctor to treat him.(2) she has no   ____________(经验)in cooking.(3) please tell us of your _____________ (经历) while in africa.(4) have you ever ____________(体验) real hunger?experiencedexperienceexperiencesexperienced (5)in the after-class activities, the students had plenty of ________ and gained a lot of practical ________.a. exercises; experienceb. practices; experiencec. practice; experienced. exercise; experiences答案与解析:c 句意:在课后活动中,学生拥有大量实践,从而获得许多实践经验。practice表示“实践”时为不可数名词,experience表示“经验”时也是不可数名词。 2.cause n.原因,起因;理由,缘故;事业,目标v.导致,使发生精讲拓展:①cause and effect因果②the cause of  ……的起因③cause for complaint 抱怨的理由 ④be in/for a good cause为了正义事业⑤cause sb. to do sth. 导致某人去做某事⑥cause sb. trouble/problems给某人带来麻烦/问题 误区警示:①cause表示原因后接介词of时,是可数名词;②cause表示理由后接介词for时,是不可数名词。朗文在线:①what was the cause of the accident?那场事故的起因是什么?②how many of them are sympathetic to our cause?他们当中有多少人同情我们的事业?③jimmy's behaviour is causing me a lot of problems.吉米的所作所为给我带来许多麻烦。 命题方向:cause sb. to do sth. 与 cause (sb.) sth.是高考的重要考点。活学巧练:(1)the ________ (原因) why he died young was that he didn't pay attention to his health.(2)carelessness is often the  ________( 原因) of fires.(3)what ________ (导致) your mother to do so?reasoncausecaused (4)cold weather can ________ the crops to die.a.make       b.causec.let            d.have答案与解析:b a、c、d三项都是使役动词,宾补的不定式不带to。 3.strike v.袭击,打击;逮住;给某人以印象n.打击,罢工the violent hurricane struck the city in midnight.①be on strike 在罢工②go on strike 举行罢工③it strikes sb. that 某人突然想到④striking adj.显著的,惊人的⑤flood striken areas 洪涝灾区⑥what strikes sb. most is...某人最感动的是…… 注意:指自然灾害侵袭某一地区时,可用strike也可用hit,但不可用beat或attack。误区警示:strike表示“突然想到,给予……印象”时,往往是物作strike的主语,人作宾语。 朗文在线:①the funny side of the affair suddenly struck her.她突然意识到事情可笑的一面。②the police are forbidden to strike.警察被禁止罢工。③the boston police went on strike in 1919.1919年波士顿警察罢工。 词语辨析:strike,beat与hit①strike指用手或手中的东西给予一次打击或无目的的打击。②beat指连续地、反复地打,但未表明打得多重或用什么打。③hit指有目标地重重一击,hit也可作名词用,表示“打击,打,碰撞,讽刺,(演出等)成功”。命题方向:strike常与beat,hit等以词语辨析的形式出现在高考题中。 活学巧练:完成句子(1) a ball ________(击中) him on the back of the head.(2)tragedy ________(突然发生 ) two days later when tammy was in a serious car accident.(3) we were  ________ (打动) by the generosity of even the poorest citizens.(4) the church clock was  ________(打点)eleven when i reached the village.(5) look at the waves  ________ (拍打) the shore.(6) the car ________(撞上) a post and overturned.struckstruckstruckstrikingbeatinghit (7)it suddenly ________ me how we could improve the situation.a. struck  b. happenedc. occurred  d. realized答案与解析:a b项应为something happened to sb.意为“某人发生了某事”;c项应为it occurred to me that...;d项应为sb. realized...。it suddenly struck me...我突然想到……。句意:我突然想到一个办法可以让我们改善这种局面。 4.ruin vt.破坏;毁坏;使破产;使堕落;n.毁灭;崩溃;废墟 she poured water all over my painting, and ruined it.精讲拓展:①in ruins 一片废墟,落空②bring...to ruin使毁灭,使落空③fall into ruin已成废墟④ruin oneself毁掉自己⑤bring ruin upon oneself自取灭亡 词语辨析:destroy,ruin,damage与spoil①destroy彻底毁坏,不能修复使用,有毁灭的意思。②ruin破坏,毁坏,与destroy接近,但程度稍轻。可用作名词,意为:毁灭,崩溃;废墟。③damage损坏,可重新修好使用。可用作名词,意为 “损坏,损失”,为不可数名词。④spoil损坏,把某物毁坏或破坏某种气氛而令人不快。 活学巧练:we ha(请记得收藏本站-一路高升范文网,以获取更多新鲜内容)d no rain for four months, and the harvest was  ________.a. damaging   b. damagedc. ruining  d. ruined答案与解析:d ruin常用于比喻意义,表示希望、梦想等的“破灭,毁灭,崩溃”等。故收成受损应用ruin。damage表示对物体的损坏。 5.end up结果为……精讲拓展:①end up with+n.doing以……结束(指以某种方式结束)②end up in+n.以……结束(指以某种结果结束)③bring/put... to an end使……终止④come to an end完毕,结束⑤make ends meet收支相抵⑥on end连续地;竖着,直立地 误区警示:end up in后接表示结果的名词,end up with后接表示伴随方式的名词性的词或短语。朗文在线:①the film ended up with the heroine dying.在电影结束时,女主角去世了。②he'll end up in prison if he's not careful.如果他不小心,最后会锒铛入狱的。③we were going to go out, but ended up watching videos.我们原计划外出,但结果却是在家看录像。 命题方向:end up with与end up in是高考的重要考点。活学巧练:if you go on spending like this, you'll end up  ________ a beggar.a.as   b.for   c.in   d.by答案与解析:a end up as a beggar最终沦为乞丐。 6.put out扑灭,熄灭;关灯;给……添麻烦精讲拓展:①put aside忽视,忘记;攒钱②put off 推迟③put on伪装,上演,穿上④put through接通(电话) ⑤put away储存⑥put up张贴,举起⑦put back拨回⑧put forward提出⑨put down(=write down)记下⑩put up with忍耐 误区警示:put out扑灭,熄灭,是及物动词短语。go out熄灭,不及物动词短语,无被动式。the fire went out without firewood.没有木头,火熄灭了。the fire was put out by the firemen.大火被消防队员扑灭了。 朗文在线:①joan put the fire out.琼扑灭了火。 ②he put out his cigarette.他熄灭了香烟。③will it put you out if i bring another guest?我要是多带一位客人来会不会给你添麻烦? 命题方向:put构成的短语常以词语辨析的形式出现在考题中。活学巧练:the forest guards often find campfires that have not been ________completely.a. turned down   b. put outc. put away  d. turned over答案与解析:b 句意:森林守卫员经常发现未被完全扑灭的篝火。put out“扑灭火”;turn down “拒绝”;put away“收拾,储蓄”;turn over“翻转”。 7.in all总共,总计 we visited,in all,20 universities in the u.s..①above all特别是;最重要的是②after all到底,毕竟③at all确实;根本④first of all首先⑤all the same尽管如此,仍…… ⑥all of a sudden=all at once突然⑦all in all从各方面考虑(来说)⑧all  right好的;安全而健康⑨all the better/harder更好,更努力⑩all along一直,始终  (11)not at all(在别人表示谢意时使用)不客气,哪里的话(12)all over遍及(13)all but几乎,差不多(14)all or nothing全力以赴 误区警示:in all在句中常作状语而不可能作谓语。朗文在线:①there were about 800 people in all.总共有800人左右。②does he get no pension at all?他一点儿养老金也没有拿到吗?命题方向:in all,at all,after all,above all常以词语辨析的形式出现在高考题中。 活学巧练:(1)if you want to discuss it with me ________(确实), give me a ring.(2) of course, he's exhausted. ________(毕竟), he's been driving for ten straight hours.(3)you've been nice to me  ________(一直).(4)it  was ________(几乎) impossible to climb back into the boat.(5) news of the holiday was ________(人人皆知) the school  within minutes.at allafter allall alongall butall over 8.pick up拾起,拿起;搭载;(无意中)学会;接收;收拾,整理;加(速度);取(物),接(人);(健康、景气)恢复,变好pick out 选出;认出pick off 摘去,去除pick on 指责,挑剔误区警示:pick up是一个多义词,注意其使用的语境用义。 朗文在线:①the school bus picks up the children three times every day.校车每天接孩子三次。②he picked up english when traveling in america.他在美国旅行时学到了一些英语。③the bus gradually picked up speed and disappeared.汽车逐渐加速后消失了。命题方向:考查pick的不同短语在语境中的辨析。 活学巧练:there were already five people in the car, but he managed ________.a. picking me up    b. picking up mec. to pick me up    d. to pick up me答案与解析:c 句意:在车里已经有五个人了,但他还是设法把我载上了。根据manage to do sth.设法做成某事,可排除a、b两项。pick up短语中up是副词,其宾语是代词时要置于两词之间。 9.on average, there are 800 tornadoes in the us each year, causing about 80 deaths and 1,500 injuries.平均来说,在美国每年有800次龙卷风,造成大约80人死亡,1,500人受伤。causing about 80 deaths and 1,500 injuries 分词短语作状语,表示结果。football is played in over 80 countries, making it the most popular sport in the world.   在80多个国家里都有足球这项体育活动,使它成为世界上最受欢迎的一项运动。 they have been discussing the problem for 2 hours, reaching no agreement at last.他们对这个问题一直讨论了两个小时,最后也没达成协议。 特别提示:分词作状语时,其逻辑主语须与句中主语一致。 hearing the news, they got excited.听到消息,他们都很兴奋。分词短语表示结果与不定式表示结果的区别:分词短语表示动作自身造成的必然结果;不定式表示出乎意料的结果。 his parents died, leaving him an orphan.他父母去世,使他成了孤儿。i hurried there, only to find the door locked.我匆匆赶到那里,结果发现门锁着。 活学巧练:(•成都检测)a lot of coal miners died on the job last year, ________ the local government to shut nearly 500 small mines in shanxi province alone.a. forcing  b. to forcec. forced    d. has forced答案与解析:a 现在分词短语作结果状语,表示所引发的必然后果,不定式则表示意想不到的后果。 10.they can destroy houses, but leave the furniture inside exactly where it was.它们能毁掉房子,却把房内的家具留在原处。①leave+宾语+形容词/动词-ing/过去分词+as-clause/where-clause让……处于某种状态。②此句型中宾语后接的形容词、现在分词、过去分词等用作宾语补足语。 活学巧练:汉译英(1)让一切保持原样。________________________________________________(2)他们走了,让我孤零零一个人坐在那里。________________________________________________(3)你把门窗关紧了吗?________________________________________________(4)他的病使得他身体很虚弱。________________________________________________leave things as they are.they walked off and left me sitting there all by myself.did you leave the doors and windows firmly fastened?his illness has left him very weak. 11.过去完成时的被动语态过去完成时的被动语态由“had been+过去分词”构成,表示某被动动作在过去某时或某动作前已发生或一直发生。句中常用by,before,until,when等词引导时间状语。 活学巧练:(1) it was reported that mr. smith ________by the police for driving his car while drunk.a. killed            b. had been shotc. caught      d. had been caught(2)i was shocked to hear that your house  ________ into.a. was broken      b. brokec. had been broken   d. have been broken (3)—were you late for the film?—yes. half of it ________ by the time we reached the cinema.a.was shown                      b. had been shownc. has been shown              d. had shown(4)the new suspension bridge ________  by the end of last month.a. has been designed       b. had been designedc. was designed               d. would be designed 答案:(1)d (2)c (3)b (4)b 12.直接引语变间接引语时应注意以下事项(1)直接引语变间接引语时,下列情况中的that不可省略:当宾语从句作直接宾语时;当宾语从句中的状语位于从句句首时;当两个或两个以上的宾语从句并列时,仅能省略第一个that,其余的不可省略。 (2)直接引语为一般疑问句变为间接引语时,宾语从句由whether或if引导,选择疑问句与反意疑问句也是如此。(3)直接引语为(请记得收藏本站-一路高升范文网,以获取更多新鲜内容)祈使句时,应注意常变为ask/tell/order sb. to do sth.句型。在let's开头的祈使句中,间接引语常变为suggest doing或suggest+从句。(4)时态的变化若主句谓语动词为现在时态,则从句的时态不用变;  若主句谓语动词是一般过去时,从句的时态应变成相应的过去某种时态。 下列两种情况例外:1)若间接引语表示客观真理,则应仍采用一般现在时。2)直接引语中有具体的过去时间状语,变间接引语时时态不变。(5)指示代词,时间状语,地点状语和动词的变化this—that these—those today—that day yesterday—the day before now—then tomorrow—the next/following day here—there come—go 活学巧练:(1)they said that they would go there ________.a. next day    b. the next dayc. the other day   d.the followed day答案与解析:b 在间接引语中“明天”要用the next day或the following day。不可误选c,c项意为前几天。 (2)he said that light ________much faster than sound.a. traveled    b. travelsc. is traveling   d. had traveled答案与解析:b 间接引语表示客观真理时用一般现在时态。 考 题 演 练1.we firmly believe that war never settles anything. it only ________ violence.a. runs into   b. comes fromc. leads to    d. begins with答案与解析:c 句意:我们坚信战争永远不能解决任何事情,它只能导致暴力。lead to为“导致”之意。 2.there is a great deal of evidence ________ that music activities engage different parts of the brain.a. indicate    b. indicatingc. to indicate   d. to be indicating答案与解析:b 本题考查非谓语动词作定语的用法。此处为现在分词短语在句中作后置定语,修饰evidence,二者之间为主谓关系。 3.i can't leave. she told me that i ________ stay here until she comes back.a. can   b. mustc. will   d. may答案与解析:b 本题考查情态动词。注意常用情态动词的基本用法。句意:我不能走,她叫我必须待在这里直到她回来。情态动词must此处意为“必须”。 4.in our class, when the bell rang and the teacher closed his book, it was a ________ for everyone to stand up.a. signal   b. chancec. mark   d. measure答案与解析:a 本题考查名词词义的辨析。a项“信号”;b项“机会”;c项“记号”;d项“措施”。句中it代替“铃响时教师合上书”这件事,而“它”正是大家要起立的“信号”。 5.what ________ pity that you couldn't be there to receive ________ prize! a. a; a    b. the; ac. a; the    d. the; the答案与解析:c 本题考查冠词的用法。注意区分泛指和特指。句意:你不能去那里领奖简直太遗憾了!第一空为泛指,表示“一件令人遗憾的事”;第二空表示“得到的奖品”,为特指。 6.he ________ as a national hero for winning the first gold medal for his country in the olympics.a. regarded    b. was regardedc. has regarded   d. had been regarded答案与解析:b 考查regard... as...把……认为是……。 7.—what are you reading, tom?—i'm not really reading, just ________ the pages.a. turning off   b. turning aroundc. turning over   d. turning up答案与解析:c 考查“动词+介词/副词”短语间的区别。本题考查turn构成的动词短语。第二句句意:我没在真正看书,我只是在翻书。turn over“翻过一页书(纸)”,符合句意。turn off“关闭”;turn around“完成;提供;生产出”;turn up“调大;出现;发生”。 8.why are you so anxious? it isn't your problem ________.a. on purpose   b. in allc. on time   d. after all答案与解析:d 考查短语的用法。a项为“故意地”;b项为“总共”;c项为“按时”;d项为“毕竟”。句意为:你为什么如此地焦急?毕竟不是你的问题。 9.teenagers ________ their health because they play computer games too much.a. have damaged   b. are damagingc. damaged    d. will damage答案与解析:b 注意不同时态的不同涵义。根据because引导的原因状语的时态,可知前面的时态。 module 3 the violence of nature ⅰ.根据句意,用所给单词或短语的适当形式填空cause put out strike bury take place terrify end up in warn damage injure1.the boss told the clerk that the trouble ________ by his carelessness was very serious.答案:caused 2.without firemen the villagers around tried many ways ________ the fire.答案:to put out 3.when you are caught in a storm, don't stand under a tree, or a lightning may ________.答案:strike4.the flood did little ________because people had  made full preparations.答案: damage5.if you don't make efforts,it is quite possible that you will  ________ failure.答案:end up in  6.people ________ of the dangerous animal didn't dare to come out at night.答案:warned7. he&nbsp(请记得收藏本站-一路高升范文网,以获取更多新鲜内容); met  with  an  accident  and  there  were  several ________ on his body.答案:injuries 8.mary was  ________ at the scene when she saw what had happened.答案:terrified 9.the man living downstairs ________ his head under his pillow (枕头 ) because there were young men singing loudly upstairs.答案:buried 10.great changes ________  in my hometown in the past few years.答案:have taken place ⅱ.单项填空1.there was left________smoke after the plane flew away.a.a line of        b.a column ofc.a pile of         d.a row of答案与解析:b 本句意为“飞机飞过后,留下一根烟柱”。a column of意为“一柱……”;a line of和a row of是“一排,一行”的意思;a pile of意为“一堆”。 2.no one would like to________failures in life but it is a natural part in anyone's life.a.pass    b.havec.experience   d.through答案与解析:c 本句意为“没有人想体验失败,但它是人的生活中的很自然的一部分”。experience意为“体验,经历”,pass和have在这里不能和failure搭配;through是介词不能独自构成不定式。 3.what________you to accept his unfair agreement? which of the following is wrong?a.cause    b.ledc.get    d.made答案与解析:d cause, lead和get都可以接宾语,再接动词不定式作宾补;make接宾语后可以再接不带to的不定式作宾补。 4.on________latitude of south hemisphere (半球) and north hemisphere, the seasons are just the opposite, for example, summer and winter.a.the same   b.differentc.similar    d.opposite答案与解析:a 在南、北半球,只有纬度相等,才能季节相反。严格地讲,相似的纬度不能形成相反的季节。 5.he________his head under his pillow because of the noise from upstairs. but he still couldn't ________ asleep.a.buried; go   b.placed; wentc.buried; fall    d.laid; go to答案与解析:c 本句意为“由于楼上的噪音,他把头压在枕头底下,但还是不能入睡”。第一个空只能用bury,这里不能用place或lay,不是简单地“放置”;fall asleep是“入睡”的意思,还可以说go to sleep。 6.it________to me that we still have many things to do, so i went back to my office at once.a.happened   b.took placec.broke out   d.occurred答案与解析:d 本句意为“我突然想起还有很多事情要做,所以我马上回到办公室”。这里occur表示“(想法,念头等)想起,浮现”,作不及物动词。happen和take place都是“发生,产生;进行”的意思;break out指“(战争、火灾、洪水、瘟疫等)发生、爆发”。 7.i hear that his business________recently.a.takes off   b.is taking offc.succeeds   d.is succeeding答案与解析:b 根据题意“我听说他的生意最近正兴隆”。此处应该用进行时表示现在正发生的事情。succeed不能用进行时形式,所以答案为b项。 8.european football is played in more than 80 countries,________it the most popular game in the world.a.making    b.to make c.made    d.makes答案与解析:a 本句意为“80多个国家都踢欧式足球,使得它成为世界上最流行的运动”。making在这里是v.-ing形式作结果状语。 9.his heart was slightly________as a result of the disease.a.destroyed   b.damagedc.ruined    d.wounded答案与解析:b 本句意为“由于生病,他的心脏轻微受损”。根据语境这里指的是轻微受伤,所以用damage,不能用destroy; ruin意为“毁灭”。 10.the cruel mother________at the poor daughter repeatedly with a stick because she didn't do well in her studies.a.beat    b.hitc.struck    d.knocked答案与解析:c 四个选项中,beat指连续敲打,hit指击中,两个词都常作及物动词;knock at是“敲打”的意思,根据该句的语境,用木棍打某人,应该用strike。 11.he joined the firm as an office boy, but he gained rapid promotion, and________a director.a.ended up    b.ended up inc.ended up with    d.ended up as答案与解析:d 本句意为“他进入公司时是办公室职员,但得到很快的提升,结果成了董事长”。end up as意为“结果成为”。end up with指以某种方式结束;end up in后常接表结果的抽象名词。 12.—the house ________ fire and was destroyed.—who________fire to the house?a.set; caught    b.caught; setc.took; played with   d.was; caught答案与解析:b set fire to意为“放火”,主语是人;catch fire意为“着火”,主语是物。根据上下句的意思,答案是b项。 13.the number of the students in the school has been increasing in recent years and there are eight thousand________. which of the following is wrong?a.in all    b.in totalc.altogether   d.in amount答案与解析:d in all,in total和altogether都可以表示“总共,总计”的意思; amount常用来修饰不可数名词,in amount也常修饰不可数名词,意为“在数量上”。 14.it is a good idea to start a part-time job as long as it does not________your study.a.effect    b.affectc.trouble    d.bother答案与解析:b 本句意为“只要不影响学习,开始一项兼职工作是个好主意”。根据句子语境,只有affect的意思最恰当,意为“影响”。trouble和bother主语经常是有意识的东西。 15.i was still sleeping when the fire________and then it spread quickly.a.broke out   b.put outc.came out   d.got out答案与解析:a 根据and then it spread quickly可知,要填“火着了”。break out指战争、火灾等“爆发”;put out可指“扑灭”(火);come out意为“长出,出现”;get out意为“离开”。 ⅲ.完成/翻译句子1.他的粗心驾车使他送了性命。(cause sb.to do)his careless driving________ ________ ________lose his life. 答案:caused him to2.这座大坝3, 830米长。(in length)the dam is 3,830________ ________ ________.答案:metres in length 3.树吸收二氧化碳放出氧气。(take in)trees________ ________carbon dioxide and give out oxygen.答案:take in4.china is situated in one of the most active earthquake regions in the world and there have been many terrible earthquakes._______________________________________________答案:中国位于世界上最活跃的地震带之一,这里一直有很多后果可怕的地震。 5.we are all in the position of the farmer. if we plant a good seed, we get a good harvest. if our seed is poor and the field is full of weeds, we harvest a useless crop. if we plant nothing at all, we harvest nothing at all.________________________________________________________________________答案:我们每个人都像是农夫。撒下良种将有丰收;播下劣种或任由田地生满野草将毁去收成;没有耕耘将会一无所获。 ⅳ.阅读理解flu is a common infection of the nose and throat, and sometimes the lungs. the cause is a virus that passes from one person to another. the virus spreads through the air when an infected person expels air suddenly.  flu develops after the virus enters a person's nose or mouth. the flu causes muscle pain, sudden high body temperature, breathing problems a(请记得收藏本站-一路高升范文网,以获取更多新鲜内容)nd weakness. generally, most people feel better after a week or two. but the flu can kill. it is especially dangerous to the very young, the very old and those with weakened defenses against disease. medical experts have recognized for some time that people become infected with flu during the winter months. but they did not really know why until recently.american researchers say they now know why the flu virus spreads in the winter and not in the summer. they say it is because the virus remains in the air longer when the air is cold and dry. researchers in new york carried out twenty experiments with guinea pigs to investigate how the virus spreads. the researchers found the virus spread the most when the temperature was about five degrees celsius and the humidity was twenty percent. few of the guinea pigs developed flu as the temperature increased.  the virus stopped spreading completely at thirty degrees celsius and eighty percent humidity. the researchers also found that the animals spread the virus among themselves nearly two days longer when the temperature was low. one of the researchers said the study shows that flu virus is more likely to infect people during an outdoor walk on a cold day than in a warm room. he said cold air helps the virus survive in the air and low humidity helps it stay there longer. that is because particles of the virus ride on the extremely small drops of water floating in the air. when the air is very humid, water droplets fall to the ground more quickly. the researchers say, however, that people should not stay in warm places all the time in cold weather to avoid the flu. they say the best way to prevent the sickness is to get yearly injections of a vaccine that prevents flu. 1. from the passage we can conclude that ________.


高三英语The Violence of Nature教案
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