人教版高一(下)英语教案Unit 22 A World of fun人教版高一(下)英语教案Unit 22 A World of fun人教版高一(下)英语教案Unit 22 A World of fun


人教版高一(下)英语教案Unit 22 A World of fun

人教版高一(下)英语教案unit 22 a world of fununderstanding of the teaching material(语篇分析)第22单元reading:theme parks 是一篇介绍主题公园的说明文。它一共由4段组成,包括主题公园的定义、特点,针对the world park of china, the ocean park of hong kong, disneyland in california 等主题公园的描述和对未来新兴主题公园的展望;让学生体会、概括主题公园为何如此受人们喜爱的事实理由。这是一篇介绍主题公园的说明文。它包括主题公园的定义、特点 ;也引导学生联想主题公园的未来发展 。让学生学习知识的同时能扩大视野,感受新 事物带来的刺激和兴奋,同时也让学生了解主题公园并不同于传统的公园,它不仅供人们娱乐放松,而且寓教育中。teaching objectives:一。learning objectives:  ability objects: 1. cultivate the ss’ ability of comprehending  passages ,especially their ability of analyzing the structure of such kind of articles.2.offer the ss chances of self-culture by working in groups and seeking information about theme parks. 3.enable the students to tell theme parks from traditional amusement parks and give the reasons why theme parks are so popular. knowledge objects: 1.help the ss further understand the passage and finish the relevant tasks correctly. and enable the ss to learn ---ing form used as adverbial.2.learn the usages of the following words and phrases: base…on, in common, divide, admire, risk etc.3..and help the ss learn how to design their own theme parks .二. emotional goals:1. 通过这个单元的学习,知道人民的创造力的无限的,在以后的学习中充分发挥他的创造力。2. 人们在努力工作努力学习的同时, 享受美好生活也是必要的。teaching approaches:1. task----based teaching method to finish the teaching assignment.                    2. activity---based teaching  class work                          individual work                          group work 3 .fast reading to find out some general information .4.careful reading to find the details in  the passage. 5.questions  and answers for inducing.6.inductive method to make the ss understand the text better.teaching diffic(请记得收藏本站-一路高升范文网,以获取更多新鲜内容)ult points:1. seeking information about theme parks.2.tell theme parks from traditional amusement parks and give the reasons why theme parks are so popular. 3.to learn -ing form used as adverbial.teaching aids(略)。teaching procedures:step1. presentation  t: this world is full of fun. all of us like to have fun. most of us have ever been to parks and zoos. and with the development of our country ,more and more people are becoming richer and richer. they are not satisfied with safe and boring life .as a result ,they will try some adventure sports for an immediate pleasure .in this class ,we’re going to learn reading ----theme parks . step2. leading in  (warming up):task1. watch and discuss.1. show a short play of donald duck.t:before we go into the text, we  will enjoy a short play.  and after watching the play, you have to answer some questions. ask some information about the short play. q1.are you familiar with the characters in the play?     who are they?     (quite right .donald duck. )do you know his partner, another famous character? (very good. mickey mouse )q2.where can you see them? in which park? (disneyland )q3.what kind of park is disneyland? (theme park ) task2. report about experiences tell the experiences (individual and class work). get the ss to answer the following questions:q1.which theme  park have you ever been to? do you like it? why?.q 2.have you ever tried sitting in a roller coaster and have you ever experienced bungee jumping?q3.how did you feel? / what makes it unforgettable?t: as we all know, a theme park is a wonderful park. it has its own theme. it has a collection of rides, exhibitions and other attractions.  what can you see in a theme park? something we talked about in warming up? free fall ride, roller coaster, bungee jumping, rafting, rock climbing, scary film get ss to describe some of the adventure sports , eg .roller coaster, bungee jumping, rafting, etc .then ask the  ss. do you want to play those games? the ss may discuss for a while.t: then welcome to theme park, and let’s enjoy it. next ,let’s come to pre-reading .ok, please look at the qs on p66 pre-reading. are you ready?step3.pre-reading t: good .ok. i’ll ask some of you to give your answers. each of you answers one question. who’d like to try the first one? volunteers! 1.   what do you think you can see in a theme park?2.   what do you think about adventure sports?3.   does your town or city have a theme park? what can you do there?4.   is a theme park different from a traditional park?  why? 5.   which one do you like better , a theme park or a traditional park? why? get the ss to focus more attention on the last two questions .encourage them to have an extensive discussion . step4.  reading . after colleting answers. tell ss :t:  as we have  talked about, a  theme park is a type of park where you can have fun riding on big machines such as a roller coaster, fast cars and bungee jumping, and where the whole park is based on one subject such as water or space travel. next ,we’ll learn more about the theme parks. first .let’s come to the text ,and finish the following tasks.task 1. skimming (一)1.ask the ss  the following questions  t: please read the text quickly and try to find the answers to the following questions . ( this activity is designed to improve the ss’ ability to find relevant information in   a short while .)(1) what’s a theme park ?a theme park is a collection of rides , exhibitions or other attractions that are based on a common theme .(2 .)how many theme parks are mentioned in the passage ?   and what are they ?five .  they are the world park , china ethnic culture park , ocean park in hong kong , disneyland in california and universal studios in florida. (3 ) what do the parks have in common ?what they all have in common is that they combine fun with the opportunity to learn something .(4.)what’s the difference between a theme park and a  traditional amusement park ?unlike traditional amusement parks , theme parks often want to teach visitors something.(.5)what’s the writing skill of  the  text? the writer grasped the main features of the described theme parks.(二)ask the ss to read the text and get the main ideas of each paragraph.t: please read the text once again  and get the main ideas of each paragraph.para. 1  theme parks are not traditional like amusement parks and often teach visitors something too.para. 2 : theme parks try to make sure that visitors leave knowing more about their theme .para. 3 : there are some famous theme parks in america.para. 4 : theme parks are becoming more and  more popular around the world.question : what can people do if they are at universal studios ?they can go on exciting rides where they can and  feel what it is like to do the things they have  seen their heroes do in the movie.task 2 scanning (1)listen to the tape and do some true or false statements t:ok. let’s come to t/f qs. please listen to the tape carefully and  judge whether the following statements are true or false. are you ready. there we go. (show the following on the screen. play the tape for the ss to follow .while listening the ss will fulfill their task. check the answers with the whole class. ) 1.the world park is the largest park in the world. 2.every year, there are more than five hundred thousand students visiting ocean park. 3.ocean park is divided into two sections, including the headland and the lowland. 4.new disney parks have opened only in the us. 5.disneyland in california was the first theme park to become popular around the world. 6.at universal, all the rides and activities are based on universal pictures movies. suggested answer :t3。6。f1。2。4。5(2)individual work: get the ss to read through the first three paragraphs. then fill in the form below. ask the ss  to fill the following form according to the text:t:now,please read text quickly to  find out the themes  and attractions about each park and fill in the following form:show the form on the screen  group work: t: you can discuss with your  patteners , exchange your ideas and prepare to report your answer. who’d like to have a try ? volunteer! t : well here are suggested answers, please look at the screen .show answers on  the screen .title  theme parks (people can have fun and experience sth. different.)part  parks  themes  attractions 1  the world park  to teach visitors sth… to help experience sth  buildings, castles, statues, customs of chinese minorities, cartoon characters, animals 2  the ocean park  to get visitors to know more about the idea.. to help people to explore the past.  thrills and entertainment; rides, opportunities to learn about life in the ocean, a conversation center, the dinosaur exhibition, the two giant pandas… 3  disneyland  walt disney and his characters.  cartoon characters, rides, games, exhibitions; universal   4  new theme parks are being built. task 3    thinking     t: this time you are asked to think ac(请记得收藏本站-一路高升范文网,以获取更多新鲜内容)tively and try your best to answer the questions  as follows:q1.what is the common feature of the parks?         q2.what should the parks  make sure?         q3.  how do people feel after they enter   universal studios?         q4.   which theme park will you visit ? why?step 5.  careful-reading task1.fast reading with some more questions .get the ss to read the text and find out the answers to another  questions. t:  this time, you are asked to read the passage carefully and find out the answers to the following questions. please look at the questions on the  screen . show    the questions on the  screen .  1. what's a theme park meant for?                            a. thrills            b. entertainment         c. education           d  . fun of knowledge  2. which is china's largest theme park?                         a. the china ethnic culture park    b. ocean park      c. the world park      d. universal studios 3. which of the following is not true about ocean park?      a. the park is made up of two sections.                    b. the people coming here can both have fun and experience something different.      c. it's in the ocean.      d. pandas can be seen here.  4. which of the following is not what people do at the disney parks?                                                                   a. meet mickey mouse and his friends.          b. admire an and jia and jia, the two giant pandas.      c. enjoy rides and games.            d. look at exhibitions.  5. the main idea of the last paragraph of this passage is _____.                                                                           a. the theme parks are popular with people.         b.  how many new theme parks are built?      c. what can you experience in the theme parks?     d. the theme parks are safe.(keys:1----5 dccba) t: have you finished ? good .let’s check the answers .task2.篇章结构:get the ss to read text once more and try to find out how the text is organized. let them discuss in groups and then show the answer on the screen.篇章结构:  what is a theme park?


three parks      what do people attractions        experience and learn?

theme parks in the future.task3.listening and reading aloud1. t: well. next , please listen to the tape of the passage carefully and understand it further. at the same time ,pay attention to the stress and intonation of the longer sentences .2. t: well.  now, please read the text aloud. i’ll divide the whole class into two groups ,please read text  alternately paragraph by paragraph , and compete which group does better.3. t: while reading ,pl(请记得收藏本站-一路高升范文网,以获取更多新鲜内容)ease pay special attention to the difficult sentences and structures. after the practice, we are going  to deal with the language points.step6.language points1. base sth. on/upon sth. else be based on eg. this story is based on facts. e.g. the play is based on a novel of the same name. 2. what they all have in common is that they combine fun with the opportunity to learn something. (1) 句子前半部分what they all have in common 是一个以what引导的主语从句,后半部分that they combine fun with the opportunity to learn something是一个以that引导的表语从句。 _________he said/ did is very important. ( what) _________he will come has been decided. (that/ when) _________ he will come has not been decided. (whether / when) what 所…… 引导主语从句,在从句中作宾语 that引导主语从句,没有意义, 引导表语从句,that不能省略,引导宾语从句,that可以省略。2. in common have sth. in common in common with 3.combine…with eg. some films combine education with recreation. 4.divide v. 1).分,分割,把…分成(若干部分).常与into 或 from 连用。 after the war the country was divided into three parts. divide 侧重于把原来的整体分成若干部分。separate 指把原来联合在一起或靠近的人或物分离开来。(多与from 搭配使用) (1).the worlds is divided into five continents.  (2).separate your things from mine. 5.having enjoyed the rides at the headland, visitors can take the shuttle to the lowland. having… 现在分词完成式作时间状语(enjoy 动作在take 之前发生) having finished the work, he went back home on foot. =after he had finished………   eg:1. having watered the vegetables, they began to pick up the apples.     2. having finished the work, he went back home on foot.   3.having been told many times, he still couldn't understand it.practice: choose the best answer.1). _____d__ english well, and you’ll find it very important. 2). ____c___ english well is very important to us. 3). ___b____ english well, i bought a dictionary. 4). ____a___ english for three years, he can use it freely. a. having learned b. to learn c. learning d. learn5).(’04北京,29)___c___ in the queue for half an hour , tom suddenly realized that he had left his wallet at home.a. to wait  b. have waited  c. having waited  d. to have waited 6). (XX高考全国卷ⅲ)the storm left,_ _d__ a lot of damage to this area.a. caused   b. to have caused    c. to cause    d. having caused6. learn about = know about / of  7. one of the first + n.(pl.) + to do sth.     one of the first + n.(pl.) + 定语从句    第一批......的之一    eg:1. he was one of the first to collect picasso's paintings.    2. one of the first things annie did was to teach me how to play.8. go on (visitors can go on exciting rides where----- para3)1) (时间)过去pass as time went on, things began to change. 2) 继续下去continue we were all tired out, so we couldn\'\'t go on. 3) 发生,进展(get on / along) how is the work going on? go on with sth. 继续做(同一件事但一度中断) go on doing sth. 继续做(同一件事) go on to do sth. 继续做(另一件事) practice :complete the following sentences using the phrase given .go on / go on with / go on doing / go on to do 1.i couldn't finish my homework, so i have to _go on with it tomorrow. 2.i went on to tell (tell)a story just after i read the passage. 3.how did you _go on in your examination? 4.i hope it won't _go on raining_(rain) all day. 5.after the lecture he _went on to talk(talk)about the world situation9. many people come to theme parks looking for thrills and entertainment, 句中looking for thrills and  entertainment用作状语,表伴随.如:     he sat in the armchair, reading the newspaper.     the children ran away, running and laughing.practice: choose the best answer.(XX高考全国卷ⅲ) “you can’t catch me!” janet shouted, _____ away. a. run    b. running    c. to run       d. ran         (b)step7.post-reading.answer the questions from question 1 to question 3 in post-reading. (1). how are theme parks different from traditional amusement parks? theme parks offer a larger variety of attractions and may teach something. they have special celebrations and kinds of food to eat. the admission charge is also much more expensive. (2). why are theme parks so popular throughout the world ?? people want more than just fun. people want to learn something when they visit a park.(请记得收藏本站-一路高升范文网,以获取更多新鲜内容) theme parks show us the world and teach us about nature. (3). what do people do at theme parks besides looking at exhibitions? people go on rides, eat, watch others, and just relax.step8.consolidation task1.ask the ss to fill the chart below:amusementtheme parks teachingworld park    theme :  various building styles  in over 30 countries out of chinaethnic cultural   theme: different customs, costumes and cultures of china’s 55 minorities ocean park    theme: life in the ocean–-- their  habitats and  protectiondisneyland    theme: walt disney’s      cartoon charactersuniversal studios   theme: movietask2. finish the following passage according to what we learned today. now theme parks are popular around the world. unlike traditional amusement parks, they can both _entertain_ and _educate_ visitors to make sure they leave knowing_ more about their theme. what they all have in common is that they combine_( fun )with the opportunity  to learn something. a good _example of such parks is ocean park in hong kong. visitors to ocean park will find all the rides and attractions_ that can be found in most parks. besides_, they can also learn about life_ in the ocean. new theme parks are being built across the world. they are becoming more advanced_ and new technology_ allows us to experience almost everything without actually being in _danger_ or risking injury. task 3. word study find words in the passage that mean the following t:now ,please go through the text quickly and match the given words to the following descriptions.attraction,amusement ,minority ,entertainment,thrill1.to make someone laugh or to entertain someone (para1) amusement 2.sth that makes people want to go to a place (para2) attraction 3.a small national group of people in society (para1) minority 4.an exciting feeling (para2) thrill 5.activities that entertain people (para2) entertainment task4.discussing:1. answer the questions according to the passage about theme parks. 1.which park is china's largest theme park? 2.what can you do at the world park in china? 3.what can we learn at the china ethnic culture park? 4.what's the theme of the disney parks? 5.which section of the ocean park, in hong kong should you go to if you want to learn about the giant dinosaur's footprints? step9.summary and homework summary:  t: in this class,  we’ve learnt a lot about theme parks, we’ve talked about the difference between traditional parks and theme parks and what people can enjoy in different theme parks.    we also learnt -ing form used as adverbial. this “having enjoyed … …” means the subject has finished an action  before he does another. the form is used to emphasize two actions that happen in different times.homeworkt:today’s homework :1. after class ,you should read the te(请记得收藏本站-一路高升范文网,以获取更多新鲜内容)xt again and again and try your best to retell one of the theme parks mentioned in our text.2.finish word study on p68.3.preview grammar :the ---ing form used as adverbial.4. finish the reading part of the workbook.5. get on line to search the information of a certain theme park that you are  interested in and write a short description about that. activity1:      suppose you are the manager of the world park of beijing…tell about your attractions to the visitors. design a theme park and exchange ideas in class by interviewing. activity: students think up ideas about building a certain theme park, write and report the design, the place, the building time, the reason, hope... name  theme  attractions  others’ ideas for this park                                              (attention: one form is for your ideas while the rest is for others’.)  activity2: designing     此项任务突出学生情感态度的交流与创新能力的培养design a theme park and exchange ideas in class by interviewing (采访)others tips : your dialogue must contain the following points :the name , the theme , attractions, foods , restaurants , cost … …activity3. list ideas for an “english-speaking world park”, using the form of page67. t:suppose you will build an english-speaking world park,where visitors will learn english 。but you must think up good-and –funny ways in which people can learn english。you mu(请记得收藏本站-一路高升范文网,以获取更多新鲜内容)st consider what want learn and how they can learn while visiting it。now i’ll divide our class into eight groups. then discuss the questions .after that ,please fill in the form on p67 .

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人教版高一(下)英语教案Unit 22 A World of fun
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