


XX届高三英语精品复习资料:英语阅读理解【命题趋向】XX年高考阅读试题的命题方式和去年基本保持一致。命题特点如下:1. 阅读理解题型为:主旨大意题;分析推理题;细节理解题;猜测词义题;以细节判断试题为主。通过捕捉细节、 分析细节、 归纳正确答案。2. 阅读材料的选择尽量作到体裁分布均匀,题材多样,语言地道,材料多为最近几年国内外报刊、杂志上具有时代性的原汁原味的文章。有很强的时代气息。3. 阅读文理解试题体裁广泛,一般有记叙文,议论文,说明文和应用文。4. 题材涉及内容广,有科普类、人物传记、故事类、历史文化类、广告和新闻报道类、社会热点和地理类。5. 试题难度适中,试卷包括难题 中等和容易试题。中等为主 、体现了大纲的要求。6. 阅读速度要求每分钟60单词。7. 加大了深层次理解试题和篇章结构试题的考查力度。8. 新课标试题有新的变化,增加了阅读表达试题。广东省阅读理解中加入了匹配试题。【题型分布】

    细节理解试题    推断试题 主旨大意试题 词义猜测试题XX年全国卷 9     6          3           1XX年全国卷 7     9          2           2XX年全国卷 7     9          2           2

【例题解析】1.事实细节理解:细节试题答案与原文相关联,在文中能直接找到答案。命题多与特殊问句、是非题,数字题有关。secretary.part time.20 hours a week.busy doctor`s office.experience preferred.good typing.call 555-2438baby sitter 3 to 6 weekday afternoons.i will take you home.$ 5 an hour, call 555-5593.guitar lessons.your home or mine.experienced musician.master`s degree in music  call louise 555-6131.tenth street block party.july 15.noon to 8.food, games, prizes, live band.tenth street between main and north.apartment for rent.3 sunny rooms on high floor, great view.separate kitchen.wall-to-wall carpeting.the living room can be used as dining room.email :taxi driver wanted. full or part time.experience necessary.a good knowledge of the city is required. call 555—8860 between 9 am and 5 pm weekdays.a stereo system for sale.it has two speakers.the system has am/fm radio.it also has a tape deck and turntable.it is in good condition.the stereo was owned for only one year.the price is $ 200 including the speakers.the owner will also take the highest price offered if the asking price is not met.call bill after 6 pm at 555-9834. 2.数字细节题:这类考查的是学生对文中提供的数据与文中其他信息的关系的理解及加工的能力。how many of the seven ads are placed by people who want to hire someone for a certain job ?four b.three c.two d.five 答案:b. 解析:根据第一、二 、六段开头的信息,可知有三个广告招聘人。3.正误细节试题:试题结构如下:1.which of the following statements is not true according to the passage ?2.which of the following could not expected.3.which of the following is true ?4.which of the following is not mentioned in the second paragraph ?which of the following is true ?a.those who have some experience in office work will have a better chance to get the job of secretary.b.the owner of the stereo will never sell his stereo at a price less than $ 200.c.the taxi driver is not not necessarily familiar with the city.d.the tenth street block party will last until after 8答案:a. 解析:根据广告1中的experience preferred。广告6中experience necessary,可知答案a是真实的。根据广告7中the price is $ 200 including the speakers.the owner will also take the highest price offered if the asking price is not met.。可知道b 不真实。根据广告6中,a good knowledge of the city is required.可知c不真实。根据广告4中,是十点到八点,故此。d 不真实。4.主旨大意题:此题考查学生把握全文主题和理解中心思想的能力。出试题的模式多为:1.which of the following would be the best title ?2.the passage is mainly about _____.3.the writer`s purpose is that _____.4.the main idea of the article is ____.5.from the passage we learn that ______.6.the key point of the passage is ___.7.the article mainly tells us about ____.8.in the passage the writer argues that ____.说明文一般有主题句,所以寻找主题句显得尤其重要,一般主题句在句首,有时候在句末。有时候,有的说明文、议论文的主题句要通过每段的主题句归纳得出。if you are like most students, you probably read both at home and outside your home: perhaps somewhere on your school yard and maybe even at work during your breaks.your reading environment can have a great effect on your understanding, so you give some thought to how you can create or choose the right reading environments.the environment allows to stay alter and to keep all of your attention on the text, especially when it is both interesting and difficult.   when you are at home, you can usually create effective conditions for reading.you might want to choose a particular place –a desk or table, for example –where you always read.make sure the place you choose is well lighted, and sit in a chair that requires you to sit straight.reading in a chair that`s too soft and comfortable is likely you make you sleepy!keep your active reading tools (pens, markers, notebooks or paper )and a dictionary close at hand.    before you sit down for a reading period, try to reduce all possible interruptions.turn off your phone, the television, and the radio.tell your family members or roommates that you will be busy for a while.if necessary, put a “do not disturb ” sign on your door!the more interruptions you must deal with while you read, the harder it will be to keep your attention on the task at hand.what would be the best title for the text ?what to read  b.the ways to reduce possible interruptionsc  creating an effective reading environmentd.  how to read fast 答案:c 解析:本文是说明文,主题句是第一段第二句。意思是怎样创设良好的阅读环境。5.推断试题:这类题主要考查学生对文章句与句、段与段之间的逻辑关系的理解,如何推测文章表面信息的深层含义、判断作者的意图、态度、观点、语气.这类试题的结构如下:*the passage is probably written for __________.*what is implied but not stated ?*the paragraph is probably taken from ____* it can be inferred in the story that ______.*the writer implied that ___________.*what`s the writer`s attitude towards ______?*what can be concluded from the passage ?*what is the writer`s purpose ?*from the passage we can draw a conclusion that _____.our village carpenter, john hill,came one day and made a dining table for my wife.he made it just the right size to fill the space between the two windows.when i got home that evening, john was drinking a cup of tea and writing out his bill for the job.  my wife said to me quietly, “it is ninth cup of tea today.”but she said in a loud voice, “it is a beautiful table, dear, isn`t it ?”“i`ll decided about that when i see the bill ”i read : one dining table, 10 november, 1989. cost of wood :$ 17.00paint :$ 1.50 work:8 hours ($1 an hour) $ 8.00total :$36.50  when i was looking at the bill, john said, “it is been a fine day, hasn`t it ? quite sunny. ”“yes”i said “i`m glad it is only the 10th of november.”“me, too” said john, “you wait.it`ll be a lot colder by the end of the month ”“yes, colder …and more expensive ! dining tables will be be $ 20 more expensive on november 30th, won`t they, john ?”john looked hard at me for half a minute.was there a little smile in his two blue eyes ?i gave his bill back to him.“if it isn`t too much trouble, john, ”i said, “please add it up again and you can forget the date.”i paid him $ 26.50 and he was happy to get it.1.why did john talk about the weather when the writer was looking at the bill ?because he didn`t want the writer to go through the bill carefully. because it was really a fine day because he wanted the writer to check the bill carefully because he wanted to tell the writer what the weather was like.答案:a解析:本题是推断试题,根据上下文语境,john 故意分散作者注意力,使作者不能仔细查帐目。2.from the story we know that ____.a.john made a mistake in the bill b.john tried to fool the writer in order to get more money for his work.c.john had written out the bill before the writer got home.d.john still wanted to get $ 36.50 for his work in the end.答案:b解析:本题是推断判断题,根据上下文,作者查帐,john故意说话,是要愚弄作者。6.猜测词义:根据上下文或句子意思猜测单词或短语的意思。试题结构如下:*the word “…”in the first paragraph probably means ___.*the underlined phrase “…”in the article probably means ____.*the word “it”in the last paragraph refers to ____.*in line 6, the word “…”could best be replaced by ____.*“…”is a synonym for ____.

london thursday july 26 (reuters)---eddy missed his girlfriend anna so much he flew back to britain from australia to propose to her.the problem is she did the same in the opposite direction.  he and anna even managed to miss each other when they sat in the same airport waiting room in singapore at the same time to wait for connecting flights.   ….the underlined word “miss”in paragraph 2 most probably means _____.a.fail to meet b. fail to understand c. escape from d long to see答案:a 解析:根据第二段可知,他们在同一个候机室,可没看见彼此。【专题训练与高考预测】                 agrown-ups know that people and objects are solid. at the movies, we know that if we reach out to touch tom cruise, all we will feel is air. but does a baby have this understanding? to see whether babies know objects are solid. t. bower designed a method for projecting an optical illusion(视觉影像)of a hanging ball. his plan was to first give babies a real ball, one they could be expected to show surprised in their faces and movements, all the 16 to 24-week-old babies tested were surprised when they reached for the illusion and found that the ball was not there.grown-ups also have a sense of object permanence. we know that if we put a box in a room and lock the door, the box will still be there when we come back. but does a baby realize that a ball that rolls under a chair does not disappear and go to never-never land?experiments done by bower suggest that babies develop a sense of object permanence when they are about 18 weeks old. in his experiments, bower used a toy train that went behind a screen. when 16-week-old and 22-week-old babies watched the toy train disappear behind the left side of the screen, they looked to the right, expecting it to re-appear. if the experiment took the train off the table and lifted the screen, all the babies seemed surprised not to see the train. this seems to show that all the babies had a sense of object permanence. but the second part of the experiment showed that this was not really the case. the re-searcher substituted(替换) a ball for the train when it went behind the screen. the 22-week-old babies seemed surprised and looked back to the left side for the train. but the 16-week-old babies did not seem to notice the switch(更换).thus,the 16-week-old babies seemed to have a sense of “something permanence,” while the 22-week-old babies had a sense of object permanence related to a particular object. 1.the passage is mainly about        .a.babies’sense of sight b.effects of experiments on babies c.babies’understanding of objects d.different tests on babies’feelings2.in paragraph 3, “object permanence” means that when out of sight, and object           .a.still exists  b.keeps its shape  c.still stays solid  d.is beyond reach3.what did bower use in his experiments?a.a chair     b.a screen    c.a film     d.a box4. 39.which of the following statements is true?a.the babies didn’t have a sense of direction.b.the older babies preferred toy trains to balls.c. the younger babies liked looking for missing objectsd.the babies couldn’t tell a ball from its optical illusion.                          b  the three gorges (三峡)dam, the largest dam in the world, is also the largest engineering project on the face of the earth. it aims to make the mother of all floods, the changjiang river, into a tame river and it will be the largest power source for much of eastern and central china.it will create a huge, deep-water lake, and make it possible for 10,000 ton ocean going ships to sail 15,000 miles inland from the pacific to the city of chongqing with its 30 million people, making it the word’s largest river port.construction has already started. the dam will be a-bout 6,860 feet long and 611 feet high, at a spot called sandouping near yichang.after many years of investigation(调研)experts have drawn a conclusion that this grand project will do a great deal of good. the most important thing is flood control.by building a dam instead of new coal plants to meet its growing demand for electricity, china will give off much less poisonous gases into the air.however, some scientists don’t agree to the project. they say that chongqing and dozens of other cities along the river will put much waste into the reservoir(水库),which can do harm to people, fish and other living things that depend on the river. sedimentation(沉积)and damage of a breach (决口)are problems, too.the three gorges dam could be considered, when it is finished in ,a new eighth wonder of the world as to the size alone.5. which is not the purpose to build such a huge dam?a.to make electricity.          b.to prevent floods. c.to improve navigation(运输)   d.to make it a wonder.6. where does the dam lie ?a.near chongqing.    b.near yichang.c.in the three gorges   d.in wuhan.7. it will take about             to complete the dam.a.eight years   b.more than ten yearsc.half a century         d.more than twenty years.8. some scientists fear that          .a.when the dam is built, the balance of nature may be destroyedb. sedimentation may occur c.a breach may cause millions of people to die or to be homelessd.electricity will not be as much as expected9. according to the passage, which of the following statements is not right?a.when finished, the dam will be one of the main bases of power source of china. b.people have different ideas about the setting up of the dam c.it will take many years to build the dam because people want to see whether it will be safe and strong enough. d.chongqing will become the largest river port in the world when the dam is finished.cforeigners are likely to acquire(获得)more investment opportunities in china since the central government has passed a fresh regulation to tuesday to attract foreign capital(资本)the regulation, which will take effect on april 1, out-lines how china will expand co-owned enterprises re-form(企业改革)according to the regulation, overseas investors are expected to become shareholders (请记得收藏本站-一路高升范文网,以获取更多新鲜内容)in the key state-owned enterprises. overseas investors will even  allowed to hold the controlling stake(控股)in the large state-owned enterprises, except for those of key importance to national or economic security.“china’s wto membership has reduced the risks and costs for foreign investors, and more capital and advanced techniques and expert knowledge or skill are expected to flown in,”an official said.in particular, the new regulation appeals(makes an ear-nest request) for capital for agricultural technology, transportation, energy and new material industry, the service industry, including banking, will gradually become another focal point of co-operation.the country hopes foreign investors start businesses in the western regions, where they will enjoy more favourable taxation policies for the nest 10years.10.a great deal of foreign capital has come to china because       .a  the foreign investors have too much money b  there are too many enterprises in china c  china is a large country d  china’s reform will bring great benefit to the foreign investors 11.if foreign investors start their business in the west-ern regions, they will        .a pay more taxes     b lose more benefit     c offer more taxes  d gain more advantages 12.which of the following statements is not true? a.foreign capital is appealed for to develop the new material industry.b.foreign capital is appealed to take part in china’c.foreigners are encouraged to take part in china’s enterprises reform.d.foreign investors can hold the controlling stake of all the large state-owned enterprises.13.from the passage we can infer that china’s service industry will    in future.’a fall behind others   b. develop at the same speed as now c.be developed rapidly d.continue co-operation with foreigners d.mrs keller had a big family.her husband had a factory in the town.one of her sons was a lawyers and the other two were drivers.and her two daughters worked in the post office.the old woman stayed at home and could do all housework and wouldn`t employ anybody.  one evening, the telephone rang while the old woman was preparing supper.she went to answer it.she was told that one of her sons died in a traffic accident.she heard this and fell in a faint.when she came back to life, she was in hospital.and she needed to be helped after that.  several months later she was told on the telephone her daughter died while she was being operated on.the old woman was so sad that she had to be in hospital again.from then on she was afraid to answer any telephones and sometimes she was afraid hear the bell.of course it brought them some trouble and some important business was held up.so her husband advised her to see a psychiatrist.the man examined her carefully and then asked her some questions.  “you will soon be all right if you follow my advice, mrs keller”said the psychiatrist.the old woman took the medicine the doctor gave on time and tried to forget her dead son and daughter.and two months later she went to see the psychiatrist again.“you have saved me, doctor, ”the old woman said, as soon as she saw him.“are you afraid to answer the telephone now ?”“no,”answered keller.“i dare answer it whether it rings or not ”14.mrs keller could do all housework because ______.a.she had no money to employ a helper.b.she was strong enough to do all at home c.she didn`t believe anybody d.only she was free at home 15.the old woman fell in a faint because _____a.she went to answer the telephone.b.she was very ill that evening c.she walked in the room carelesslyd.she heard the news about her son`s death.16.after she came out of hospital, mrs keller wasn`t ___as before.a.strong b.able c.clever d.sad 17.___made the old woman not answer the telephone.a.the doctor`s advice b.her husband`s suggestionc.her poor health  d.the two pieces of bad news elondon ---“everyone has one !” lucy declared to her parents, trying to get a cell-phone as a gift for her 14th birthday.her parents gave in.curious  to know how her daughter would use the phone, jane bidder, the mother, followed lucy to the school bus in the morning.the bus eats 20,of whom half have a cell-phone.one rings and several adolescent owners feel in their bags.many parents have just realize that the cell-phone is no longer only for traveling businessmen—it is as likely to be found in school bags.the cell-phone seems to have become something essential for today`s teens in britain, according to a survey published last week, by nop, a leading market research company in britain.research found that 66 percent of 16-year-olds now have access to a cell-phone.the cell-phone has been turned into a secret messaging service by teen-users.when they are talking on the cell-phone, their parents are not able to eavesdrop on the second line.the interviews with 2,019 young people aged 7 to 16 found that they favor the text massaging services because they offer a secret way of keeping in touch.the days of secret notes in the classroom are dying out.for example, “cya” means “see you”; “lol” means “laugh out loud ”;and “2nite”is an abbreviation of “tonight”.all these are based on shorthand phrases used on the internet.many schools have banned students using cell-phones.but they are not very successful.still phones ring in the class and disturb study.besides, people are worried about the health risk to kids using cell-phone radiation.18.the story of lucy to show us ____.a.british parents meet their children `s needs whatever they are.b.british kids have good relationships with their parents.c.how british parents accept the truth of teenagers owning a cell-phone.d.why every child gets a cell-phone as a birthday present in uk.19.what would be the best title for this news story ?a.school bans cell-phonesb.parents` curiosity about children using cellphones.c.cell-phone popularity among uk teens d.secret messages popular among kids in uk.20.interview discover children like sending messages instead of _____.a.calling each other b.writing notes to each other c.playing games onlined.greeting each other 【参考答案】a本文是一篇科普短文,大意是通过实验研究儿童是否知道物体是固体,具有物体持久性的感觉,研究表明,16周到24周的幼儿都知道物体是有形的固体,然而第一项研究表明只有18周以上的幼儿才对某个特定的物体的认识具有持久性。1.解析  本题考查主旨大意的把握能力。本文通过科学家的研究和对研究结果的解释,旨在说明幼儿对物体的理解。答案:c2.解析  本题考查词义理解能力。通过对第二项研究情况的阅读和第三段的解释得知“object permanence”意思是“物体依然存在”。答案:a3.解析  本题考查细节理解能力。第二段和第四段中所述的bower的两个实验中都用到了screen. 答案:b 4.解析 本题考查证误判断能力。第二段中所述实验情况表明:幼儿伸手去摸屏幕上的影像,说明他们事先不能区分一个真正的球和影像的区别。答案:db5.解析  三峡大坝建成后可能成为第八大奇迹,但这并不是修大坝的目的,而a、b、c项的内容从文中可看出都是建大坝的目的。答案 d6.解析  从文中的直接信息可知三峡大坝位于宜昌附近的三斗坪。7.解析 文中有明确信息,三峡大责的修建工程已经开始,并将于XX年工程全面竣工,因此整个大坝的修建工程将历时XX年。即使不知道大坝开工的具体时间,也应该知道是九十年代,至少不是8年,而c、d明显不符。答案b8.并非所有的科学家都赞同修大坝,他们担心沿长江城市会往水库排废物,而伤害到人、鱼及其他生物造成生态平衡破坏。b、c内容在文中都有出现,但都不全。答案a9.c项的内容显然与文章和客观情况不符大坝不可能边修边看值不值得修。c10.推理题。首先中国政府给外资提供了越来越多的投资机会,同时如文章所说“china’s wto membership has reduced the risks and costs for foreign investors”中国入世后给外国投资者降低了风险、降低了费用。这就是给他们的利益。答案d。11.推理题。由于中国正在对西部进行开发,如果外国投资者去西部地区投资,机会肯定会更多,其他几个选项与文章和题意都不符。答案d12.细节题。文章第三段说“overseas investors will even be allowed to hold the controlling stake in the large state-owned enterprises, except for those of key importance to national or economic security.而d与该句话不一致。”答案d13.推理题。根据倒数第二段中“the service industry, including banking, telecommunication, insurance, and tourism, will gradually become another focal point of co-operation.” 一句话,可以看出服务业将成为另一个合作的焦点,故服务业将在未来发展迅速。答案cd14.推理题。第一段最后一句,mrs keller在家里做所有的家务,并且不雇佣人,住院后,做什么事情就需要人帮助,由此推断她很强壮。她丈夫有一家工厂,故不是没钱雇佣人,而是她自己能做家务。答案:b 15.细节题。第二段中,mrs keller接到电话,知道她儿子死了,她就晕倒了。答案:d.16.细节题。第二段中,根据此句:she heard this and fell in a faint.when she came back to life, she was in hospital.and she needed to be helped after that。这句告诉我们她健康状况不如以前。故此选:a.17.细节题。 mrs keller连续两次在接电话时受到打击,都是关于子女死亡的电话,所以不敢再接电话。故选:de18.推理题。第三自然段,许多父母都意识到孩子们也可以拥有手机。故此答案选:c19.主旨大意。通过父母的见闻,说明手机在英国学生中很普遍。故此答案选:c20.细节题。倒数第五段,the interviews with 2,019 young people aged 7 to 16 found that they favor the text massaging services because they offer a secret way of keeping in touch.the days of secret notes in the classroom are dying out.可以知道,学生喜欢发短信,故此答案为:b


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