Nelson MandelaNelson MandelaNelson Mandela


Nelson Mandela

unit 5 nelson mandela--- a modern hero第一课时:warming-up & vocabulary预习导学本单元重点呈现:词汇部分:________ n.质量;品质;性质    ________ adj. 吝啬的;自私的________adj. 活跃的;积极的    ________ adj. 慷慨的;大方的________ n. 自我; 自身        ________ adj. 自私的;________ adj. 无私的;忘我的    ________ adv.无私地; 忘我地________ vt. (与to连用) 献身;专心于________ adj. 忠实的;深爱的________ vt.建立;建设          ________ n. 共和国;共和政体________ n. 法则;原则;原理   ________ adj. 和平的;平静的________ n. 人类               ________ n. 律师________ n.指导;领导          ________ adj. 法律的;依照法律的________ n.费(会费,学费等)  ________ adj. 怀有希望的________ n. 青年;青年时期     ________ n.同盟;联盟;联合会________ n. 舞台;阶段;时期   ________ vt. & vi. 投票;选举________ vt. 进攻;攻击;抨击  ________ n.暴力;暴行________ adj. 相等的;平等的    ________ adj. 乐意的;自愿的________ adj. 不公平的;不公正的________ vi. 逃脱;逃走;泄漏________ n. 毛毯;毯子         ________ vt. 教育;训练________ adj. 受过教育的;有教养的   ________ vi. 请求;乞求________ n. 亲戚;亲属         ________ n. 恐怖;可怕的人________ n. 残忍;残酷         ________ n. 报酬;奖金________ vt. 判决;宣判        ________ n. 总统;会长;校长________ n. 意见;看法;主张

短语部分:填空1.________ of work 失业2 .as a matter ________fact  事实上3. blow ________ 使充气爆炸4. ________danger  在危险、受罚、痛苦、忧虑等的处境中5. turn ________ 求助于;致力于6. lose ________ 丧失勇气或信心7. come ________power 当权;执政8. set ________ 建立;设立9. be sentenced ________ death判处死刑10. answer violence ________violence 以暴制暴11. be equal ________ 平等;相等12. ________the first time 第一次13 ________one’s opinion 依……看来14 reward sb. ________ 因为 ……酬谢某人15. be active ________ 活跃16. be ________to do sth. 愿意做某事17. devote oneself _______ 献身于18. believe ______ 相信19.¬¬¬¬_______ a peaceful way 用一种和平的方式20. fight_____  与…作斗争语法部分:定语从句 以关系副词where, when, why,以及以介词(preposition)+关系代词(which/whom) 引导的定语从句1. the school where i studied for only two years was three kilometers away.2. the time when i first met nelson mandela was a very difficult period of my life.3. the reason why i got a job was because of my hard work.4. we were put into a position in which we had to accept we were less important, or fight the government.5. mandela was the black lawyer to whom i went for advice.6. he was generous with his time, for which i was grateful口语交际部分:一、征求意见(asking for opinions)1. what _____ you _______...? (请记得收藏本站-一路高升范文网,以获取更多新鲜内容)    2. what's your _______?3. _____ are your ideas?       4. do you have any thoughts ____ that?5. _____ do you feel ____ that?6._____ do you think so?二、 发表意见(giving opinions)7. i think/ i don't think...    8. i believe / i don't believe(that)...9. in my ___10. ___ my understanding, …11. i feel that…/i don’t feel that…12. i’m ____ you.自主学习:根据下列句子及所给汉语注释,在横线上写出各单词的正确形式:1. it was___________ (大方) of you to give me a hand with my english.2. your ___________ (亲戚) are the members of your family. 3. in my _________(意见,观点), your plan is unreasonable. 4. do women have the right to __________ (投票)in your country? 5. two of the prisoners have ________ (逃跑) .6. you shouldn't think only about your own needs. it's too ____________ (自私)7. he is very ________ (吝啬)and has never paid the bill when we have dinner together.     8. some of the games are full of _________(暴力). too much fighting is not good for young kids to play.9. young people should be _________ (教育)in how to protect nature. 10. he became _________(总统) of the united states this year.11. the official ordered the prisoners be __________ to death right away. (判处)12. lots of ____________ lost their lives in fighting with the fire. (英雄)13. many young people are __________ to be volunteers in helping those in poor areas. (愿意)14. he studied law in his __________, and later, he became a lawyer. (青年)15. the old man __________ the boy with a smile for helping him.(报答,酬谢)16. he _________ me in strength but not in intelligence. (平等)17. he was so poor that he had to _________ for his bread. (乞讨)18. he studied law in his spare time and became a ___________.(律师)19. they decided to ____________ a special economic zone in the city. (建立)20. he is over 90 and not ___________.(活跃)

实战演练单词释义:从b栏找出a栏单词的英文释义  a          b 1. principle: ready or able to take action2. escape:  thinking only about one's own needs or wishes but not about other people's needs or wishes.3. active:    basic truth, general law of cause and effect4. vote:     belief or judgment not founded on complete knowledge            5. opinion:   willing to give money, spend time to help people6. generous:  (right to give an) expression of opinion  or will by person for or against something, esp. putting up hands.         7. devoted:  something such as courage, honesty that people may have as  part of their nature.8. mean:    get free, find way out9. quality:   giving someone or something a lot of love or attention10. selfish:  not wanting to spend money

反馈检测单项选择:    1. he remains _____in politics in his sixties.  a. act       b. action    c. active    d. activity 2. girls are equal ______ boys.  a. in     b. with     c. on      d. to 3. the year ________ a series of events in china, like earthquake in sichuan, olympic  games in beijing.      a .watched   b. saw     c. observed     d. looked  4. it is _____ of you to give me a hand with my english.   a. generous   b. kindness   c. important    d. necessary 5. we must ____ the students to become useful people for our motherland.   a. educate    b. education   c. educating    d. educated6. it is against my _____ to tell lies.  a. word   b. order       c. promise       d. principle 7. the slave owners treat(请记得收藏本站-一路高升范文网,以获取更多新鲜内容)ed the slaves with great ______.  a cruel   b. cool        c. cruelty      d. warm 8. the judge _____ him to two years in prison.  a. judge   b. judged      c. sentenced   d. sentence 9. he was too ____ to pay for the meal.  a . generously   b. mean       c. kind   d. warm-hearted  10. ----sorry to ____ you, but could i ask you a question?   ----no problem.  a . worry  b. prevent     c. trouble d. disappoint 11. ---- why does she always ask you for help?  ---- there is no one else_______.  a . whose to turn to   b. she can turn to   c. whom to turn    d. her to turn  12. as a ___ for passing his examination, he got a new watch from his parents.  a. gift   b. present          c. reward         d. choice  13. he has ___most of his time ___ painting.  a. devote; to      b. devotes; with     c. devoted; to      d. devoting; on  14. the people’s republic of china was ____ in 1949.  a. found         b. founded          c. find           d. finding  15. we’re ____. there is no time for argument.   a. in the trouble   b. in troubles        c. in trouble      d. in a trouble  

第二课时:reading预习导学重点词汇:1. ____ (vt.)献身----- ____ (n.)2. _____(n.)和平-----_____(adj.)和平的-----_____(adv.) 和平地3. _____(n.)法律----- _____(n.)律师----- _____(adj.)合法的;法定的4. _____(n.)青年-----(adj.)_____青年的;年轻的5. ______(n.)暴力-----_____ (adj.)暴力的6. ____ (adj.)平等的-----____ (adv.)平等地-----_____ (n.)平等7. _____(n.)自我-----____ (adv.)自私地 -----_____(adj.)无私的------_____(adv.)无私地8. _____ (n. & v.) 希望-----____( adj.)有希望的-----_____(adv.)有希望地

阅读课文:一、判断正误:1. when he met mandela in 1953, elias was in a very poor condition in his life.2. his family could afford the school fees and the bus fare.3. he received good education.4. he joined the anc youth league.5. elias was unwilling to help people achieve their dream of making black and white people equal.6. elias was willing to blow up government buildings.7. at last, they decided to answer violence with violence.二、根据课文内容填空:elias’ storyabout elias  1. he was only in school for _____ years and left school because his family couldn’t continue to pay ___ and ___.2. he didn’t have a(n) ____ in johannesburg and was afraid of ____ his job and ____ there. 3. he ____ mandela for help and later joined the ____.4.  he helped mandela to ____ some government ____ to help achieve their dream.about nelson mandela 5. he used to be a(n) ____ who gave help to ____ on their ____.6.  he set up the anc youth league and called on the black to fight for ____.about the black 7. they could not ____ or choose ____.8. they could not get ____ they wanted and were sent to live in ____ of south africa.9. they had almost no ____ at all.10. they had to answer ______.三、 翻译并背诵下列句子:1. the first time when i met nelson mandela was a very difficult period of my life.2. this was a time when one had got to have a passbook to live in johannesburg.3. the last thirty years have seen the greatest number of laws stopping our rights and progress….4…. we were put into a position in which we had either to accept we were less important or fight the government.实战演练将下列短语译成英文: 1.  丧失勇气、信心__________.2.  处于困难中      __________    3.  在....... 方面积极  __________  4.  失去工作        __________ 5.  被判刑          __________6.  等于, 胜任     __________7.  以暴力反抗暴力  __________8.  事实上          __________9.  炸毁            __________ 10. 愿意做某事     __________

反馈检测阅读理解       the vacation's over for american space tourist richard garriott on friday, the 47-year-old computer games designer returned safely to earth after a 10-day visit to the international space (iss). the capsule(太空舱)carrying garriott and two astronauts successfully touched down near the town of arkalyk, in the central asian country of kazakhstan.    garrioot's father, former nasa astronaut owen garriott, was there to greet his son on the ground. after the younger garriott went out of the capsule, his father patted him on the head, and asked, " how come you look so fresh and ready to go?" to which garriott replied, " because i'm fresh and ready to go again. what a great ride that was!"    interest in space tourism has grown in recent years. garriott is an investor(投资者)in space adventures, a u.s company that has organized all of the space tourist flights so far. several other companies have also started investing millions of dollars to offer trips into space for people who can afford the high price.     garriott is the sixth private citizen to travel into space. on october 12, his dream of following his father's footsteps came true as he took off aboard an russian rocket. garriott is the first american to follow his father into space. the austin, texas resident paid$30 million for the holiday in orbit(轨道).    but garriott's dream vacation was not all play.he also carried out experiments, including taking pictures of the earth's surface. in 1973, garriott's father took extensive photographs of earth during his 60-day stay on the u.s. station.garriott plans to compare his photos with those his father took to see how earth's environment has changed in the past 35 years.1.  how did richard garriott feel after returning from space?   a .tired         b. excited      c. disappointed   d. satisfied.  2.  what do we know about richard garriott according to the passage?  a. he followed his father's step into space.  b. he was tired and didn’t want to go any more.  c. he stayed in space for more than one month.  d. he is the first private citizen to travel into space.  3.  he took pictures of the earth's surface as his father did 35 years ago, he wanted to find out_____.  a . whether they chose different scenes to take photos.  b.  whether they chose same scenes to take photos  c.  whether the moon surface has changed in the past 35 years.  d.  whether the earth environment has changed in the past 35 years. 4. we can infer from the passage that________.  a. space travelling is becoming well received.  b. richard garriott went into space with his father.  c. richard garriott's father went into space 30 years ago.  d. traveling into space costs a lot of money.

第三课时:grammar预习导学根据课文内容填空:1. the time ______ i first met nelson mandela was a very difficult period of my life.2. it was in 1952 and mandela was the black lawyer to ____ i went for advice.3. this was a time ____ one had got to have a passbook to live in johannesburg.4. the places outside the towns____ they were sent to live were the poorest parts of south africa.5. we were put into a position in ____ we had either to accept we were less important or fight the government.6. it was a prison from ____ no one escaped.7. he taught us during the lunch breaks an(请记得收藏本站-一路高升范文网,以获取更多新鲜内容)d the evenings____ we should have been asleep. 8. the school ____i studied for only two years was three kilometers away.9. the day ____ nelson mandela helped me was one of my happiest.

要点点拨:定语从句:以where, when, why引导1. where 指______, 在从句中作_______. where =in which.the school was three kilometers away. i studied in the school for only two years.____________________________________________________________________.2.when 指______, 在从句中作_______. when =on which/ in which/ at which.the time was a very difficult period of my life. i first met nelson mandela at the time._____________________________________________________________________.3.why 指______, 在从句中作_______. why=for whichthe reason was because of my hard work. i got a job for the reason.______________________________________________________________________.4.关系副词和关系代词的判断方法:  关系副词和关系代词的选择是根据先行词在定语从句中的成分。如果作_____, 则用关系副词或介词+which;如果作______, 就要用关系代词。   i will never forget the days____ i spent with my cousins in the countryside.   i will never forget the days____ i worked with my cousins on the farm.   the reason ____ he gave for not coming was that his mother didn't allow him to come.    the reason ___ he was late was that didn't allow him to come.     the museum ____ we visited last week was built last year.   the museum ____ he works was built last year.定语从句:介词+关系代词(which/whom) 引导1. “介词+关系代词” 引导的定语从句,修饰物时用_____而不用that,修饰人时用____而不用who.we were put into a position in _____ we had to accept we were less important, or fight the government.2.  mandela was the black lawyer to ______i went for advice.3.  he was generous with his time, for ______ i was grateful定语从句:部分+介词(of)+关系代词(which/whom) 引导介词(of)+关系代词(which/whom)+部分引导the factory produces half a million pairs of shoes every year, 80% ___ are sold abroad.the factory produces half a million pairs of shoes every year, ____ 80% are sold abroad.实战演练单项选择1. the english play ____ my students acted at the new year's party was a great success.  a. for which   b. in which      c. at which   d. on which2. they passed by a factory, ____ there were a lot of rice fields. a. in front of which  b. from where   c. at which   d. in the front of which3. more and more people are learning english,____ has drawn much attention of the public.   a. the importance   b. the important     c. the importance of which  d. the importance of it4. i met a group of foreigners yesterday,___ were from america.  a. whom     b. s(请记得收藏本站-一路高升范文网,以获取更多新鲜内容)everal of whom    c. several       d. several of them5. the journey around the world took the old sailor nine months, ___ the sailing time was 226 days.  a. of which   b. during which       c. from which    d. for which6. the factory produces half a million pairs of shoes every year, 80% ___ are sold abroad.  a. of which   b. which of           c. of them        d. of that7. american women usually identify their best friends as someone ___ they can talk frequently.  a. to who   b. with whom         c. of whom       d. about whom8. the world ____ is made up of matter.  a. in that we live     b. on which we live  c. where we live in   d. we live in9. the man ___ had little information,  a. i spoke of     b. of who i spoke      c. i spoke of whom    d. whom i spoke10. i was stuck by the limited use ___ their natural resources.  a. the indians made of            b. which the indians made  c. for the indians to make of       d. for the indians making of11. his house, for _______he paid $10, 000, is now worth $50, 000. a. that  b. which       c. them  d. it12. ashdown forest, through ____ we’ll be driving, isn’t a forest any longer. a. which  b. it           c. them  d. that 13. george, with ____i played tennis on sundays, was a warm-hearted person. a. that  b. whom        c. him     d them14. her sons, both of ____ work abroad, will come back home this summer. a. that  b. who          c. whom d. them  15. i met the fruit-pickers, several of ___ were still university students. a. that  b. whom         c. them   d. who 16. elias stayed in china for four years, after ____ he went to america for his master’s degree.a .which  b. when          c. where   d. who17. they put forward a lot of plans at the meeting, none of ____ were carried out in their work. a. which  b. that            c. what     d. them18. they put forward a lot of plans at the meeting, but none of ____ were carried out in their work. a. which  b. them           c. that     d. what 19. this shirt is like the one___ we saw yesterday in that shop ___ john told us about.  a. that, which     b. which, where     c. whom; that   d. which, in which 20. it is one of the best books_____.  a. that have ever been written      b. that has ever been written  c. which have been written         d. which has been written  

反馈检测单选选择1.  this is the school ___ my little brother studied years ago.  a. which   b. that     c. when   d. in which  2.  this is the school ___ my little brother visited last year.  a. which   b. where   c. when   d. in which3.  the reason ____ he gave for not coming was that his mother didn't allow him to come. a. for which   b. which   c. why      d. about which 4.  the reason ___ he was late was that didn't allow him to come.  a. for that   b. which   c. why      d. about which 5.  finally the little boy told us everything ____ he had seen and heard in the street.  a .which   b. what      c. whatever   d .that6.  she is such a good teacher ___ we all love and respect.  a. that   b. as   c. who   d. whom7.  i don't like the way ____you deal with the problem.  a. which   b. in that   c. that   d. how8.  ___ is often the case, mike was late again and made up an excuse to fool the boss.  a. which   b. as     c. when    d. where9.  are these glasses _____ ?  a. which you wish will be repaired.  b. the ones you wish to have repaired   c. the one you wish to repair        d. that you wish to be repaired10.  are these the glasses_______?a. which you wish will be repaired.  b. the ones you wish to have repaired c. the one you wish to repair       d. that you wish to have repaired11. a lot of people applied for the job, which was advertised, ___ had the necessary   qualifications. a. who   b. most of whom     c. few of which d. few of whom12.  it was said that 25 people were injured in the accident, ____ were children. a. two of them   b. two of whom     c. two of who   d. two of which13.  the film brought the hours back to me ___i was taken good care of in that faraway village.  a. where   b. which   c. when   d. that14.  more and more people drive to suburbs on weekends, ___ they can enjoy the beauty of nature.           a. where   b. which   c. when   d. that 15.  that coat is the very thing ___ i am after.  a. what   b. which   c. who   d. that16. the soldiers had to sleep in their wet clothes, ____ most uncomfortable.  a. which i think it was   b. which i think   c. which i think was   d. that i think was17. when she came back from abroad, lucy told us about the cities and the people _____ she had visited.  a. that   b. who     c. where    d. which18. on sundays there were a lot of children playing in the central park, ____ parents were seated together joking.   a. their   b. whose   c. which  d. that 19. we were put into a position _____ we had to accept we were less important or fight the government.  a. for which   b. at which   c. on which  d. in which20. this is the best film _____has been shown this year  a. which   b. that   c. as   d. what

第四课时:using language预习导学一、重点词汇:1. _____(adj.)受教育的 -----_____(v.)教育-----______(n.)教育2. _____(n.)恐怖-----____(vt.)使恐怖-----_____(adj.)恐怖的3. _____(v.)乞讨-----_____(n.)乞丐4.______(n.)残忍------_____(adj.)残忍的-----_____(adv.)残忍地5. ______(vt.)判决,宣判----- _____(n.)句子6. ______(vi.)  逃脱;逃走;泄露 7. ______(n.) 报酬;悬赏金 (vt.)酬劳;奖赏8. _______(n.) 意见;看法;主张翻译下列短语:1. 因某事给某人报酬_________2. 把...... 与......相比 _________ 3. 当权;上台     __________4. 从…逃跑           __________5. 按某人的观点  __________ 6. 建立           __________7. 第一次         __________8. 乞讨          __________9. 释放           __________10. 坐牢           __________要点展示:关系副词 被代替的先行词 在从句中的作用when(相当于)___________ 表示_________ __________where(相当于)___________ 表示_________ __________why(相当于) ____________ 表示__________  __________选择填空: (提示:使用介词+关系代词的结构) 1. in the novel by peters, __________ the film is based, the main character is a teenager.   a. on which   b. in which2. an actor ______gelson had previously worked contacted him about the role.  a. to whom   b. with whom  3. her many friends, ________i like to be considered, gave her encouragement.    a. in whom   b. among whom  4. the valley__________ the town lies is heavily polluted.  a. in which   b. on which5. the office _________graham led the way to was filled with books.a. that/which   b. where6. the playground wasn’t used by those children __________ it was built for.   a. who/whom   b. for whom7. a huge amount of oil was spilled, the effects _________ are still being felt.    a. of that   b. of which8. the school __________ she is head of is closing down.    a. where   b. which/that 9. we were grateful to mr. marks, _________car we had traveled home.   a. in which   b. in whose10. i now turn to freud, __________ works the following quotation is taken.    a. from whom   b. from whose11. the factory produces half a million pairs of shoes every year, 80%__________ are sold abroad.    a. of that   b. of which 12. there are altogether eleven books on the shelf, ___________ five are mine.     a. of that   b. of which 13. luckily, we’d brought a road map __________ we would have lost our way.


Nelson Mandela
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